Chapter 12 – Medical Assistant Assessment

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The youth who came out of the temple had deep eyebrows, wheat-colored skin, just standing like a sharp treasured sword ready to be pulled out of its handle. He gave off a sharp aura that it made people can’t help but retreat three feet.

It’s him!

Yun Sheng secretly cursed “not good!”. She already was small in stature but how come her look was this bad! Wasn’t this clearly the youth from a few days ago on the hillside who fell into a coma after her “sneak attack”!?

In order to avoid this person, Yun Sheng didn’t go to the hill to practice these days and had thought that this person was just a stranger coincidentally passing through the hillside. Who knew that he was actually one of the temple’s people!

Judging by his age and stature, he definitely can’t be that Yang magician.

A magician was different from a martial artist. Most of them are of average physique being slim. The youngster was tall and straight, just like a pine cypress.

This way, the youth must be the disciple of the great magician!

However based on his skills from that day, he was clearly an expert in martial arts.

Unless he was a genius with dual cultivation in both martial arts and magic?!!

According to the legends, there existed a type of people on the mainland who were enchanting and talented in both martial artist and magic. This kind of people were known as the double practitioners.

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Yun Sheng wrinkled up her delicate eyebrows. She had accidentally offended a genius that dual cultivated!

Perhaps, he had already forgotten it.

Yun Sheng consoled herself. After all, he was blind and she had only spoken a few words to him. It was impossible for the other party to recognize her.

Who had known that right when the youth came out, his smoky pair of eyes looked through the crowd and fell on a tiny figure without hesitation.

His mouth curled up, revealing a seductive lazy smile with a distinct expression “little wildcat, we meet again”

“You…” Ding Lei, after seeing the youth that gave off a such an eloquent and dissolute feeling, felt her breath stifled and was speechless.

“It’s brother Ye ah, did magician Yang let you out? You see, these several outsiders also wanted to participate in the selection, I was just about to send them away,” the village grandpa also carried a sliver of selfishness in his heart. He knew that Yun Sheng understood different types of herbs, but Ding Lei wasn’t easy to be bullied.

Her family for generations had been herb gatherers, and her father was the first great martial artist in Huo Yan Village ten years ago.

Ding family to this day had also moved out of Huo Yan village and operated a medium-sized pharmacy in a larger town. Yun Sheng was very smart, however after all she never had properly learned medicine and the herbal usage so the possibility of her winning wasn’t big.

“Let me say a few fair words. Just as I have said earlier, Jiao Ye Village Temple recruitment is extremely fair, doesn’t require magic. But it isn’t without any rules either, the person must be from Jiao Ye Village,” the youth’s sight from the beginning to the end had never left Yun Sheng.

Everything that happened outside of the temple was heard by the the youth. At first, he didn’t want to meddle in. He just wanted wait for the time to leave the temple in order to wait for the “wild cat”. Who knew he would hear the voice that tickled his heart.

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He was talented and intelligent. His five senses except for his eyesight were different from ordinary people. Although Yun Sheng had only said a few words to him, her breathing and voice however were all recorded in the youth’s mind.

Damn blind man, he did it on purpose!

Yun Sheng pouted.

Just now, the youth blinked at himself, really don’t understand. He clearly was a blind man yet how can his blinking be so alluring.

Others naturally weren’t aware of the small gestures made between the two of them.

The village grandpa’s face was blank.

This Ye youth came together with the Yang magician.

His identity was extremely mysterious. He wasn’t Yang magician’s disciple, neither was he a person from the temple.

His temper was distinct and cold. Although the village grandpa had met him several times, the youth had never opened his mouth before!

Unexpectedly, he actually took the initiative to stand out today.

Once she heard the handsome youth speaking up for her, Ding Lei immediately rejoiced and became even more fearless. “Well, little wastrel, do you dare to compete with me? If you win, I’ll give you five silver coins. I don’t think you’ve ever seen so much money in your life ah?!!

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“Compete then, but in addition to the money I also want to add a condition. If you lose, crawl back to the Huo Yan Village from here,” Yun Sheng’s eyes changed slightly, people who don’t offend me I also won’t offend others. If someone does, then I’ll definitely make sure to pay back ten times!

This Ding Lei was a young but arrogant. Earlier she had laughed at the people of Jiao Ye Village. She even made fun of the village chief grandpa. As a villager of Jiao Ye Village, Yun Sheng must teach her a lesson.

“You! Hmph, don’t know how to live. I’ll compete with you! However, seeing you like this, don’t even know if you can come up with five silver coins.” Ding Lei didn’t see Yun Sheng up to par at all.

For any family in Jiao Ye Village, this amount of money wasn’t a small number!

“ Xiao Sheng ah, don’t be angry. Your family doesn’t have that much money,” the village grandpa was also worried. A gamble on five silver coins was too big.

“I don’t have that much money, however I can use that as a bargaining chip. Village grandpa, can you help me determine if this much moonlight grass is worth five silver coins?” Yun Sheng took out a small bag of herbs from her purse.

These moonlight grass were the ones left from when she had sun dried them.

The moonlight grass that she had gathered were sufficient. After she had processed them, the quality was absolutely of the best.

“Is it moonlight grass? Wild moonlight grass?!” The village chief grandpa checked the bag of herbs. His facial expression changed.

Wild moonlight grass on the market were exclusively operated. A single moonlight grass was worth a silver coin. Yun Sheng’s bag of moonlight grass had at least 10 strains worth nearly ten silver coins.

“Since both parties have discussed, then Jiao Ye Village Temple’s medical assistant assessment will officially start now. Can the two of you and village chief follow me into the temple,” Ye youth after listening to the two girls’ bet led the few people inside.

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All the onlookers were left outside of the temple.

Yun Sheng along with Ding Lei and the village grandpa headed into the temple together.

The temple of Jiao Ye Village was the most spacious building in the whole village, made up of about five or six interspersed homes.

Yun Sheng doesn’t come to the temple often, only the first three times to participate in the magic initiation ceremony. They were led directly to the main hall of the temple. Today, the youth led the few people directly through the main hall and towards the back of the temple.

At the doorway of the rear room stood a middle-aged man. The man was about fifty years old, thin and old, with a nose like a haw hook. His complexion was yellow and wore a turquoise robe that looked like an old stump from afar.

“Master Yang,” the village chief respectfully saluted after seeing the middle-aged man.

In the Wuji contient, the strong was respected. Although the village chief was older, however he was only a magic practitioner. Compared to the master magician, he belonged to a lower order.

Yun Sheng noticed that magician had a gloomy look and his whole body resonated a could aura. He casually glanced at the two children and said, “How come there’s only two people?”

What he needed was a bright, nimble young child. These two child from a glance were naturally gifted especially the younger one who was think and had no magical skills.

Old mountain village was definitely an old and broken. Even a decent group of children can’t be found.

“These two children were chosen from the village, they’re the best candidates,” the village chief rushingly replied after coming up with an excuse.

“Excellent or not, after the assessment then we’ll know. Have you two ever read the Qimin Medical Book?” Master Yang picked out a medical book from the tall shelf behind him and placed it in front of him.

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