That day, I was on the night shift, and at about 9 o’clock in the evening, Yongchang-ge took two bottles of beer and said he wanted to drink enough with me.

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Halfway through the drink, Yongchang-ge said he was going to the toilet. There is no toilet on the first floor, so he went to the second floor and took the flashlight away. I didn’t care and continued to drink and eat peanuts, but it was too dark; I couldn’t see anything. I just ate and drank bit by bit in the dark.

But about an hour later, he didn’t come back. I felt something was wrong. How could it take so long for a normal person to come from the bathroom?

And it is said that this hospital has been haunted before! But our group of people on duty only has a flashlight, so I dare not go upstairs.

After another half hour, I couldn’t sit still anymore, so I went upstairs with an empty beer bottle. The lights on the second floor were off. As soon as I went upstairs, the whole atmosphere was different. There was a cold wind blowing from my back, and I felt like someone was staring at me. I didn’t care, thinking it was a ghost possessed by the frozen dead.

I walked forward in the dark, but fortunately the light in the toilet was on, and I finally found the place. I didn’t dare to go in; the inside was really gloomy, and the key point was that the light in the toilet was a warm yellow. I felt uncomfortable at that time. I yelled his name twice, but there was only my echo inside; Yongchang-ge wasn’t there.

I waited outside for a while and went in when I didn’t see him. If it were now, I wouldn’t dare go in, even if I borrowed ten more guts.

After entering, I looked in the cubicles one by one. When I got to the last cubicle, I saw blood all over the walls and doors. I was so frightened that I fell to the ground and knelt down. At that time, the lights were also flickering. You must know that in horror movies, the protagonist does not run away when he encounters a ghost, not because he is stupid but because he can’t move at all. I was too scared to move; I crawled outside with my hands and feet.

Immediately when I crawled outside, I stood with the help of the sink, and when I looked up in the mirror, it was not my face! It was the face of a young man!

I was so frightened that I ran all the way downstairs. I was relieved when I saw the guard’s room, and I didn’t dare to look for Yongchang-ge again.

Yongchang-ge never showed up again, and I heard from those little nurses that he was missing, so I wrote down all these things in detail. Don’t blame me; I didn’t do anything wrong!]

“If the light keeps flickering, there must be something wrong.” Fu Jue said.

“The ‘young man’ mentioned in the notes should be Cheng Jin, which means that Cheng Jin’s death caused the closure of Ning Tai Hospital.”

“Yes, Cheng Jin’s death should have been before or in 1998, that is, before Zhang Zekai disappeared.”

“Teacher Zhou turned 56 years old this year. If it was more than 30 years ago, he would be about 26 years old, around 1995. However, Cheng Jin’s death formed the door, so the door should have started around 1995, but the timing of this episode obviously doesn’t match. Where did the three years of blank time go?”

Fu Jue shook his head. “Zhang Zekai should be the first person to enter by mistake; I’m afraid this door is man-made.”

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“There are only a few old seniors who can serve in these three years, and perhaps it is also possible that outsiders made the door.” Jiang Yuqin raised his head and looked at Fu Jue.

Fu Jue: “Outsiders probably don’t have such great means to make earth-shaking changes to the hospital.”

It was unknown which word touched Jiang Yuqin; he blurted out, “Teacher! The teacher redecorated the hospital, but he renovated the fifth floor.”

“Therefore, it was because of him that the door was built. The starting point was the operating room on the fifth floor. He also redecorated the hospital to cover up the operating room.”

Jiang Yuqin nodded, “It’s more or less the same, but there is one thing I’m confused about. Chen Baigui’s record said that he saw the young man’s face when he looked up, but the door would change into the one on the first floor after a long time. It stands to reason that if Cheng Jin was also in the door, and that ‘young man’ was Cheng Jin, why did he still maintain the appearance of when he was alive?”

“I can’t think of a reason yet; let’s go to the fifth floor for a stroll.” Fu Jue packed up his things, turned on the flashlight, and led Jiang Yuqin upstairs.

Jiang Yuqin’s head was still a little dizzy; he half leaned on Fu Jue’s body, his eyes drifting to the side. Suddenly, he saw a scarlet eye growing on the wall.

Jiang Yuqin stopped feeling dizzy immediately. God gave him great courage and pushed Fu Jue forward, telling him to run.

Before he had time to run, a black shadow protruded from the wall like a human arm and grabbed Jiang Yuqin.

After being pulled closer to the wall, it felt really weird. Jiang Yuqin thought like this before losing consciousness.

Fu Jue ran up a few steps and realised that Jiang Yuqin hadn’t followed, so he hurried down to look for him.

But Jiang Yuqin was gone, and Fu Jue seemed to have fallen into a bottomless black hole; his heart was full of anxiety.

“Jiang Yuqin? Jiang Yuqin! Where are you! Come out!” Fu Jue shouted hysterically; the darkness swallowed his reason, and Fu Jue kept beating the wall that swallowed Jiang Yuqin.

It was unknown how long it took, but Fu Jue calmed down. He rubbed his face and barely controlled his trembling body. He didn’t know whether it was because of the high-intensity concentration for too long or because of the low blood sugar without drinking water for so long, but his eyes began to darken, and even if the light of the flashlight was stronger, he could only see the darkness.

