Chapter 117: Open your eyes

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The clouds above were stained a rosy red. The monster’s entire body was ignited into a raging inferno. Countless burning black scales rained down onto the ground, hitting roofs, posing danger to precious lives and research materials. Song Qingshi immediately opened the fire barrier, sheltering the research institute and library beneath it. He had all the doctors and valley servants come in for protection. 

The monster saw fire barrier made from Song Qingshi’s fires. Detecting his presence, he charged madly towards him.

Huge red vine stretched from out the ground, splitting it. They rushed into the air, twining around the monster’s attacks. They then wove innumerable red nets within the Red Lotus Fire, creating another protective screen for the laboratories and mice breeding centers, turning all these important places into huge spheres of vines.



Song Qingshi, holding onto the long sword made of the golden lights of merit, stepped on the Red Lotus, and heedless of everything else, flew towards Yue Wuhuan.

The monster felt the power of the golden lights of merit and sunk into further madness. Sharp blades of black demonic energy once again emerged from his body. It was going to remove this danger. Yue Wuhuan’s sword as well as all his magical artifacts have already been destroyed in the battle. The Phoenix fire on his body grew even brighter, turning into nine long whips and countless whip reflections, which were constantly being scattered before the materializing sharp blades. 

The black demonic energy gathered and dispersed, gathered and dispersed.


The Blood King Vines tightened around the monster, shattering his scales, digging into his flesh, constantly gobbling up the power inside.

Threads of demonic energy invaded Yue Wuhuan’s body, penetrating into his soul and bringing back countless dark memories.

His unbearable pasts, those nauseating matters, those foul obscenities, those painful partings, repeatedly flashed in front of his eyes…


The stench in the air became stronger, making it difficult to breathe.

He could no longer contain the hatred in his heart. He could not control his spirit from crumbling. These dark golden phoenix eyes revealed the redness of slaughter. The roaring Phoenix flames re-ignited… gradually spreading, covering the entire sky. These were flames that could burn one’s very soul. He wanted to burn this filthy world, burn himself, and let everything return to nothingness.

Song Qingshi shouted, “Wuhuan! Stop!”

His flawless flames were stained with black. Yue Wuhuan’s heart was filled with chaos. He couldn’t hear his voice anymore. 

Song Qingshi finally stopped in front of him. He tried to purify the ever increasing filth from his flames; he tried to wake him.

The monster in the sky condensed countless black blades. Hiding the sky and covering the earth, the blades rushed to pierce the two of them.

The twin black and red lotus flowers in Song Qingshi’s body bloomed to form a double enchantment, covering the both of them.

But, his cultivation level was much too far from the monster’s. 

The lotus flowers quickly withered, destroyed under the cleaving of the sharp blades.

The monster, bringing the sharp blades with him, instantly charged towards them.

If Yue Wuhuan dies, the Phoenix flames would go out of control, enveloping the entire world, and burning down everything.

Song Qingshi said desperately, “General An! Don’t do things that you’ll regret!” 

The blood-red vertical pupils moved slightly. After the monster heard this name, the suppressed consciousness in his body struggled once again. He showed a pained expression, and the blades’ offensive gradually slowed…

“General An, quickly wake up.” Song Qingshi kept begging, “This isn’t your real form.”


He sacrificed all the golden lights of the merit remaining in his body. In bits and pieces, they all twined around An Long’s claws, and the foul demonic energy that bound them fell off a little, revealing two lustrous and dazzling black dragon scales. He wanted to give even more merit to peel off this horrendous appearance and reveal the proud black dragon underneath. He wanted to help him regain his reason.

But having gone through a thousand reincarnations, he had already exhausted the great majority of the merits that he had accumulated. Now, he had nothing… 

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After the real dragon scales were exposed, An Long stopped his attack. He raised his head, looked at his hideous appearance and let out a wrathful roar, tearing madly at his own body.

The clear dragon roar rushed straight into the sky, shaking both heaven and earth.

Yue Wuhuan was awakened by the dragon’s roar. He saw the situation clearly, and quickly took over the sword of merit in Song Qingshi’s hand. He used the Phoenix flames to break open the armor of filth, tearing open the thick scales. Finally, he plunged the golden long sword into the dragon’s heart blackened by demonic energy, taking out the black demon core from inside.

The golden long sword disappeared into the demon core, which then shattered. The pure and virtuous power emitted a soft purifying light, dispelling all the darkness. 

The blackened heart gradually recovered its bright red color and the distorted body slowly dissipated amidst the golden light. In the end, everything turned into black clouds and mist, gradually disappearing between heaven and earth.

The mist scattered, and what appeared before them was the soul of a bright, handsome general clad in black armor. He had a determined appearance and a resolute frame. He was brave and skilled at fighting, dignified and proud, towering like a giant in mid-air.

This was how An Long truly looked like.

He smiled towards Song Qingshi, “Thankfully, I didn’t commit the same grave mistake for a third time.” 

Yue Wuhuan looked at this familiar soul and even more pain struck his sea of consciousness. He knew that he should be remembering something very important.

An Long’s soul began to fade away. Before disappearing completely, he stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Yue Wuhuan’s shoulder. Looking at those eyes, the eyes of one who has lost himself through the many painful cycles of reincarnation, he finally implored,

“Come back, brother.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf atecvfg yfujc ab kfjxfc yea atf vjgx mibevr tjv sfa ab vlrqfgrf jcv atf rxs kjr ralii uibbws.

