Miss President is a Crybaby

Chapter 20: Miss President is a Crybaby Chapt

When dealing with a green tea b*tch1, you’ve gotta use tricks that are even b*tchier.

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After Shen NingXin dropped the bucket on Pei Qing twice, she thought about getting angry, but because there were so many people watching, she didn’t in the end for fear of damaging her image.

But she wasn’t an idiot. She quickly realized that this person did it on purpose and thus held a grudge from then on. Whenever she encountered something that had to do with Shen NingXin, she’d always open her mouth and make a few ridiculing comments.

Shen NingXin was too lazy to care about her.

She simply thought of her as a fly buzzing in her ears.

Time passed little by little, and two days went by, but Qiu YiBai still wasn’t back yet.

Wang Xi’s promotion came through, though.

She became the deputy manager, her salary instantly doubling.

At the same time, there was indeed another person who received a promotion—

Pei Qing.

This person was directly promoted from an ordinary employee to the team leader of Shen NingXin’s group.

In reaction to this result, except for Zhao Jie and Shen NingXin who already knew about this news for a while, everyone else was quite surprised.

But there was nothing that could be done. After all, the decision came from the top, so all everyone could do was congratulate her.

Shen NingXin followed along and clapped a few times, then returned to finish the work at hand. When she looked up again, she saw Pei Qing carrying a bag of fruits to share with everybody.

There were a lot of things inside, such as apples, peaches, and pears, all of which were big and juicy.

But this person just had to put her hand in and choose for a long time before finally taking out two small and deflated apricots and placing them on her desk.

Yet she still put on a pretentious smile and said to her, “They’re incredibly sweet, you should try them soon.”

“I bought them just for you~”

Oh, that gave her even more of a reason to not eat them.

Shen NingXin smiled, stretched out her hand, and placed the two apricots on the side, then earnestly thanked her, her eyes curving into a crescent and her smile especially sweet.

She couldn’t help but scorn on the inside, aren’t you actually trying to sour me to death.

Seeing how she still appeared good-tempered, Pei Qing didn’t see the result she wanted and suddenly retracted her smile unhappily before quickly walking away.

She seemed to be muttering something and Shen NingXin roughly made it out, thinking that she probably said “just you wait”.

Seems like she was going to seek revenge against her.

Realizing this, Shen NingXin sighed, then picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip.

Thinking about it carefully, she was indeed impulsive at that time. When she heard that person open her mouth to slander Qiu YiBai, she couldn’t help but get angry and react in such an immature manner.

But she didn’t regret it. If she were to relive it, she’d probably still make the same choice.

Because she knew how this crybaby was like in reality, and she was by no means as unbearable as other people said.

She couldn’t lie to herself.

And also didn’t want to go against her heart.

“. . . . . .”

The revenge Pei Qing mentioned didn’t cause much of a disturbance in the end.

Going from an ordinary employee to a team leader, the responsibilities that came along with her change in position also expanded. Her workload increased, and she was busy adapting to this difference every day. Her free time was thus reduced, so she didn’t have much of a chance to make trouble.

If she were to use Zhao Jie’s words to describe this, it would probably be that her skills didn’t match her title.

Unless she really toned down and was willing to put in the effort, she was going to screw up sooner or later.

In addition, Shen NingXin was still only an intern, and she didn’t have any requirements related to sales performance, so Pei Qing couldn’t target her in this direction even if she wanted to.

Because of that, aside from asking Shen NingXin to run errands and purposely increasing her workload, there wasn’t anything Pei Qing could do.

In response, Shen NingXin simply accepted the orders one by one.

And not only did she accept every order, but she also completed them to the best of her ability, to the point that no fault could be picked out.

She was thinking,

let’s seen who disgusts the other to death first.

A few days passed, and Qiu YiBai still hadn’t returned from the factory.

It had been so long that it almost matched the time she usually spent on a business trip abroad. There probably was some incredibly important thing to be dealt with there.

And she seemed really busy, so busy that she had no time to post on Weibo.

Shen NingXin sighed, scrolling through Weibo during her free time before exiting and opening WeChat.

After hesitating for a while, she still decided to send a message in the end, asking her how she was doing.