Fu Jue squatted down slowly against the wall. He thought of that method, an extremely dangerous method.

Jiang Yuqin fell into the darkness; he called Fu Jue’s name; his hand accidentally knocked somewhere and dropped the flashlight; he couldn’t move; he was tightly strangled by something.

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Jiang Yuqin felt that he was very lucky; at least he pushed Fu Jue up at the last moment. The other party was so smart, he would definitely find the door of life.

I’m so sleepy; I really want to sleep. I’m about to die. If I die, what will my mother do?

Thinking about it, Jiang Yuqin fell into a deep dream, so deep that he probably won’t be able to wake up in this life.

Seawater poured into Jiang Yuqin’s body.

Jiang Yuqin couldn’t see anything anymore; he was very sleepy and wanted to sleep. Why couldn’t it let him go?

The sea water in front of him was gradually stained red with blood, and what seemed to float up was Jiang Yuqin’s body. Jiang Yuqin lost his breath a long time ago. This great father would rather die than fight for a chance for his son.

Jiang Yuqin’s body was floating lightly at the top, and he didn’t know when he would see the light again.

Jiang Yuqin raised his hand with all his strength and grabbed the railing of the roof, allowing him to take his last breath.

I’m so tired, but I don’t want to die.

This idea emerged in Jiang Yuqin’s mind, giving him the idea of survival.

His mother said it was good to be alive, and he could see many beautiful things.

It seemed that there was a prairie fire, but it was wiped out by the cold sea water in an instant, leaving only dead ashes.

And in a sudden moment, the sea water disappeared, leaving only emptiness.

Jiang Yuqin was so tired that he couldn’t even open his eyes; his breathing seemed to be exhausting his last spark of life.

He dreamed of his childhood nightmare again.

“Jiang Yuqin! Jiang Yuqin, wake up!”

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Someone seemed to be calling me.

The voice is so familiar; who is it?

Where am I?

Jiang Yuqin suddenly remembered again: Yes, it’s Fu Jue; we were going out together; we can’t break our promise.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to make friends even if you’re a ghost, he thought mockingly.

Fu Jue shook Jiang Yuqin vigorously. Jiang Yuqin, who had just regained consciousness, was about to vomit.

“Okay, stop shaking me.” Jiang Yuqin suddenly opened his eyes and patted Fu Jue’s arm lightly.

Fu Jue hugged Jiang Yuqin into his arms like crazy, making Jiang Yuqin breathless.

“I am fine, I am fine.” Jiang Yuqin also took advantage of the situation and hugged Fu Jue, saying comforting things.

“I thought—I thought that you had become those things; how could you leave me alone? What would I do if you couldn’t wake up? The longer a person stays here, the more easily he will be affected.” Fu Jue was so anxious that he was about to cry, and he spoke even faster.

Jiang Yuqin buried his head into Fu Jue’s neck, greedy for the slightest taste of Fu Jue, gaining a sense of security.

This action made Fu Jue feel extremely at ease, and he could breathe for a while in this troubled world.

After resting for a while, Fu Jue pulled Jiang Yuqin up from the ground, and by the light of the flashlight, he could see the dark path ahead. It was so black that even a flashlight couldn’t shine through it.

Because Jiang Yuqin had just calmed down and would collapse after taking two steps, Fu Jue walked with him on his back.

“Where are we now?” Jiang Yuqin’s voice came from Fu Jue’s back.

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“I don’t know.”

“Then how did you find me?” Jiang Yuqin was curious.

“I think our first priority is to find the exit; this place doesn’t look like a hospital.” Fu Jue interrupted Jiang Yuqin’s questioning.

Jiang Yuqin knew that Fu Jue didn’t want to talk about it, so he didn’t continue to ask.

Jiang Yuqin: “Did you read the notes? Is there any clue?”

“I’ve looked, and there is no such record. But as long as you go forward, you will be able to get out.” Fu Jue said firmly.

Jiang Yuqin patted Fu Jue lightly, motioning for him to put him down, “I can walk; put me down.”

Fu Jue didn’t speak.

Taking advantage of this moment, Fu Jue took out a flashlight to illuminate the scenery around him.

This was a long corridor with no end in sight, and wooden doors and rooms were neatly arranged on both sides. It seemed that they had fallen into a certain gap, and the tightly closed doors shut the ferocious beasts in.

Fu Jue held Jiang Yuqin’s wrist in case one of them disappeared suddenly.

He walked to the door closest to them and held the doorknob. The cold touch from his fingertips made Fu Jue’s arm a little numb, and he pressed down gently.

It could be opened.

Fu Jue looked back at Jiang Yuqin; although the darkness made him unable to see anything, the temperature of Jiang Yuqin’s wrist came from his hand, which gave him great courage, and he finally pushed open the door at a certain moment.

Fu Jue didn’t know what was behind the door, but at this moment, if he wanted to go out, he could only try one by one.

EatingGoddess: I’m sorry for the late update; I was suffering from a fever because of overwork (I got scolded by the doctor, lmao). I still haven’t recovered, but it’s not as severe as it was on day 1.

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