Miss President is a Crybaby

Chapter 27: Miss President is a Crybaby Chapt

Shen NingXin felt as though Qiu YiBai was an expert at ruining the atmosphere.

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She was quite moved a moment ago, even feeling as though this person’s image in her heart just became much greater.

But before she could even think this way for half a second, she heard this person suddenly say fever.

“. . . . . .”

Well, all the emotions that emerged were now gone.

Shen NingXin sighed, unable to come up with anything to say.

But that person was rather concerned and continued to turn her head to look. She even lightly opened her mouth and asked her, “What’s wrong? Is it serious? Do you need to go to the hospital?”

Quite capable of worrying.

“There’s no need.” Shen NingXin quickly shook her head at her questions. “I’m okay.”

“Really?” Qiu YiBai didn’t believe her, suspicion still present in her eyes.

“Really.” Shen NingXin didn’t bother trying to talk logic with a drunk and answered, “It’s not because of a fever. It’s just . . . you were walking a little too fast just now, and I didn’t hold on tight enough, so I got a little scared.”

She didn’t say the truth, and she was too embarrassed to, so she made a random lie.

It wasn’t very believable, but it was enough for Qiu YiBai.

Although this person looked sober right now, she was actually a drunk mess. Her reaction was much slower than usual, taking a while before understanding what Shen NingXin meant.

She then answered, her voice low and small, assuring her, “I got it, then I’ll slow down . . .”

After speaking, she even slowed down the speed in which she turned her head around.

What’s wrong?

Seeing her like this, Shen NingXin was taken aback for a moment, and a speculation soon formed in her mind.

She couldn’t possibly be . . . upset, right?

As she worried, she suddenly heard this person sniffling quietly, as though trying to do it secretly.

She didn’t use much strength, but it was exceptionally clear in the silent night, making Shen NingXin become involuntarily nervous as the sound reached her ears.

“President Qiu, you . . .” Shen NingXin paused, just about to speak.

But she didn’t manage to. Before she could say more than a few words, she felt Qiu YiBai move suddenly—

She first adjusted her posture and freed up a hand, then gently raised it, her movement slow as she reluctantly wiped her face.

When Qiu YiBai put it back on Shen NingXin’s leg again, the latter instantly felt a coldness.

Cool and wet.

Damn, she was crying!

Shen NingXin was startled, becoming frantic.

“What’s the matter, President Qiu?” Upon realizing, Shen NingXin hurriedly asked, “Are you upset?”

“Is it because of me? Don’t cry, don’t cry, I’ll apologize to you.”

After speaking, Qiu YiBai reacted for a while but did not answer and only shook her head.

Her tears didn’t stop, still rolling down silently in big drops. She carried Shen NingXin all the way like a running small faucet.

The two of them had left the alley by now and came to a bustling commercial street.

There were many shops on the street, and the decorations were gorgeous. Most of them used glass doors, faintly mirroring the nearby people.

Shen NingXin quickly discovered that, and an idea came to her mind. She hurriedly took the opportunity and turned to the side, wondering what kind of state Qiu YiBai was in right now.

What she saw was incredible.

Shen NingXin saw her eyelids drooping down, her brows frowning unhappily, her teeth biting her lips, and the speed she was moving in at 0.5x.

She normally looked so cold and abstinent, but now, she appeared to be like a small and pitiful person who no one loved.

This crybaby was going to be wronged to death!

Shen NingXin was about to be scared to death by her. With her body stiff, she hurriedly took out a tissue from her pocket, her hand trembling as she reached out to wipe Qiu YiBai’s tears.

She had to coax her at the same, saying, “What’s wrong, President Qiu? Be good, President Qiu. Don’t cry anymore, President Qiu.”

It was like that for a long time.

But Qiu YiBai still didn’t say a word.

She was crying really hard and combined with how she was also already tired from walking so long with Shen NingXin on her back, she was almost out of breath at this moment.

Afraid that Qiu YiBai would actually lose her breath, Shen NingXin hurriedly told her that her leg was alright now so she should quickly let her down.

Her tone was evidently gentle.

But for some reason, Qiu YiBai cried even harder when she heard her words. Although she listened and placed her on the ground, she ended up walking to the side a long way away.

