Have you met offline?

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Shi Ye saw that she was a little hesitant, suspecting that she hadn’t told the truth.

“A terrible experience, huh? ”

“Making love with a kid, you have to lead and teach all the way. What good experience can you have? A mess.” Xu Youyuan waved her hand, with a posture of “Don’t mention it”.

Shi Ye thought for a while, and thought she was right. Although her sister had been very hardworking and smart in her studies since she was a child, and it was not an exaggeration to say that she was a genius in the professional field, but when talking about that… After all, she had never heard her mention anything adult in that way. It’s impossible for humans to be perfect, there would always be some incomprehensible points, God was fair.

When Xu Youyuan saw Shi Ye seemed to be fooled, she was a little relieved.

“So did you unlock the achievements?” Shi Ye was still concerned about this issue.

“Not for now…” Xu Youyan said, “The scene she set is complicated, and we have only cleared the first part now. The system gave a difficulty score of 5.2. There should be no big problem if we keep the current completion level. ”

Jiang Yun called to ask when they would come, and blamed them for staying at a stinky toilet for such a long time.

“Okay, let’s go.” Xu Youyuan said, “I’m done, it’s basically like this. Come with me to the garage to pick up my car, don’t let them chatter anymore. ”

When taking the elevator together, Xu Youyuan repeatedly explained: “You know, I know, and she knows. Don’t tell anyone else. No matter A’Gan or Jiang Yun or anyone else, keep it secret from them all, understand? ”

“Why, you did it and now you’re afraid of being known by others?” Shi Ye laughed at her, “Besides, you are also single now. My sister is a rising elite in the industry. What are you dissatisfied with?”

The scene in the bamboo forest flashed in Xu Youyuan’s mind.

The scene had changed five times, but it was still not over. The vampire seemed to have endless energy.

The vampire laid on top of her, and Xu Youyuan told her to stop. She asked her to beg, Xu Youyuan gritted her teeth and didn’t beg.

“Stop talking nonsense, okay?” Xu Youyuan was a little angry for no reason, her cheeks were hot, “She is eleven years younger than me, almost a round1! When I was a kid, when I went to your home and even changed her diapers! How could we be together? ”

I like you like this.

The vampire was getting faster and faster, and the current in the two small bloody holes in her neck began to pulse again. She couldn’t stand it, crying and begging for mercy.

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Shi Ye shrugged: “I have accepted it now, and I am calm. This is your own business, you can decide for yourself. In fact, it’s not bad to find a younger one.” Shi Ye hit her with her arm, “We can get even more closer beside our friendship.”

The elevator door opened, and Xu Youyuan put her cold hand on her hot cheek and glared at her: “You accept it so quickly. ”

When the two walked to the car, Shi Ye suddenly thought: “Hey, then how did you know that Xiao Yue was Cake? Did she confess to you? ”

Xu Youyuan shook her head in annoyance: “No, no.”

Sitting in the car, Shi Ye thought of it, and said, “Have you made an appointment to meet offline?!”

Xu Youyuan held the steering wheel, lowered her head, took a deep breath and raised it up. She admitted: “I’m really enchanted…”

After experiencing hot and heavy sex, Xu Youyuan felt that she had been resurrected.

The pores that had been blocked for many years were all stretched out, her complexion was rosy, and her acne disappeared. Her pace was light, she could even walk two steps with three jumps, it was more direct and rapid than that of any lady’s skin care product.

She didn’t expect to meet such a tacit sex-partner in the “Dark Room”. What made her feel even more magical and funny was that the two of them passed the scenes when gnawing at each other’s necks. When they undressed each other, the two took turns to hold the steering wheel. In the violent earthquake of the hurricane, they kissed like a Rubik’s cube in the hands of a world champion. It was amazing.

Although she and Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers haven’t been together for a long time, it was a unique taste.

Don’t say that the instinctual understanding in bed was not a real understanding, it wasn’t easy to find someone in a huge crowd of people who can fit a certain beat, let alone the important aspect of a sex life.

Chinese people had long since walked out of the era of turning pale at the mention of sex. It was everyone’s right to pursue it and to enjoy life from all aspects.