After typing the message up, just as she was about to click send, Pei Qing suddenly called her name from behind her, “Shen NingXin! What are you doing during work time!”

Her voice was exceptionally loud.

She finally caught a fault to point out.

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Shen NingXin’s expression suddenly froze, and after she adjusted herself for a moment, she finally turned around.

“Sorry,” she smiled, apologizing in a serious tone, “I’ll get back to work immediately.”

She didn’t wait for her to say anything else and stood up, holding documents in her hand as she went to the Documentation Department.

She didn’t give Pei Qing a chance to speak again.

As she watched her leave, Pei Qing was about to break a tooth from clenching her teeth too hard. Her expression also became uglier than before.

But as though suddenly remembering something, she returned to her usual appearance.

She even raised her lips, smiling gently.

“. . . . . .”

The afternoon passed by quickly.

Shen NingXin was so busy processing documents that she forgot the time, and when she looked up again, the office was nearly empty.

But when she turned her head, she saw that Pei Qing hadn’t left yet.

Seeing this, Shen NingXin couldn’t help but be stunned.

Did the sun come out from the west today?

Pei Qing, who always did the least work possible, actually put in some effort today.

Confusion gradually rose in her heart, but Shen NingXin disliked this person too much to think any further.

She quickly sorted out the documents on her desk, and to prevent this person from trying anything, she also carefully locked all the important files in her drawer.

Afterward, she stood up, turned off the computer, and got ready to leave.

Before she could take more than a few steps, Pei Qing suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her arm.

Her narrow eyes thinned into a straight line, her lips slowly opened, and with a dagger hidden beneath her smile, said, “Shall we talk?”

“Work has already ended.” Shen NingXin turned around after hearing her words, then also smiled. “We can talk about work tomorrow.”

“It’s not about work.” Pei Qing shook her head, and by habit, reached her hand out to twirl her hair, a deep meaning behind her smile. “It’s a personal matter.”

“There’s even less of a need to talk about personal matters.” Shen NingXin looked at her and raised a brow. “And I don’t think there are any personal matters between us to discuss.”

After speaking, she turned around to leave.

“Shen NingXin!” Seeing this, Pei Qing became anxious and stretched out her hand to grab her again.

At the same time, she also raised her phone and placed it in front of her, speaking loudly, “Look at what this is!”

The atmosphere quieted, and after a moment, Shen NingXin turned her head around.

After a glance, she was suddenly shocked in place.

Appearing on the screen turned out to be the chat history between Pei Qing and President Wang from the Domestic Trade Department.

Although it was just a quick glance, Shen NingXin still noticed many sensitive words.

“Baby.” “My dear.” “Love you.”

No matter which word it was, they all pointed to one conclusion—

The relationship between Pei Qing and President Wang was not simple.

Her heart suddenly shook.

“Are you surprised?” Pei Qing retracted her phone and stood in place, looking at her. “You didn’t expect that, right?”

“Why else do you think I got promoted? Did you really think I was easy to bully?”

As she spoke, she gradually got nearer, raising her hand and gently adjusting Shen NingXin’s collar, the smile on her face obvious. “You shouldn’t have opposed me. I know you want to defend President Qiu, but . . . you should first know your place.”

“President Wang entered the company a lot earlier than President Qiu. Even if he only mentions something once, President Qiu must listen to him. You’re just an intern, how much could you possibly be worth in her eyes? If something really happened to you, you think she’d come out and protect you?”

“I think President Wang will be finishing work soon. Shall we wait and see?”

The office was very quiet.

Pei Qing had left for a while, and except for Shen NingXin, there was nobody else around.

Sun rays filtered in through the spaces between the window blinds, layering over her body warmly and beautifully with a sense of comfort.

But at this moment, Shen NingXin was in a sour mood.

After all, she underestimated Pei Qing. At that time, she guessed that there might be someone behind this person, but she never expected it to be a powerful figure like President Wang.

What she said was right. President Wang was highly qualified and capable. Qiu YiBai would be forced to respect him.

Against such a person, she had no chance of winning.

Upon realizing this, Shen NingXin’s mind suddenly fell blank.