As though she was keeping her distance from her.

Shen NingXin was dumbfounded.

She was stunned. Unsure of how she should make her happy, she contemplated. When Shen NingXin raised her eyes, she discovered that this person was also looking at her.

Although it was dark now, the lights on the roadside were bright enough to allow her to see the expression on Qiu YiBai’s face.

It turned out to be of . . . loneliness and unease. Besides looking pitiful, there seemed to be a little guilt in her eyes. She looked uncomfortable.

Just one glance made Shen NingXin’s heart hurt for her.

What exactly was going on?

Shen NingXin was extremely worried, and she stepped forward, ready to ask her.

But before she could move, she saw Qiu YiBai suddenly take out her phone.

Wiping her tears, she moved her fingers and began tapping her phone, her expression upset.

Was she on Weibo?

Shen NingXin paused, then quickly took out her phone, too. After Qiu YiBai finished her tapping, Shen NingXin clicked on Weibo to look.

Shen then discovered such lines—

“I scared Shen NingXin again. I feel guilty. She probably hates me now, she wouldn’t even let me carry her.

It is better for me to walk farther away?”

This was followed by a series of crying expressions.

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For some reason, the moment she saw these words, Shen NingXin felt a terrible pain in her heart all of a sudden.

“. . . . . .”

Qiu YiBai probably was worried about Shen NingXin’s foot, thus, despite the crybaby saying she was going to go ahead, she didn’t go far and kept looking at Shen NingXin from a distance.

As she looked, she cried, tears still falling in big drops, gleaming under the light cast by the street lamps.

She was obviously so old, yet she was still crying like this. Truthfully, it didn’t look weird, but it’d probably make people want to laugh.

But Shen NingXin didn’t think it was funny at this moment; her heart only ached.

This incident . . . at the root of it all, it’s because of her.

Whether it was the nightmare she had or her feeling moved just now, it was because she didn’t explain things clearly that Qiu YiBai cried.

This person was already unhappy today, but she even made her cry.

Shen NingXin felt so guilty at this moment.

She thought, it must be remedied.

With this decision in mind, Shen NingXin took a step forward in the end.

Her lips were opened lightly, and as she walked, she tried to keep her tone to the lightest and gentlest possible, calling her softly, “President Qiu, don’t run anymore. I have something to tell you.”

After finding that she was still walking away, she loudened her voice, telling her, “Don’t overthink it, I don’t hate you at all!”

As soon as her voice fell, Qiu YiBai stopped hiding this time.

The head that had been drooping also lifted, and she raised a brow in disbelief.

As though asking: Is what you said true?

Shen NingXin quickly nodded. “Yes, it’s true. I’m not lying to you.”

After speaking, Qiu YiBai happened to reach the end of the path.

She couldn’t run now!

Shen NingXin shook her head, then opened her mouth and explained to her patiently.

Her tone was light, and everything she said were things Qiu YiBai liked hearing, telling her that everything was just a misunderstanding, that she was in no way wrong, that, in fact, she was a great person, and that she didn’t hate her at all.

Our President Qiu was awesome, how could anybody hate you!

Saying so much, she herself felt a little shy.

But Shen NingXin didn’t have time to think about anything else. Afraid that Qiu YiBai was still misunderstanding, she hurried to observe Qiu YiBai’s expression after speaking.

She soon discovered that Qiu YiBai’s tears actually stopped!

It worked!

Shen NingXin let out a breath of relief and hurriedly chased after the victory, continuing to praise her.

She praised until she was almost exhausted of words, and finally, this person took a step and walked in her direction.

She even asked as she walked, “Are you really telling the truth? Am I that great?”

“You really don’t hate me?”

Shen NingXin quickly nodded. “Yes.”

Qiu YiBai’s eyes lit up.

Shen NingXin added, “You’re amazing, no one would hate you.”

The light in Qiu YiBai’s eyes brightened even further.

Seeing that she looked as though she wanted her to continue speaking, Shen NingXin sighed and could only continue to compliment her, “Our President Qiu is the most beautiful and dashing and is also incredibly capable. To be able to be your subordinate and friend is the greatest honor!”

She said a lot this time, and Qiu YiBai couldn’t react immediately, turning her head to the side as she thought for a while.

