It seems that someone was determined not to let things pass

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There was no trace of Xu Youyuan, and Shi Yue didn’t answer her mobile phone. The dishes at the table were cold and neither of them had shown up. Shi Ye had a very ominous feeling.

The two of them didn’t really run into each other, did they?

In fact, it’s nothing if they run into each other. Shi Ye was just afraid that if Xu Youyuan got snappish and they fought in public, watched by cameras hidden in the dark, what would they do then?

At the moment Shi Ye was worried, Xu Youyuan and Shi Yue had already arrived at the BoAoXuan Hall, and were about to enter the door one by one. Xu Youyuan, who had been silent for a long time, stopped her.

“I’ll go in first, and in five minutes you will enter after me.” Xu Youyuan was like an emotionless killer. If Shi Yue dared to say “no”, she would definitely use the car key in her hand as a dagger and thrust it into her heart.

“Okay.” Shi Yue maintained her well-behaved image, stood obediently in place without moving, and watched Xu Youyuan go through the door.

Xu Youyuan didn’t bother to pay attention to what schemes she might have had. She turned around and left.

She was the younger sister of her childhood friend, and she wanted to come to dinner together. What was her reason for objection? Of course, Xu Youyuan would not be angry with Shi Yue obviously, pretending to be unfamiliar with her, and just keep up the appearance that they had nothing to do with each other.

Don’t look, don’t listen, don’t answer, Xu Youyuan used these three iron laws in her work to drive away countless people who were blind and difficult to handle.

As long as she protects herself with this golden shield, can this little bastard still pry hard?

Xu Youyuan appeared in the booth, and everyone asked in unison: “You finally showed up, Sis Niao, where were you? You disappeared all night!”

“I’ve been looking for a parking space for a long time.Why are you waiting for me, you guys eat first.”

Xu Youyuan deliberately stayed away from Shi Ye and sat next to A’Gan, so as not to be next to Shi Yue again later.

A’Gan sat to the side of the door, and Xu Youyuan entered through door and conveniently just sat down to save trouble, so no one found it strange.

“All right, waiter.” A’Gan said into the microphone, “Now you can serve the second round of dishes we just ordered.”

The opposite side responded: “Okay.”

The steaming dishes were served, and there was immediately an atmosphere of a dinner party. Xu Youyuan brought up a topic at random and asked about Cang Lu’s gossip. Everyone quickly discussed it, and Xu Youyuan drank hot water with peace of mind.

“Hey? Haven’t you met Shi Yue?”

Jiang Yun was thinking about Shi Yue and hadn’t seen her yet, so she abruptly pulled the topic back.

Xu Youyuan cursed in her heart, but her face was still peaceful, pretending to be stupid and stunned: “Huh? Who?”

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“Shi Yue.” Jiang Yun said, “Shi Ye’s sister. Didn’t she come with your car?”

“I haven’t seen her.” Xu Youyuan didn’t say much, the more she said the gultier she would seem.

Jiang Yun didn’t ask again. When she instructed the waiter where to put the dishes and all the food was neatly placed, Shi Yue came in.

Jiang Yun let out a “huh”, and the booth immediately became lively.

Xu Youyuan was eating cold cuts, and she knew who was coming without turning her head.

She glanced at the electronic clock on the wall secretly, exactly five minutes after she entered the place.

Although the kid was very annoying, she was unexpectedly obedient.

Jiang Yun was very enthusiastic about Shi Yue, she got up to say hello, asked Shi Yue to sit next to her, and asked if she liked sour or spicy, stared at her tender face, almost wagging her wolf tail and drooling.

Shi Yue was not impatient at all, and answered whatever Jiang Yun asked.

But she didn’t pay much attention, and didn’t say even one word except to answer Jiang Yun’s question.

Seeing that she asked for a long time while the other party was lukewarm at best, Jiang Yun couldn’t open the conversation, so she pulled Xu Youyuan out again:

“Hey, you and Sis Niao came in one by one, but you didn’t meet each other?”

Jiang Yun originally mentioned this casually, she didn’t expect to stab the point at once.

Everyone present was all in their thirties, and whether they are mature enough, at least they all have been devastated by messy affairs. What ambiguous scenes had they never seen before?