There was also a guess that gradually emerged from the bottom of her heart. When President Wang returned, she might be targeted to the point she’d be forced to voluntarily resign.

If that were the case, she should’ve talked back a bit more just now. Saying only “the higher you fly, the more miserable your fall” was not enough for someone like Pei Qing.

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All sorts of things suddenly flashed through her mind.

Shen NingXin tugged at the corners of her mouth irritably, then finally took her phone out.

She didn’t know what exactly she wanted to do and simply clicked around the icons on her phone screen over and over again.

Clicking in, then exiting, clicking in again, then exiting again.

After repeating this an unknown number of times, a notification from her WeChat suddenly rang.

She was taken aback when she heard the sound. After taking a while to react, she finally raised her hand and clicked on it.

It turned out to be from the crybaby—

“The matter is almost over, I’ll be back in the next few days.

The food at the factory is horrible, and since you happen to owe me one, you should treat me to a meal when I return.”

She also said, “Don’t think about turning back on your words ah, Shen NingXin.”

Shen NingXin couldn’t help but pause for a few seconds.

What was this? She was so busy yet didn’t forget about the whole thing with the favors and even took the initiative to ask to be treated to a meal.

Could this crybaby be any more childish? She really couldn’t be any older than two-and-a-half years old.

As she thought, she suddenly wanted to laugh.

But while the corners of her mouth twitched for a long time, they didn’t rise in the end. Instead, her heart sank.

And for some reason, tears quietly rolled down without her noticing.

She hadn’t cried for so many years . . .

Shen NingXin sighed, stretched out a hand, and pulled out a few sheets of tissue paper, wiping away the tears from her face. She then lowered her head, raising her hand and slowly typing an “okay” in the text box.

Afterward, she stood up, took a deep breath, and put on her bag as she went to take the elevator, still feeling mixed emotions.

But what she thought this time was mainly about Qiu YiBai.

You need to come back early then.

She thought as she walked forward.

One step too late, you might not see me anymore . . .

“Green tea” is used to describe girls who pretend to be pure and innocent but are in fact manipulative and calculating in reality.

When dealing with a green tea b*tch1, you’ve gotta use tricks that are even b*tchier.

After Shen NingXin dropped the bucket on Pei Qing twice, she thought about getting angry, but because there were so many people watching, she didn’t in the end for fear of damaging her image.

But she wasn’t an idiot. She quickly realized that this person did it on purpose and thus held a grudge from then on. Whenever she encountered something that had to do with Shen NingXin, she’d always open her mouth and make a few ridiculing comments.

Shen NingXin was too lazy to care about her.

She simply thought of her as a fly buzzing in her ears.

Time passed little by little, and two days went by, but Qiu YiBai still wasn’t back yet.

Wang Xi’s promotion came through, though.

She became the deputy manager, her salary instantly doubling.

At the same time, there was indeed another person who received a promotion—

Pei Qing.

This person was directly promoted from an ordinary employee to the team leader of Shen NingXin’s group.

In reaction to this result, except for Zhao Jie and Shen NingXin who already knew about this news for a while, everyone else was quite surprised.

But there was nothing that could be done. After all, the decision came from the top, so all everyone could do was congratulate her.

Shen NingXin followed along and clapped a few times, then returned to finish the work at hand. When she looked up again, she saw Pei Qing carrying a bag of fruits to share with everybody.

There were a lot of things inside, such as apples, peaches, and pears, all of which were big and juicy.

But this person just had to put her hand in and choose for a long time before finally taking out two small and deflated apricots and placing them on her desk.

Yet she still put on a pretentious smile and said to her, “They’re incredibly sweet, you should try them soon.”

“I bought them just for you~”

Oh, that gave her even more of a reason to not eat them.

Shen NingXin smiled, stretched out her hand, and placed the two apricots on the side, then earnestly thanked her, her eyes curving into a crescent and her smile especially sweet.

She couldn’t help but scorn on the inside, aren’t you actually trying to sour me to death.

Seeing how she still appeared good-tempered, Pei Qing didn’t see the result she wanted and suddenly retracted her smile unhappily before quickly walking away.