An unknown amount of time passed, and just as Shen NingXin began to worry again, Qiu YiBai finally looked up and appeared to be happy.

She probably was a bit embarrassed, smiling shyly.

“. . . . . .”

Seems like she had finally been calmed down.

Shen NingXin quietly let out a breath of relief, then patted her on the back, smiling as she told her, “Let’s go home.”

Seriously, let’s hurry home.

She shook her head, feeling that her heart was tired.

This drunk really needed to go to bed.

Shen NingXin’s foot didn’t hurt that much anymore. Thinking that this person was still drunk, she was really concerned, so she decided to send Qiu YiBai home first.

She escorted this person up the elevator, and until she saw Qiu YiBai stand in front of the security door and unlock it did Shen NingXin finally feel relieved.

After raising her hand and waving goodbye, Shen NingXin turned around and got ready to leave.

But before she could take more than a few steps, she suddenly felt the corners of her clothes being tugged.

Upon turning around, she saw that person standing by the door, blinking her eyes that were reddened from crying as she asked, “You’re not staying?”

She’s starting to cling onto her again!

But no more . . .

Shen NingXin shook her head, about to refuse.

But after learning the lesson from last time, she was afraid that Qiu YiBai would misunderstand her words, so she changed what she originally wanted to say and found the gentlest way to refuse.

“I won’t be staying,” she said, her lips raised into a sincere smile, “There’s something I still have to do at home, and I really can’t get out of it.”

She even added, “President Qiu, have a good rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She had never spoken this gently in all her years of living.

As soon as her voice fell, Qiu YiBai did not misunderstand this time and rather nodded obediently.

But her hand was still holding onto the corner of Shen NingXin’s clothes with no intention of letting go at all.

Shen NingXin and her stared at each other for a while, and after a moment, she had to ask, “Is there anything else, President Qiu?”

After speaking, she didn’t receive any response.

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Qiu YiBai seemed to be thinking of something and suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this, Shen NingXin didn’t feel anxious and continued to look at her patiently.

She waited like this for a long while, and finally, she heard Qiu YiBai speak.

Her expression still held embarrassment, and her voice was much smaller than usual, not fierce at all. Instead, she asked her very lightly, “Then when tomorrow comes, will we still be friends?”

Why did she suddenly ask this?

Shen NingXin was stunned when she heard her words and took a while to come back to her senses. She then hurriedly nodded as she promised her, “Of course we will.”

“President Qiu, rest assured, I won’t go back on my words.”

Her tone sounded firm as she tried to assure her.

After a while, Qiu YiBai finally nodded again and softly said “En”.

Now she could leave, right?

Shen NingXin took a deep breath and was about to turn around.

But before she could make a move, she saw this person slowly walk up.

She moved closer, then even closer, and afterward, raised her hand and suddenly hugged her gently.

She always had a nice smell on her body.

It was probably a light floral fragrance. She couldn’t tell the type or the brand of perfume, but it smelled very pleasant.

Normally, Shen NingXin could smell it if she got even just a little close to her.

Now that there was so little distance between the two, the fragrance directly surged up, flowing into her nose.

It smelled so nice that Shen NingXin even froze for a few seconds.

Before she could return to her senses, she suddenly heard this crybaby, who was hugging her, open her mouth lightly again.

She didn’t sound tearful this time but rather happy and joyful.

She also raised her hand, patting Shen NingXin on the back twice, as though comforting her or even, perhaps, herself.

“Then it’s a promise,” she said, earnestly and attentively, as if she was chanting a spell, “We’re still friends tomorrow.”

How childish.

But Shen NingXin didn’t dislike it. After remaining in silence for some moments, she also reached her hand out and patted Qiu YiBai on the back gently, promising her as though really coaxing a child, “Okay.”

Seeing her promise, Qiu YiBai said, “Then let’s see each other tomorrow.”

“Okay, okay,” Shen NingXin continued to agree.

Either way, she had work tomorrow, so of course, they’d see each other.

It seemed like this person was really drunk, so confused that she even forgot who she was.

As she remarked internally, before she could say anything else, Qiu YiBai suddenly let go of the embrace.

She then slowly smiled, reaching her hand out and looking at it before slowly bringing her pinky over.