She was a little curious about the true appearance of Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers, and the other party didn’t seem to refuse to meet offline.

The somatosensory chip of the Dark Room app was indeed very powerful, but Xu Youyuan still wanted to get in touch with reality and see this person with her own eyes.

Young people were passionate about spiritual and physical love. Not to mention the ugly and flawed physical body, even if the two spirit bodies that have been carefully polished meet, they may not like each other. Everyone wasn’t interested in the collision of the offline physical bodies.

Xu Youyuan, a middle-aged woman, was different, she had to see the physical body to have peace of mind.

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And she always felt that in addition to the shameless buff that comes with the appearance of a vampire, which can enhance sensory stimulation, the somatosensory chip of the app itself also strengthens the user’s sensitivity. Otherwise, how could Xu Youyuan had sex with the vampire for a whole night? After going offline, she was dizzy, and still felt beating there when she took a shower.

She didn’t believe that the sex techniques of Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers could be so good. Xu Youyuan was clearly not a girl who had never experienced sex, and she had seen many tricks.

She wanted to compare it offline to see how thick the “filter” in Dark Room was.

She didn’t tell Shi Ye the above true thoughts. After all, in her mouth, the kid was young and inexperienced, and it was a “messy” encounter.

The car drove into the car elevator. When they went up from the parking lot B16, Xu Youyan told Shi Ye that she and Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers met on a Saturday, at a restaurant that she didn’t go to very much but was very famous.

Before that, she prepared a hand-made gift for the other party, and she assumed that she would like it.

She transferred 10,000 yuan from her only deposit, intending to use it for this date. The other party may be older than her or richer than her now, but her education from a young age prevented her from watching others pay all the time.

Cang Lu called her at twelve o’clock in the middle of the night on Friday, and she was still sitting in front of the computer preparing the gift for tomorrow’s date. Opening the video, it was black on the other side:

“Haven’t slept yet? So diligent for our project? ”

Xu Youyuan didn’t watch the video, she was staring at the two contrasting colors on the screen and hesitated: “Yeah, what’s up? You’re here to supervise and guide me? ”

“I’m really here. ”

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell rang.

Xu Youyuan kicked her feet with a “Huh?”, and with the second-hand electric chair under her butt flashing with the lights of the disco in the 1990s, she slid to the door quite neatly.

“Why are you here? ”

“I just came back from India and happened to pass by and visit you.” Cang Lu handed Xu Youyuan the suitcase in her hand, “I bought some little gifts, open it to see if you like it.”

Xu Youyuan opened the suitcase that was filled to the brim: “Which one is the gift for me? ”

“All of them.” Cang Lu sat down on the sofa wearily, stretching out the soreness around her shoulders.

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“Sis Lu cares for me so much, how can I repay it? ”

“With anything except yourself.” Cang Lu looked at her computer, “I thought you were really working hard to write a plan? What is this painting? ”

“Believe me Sis Lu, this is the most important part of making a love game.” Xu Youyuan didn’t treat her too politely, put the suitcase aside and patted her, “Thank you.”

“Thank me for what, you have to sell yourself to me to make games for the next two years. Give me a bank account. I have calculated your salary since last month. Next week I will pay you 30,000 yuan first, and raise it after the game is in public beta, so that I can account for the shareholders.”

The salary of 30,000 yuan a month was less than one-tenth of what she got when she was in SQUALL, but for now, that can solve her urgent needs. At least she could eat and drink. Shi Ye also transferred her 100,000 yuan to use first. Xu Youyuan didn’t want to accept it. She knew that Shi Ye didn’t earn much and it was not easy.

At that time, Shi Ye had a resolute attitude and asked her to hold onto it: “You have helped me and A’Gan before, and you also helped in several big orders during Boss Lu’s crisis. At that time, we didn’t regard you as an outsider, why are you regarding us as outsiders now?”

“Ok.” Xu Youyuan wasn’t so sentimental, and sent the bank account number to Cang Lu’s mailbox.

“I’ll sleep here tonight.” Cang Lu took off her clothes and said, “Give me a pair of pajamas.”

