Chapter 59

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"Ms. Mimi here are the contracts from the past week," Jean said while placing a stack of files on the girl's desk.

Staring at the documents on her desk, Mimi scrunches her face to a sour expression.

Argh! Being the CEO of a company was truly too much work!

Through the past few devoted weeks, Mimi had been juggling between working diligently at Glory Trade Corporation under Tobias, being the CEO of her leading company Andras, and making sure to manage her restaurant EMIRI.

At the beginning of the week, things were handled evenly, however, after the next few days, the work instantly began to pile up for Mimi, naturally causing her to spend most nights overworking.

To say she was slightly peeved about all this work would be a complete understatement. She had barely had time to play around or tease!

Even when Alec stopped by, she'd be too irritated to play and could merely release a few grunts in response to his reports.

However, what had kept her motivated through all this was the fact that the people she hired to investigate her sister's accident along with the Hirogori's hidden secrets had found valuable information.

For years Mimi was aware of her father's connections with the underground world and their dark and even illegal deeds. Unfortunately, who he had specifically worked with was unknown.

Reasons for why Mimi herself didn't investigate this matter, being was an excellent hacker, she could easily break into her father's system, however, going in unnoticed would be an issue as she still hasn't mastered finding a way in without alerting their system.

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That along with the fact that Mimi was simply too lazy to spend her time looking for such information.

She had money. She had influence, why not use it to her advantage?

Earlier that week, Mimi received a call from one of her investigators saying they found recent connections her father had with the underground clan 'The Devils.'

They were greatly known in the underground business for their ruthless tactics and high prices when delivering out jobs.

Never had they failed to do a job.

Those that had opposed them were dealt with in the most ruthless ways possible. Even death sounded like a more attractive option to people when hearing the rumors.

Knowing the connections and deals, her father made with this clan caused Mimi's expression to darken.

Who knows how many times her father had employed their resources to get where he wanted in the industry. The fact that he hadn't been caught has always been a mystery.

Those who probably found out didn't make it long for word to spread…

Maybe Emily…

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"Ms. Mimi, did you hear me?"

"Eh?" Mimi dressed as Andras, looked up from her polished desk to stare at Jean.

"I asked what day did you want to schedule a private meeting with Star Corporation?" Jean courteously asked.

"That won't be necessary," Mimi said serenely while turning back towards her papers.

"Huh?" Jean spoke clearly confused. "But don't you need to host a meeting with them to go over the new system updates?"

Releasing a faint smirk, Mimi sets her pen down as she folds her slender fingers on top of her desk.

Looking up at Jean, the young cross-dressing girl's eyes spark giving off a mysterious and lazy aura to her.

"Merely inform the President of Star Corporation that we'll be canceling our collaboration with them," Mimi said gently with a faint smirk.

Through her glasses lenses, Jean's eyes widened too stunned to speak. Gradually composing herself, Jean furrows her thin eyebrows to stare at the young girl in front of her.

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The charming girl's glossy hair was messily slicked back in a small ponytail that to others would be reasonably considered a man's ponytail.

Elegantly dressed in a light silver suit that enhanced her fragile features while equally producing a masculine image.

Selecting her words carefully, Jean parts her ruby lips to speak.

"I don't mean to pry Ms. Mimi, but doesn't Star Corporation aid our company with significant investments? Why would you want to cancel with someone so important to our company? I think the President will also want to know your reasons." Jean politely asked with concern.

Naturally seeing her assistant's evident confusion and genuine concern, Mimi merely arches a seductive brow while lazily propping her lovely head in her graceful palm - the other hand gently tapping on the polished desk.

After a few possible seconds, Mimi gently lets out a soft chuckle.

"If he asks, merely inform him…" Mimi paused her fingers movements, calmly shifting her gaze towards Jean - a dark light flashing within her eyes. "I don't enjoy working with dogs that bite back."

Confused by her bosses words, Jean furrows her brows even further. What did she mean by that?

Even her senior mind couldn't figure out the meaning behind the girl's words, however, after a few minutes, she leisurely began to follow it.

"You mean…" Jean started but was cut off by Mimi's teasing giggling voice.

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"Hehe, honestly Jean you take things too seriously!" Mimi grins widely. "If you continue to let your guard down, I might have to eat you!"

These words...why did they not seem right coming out the mouth of a fifteen-year-old girl.

Nonetheless, how come they caused her heart to beat suddenly?

Coughing lightly, Jean lifts her polished glasses up her nose typically remaining a composed front.

"Ms. Mimi, I will take your words to heart. I'll be certain to inform Star Corporation's President about our cancellation." Jean said with a sharp glint flashing in her eyes behind her glasses.

Following her words, Jean bobs her head before exiting Mimi's office.

Amused by her assistant's serious reaction, Mimi giggles gently when suddenly the sound of her phone ringing goes off.

Picking up her phone without looking at the caller ID, Mimi answers.

"Hello?" Mimi spoke while intentionally using her deep voice.

"Have you eaten yet?" The distinctive sound of a man's deep voice spoke gently on the other side of the phone.

Instantly recognizing the familiar sound of the man on the other end, Mimi's brilliant eyes widen faintly before a smirk gently spreads across her luscious lips.

"My, my, what a pleasure to hear from you, Mr. Itou!"

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