When Jiang Yun asked this, neither of the two parties moved. Shi Yue still stared at the side of Xu Youyuan’s face, buried in her soup. This picture only made the word “beast” appear in other’s hearts.

Jiang Yun looked at Shi Yue, and then at Xu Youyuan: “You guys…”

Xu Youyuan continued to play dead, Shi Yue didn’t know if she was too naive or impatient with life, so she spoke frankly:

“Sis Youyuan let me come in after five minutes.”

Everyone took a deep breath and instantly smelled the sour smell of love.

“Ahem, ahem, ahem…” Xu Youyuan almost choked on her nose with a mouthful of soup, coughing up tears.

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Jiang Yun and A’Gan glanced at each other, stood up at the same time, made way for the middle two seats, and sat to the side to make room for the new couple.

Shi Yue looked at them strangely, as if she didn’t know what was going on.

“You sit next to your Sis Niao.” Jiang Yun seemed to have found something new and exciting quickly, and immediately arranged it.

Xu Youyuan coughed as soon as she wanted to speak, and couldn’t pronounce a complete word.

Shi Yue sat obediently beside Xu Youyuan, diligently helped rub her back and offered her a napkin, acting completely like a good wife.

The gossiping desire of their present friends exploded, and they quickly besieged Shi Ye, asking her to honestly tell them what was going on with her sister! They were all close friends, why were they still holding little secrets!

Xu Youyuan had warned her again and again, there must be other considerations besides being ashamed. It was okay to make a harmless little joke, but now this situation is a bit too much.

Shi Ye didn’t dare to say one more word, and looked at Xu Youyuan embarrassedly.

Of course, Xu Youyuan didn’t get angry with Shi Yue directly. She couldn’t go as far as getting mad at a kid because this matter was revealed.

She didn’t bother to explain too much, whatever, it was okay to say that she was a “beast” or shameless, anyway. The day when her and Shi Yue’s affair was revealed was the day of complete bye-bye. The two of them didn’t have much involvement at first, and the more everyone urged, the earlier things would finish, which was very good.

Xu Youyuan threw the napkin to the side, and straightened her posture, intending to summarize the confusion over the “Dark Room” in one or two sentences.

Before she could speak, Shi Yue cut her off and calmly explained:

“Sisters, I was wrong. In fact, I came here by myself on an electric scooter. I just met Sis Youyuan at the door and greeted her. But she didn’t see me. I held a grudge and made a joke. Don’t make fun of her. Or once Sis Youyuan really gets angry with me, my sister will kill me.”

Shi Yue spoke very sincerely. Everyone was deceived by her, and Jiang Yun said harshly: “I thought there was a big gossip that could last for a whole month.”

“If you want to hear gossip, I have some.” Shi Yue took a sip of her drink to moisten her throat, and didn’t stop for the next half hour. She shared the anecdotes she had experienced or heard about when she was studying abroad, many of them now well-known elites and capable people all over the world.

Shi Yue was a good storyteller. She set the scene and made people laugh. She made everyone present laugh and lean forward and backward. No one dared to drink water, for fear that if they drank a mouthful of water at the wrong time, they would end up coughing up tears like Xu Youyuan.

It’s rare for Shi Ye to see her sister say so much. She remembers that she was a shy kid when she just went abroad to study, she didn’t expect that she would grow up so much abroad. Shi Yue has completely changed, she was good at talking now, it should be a good thing… right?

Shi Ye found that she didn’t know much about her sister at that time.

Shi Yue spoke with a smile, and the atmosphere in the booth was quite lively. Everyone listened to the story and ate the dishes, and the dishes that came up in the second round were almost finished, and several of them even ate until they were stuffed.

Xu Youyuan asked for a glass of plum wine and drank it, looking at the blushes on the faces of those aunts. The atmosphere at the moment was very good, and Shi Yue was undoubtedly a master of controlling the space.

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Looking at the little eyes, anyone would be loath to look away. Shi Yue was a sight for sore eyes.

It’s just that……

Xu Youyuan took a sip of the wine, pretending to look at the time on the wall carelessly, but her eyes lingered on Shi Yue’s face when she retracted her gaze.

She could see that everyone was happy, but Shi Yue’s smile was reluctant.

She can’t say that she was familiar with Shi Yue, but Xu Youyuan had seen a lot of people, and it was easy for her to expose those who are sincere or not.

