Chapter 21 – Flaunting Prestige, Battle Skills Engulf the Sky

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Beast Magic was similar to magicians, being good at far attacks yet bad at close combats. In order to launch continuous magic attacks, magical elements needed to be accumulated.

Yun Sheng at this point was lurking about in the trees, waiting for the female gold rhino pig to launch an attack in order for her to dive down.

She rode on the back of the female rhino pig, legs clamped down tightly as she clung onto the waist of the rhino pig.

Struggling with all her strength, Yun Sheng used the sharp scalpel in her hands and pierced it into the right eye of the rhino pig.

The golden rhino pig’s entire body was extremely hard. The only weakness was it’s eye.

Once the scalpel was in, Yun Sheng flipped her wrist and forcibly made a cut to dig out the rhino pig’s right eye out.

The female rhino pig let out a deafening howl as it didn’t  expect that it would actually be calculated by a young girl.

Still, Yun Sheng underestimated the power of the raging beast.

Adding anger upon pain the rhino pig’s hind legs stood upright, like a man, and hurled Yun Sheng off its back.

After Yun Sheng was thrown onto the ground, she didn’t even have time to feel the pain from the impact when she immediately jumped up.

Ahead, the golden rhino pig was hideous. It’s blind right eye was bleeding incessantly and it’s left eye was scarlet as it glared at Yun Sheng.

Under its foot, a yellow magical array was formed again.

With a pale complexion, Yun Sheng finally realized that a third leveled female golden rhino pig wasn’t a willow green snake, capable of launching two consecutive magical attacks within a short amount of time while having serious injuries.

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A wave of ripples appeared again on the surface of the ground as if Yun Sheng was standing on a boat going through a hurdle of waves.

The scalpel in her hand was stained by blood, her clothes were shappy, and her hands and feet were both injured.

When Ye Beiming came, he just happened to come across that scene.

He couldn’t see Yun Sheng’s appearance but could hear her intermittent gasping sound. And the air, it was filled with the smell of human blood. Don’t know if the blood was from Yun Sheng.

That damned demonic beast, his heart suddenly tightened for no reason, how dare it hurt her!

Ye Beiming’s handsome face was filled with a murderous aura and his whole body was surrounded by dark air, similar to a snake’s poison.

Just as he was about to strike, his brow wrinkled with a trace of doubt.

This feeling?!

The mountain suddenly had become quiet.

The golden rhino pig which was accumulating earth magic stopped.

There was only a look of horror left in the beasts’ one eye.

By Yun Sheng’s side appeared a brand new magic array. Her pale face was as delicate as jade.

That was a magical array, symbolizing the array of a summoner.

Ye Beiming was aware that the surrounding atmosphere appeared an extra demonic beasts’ aura, this aura was unusually active.

Demonic Beast Summoner!

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Ye Beiming’s mouth trembled, having a kind of crying and laughing impulse. Seems like the small wildcat also a quite a black belly. She unexpectedly was a summoner.

It’s just how come her monster didn’t come out after such a long time?

Ye Beiming for a moment was also very curious, what kind of level was the summoned beast or even what were its attributes.

The summoning array was flashing but a demonic beast didn’t appear as scheduled.

“Bobo?” Yun Sheng summoned for a long time and found that egg Bobo hasn’t appeared.

Just as Yun Sheng was startled, the golden rhino pig already accumulated enough elements when a small shock wave was about to form.

Just as the golden rhino pig was about to make a fatal blow, Yun Sheng bit down her teeth to escape. In this situation in which she didn’t have the ability, the only way out was to escape.

The ground suddenly moved like a tidal wave as Yun Sheng’s foot staggered and fell to the ground.

She seemed to have felt the golden rhino pig close behind her.

Just as this time, a suspicious movement appeared in the woods in front of them.

A small beast shadow appeared and it walked out.

Xiao Hei!

Yun Sheng didn’t expect that the little black dog didn’t leave at all, it had always been following her.

THe puppy’s light brown eyes was somewhat dazed, it didn’t understand why Yun Sheng was lying down on the ground.

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Behind her, the golden rhino pig was approaching step by step.

“Go,” Yun Sheng didn’t want the small puppy to be implicated as she shouted at it.

Her trembling voice and face full of wounds were reflected in Xiao Hei’s pupils.

It’s pupils appeared a touch of anger.

It then seemed to understand and stepped back a bit.

Suddenly, its pale brown eyes sparkled and it stretched out its tongue and gave Yun Sheng’s face a lick.

After shaking its body for a bit, Xiao Hei’s small black and short limbs quickly jumped as it’s body slipped behind Yun Sheng like a sharp arrow leaving the string on the bow.

A few days of recuperation allowed Xiao Hei’s injury recover a lot.

It’s limbs were incredibly agile as it avoided the golden rhino pig’s shock waves as it jumps on the treetop.

Xiao Hei’s eyes were sharp, as if it carried a grudge and magical elements radiated out from its body.

He raised his head and issued a low roar from his throats.

“Ah woo -” a lone wolf roar.

That cry broke the peace within the whole entire forest as wild animals and other demonic beasts were trembling with unease.

Ye Beiming’s mind was shocked and stared at the puppy, this was a battle skill!

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That cry sounded like a wolf roar and the mighty roar shook the whole entire forest.

The blue sky that was obscured by the trees suddenly became sank and became dark.

The forest’s air became heavy and the light was suddenly gone as if someone had used a black cloth to cover all the light within a radius of a kilometer.

Xiao Hei’s Battle Skill: Swallowing the sky – lasted for a quarter of an hour.

During this time period, the woods will be dark and pitch-black.

Yun Sheng saw this and her heart was also shocked unceasingly. She didn’t expect that Xiao Hei would actually have such a skill!

However the surprise was gone in a flash. Yun Sheng immediately realized that now was a good opportunity to ambush the golden rhino pig.

It was now or never. Yun Sheng’s eyes flashed a golden gleam and she caught the faintly visible rhino in the darkness.

She lifted her body up, observed the rhino pig’s heart and limbs, and strangely rushed up.

Dark needles bursted out from Yun Sheng’s small body.

The golden rhino pig’s eyes were filled with pain and a strange force strangely teared away its heart.

A dying beast was frightening. Yun Sheng felt a huge amount of force attacking her as she stabbed its heart.

In the next moment, she was thrown and before she lost consciousness, she felt her body fall into a hard arm.

That pair of arms was unusually familiar.


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