Chapter 523 “Swift Finger’s Sect, Great Steal Technique (p1)”

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Sure enough, Ye Ling Yue’s comment immediately caused a chain reaction and sent everyone’s attention over to the ice beauty.

Its not necessarily true they must get thirty-one people to head into the second cave tunnel, but who would want to test their luck when they’re this far into the game. As such, their awareness was now raised and on the lookout for anyone at odds against one another.

“Eh, it couldn’t be? Princess Ming Yue, are you telling me that you couldn’t snatch one from your side despite having so many helpers? Hoho, now that’s hilarious!” Totally asking for trouble, Ling Yue turns sarcastic in her tone just to spite the half-sister.

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“What nonsense are you spouting! The Ninth Realm Reincarnation Dan pill have long been in our hands. It’s just that for the sake of safety, we are temporarily leaving it in my Brother Luo Song’s hands for now.” Unable to bare the girl’s arrogance, Hong Yu Ying (older one) ended up spilling the beans about the second pills whereabout without thinking it through.

If only the older sister didn’t mention it, but now that she did, the agonizing frustration that was caused by Luo Song had once again rushed up to Hong Ming Yue’s heart, gripping it and gnawing at her nerves.

As for Ling Yue herself, she didn’t know the exact situation about the other side; however, it has left her pondering if there’s something going on in the background in which she doesn’t know yet. After all, Hong Ming Yue’s a person of high ego, there’s no way she would favor someone like that who’s obviously depleted after overperforming the act at night.

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Want to help that Hong Qing Yun break past the fifth element eh? We will see about that! Raising a devious smirk, Ling Yue actually began to casually stroll towards the specified man who held the second pill.

“Milord, what is Miss Ye doing?” Whispering beside the Phoenix Lord’s ear, Dao Nu became confounded by the girl’s action and quickly asked.

“It’s fine.” Watching that sly face, Feng Shen didn’t worry at all for he’s all too familiar with t he girl’s habit.

This man from the Three Life Valley better prey to the heavens and ask for their blessing….

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It’s as per the Phoenix Lord says, Luo Song still hasn’t recovered his energy consumption from the earlier bouts with the traps and such. Furthermore, he’s still injured from the fight with Bo Qing during the fight at the Underground City. Whether it be from the previous failure or the current obstacles, the man was in no condition to try anything rash. Otherwise, why would this bastard let others steal the treasures under his nose while in the Star Cave?

Just as the filthy man was brooding over the difficult opponents here like Chen Minzhi and such, it was then that Ling Yue came walking over and into his sight.

Luo Song naturally became delighted over the girl’s sudden advances. In fact, he’s had his eyes on her ever since Ling Yue recovered from those “burns”.

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No man could remain oblivious to the girl’s improved beauty! Not against those foxy eyes, nor those peachy lips, and most importantly, the seductive air that seems to exude out of the skin like its her natural scent.

“Sir Song, I can see your conditions aren’t doing so well. Do you need me to help you massage that out?” Her face all kind and full of goodwill.

That would of course earn a heavy grunt from Hong Ming Yue after she saw the girl’s blatant seductive attitude. However, the opinion didn’t apply to the male on the other hand, rather it only delighted him.

“I am very proficient in medicine and acupuncture. So, I can guarantee it will be very comfortable and soothing. Don’t worry Sir Song, we’re all in this together now so there’s no reason to be on guard. After all, I can’t exactly make a move while everyone’s watching, now can I?” Not giving the man a chance to deny, the girl’s hand has already reached over to grab the other side who unwilling left himself be caught.


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