She seemed to be muttering something and Shen NingXin roughly made it out, thinking that she probably said “just you wait”.

Seems like she was going to seek revenge against her.

Realizing this, Shen NingXin sighed, then picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip.

Thinking about it carefully, she was indeed impulsive at that time. When she heard that person open her mouth to slander Qiu YiBai, she couldn’t help but get angry and react in such an immature manner.

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But she didn’t regret it. If she were to relive it, she’d probably still make the same choice.

Because she knew how this crybaby was like in reality, and she was by no means as unbearable as other people said.

She couldn’t lie to herself.

And also didn’t want to go against her heart.

“. . . . . .”

The revenge Pei Qing mentioned didn’t cause much of a disturbance in the end.

Going from an ordinary employee to a team leader, the responsibilities that came along with her change in position also expanded. Her workload increased, and she was busy adapting to this difference every day. Her free time was thus reduced, so she didn’t have much of a chance to make trouble.

If she were to use Zhao Jie’s words to describe this, it would probably be that her skills didn’t match her title.

Unless she really toned down and was willing to put in the effort, she was going to screw up sooner or later.

In addition, Shen NingXin was still only an intern, and she didn’t have any requirements related to sales performance, so Pei Qing couldn’t target her in this direction even if she wanted to.

Because of that, aside from asking Shen NingXin to run errands and purposely increasing her workload, there wasn’t anything Pei Qing could do.

In response, Shen NingXin simply accepted the orders one by one.

And not only did she accept every order, but she also completed them to the best of her ability, to the point that no fault could be picked out.

She was thinking,

let’s seen who disgusts the other to death first.

A few days passed, and Qiu YiBai still hadn’t returned from the factory.

It had been so long that it almost matched the time she usually spent on a business trip abroad. There probably was some incredibly important thing to be dealt with there.

And she seemed really busy, so busy that she had no time to post on Weibo.

Shen NingXin sighed, scrolling through Weibo during her free time before exiting and opening WeChat.

After hesitating for a while, she still decided to send a message in the end, asking her how she was doing.

After typing the message up, just as she was about to click send, Pei Qing suddenly called her name from behind her, “Shen NingXin! What are you doing during work time!”

Her voice was exceptionally loud.

She finally caught a fault to point out.

Shen NingXin’s expression suddenly froze, and after she adjusted herself for a moment, she finally turned around.

“Sorry,” she smiled, apologizing in a serious tone, “I’ll get back to work immediately.”

She didn’t wait for her to say anything else and stood up, holding documents in her hand as she went to the Documentation Department.

She didn’t give Pei Qing a chance to speak again.

As she watched her leave, Pei Qing was about to break a tooth from clenching her teeth too hard. Her expression also became uglier than before.

But as though suddenly remembering something, she returned to her usual appearance.

She even raised her lips, smiling gently.

“. . . . . .”

The afternoon passed by quickly.

Shen NingXin was so busy processing documents that she forgot the time, and when she looked up again, the office was nearly empty.

But when she turned her head, she saw that Pei Qing hadn’t left yet.

Seeing this, Shen NingXin couldn’t help but be stunned.

Did the sun come out from the west today?

Pei Qing, who always did the least work possible, actually put in some effort today.

Confusion gradually rose in her heart, but Shen NingXin disliked this person too much to think any further.

She quickly sorted out the documents on her desk, and to prevent this person from trying anything, she also carefully locked all the important files in her drawer.

Afterward, she stood up, turned off the computer, and got ready to leave.

Before she could take more than a few steps, Pei Qing suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her arm.

Her narrow eyes thinned into a straight line, her lips slowly opened, and with a dagger hidden beneath her smile, said, “Shall we talk?”

“Work has already ended.” Shen NingXin turned around after hearing her words, then also smiled. “We can talk about work tomorrow.”

“It’s not about work.” Pei Qing shook her head, and by habit, reached her hand out to twirl her hair, a deep meaning behind her smile. “It’s a personal matter.”

“There’s even less of a need to talk about personal matters.” Shen NingXin looked at her and raised a brow. “And I don’t think there are any personal matters between us to discuss.”

