Chapter 519 “Dan Golem (p1)”

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What is this place and where is everyone?

Ling Yue’s first instinct was to scour her surroundings upon realizing she’s been detached from the rest of her party and teleported into an unknown space. But that soon shifted to the item in her hand, the jade tablet instead.

Though the number “three” character engraved on it looked not much different from the first one, but there are differences. For one, the workmanship was crude and rough, evident it’s been done by someone not familiar with the art.

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“Who is it?” It was then her eyes fell upon a certain corner of this chamber.

“Little bitch, you do have some ability in light of that small brain of yours. To think my location would be figured by you this quickly.”  From within the darkness came forth a certain particular person who was all too familiar.

Although this individual lacked the luxurious clothes like she did back then at the Da Xia palace, but Ling Yue only needed one glance to recognize it was none other than Consort Luo, the mother of the former crown prince.

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From the time when this woman fled from Da Xia to now where she’s a heavily wanted criminal, it’s only been a few months in reality. Yet, her face was haggard and the sideburns that once outlined her gorgeous contour has now been stained with the color of aging white.

“So you really are a member of Dan Palace like I suspected. Let me guess, the one who allowed you to enter this place without alarming that guardian elder outsider is Xue Pian Ran am I right?” Ye Ling Yue already got it as soon as she saw this woman and needed no more guessing. It’s too obvious and the stars are quickly aligning.

“You are clever, pity though, your own cleverness will be your own undoing. Ye Ling Yue, this stone chamber is something I prepared specifically for you. Without my permission, you will never escape from the seal I placed around us. There are no friends to save you this time, hahaha!”

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Consort Luo’s level of hatred was monstrous towards the one responsible for her son’s death. She had hoped for Chen Hong Ru to take matters into his own hands when the girl arrived in North Qing. Sadly, instead of doing as she wished, the man did the polar opposite and threw the matter to others.

Now that’s when Xue Pian Ran came up to the desperate woman craving for revenge. Through some sweet words and clever trickery, the end result was this situation where both parties are now confronted against each other in the darkness.

“And where do you get the confidence that you could deal with me?” The girl’s wording may have sounded confident and unworried, but her eyes were moving fast in this narrow space, evident of her worry.

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There’s no signs of any traps or levers along the floor or walls. This woman is saying the truth about only she knowing the way out.

Understanding this much, Ye Ling Yue’s gaze eventually fell back onto Consort Luo’s presence. From her assessment, the woman’s spirit force level should only be around the five cauldron level, hardly a threat to herself.

“Hoho, you must be trying to think of a way to force me to let you out of here right?” The woman cackles menacingly like an erratic witch, “It’s useless. Today you will die for sure, I will make sure of that!” With that said, Consort Luo then hurried to back up a few steps before throwing out a pair of abnormally huge pills from her hand.

Smoke spewed out of the items upon contact with the floor before eventually transforming into two hideous human shaped monsters.

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