Chapter 16 – I’m An Egg

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The seal on the beast ring was lifted.

Although it is unknown due to what reason that the beast ring suddenly unsealed itself. Just when Yun Sheng was about unlock the seal, a new concept suddenly appeared within her mind and that was a summoner.

It turns that on the mainland, there weren’t only the two powerful professions of magicians and martial artists. On top of them existed another profession that both magicians and martial artists kept mummed about and that was the summoner profession.

A summoner was a person who can contract with a beast to become partners.

Summoners must be magicians, but not all magicians can be summoners. According to the memory of Hu Jiusheng, the ratio of magicians to summoners on the mainland has reached to a staggering a hundred thousand to one.

On Wuji Continent, the amount of summoners that existed were rare. The summoners in the kingdom of Zhou which Jiao Ye Village was a part of were even less and could be counted by hand!

It was because of this reason that any emergence of a new summoner would become a great asset to any country.

Yun Sheng’s mother at least was a scepter summoner but due to some unknown reasons, she wasn’t allowed to summon which is why she kept being hunted along with Yun Cang Hai by people in the world.

In order the protect her soon-to-be-born daughter, Hu Jiusheng left this beast ring to await for the day that Yun Sheng would be able to unlock the seal and awaken her own powers.

The release of the seal meant that the function of the beast ring has been turned back on.

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The beast language is one of Yun Sheng’s special abilities Hu Jiusheng has sealed. At the same time it was also a storage ring. Inside of it were some relevant information and Hu Jiusheng had left behind for her daughter.

The way to get the beast ring to acknowledge its master was to drop a blood on it to claim it.

Thinking before, Yun Sheng had accidentally stained the ring with her own blood so the ring had already acknowledge Yun Sheng as its owner.

Yun Sheng was a naturally born summoner. However in the past, this talent of hers was sealed up together with the beast ring.

With the release of the seal, Yun Sheng can feel the mood swings of beast and even understand their language. The effect was more obvious especially when encountering an advanced beast.

In the past six years, Yun Sheng’s ability had always been lacking until today had she sensed the mood fluctuation of a beast. Thinking about it, she had sensed the emotional fluctuations of the two headed dog by no reason, most likely it was because of the awakening of her ability for the beast language.

A beast language speaker, as long as one is able to reach a certain cultivation can he or she summon a beast by drawing a magic array.

Yun Sheng was eager to try and immediately, according to the information left in the ring, started to draw a basic magic array.

A basic magic array was not that difficult to draw. After Yun Sheng completed her drawing, she stood in the magic array.

She was looking forward to see what kind of beast will she summon.

As her spirit passed through into the magic ray and spread, fluctuations appeared and spreaded silently in a radius of dozens of miles.

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In the mountains near Jiao Ye Village, low-leveled beasts became restless.

Yun Cang Hai wasn’t at home. At the back of the home, the puppy who became free from the effects of the anesthetic sensed the magical summoning power.

Although it was weak, it’s alertness was very high. The originally sad relaxed head of the puppy immediately raised up and and from its eyes reflected a glimmer of vigilance.

Yun Sheng felt a strange wave of magic.

“Success,” Yunsheng peered down and blanked out.

She only saw that within the middle of the array appeared an egg.

An egg with two wings and was approximately the same size of an egg from a chicken. The egg was pink too.

“Bo bo — my dear little master’s ability has finally awakened,” the egg didn’t know how long it hasn’t seen the light of day. Today being summoned out, it was excited to the point that it bounced up and down on the ground and rolled around in the room.

“E… egg” Yun Sheng was stunned. She didn’t expect that her first summons for a beast would turn out to be an egg.

“Bobo isn’t an egg. Have you ever seen an egg with wings?” Bobo just haven’t hatched but after I have hatched, people will love Bobo and beasts who see me will scurry away,” the winged egg rolled around Yun Sheng.

So it was a beast egg that hasn’t hatched yet. Yun Sheng released a sigh of relief. It was said that summoners were all boasters with strong fighting beasts. A summoner carrying around an egg was miserable ah!

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“Then Bobo,” seeing the egg nonstop saying bo bo, Yun Sheng simply called it Bobo. “How long will it take for you to hatch and do you know any martial art skills or magic?”

Hu Jiusheng left Yun Sheng information but clearly had written down that any beasts even if it was only at the first level all had battle skills or magic.

Just don’t know if this beast of hers was a magical beast or a battle beast.

“Battle skills, magic, what is that? Can I eat it? Bobo don’t understand what those things are but Bobo likes to be in the sun and likes to eat magical elements,” Bobo said and fluttered towards Yun Sheng.

Yun Sheng only felt a strange force hit her. The egg wasn’t even close yet when her whole body flew out and landed flat on her back.

“Bobo didn’t do it on purpose master!” Although that egg was only the size of a chicken egg, however its strength was frightening. Just a small bump and it had directly sent Yun Sheng flying.

“No, don’t come over. Wait …  eating the magic elements. Don’t tell me the that the reason why I couldn’t condense and use the magical elements was all because of you!” Yun Sheng was embarrassed to get back up and was filled with grief.

“ Master. Bobo has stayed in the beast ring for such a long time. Bobo is extremely hungry so accidentally ate … master, are you blaming Bobo?” the winged egg started wailing.

All of a sudden, the whole entire roof seemed like it was going to be overturned.

The wave of cries continued and all the bowls in the house immediately shattered.

Yun Sheng only felt her head tingly. If anyone wanted to cry, then it should be her ah!

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This was supposed to be her skill!

Within an instant, all the grief disappeared as Yun Sheng within the speed of lightning quickly muffled Bobo up.

Those few wails were extremely surprising and amazing. Was this thing really what her mother had left for her?

Was it really her own mother? Not something that migrated here?

The most miserable part was that when the egg was within the beast ring, it had together with the beast ring been stained by Yun Sheng’s blood. Unexpectedly, it had already signed a life contract with Yun Sheng.

Beast contracts are divided into three different kinds, one is a master – servant contract, one is an equality contract, and the last one was a life contract.

Among the three, the life contract was the most important and the relation with a summoner was also the greatest.

The restrictions on the equality contract and the master – servant contract were slightly smaller was were more convenient to cancel.

This beast egg was what Hu Jiu Sheng left for her daughter in her early years. Heavens was kind to Yun Sheng so the blood contract was sufficient.

Yun Sheng could only accept this reality.

Bobo was sent back into the beast ring. Yun Sheng only felt that her life’s strength was taken out of her. She decided to first visit the puppy and check on its condition.


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