After speaking, she turned around to leave.

“Shen NingXin!” Seeing this, Pei Qing became anxious and stretched out her hand to grab her again.

At the same time, she also raised her phone and placed it in front of her, speaking loudly, “Look at what this is!”

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The atmosphere quieted, and after a moment, Shen NingXin turned her head around.

After a glance, she was suddenly shocked in place.

Appearing on the screen turned out to be the chat history between Pei Qing and President Wang from the Domestic Trade Department.

Although it was just a quick glance, Shen NingXin still noticed many sensitive words.

“Baby.” “My dear.” “Love you.”

No matter which word it was, they all pointed to one conclusion—

The relationship between Pei Qing and President Wang was not simple.

Her heart suddenly shook.

“Are you surprised?” Pei Qing retracted her phone and stood in place, looking at her. “You didn’t expect that, right?”

“Why else do you think I got promoted? Did you really think I was easy to bully?”

As she spoke, she gradually got nearer, raising her hand and gently adjusting Shen NingXin’s collar, the smile on her face obvious. “You shouldn’t have opposed me. I know you want to defend President Qiu, but . . . you should first know your place.”

“President Wang entered the company a lot earlier than President Qiu. Even if he only mentions something once, President Qiu must listen to him. You’re just an intern, how much could you possibly be worth in her eyes? If something really happened to you, you think she’d come out and protect you?”

“I think President Wang will be finishing work soon. Shall we wait and see?”

The office was very quiet.

Pei Qing had left for a while, and except for Shen NingXin, there was nobody else around.

Sun rays filtered in through the spaces between the window blinds, layering over her body warmly and beautifully with a sense of comfort.

But at this moment, Shen NingXin was in a sour mood.

After all, she underestimated Pei Qing. At that time, she guessed that there might be someone behind this person, but she never expected it to be a powerful figure like President Wang.

What she said was right. President Wang was highly qualified and capable. Qiu YiBai would be forced to respect him.

Against such a person, she had no chance of winning.

Upon realizing this, Shen NingXin’s mind suddenly fell blank.

There was also a guess that gradually emerged from the bottom of her heart. When President Wang returned, she might be targeted to the point she’d be forced to voluntarily resign.

If that were the case, she should’ve talked back a bit more just now. Saying only “the higher you fly, the more miserable your fall” was not enough for someone like Pei Qing.

All sorts of things suddenly flashed through her mind.

Shen NingXin tugged at the corners of her mouth irritably, then finally took her phone out.

She didn’t know what exactly she wanted to do and simply clicked around the icons on her phone screen over and over again.

Clicking in, then exiting, clicking in again, then exiting again.

After repeating this an unknown number of times, a notification from her WeChat suddenly rang.

She was taken aback when she heard the sound. After taking a while to react, she finally raised her hand and clicked on it.

It turned out to be from the crybaby—

“The matter is almost over, I’ll be back in the next few days.

The food at the factory is horrible, and since you happen to owe me one, you should treat me to a meal when I return.”

She also said, “Don’t think about turning back on your words ah, Shen NingXin.”

Shen NingXin couldn’t help but pause for a few seconds.

What was this? She was so busy yet didn’t forget about the whole thing with the favors and even took the initiative to ask to be treated to a meal.

Could this crybaby be any more childish? She really couldn’t be any older than two-and-a-half years old.

As she thought, she suddenly wanted to laugh.

But while the corners of her mouth twitched for a long time, they didn’t rise in the end. Instead, her heart sank.

And for some reason, tears quietly rolled down without her noticing.

She hadn’t cried for so many years . . .

Shen NingXin sighed, stretched out a hand, and pulled out a few sheets of tissue paper, wiping away the tears from her face. She then lowered her head, raising her hand and slowly typing an “okay” in the text box.

Afterward, she stood up, took a deep breath, and put on her bag as she went to take the elevator, still feeling mixed emotions.

But what she thought this time was mainly about Qiu YiBai.

You need to come back early then.

She thought as she walked forward.

One step too late, you might not see me anymore . . .

“Green tea” is used to describe girls who pretend to be pure and innocent but are in fact manipulative and calculating in reality.

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