She said, “Let’s pinky promise then.”

Shen NingXin felt as though Qiu YiBai was an expert at ruining the atmosphere.

She was quite moved a moment ago, even feeling as though this person’s image in her heart just became much greater.

But before she could even think this way for half a second, she heard this person suddenly say fever.

“. . . . . .”

Well, all the emotions that emerged were now gone.

Shen NingXin sighed, unable to come up with anything to say.

But that person was rather concerned and continued to turn her head to look. She even lightly opened her mouth and asked her, “What’s wrong? Is it serious? Do you need to go to the hospital?”

Quite capable of worrying.

“There’s no need.” Shen NingXin quickly shook her head at her questions. “I’m okay.”

“Really?” Qiu YiBai didn’t believe her, suspicion still present in her eyes.

“Really.” Shen NingXin didn’t bother trying to talk logic with a drunk and answered, “It’s not because of a fever. It’s just . . . you were walking a little too fast just now, and I didn’t hold on tight enough, so I got a little scared.”

She didn’t say the truth, and she was too embarrassed to, so she made a random lie.

It wasn’t very believable, but it was enough for Qiu YiBai.

Although this person looked sober right now, she was actually a drunk mess. Her reaction was much slower than usual, taking a while before understanding what Shen NingXin meant.

She then answered, her voice low and small, assuring her, “I got it, then I’ll slow down . . .”

After speaking, she even slowed down the speed in which she turned her head around.

What’s wrong?

Seeing her like this, Shen NingXin was taken aback for a moment, and a speculation soon formed in her mind.

She couldn’t possibly be . . . upset, right?

As she worried, she suddenly heard this person sniffling quietly, as though trying to do it secretly.

She didn’t use much strength, but it was exceptionally clear in the silent night, making Shen NingXin become involuntarily nervous as the sound reached her ears.

“President Qiu, you . . .” Shen NingXin paused, just about to speak.

But she didn’t manage to. Before she could say more than a few words, she felt Qiu YiBai move suddenly—

She first adjusted her posture and freed up a hand, then gently raised it, her movement slow as she reluctantly wiped her face.

When Qiu YiBai put it back on Shen NingXin’s leg again, the latter instantly felt a coldness.

Cool and wet.

Damn, she was crying!

Shen NingXin was startled, becoming frantic.

“What’s the matter, President Qiu?” Upon realizing, Shen NingXin hurriedly asked, “Are you upset?”

“Is it because of me? Don’t cry, don’t cry, I’ll apologize to you.”

After speaking, Qiu YiBai reacted for a while but did not answer and only shook her head.

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Her tears didn’t stop, still rolling down silently in big drops. She carried Shen NingXin all the way like a running small faucet.

The two of them had left the alley by now and came to a bustling commercial street.

There were many shops on the street, and the decorations were gorgeous. Most of them used glass doors, faintly mirroring the nearby people.

Shen NingXin quickly discovered that, and an idea came to her mind. She hurriedly took the opportunity and turned to the side, wondering what kind of state Qiu YiBai was in right now.

What she saw was incredible.

Shen NingXin saw her eyelids drooping down, her brows frowning unhappily, her teeth biting her lips, and the speed she was moving in at 0.5x.

She normally looked so cold and abstinent, but now, she appeared to be like a small and pitiful person who no one loved.

This crybaby was going to be wronged to death!

Shen NingXin was about to be scared to death by her. With her body stiff, she hurriedly took out a tissue from her pocket, her hand trembling as she reached out to wipe Qiu YiBai’s tears.

She had to coax her at the same, saying, “What’s wrong, President Qiu? Be good, President Qiu. Don’t cry anymore, President Qiu.”

It was like that for a long time.

But Qiu YiBai still didn’t say a word.

She was crying really hard and combined with how she was also already tired from walking so long with Shen NingXin on her back, she was almost out of breath at this moment.

Afraid that Qiu YiBai would actually lose her breath, Shen NingXin hurriedly told her that her leg was alright now so she should quickly let her down.

Her tone was evidently gentle.

But for some reason, Qiu YiBai cried even harder when she heard her words. Although she listened and placed her on the ground, she ended up walking to the side a long way away.

As though she was keeping her distance from her.