“Why don’t you go back?” Xu Youyuan didn’t look at her, so she imported the final finished draft into the 3D printer. This 3D printer was the only valuable item she brought. Xiao An wouldn’t use it, so she left it to her. The printer scanned to 100%, the workbench on the desk lit up, and the six robotic arms began to print and color. Xu Youyuan took a look, and after making sure that there were no flaws, she took out a set of freshly washed pajamas from the closet and threw them to Cang Lu.

“I got into trouble recently. She blocked the downstairs of my house all day long and I didn’t want to go back.” Cang Lu walked to the bathroom with her clothes in her arms, planning to take a shower, “Damn it? Don’t you even have a bathtub? ”

Cang Lu slept at her home and left early the next morning. Before going out, she looked around vigilantly, as if to prevent thieves.

Xu Youyuan leaned against the door and yawned while saying, “Although it is a suburb, there will be no wolves. What are you afraid of? ”

“You don’t know how tough the youth are now, they are like detectives. ”

“Huh? ”

Cang Lu warned her before getting in the car: “It’s okay for you to experience life. But you’d better find a peer. Don’t provoke modern young people. ”

“Why? ”

“Impulsive and naive, too much love but no brain, and easy to get crazy and pounced upon when seeing a sis.” Cang Lu was scared when she thought about it, “She started to swear to each other before any progress. She accepted nothing even if you refused eight hundred times, and she moved herself to tears easily. You said you would stay single, and she said she would wait for you for the rest of your life, just like casting pearls before swine. ”

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“So you are entangled by the kid. ”

“Truly, they are even worse than the devils in hell.” Cang Lu warned again, “For your own physical and mental health, don’t get into trouble with the kid.”

Xu Youyuan laughed: “How can I, I don’t have this hobby.”

After Cang Lu left, Xu Youyuan returned to the house and wrapped the gift. She didn’t sleep much all night, her eyes were bloodshot, but she was still very energetic when she thought of seeing the vampire herself soon.

When they agreed to meet, both of them knew exactly where the other’s interest was. They didn’t call or open a video. They still let the physical body be wrapped in a mysterious veil. They only exchanged mobile phone numbers and communicated by text messages. Everything would be revealed when they really met.

When she drove to the restaurant, there were still fifteen minutes before the agreed time. Out of habit, she would always arrive early.

She didn’t come to this restaurant very much, and it was far from the area where she used to work and live, so she wouldn’t meet acquaintances too often, which was very important.

She was wearing a long skirt that had been customized, diamond earrings, revealing a beautiful collarbone, and a small gemstone necklace hanging in the middle of the deep V neckline, which was not too open but also would never be ignored. Xu Youyuan, who was completely makeup-free when she was at home, put on makeup seriously for today, scattered her half-length hair, and got herself a disposable curly hair, with exquisite high heels and a BV handbag. She didn’t deliberately pretend to be tender or old, she was completely the truest of herself – except that it didn’t match her current bank account.

The restaurant was very quiet and there were few people. She was holding the menu and waiting for Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers to appear.

This was a broad-spectrum restaurant. No matter what cuisine Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers liked to eat, they can provide two smooth dishes here. Even so, Xu Youyuan was still happy to guess the dishes that the other party really likes on the more than 50-page menu, and she wondered if the two would still be similar in terms of taste.

Fingers crossed the ordering tablet, imagining the personality of the person she was dating, and matching the dishes for her, she actually felt a little sweet.……

“Sis Youyuan, such a coincidence. ”

A head suddenly poked out from behind her shoulder, startling her.

Who was this kid? Xu Youyuan looked at the girl who jumped out of nowhere, who was very familiar, but she couldn’t remember who it was.

“Forgot about me?” The kid sat opposite her and introduced herself with a smile, “Shi Yue. When we were young, we used to play together. ”

“Yo?” Xu Youyuan remembered then, the younger sister of her childhood friend, the little one in the Shi family, “Xiaoyue? I really didn’t recognize you, you’ve grown up. ”

Xu Youyuan kept an elegant smile on face but a bitterness in heart. How could she meet an old acquaintance at this time?

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