Shi Yue was trying to make others laugh, but she was unhappy.

And the root cause of her unhappiness, Xu Youyuan didn’t have to play dumb, she understood it.

After drinking the wine in the glass in one breath, Xu Youyuan seemed to have inadvertently triggered something, which was her unexpected gain.

It was irritating, but she had to say, a little seedling of joy adamantly emerged through the twisted soil.

Xu Youyuan felt a little guilty.

The long day was finally coming to an end. The friends who had eaten and drank to their hearts’ content didn’t actually want to end the rare weekend so soon, but they had limited energy. Don’t jump on the grave. It’s important to go back to sleep.

When everyone left the venue and walked out, Shi Ye finally took the opportunity to squeeze next to Xu Youyuan and told her that Xiaoyue might have heard all the secret conversations in the toilet of the cafe.

Xu Youyuan was so amazed that her facial features moved: “Did she hear all of it?!”

Shi Ye glanced at Shi Yue, who was standing in the yard talking to Jiang Yun, and nodded.

“Why did you just tell me now?!”

“I didn’t have a chance to!”

Xu Youyuan recalled the entire conversation between her and Shi Ye. Most of it was true, but there were also a small number of self-serving lies. Regardless of truth or lies, as long as Shi Yue heard even a little bit, it was embarrassing enough to make her want to hit her head so hard she would forget it all.

Okay, don’t think about it. From the beginning, she wanted to find the feeling of being in love in the “Dark Room”, it was wrong.

It was a mistake made by herself, and she couldn’t blame others.

She didn’t expect that it was Shi Yue on the other end of the Internet, and Shi Yue also didn’t expect that the person she was dating was her. Everyone was blindfolded and had fun. It was just a coincidence. Why so sentimental?

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Find a chance to have a meal with the kid and talk it out, then let it go.

When Xu Youyuan said goodbye to everyone one by one, the mobile phone in her pants pocket vibrated.

She took it out and took a look. It’s a voice text message and a link. The sender was “Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers”. The two exchanged numbers when they were dating offline, and she hadn’t had time to delete it.

Xu Youyuan raised her head and glanced at Shi Yue ten meters away. She was also holding a mobile phone in her hand. While talking to Shi Ye, Jiang Yun and others, she glanced at her seemingly inadvertently.

Xu Youyuan put the phone to her ear.

Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers: “With a kid, you lead and teach all the way.”

Xu Youyuan heard this and it felt a bit familiar. She thought about it for a while and remembered, isn’t this what she said when she chatted with Shi Ye in private! The little bugger……

Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers: “A mess, that’s what you said to my sister right? It seems necessary to help you treat your amnesia. Click the link below to recall the real scene. Don’t worry, it’s not a screen recording.”

Xu Youyuan clenched her mobile phone and glared at Shi Yue. Under the darkness of night, she was completely different from the eloquent and amicable type in the booth just now. The narrowed eyes and the raised corners of the mouth, the cold, proud, and somewhat evil appearance almost matched with the image of the vampire in the “Dark Room” app.

If it’s not a screen recording, what can it be?

Xu Youyuan swore that she was definitely not doing this for reminiscing, rather 100% to find out what Shi Yue has up her sleeve, and to satisfy her own curiosity, before clicking on the link.

In addition to screen recording, what else can reproduce the real scene?

After the phone loaded for two seconds, it jumped to the rating area under an account.

This account was the personal rating section of Plasma Cream Cake with Flowers. The user who left the rating at the top is an “anonymous user”, but Xu Youyuan recognized the content. This was after their first passionate date, Miss Xu typed it up all by herself, word by word.

Anonymous user: “I have to say that this is an unforgettable cake, sweet but not greasy, and the dating details are superior. Although at some point her bad taste looks a bit unfriendly, in fact, you will find it interesting when you look back lol.

“In particular, it should be mentioned that if you are lucky enough to unlock the adult part, you will find that there is more room for the cake to be found.

“The performance in bed is extremely strong, skill is excellent, advantages are outstanding, endurance is super strong, and the user experience is good. I personally tested it, five-star praise……”

The phone slipped through Xu Youyuan’s palm and almost fell.

There were more than a hundred compliments after that, and she had no face to check.

It seems that some people are determined not to let things pass.

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