Shen NingXin was dumbfounded.

She was stunned. Unsure of how she should make her happy, she contemplated. When Shen NingXin raised her eyes, she discovered that this person was also looking at her.

Although it was dark now, the lights on the roadside were bright enough to allow her to see the expression on Qiu YiBai’s face.

It turned out to be of . . . loneliness and unease. Besides looking pitiful, there seemed to be a little guilt in her eyes. She looked uncomfortable.

Just one glance made Shen NingXin’s heart hurt for her.

What exactly was going on?

Shen NingXin was extremely worried, and she stepped forward, ready to ask her.

But before she could move, she saw Qiu YiBai suddenly take out her phone.

Wiping her tears, she moved her fingers and began tapping her phone, her expression upset.

Was she on Weibo?

Shen NingXin paused, then quickly took out her phone, too. After Qiu YiBai finished her tapping, Shen NingXin clicked on Weibo to look.

Shen then discovered such lines—

“I scared Shen NingXin again. I feel guilty. She probably hates me now, she wouldn’t even let me carry her.

It is better for me to walk farther away?”

This was followed by a series of crying expressions.

For some reason, the moment she saw these words, Shen NingXin felt a terrible pain in her heart all of a sudden.

“. . . . . .”

Qiu YiBai probably was worried about Shen NingXin’s foot, thus, despite the crybaby saying she was going to go ahead, she didn’t go far and kept looking at Shen NingXin from a distance.

As she looked, she cried, tears still falling in big drops, gleaming under the light cast by the street lamps.

She was obviously so old, yet she was still crying like this. Truthfully, it didn’t look weird, but it’d probably make people want to laugh.

But Shen NingXin didn’t think it was funny at this moment; her heart only ached.

This incident . . . at the root of it all, it’s because of her.

Whether it was the nightmare she had or her feeling moved just now, it was because she didn’t explain things clearly that Qiu YiBai cried.

This person was already unhappy today, but she even made her cry.

Shen NingXin felt so guilty at this moment.

She thought, it must be remedied.

With this decision in mind, Shen NingXin took a step forward in the end.

Her lips were opened lightly, and as she walked, she tried to keep her tone to the lightest and gentlest possible, calling her softly, “President Qiu, don’t run anymore. I have something to tell you.”

After finding that she was still walking away, she loudened her voice, telling her, “Don’t overthink it, I don’t hate you at all!”

As soon as her voice fell, Qiu YiBai stopped hiding this time.

The head that had been drooping also lifted, and she raised a brow in disbelief.

As though asking: Is what you said true?

Shen NingXin quickly nodded. “Yes, it’s true. I’m not lying to you.”

After speaking, Qiu YiBai happened to reach the end of the path.

She couldn’t run now!

Shen NingXin shook her head, then opened her mouth and explained to her patiently.

Her tone was light, and everything she said were things Qiu YiBai liked hearing, telling her that everything was just a misunderstanding, that she was in no way wrong, that, in fact, she was a great person, and that she didn’t hate her at all.

Our President Qiu was awesome, how could anybody hate you!

Saying so much, she herself felt a little shy.

But Shen NingXin didn’t have time to think about anything else. Afraid that Qiu YiBai was still misunderstanding, she hurried to observe Qiu YiBai’s expression after speaking.

She soon discovered that Qiu YiBai’s tears actually stopped!

It worked!

Shen NingXin let out a breath of relief and hurriedly chased after the victory, continuing to praise her.

She praised until she was almost exhausted of words, and finally, this person took a step and walked in her direction.

She even asked as she walked, “Are you really telling the truth? Am I that great?”

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“You really don’t hate me?”

Shen NingXin quickly nodded. “Yes.”

Qiu YiBai’s eyes lit up.

Shen NingXin added, “You’re amazing, no one would hate you.”

The light in Qiu YiBai’s eyes brightened even further.

Seeing that she looked as though she wanted her to continue speaking, Shen NingXin sighed and could only continue to compliment her, “Our President Qiu is the most beautiful and dashing and is also incredibly capable. To be able to be your subordinate and friend is the greatest honor!”

She said a lot this time, and Qiu YiBai couldn’t react immediately, turning her head to the side as she thought for a while.

