Chapter 518 “Ling Yue’s Missing! (p1)”

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Dao Nu was shocked by what he was seeing in light of he himself being in a difficult fight with a foe of his own, What sort of skill is that? It’s so tyrannical and destructive!

Ever since Ling Yue bound the stolen Soul Reaping Chain to herself by refining it with the cauldron, the girl’s been able to use it like the Ghost Sect’s Thirteen Needle technique, just that the limit for her right now remains at nine chains.

First it was a winding chase…

Then an attempt at ensnaring the blasted pill….

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And finally whipping the chains around like a baton to knock the damn thing out of the air…

Sadly, none of her attempts were working.

Huffing hard now, Ling Yue knew she couldn’t keep going like this. The limited time aside, her strength wouldn’t last at this rate. Out of desperation, the girl immediately orders the nine chains to create a giant web across the ceiling, covering the entire room in all directions and leaving no room for the pill to escape.

The impact was devastatingly loud upon impact. Explosions after explosions, the recoil from the shockwave left the entire room shaking left and right as the pill desperately collided with the web for a escape. Even so, the tactic worked and the pill subdued at last.

“COME!” In a girlish roar, Ling Yue orders her chains to return, allowing the troublesome bead to land on her hands.

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Almost exactly at the same time as well, Dao Nu also made his final blow at the traitorous elder. In a palm strike, Zhu Ge Yi now lays defeated on the ground, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth and powerless to continue the fight.

The old senior could hardly believe his own fate. He had every confidence to overcome the enemy party prior to coming into the Star Cave, now he’s the one at their mercy. Thankfully for him though, not all was lost. In the last moment before the loser here closes his eyes in acceptance, a flurry of footsteps had brought the disheartened fella’s heart back to life.

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It was Hong Ming Yue and her group.


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Upon seeing Zhu Ge Yi lying there paralyzed and unable to move, the three siblings of the Hong House all exclaimed in horror. They could clearly see the extensive damage within the stone chamber, indicating how much of a struggle it must’ve been until they came.

“Ming Yue, you came just in time. That little bitch snatched the Ninth Realm Reincarnation Dan pill. Hurry and take it back!” Reinvigorated with hope, the old fella immediately points to Ye Ling Yue.

“Damn you, hand it over!” While Hong Ming Yue went forward to carry out the task, she didn’t forget to instruct her older siblings to support the old grandpa who clearly appears weakened.

“Mistress, I found it!” The one crying out just then was Little Crow and she’s found the two jade tablets in the room. In haste, she hands one of them over without forethought.

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Ling Yue only needed a glance to confirm it’s the number “three” tablet. That aside though, she didn’t forget to scan the other side for her friends and Xia Hou Qi’s presence. When finding none of them around, a sense of alarm immediately gripped the girl’s heart because that meant their well-being has become uncertain.

“Ho~ If you people want the Ninth Realm Reincarnation Dan pill then come take it at the third cave tunnel.” Connecting her hand with the rest of the group, Ling Yue infuses her spirit force into the jade tablet for the expected teleport.

“Don’t let them escape!” Hong Ming Yue roars.

Yet…. Instead of disappearing along with her party, only Ling Yue’s figure was gone following that flash of light!

“How come?” Standing there still was Little Crow and the rest.

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