Chapter 462 “The Evil Wu Chong (P1)”

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Back in his study room again, Feng Shen wasted no time in opening the box containing the coveted item in which he seeks. The second in which he did though, the blinding light instantly overtakes the room, filling it with an intense heat found only he the summer season

Make no mistake, this was hardly the time of warmth and growth, it’s the season of frost and biting cold in the north. Yet the room was so hot that one could literally get a stroke if not careful.

Fortunately Feng Shen had a exceptionally cold constitution, giving him immunity to the heat.

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“Wu Chong,” sounding like it pains him to just say that name, a bittersweet sneer fills that face.

The man’s lazy voice is a bit cold and proud.

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“Trash, what do you take the great I for? An errand boy?” From within came another voice, a lazy yet filled with pride voice.

That’s right, the voice belongs to Wu Chong, the infamous Ghost Emperor, lord and master of the Underground Palace. They shared the same body, as a result of this conflict, their relationship has always been like ice and fire, never yielding to one another like arch enemies.

However, this trend has shown signs of loosening in the past year.

“You make it sound like you are unhappy about it.” Scoffing off the insult like its nothing, Feng Shen’s voice was filled with sarcasm and ridicule.

“Don’t you forget it, this is the last time I will be your errand runner.”

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Abruptly getting up from his seat, the boy swiftly came before a bookshelf where he pulled on one of the levers. Following a noticeable click, what revealed itself next was a secret compartment with a golden mask lying quietly inside.

Transformed from his frail and handsome self, Feng Shen was now the wicked and evil Wu Chong, the man feared across the continent as the cruel Ghost Emperor whose slain thousands.

If only Ling Yue could see this, if she did, she would’ve dropped her jaws from the mind-blowing shock. Then again, the fact that the one making the delivery was Wu Chong was more than enough to surprise her.


“Wu Chong, how come… Ahumphumph,” Before Yan Jiu could finish his sentence over the unexpected visitor, Wu Chong had already tossed over something.

Out of reflex he caught the object in the air; however, the second that he got a better look of thing, his eyes instantly darkened.

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The reasoning? It’s because the object in question was none other than a cucumber, and one that’s half chopped up no less.

Shivering hard over the sight of this thing, Yan Jiu instinctively tossed the cucumber away like a hot kettle.

Damn you Wu Chong, you are too evil.

Don’t he know a man’s third leg mustn’t be trifled with? How can he threaten me this way?!

While the two brothers were doing their “thing”, Ling Yue on the other hand was frightfully tempted to flee. It’s an impulse, a dreadfully strong impulse because she knows exactly what awaits her if she stayed. Yet, her legs refused to budge no matter what sort of order she gave due to her own curiosity.

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I wonder what they are talking about?

Taking advantage of their divided attention, she starts comparing the two like a judge during a fashion show.

First off, she can instantly see their temperaments were very different. Wu Chong were cold and oppressive while Yan Jiu was all friendly and receptive, polar opposites of one another. Though that may be the case, it’s oddly perfect this way. Like a melodic harmony, each balancing the other’s fault with their assets.

Then before she could continue to assesse the two eye candies in front of her, Yan Jiu had already tossed out a certain object from his hands. Though that movement was fast and swift, her eyes weren’t to be taken lightly either.

What the? It’s actually an emerald green cucumber!

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