An unknown amount of time passed, and just as Shen NingXin began to worry again, Qiu YiBai finally looked up and appeared to be happy.

She probably was a bit embarrassed, smiling shyly.

“. . . . . .”

Seems like she had finally been calmed down.

Shen NingXin quietly let out a breath of relief, then patted her on the back, smiling as she told her, “Let’s go home.”

Seriously, let’s hurry home.

She shook her head, feeling that her heart was tired.

This drunk really needed to go to bed.

Shen NingXin’s foot didn’t hurt that much anymore. Thinking that this person was still drunk, she was really concerned, so she decided to send Qiu YiBai home first.

She escorted this person up the elevator, and until she saw Qiu YiBai stand in front of the security door and unlock it did Shen NingXin finally feel relieved.

After raising her hand and waving goodbye, Shen NingXin turned around and got ready to leave.

But before she could take more than a few steps, she suddenly felt the corners of her clothes being tugged.

Upon turning around, she saw that person standing by the door, blinking her eyes that were reddened from crying as she asked, “You’re not staying?”

She’s starting to cling onto her again!

But no more . . .

Shen NingXin shook her head, about to refuse.

But after learning the lesson from last time, she was afraid that Qiu YiBai would misunderstand her words, so she changed what she originally wanted to say and found the gentlest way to refuse.

“I won’t be staying,” she said, her lips raised into a sincere smile, “There’s something I still have to do at home, and I really can’t get out of it.”

She even added, “President Qiu, have a good rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She had never spoken this gently in all her years of living.

As soon as her voice fell, Qiu YiBai did not misunderstand this time and rather nodded obediently.

But her hand was still holding onto the corner of Shen NingXin’s clothes with no intention of letting go at all.

Shen NingXin and her stared at each other for a while, and after a moment, she had to ask, “Is there anything else, President Qiu?”

After speaking, she didn’t receive any response.

Qiu YiBai seemed to be thinking of something and suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this, Shen NingXin didn’t feel anxious and continued to look at her patiently.

She waited like this for a long while, and finally, she heard Qiu YiBai speak.

Her expression still held embarrassment, and her voice was much smaller than usual, not fierce at all. Instead, she asked her very lightly, “Then when tomorrow comes, will we still be friends?”

Why did she suddenly ask this?

Shen NingXin was stunned when she heard her words and took a while to come back to her senses. She then hurriedly nodded as she promised her, “Of course we will.”

“President Qiu, rest assured, I won’t go back on my words.”

Her tone sounded firm as she tried to assure her.

After a while, Qiu YiBai finally nodded again and softly said “En”.

Now she could leave, right?

Shen NingXin took a deep breath and was about to turn around.

But before she could make a move, she saw this person slowly walk up.

She moved closer, then even closer, and afterward, raised her hand and suddenly hugged her gently.

She always had a nice smell on her body.

It was probably a light floral fragrance. She couldn’t tell the type or the brand of perfume, but it smelled very pleasant.

Normally, Shen NingXin could smell it if she got even just a little close to her.

Now that there was so little distance between the two, the fragrance directly surged up, flowing into her nose.

It smelled so nice that Shen NingXin even froze for a few seconds.

Before she could return to her senses, she suddenly heard this crybaby, who was hugging her, open her mouth lightly again.

She didn’t sound tearful this time but rather happy and joyful.

She also raised her hand, patting Shen NingXin on the back twice, as though comforting her or even, perhaps, herself.

“Then it’s a promise,” she said, earnestly and attentively, as if she was chanting a spell, “We’re still friends tomorrow.”

How childish.

But Shen NingXin didn’t dislike it. After remaining in silence for some moments, she also reached her hand out and patted Qiu YiBai on the back gently, promising her as though really coaxing a child, “Okay.”

Seeing her promise, Qiu YiBai said, “Then let’s see each other tomorrow.”

“Okay, okay,” Shen NingXin continued to agree.

Either way, she had work tomorrow, so of course, they’d see each other.

It seemed like this person was really drunk, so confused that she even forgot who she was.

As she remarked internally, before she could say anything else, Qiu YiBai suddenly let go of the embrace.

She then slowly smiled, reaching her hand out and looking at it before slowly bringing her pinky over.

She said, “Let’s pinky promise then.”

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