Mbg j ibcu alwf, Tef Qetejc pera rajgfv ja atf qijmf ktfgf Cc Obcu tjv vlrjqqfjgfv. Lf atfc ifa Vbcu Hlcurtl tbiv tlr tjcv jcv qeii lc jybjgv atf wjulm rtlq, gfaegclcu ab atf Pcfzalcuelrtjyif Ufjx.

The battle was still raging and the fight was still on-going.

The beauty of the Inextinguishable Peak has long been ruined. The ground was rend with deep cracks. The mountain peaks have collapsed. Fallen rocks lay everywhere. The trees have been burned down. The people were plunged into an abyss of misery and blood flowed like rivers. Everywhere, people were killing each other and everywhere, were scenes of ugliness… 

Song Qingshi brought him to the highest spot on the Inextinguishable Peak.

The smelly wind blew over. Yue Wuhuan closed his eyes and covered his nose. Breathing became even more uncomfortable.


“Wuhuan, don’t resist.” Song Qingshi grabbed his hand and stopped his movements, begging, “Open your eyes and take a closer look at the world…”

One thousand three hundred and fifty reincarnations, failure after failure. 

He will never let go of this hand…

Yue Wuhuan felt Song Qingshi’s determination. He finally opened his eyes and slowly released his spiritual thoughts, attaching it to countless birds. They flew in all directions, trying to touch this world.


Below a cliff on Inextinguishable Peak. 

The golden peacock was bruised and riddled with scars. All its beautiful tail feathers had been burned away. He was at his last gasp.

“Why?” Bai Zihao used the Snow and Ice formation to block all the attacks. His spiritual and physical strength had long been exhausted. He swayed as he walked. He knew how much Kong Muhua cared about his beautiful feathers and appearance. When he walked, he would constantly look at his reflection in the mirror. He would be brought to a halt whenever he saw his reflection in the water. He would cry for three whole days after losing a single feather. But, now, in order to shield him, Kong Muhua’s body was covered with wounds, not a single spot remained intact. And yet, he did not complain.

Kong Muhua whispered, “I told you. I like you.”

Bai Zihao said, “But, I’ve bullied you; many, many times…” 

Kong Muhua smiled. “I know, you like me.”

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Bai Zihao felt his eyes turn wet. He held back and said, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t cry,” With much difficulty, Kong Muhua raised his hand and wiped away his tears. “When we first met, you were always crying. You were always sad and scared. I didn’t like it… So, I wanted to tease you into being happy, tease you into being angry and make you forget all those unhappy things and not make you feel wronged…”

He has never like anyone. Nor has he ever pursued anyone. What’s more, he didn’t understand human conventions. He was willful and reckless, he made a lot of messes. 

He was probably about to be dumped again…

“I’m not beautiful anymore, and my tail feathers are gone,” Kong Muhua looked at his scorched tail feathers, losing confidence for the first time in his life. He tried to convince Bai Zihao, “Although I don’t have the right to court you anymore, you — don’t fall for that Dapeng. He’s no good. He’s very rough. Don’t fall for Bifang either, that wooden bird. He’s so boring. Wait for me for a couple of hundred years. My tail will grow out, I…”

Bai Zihao lowered his head, kissed his lips, and asked seriously, “I don’t have any tail feathers that I can turn into fan but can I ask you to be my spouse?”

Kong Muhua was stunned and it took him a long time to react. He then said eagerly, “Okay, I’ll be your wife.” 

Bai Zihao corrected, “It’s called a ‘Daoist companion’.”

“But bridal dresses are so beautiful. I want to wear one.”


“Then, wear one…”

“Can I embroider it myself?” 

“How did you suddenly become so energetic? Weren’t you seriously injured?”

“My tail is gone. It’s made a very deep wound in my heart…”

“You bastard…”

“You said it already! You can’t go back on your word!” 

Bai Zihao hugged the golden peacock tightly. He no longer envied the god. He too had someone in this world who was unwilling to see him sad.


The Northern Region, within the rebel army.

The cultivators were discussing how to attack the Inextinguishable Peak and kill the god and his followers. 

Ma Xianjun said mockingly, “Here, I thought the god was pure and uncontaminated by evil. Turns out he was nothing but a cut-sleeve. Just recently, he and the Medicine King Xianzun have become Daoist companions. Tsk, I heard that every year the Inextinguishable Peak would grant a lot of money to the Medicine King’s Valley to do research. The Medicine King Xianzun probably bargained for it with his body. I have no idea how beautiful he must be. When we take over the Inextinguishable Peak, we must…”

A hand suddenly clamped around his throat and he couldn’t speak.

Sitting at the rebel army’s seat of honor, Cui Xianzun had a perverse disposition. He was a demonic cultivator who was quick to anger. It was said that a few thousand years ago, he had been framed by his fellow disciples. His family was torn apart and his heart besieged by heart demons. Later, he came by a lucky chance and rebuilt using the demonic way. He stabbed his enemies to death and established the You Hun Sect. Now, his cultivation base has reached He Ti. He detested the Inextinguishable Peak and the tyranny of the god. Thus, he agreed to join their army, becoming one of their strongest forces.

Now, he had his hand around the neck of Ma Xianjun, this boot-licker. He asked in a low voice, “Why don’t I know this?… Shenjun’s Daoist companion is the Medicine King Xianzun? Is it Song Qingshi?” 

Ma Xianjun struggled and nodded.

Cui Xianzun snapped his neck in ager. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

All the cultivators were shocked and puzzled.

“Back then, I had been entangled by heart demons. I had not even a single spirit stone to my name and I had nowhere to turn to. It was the Medicine King Xianzun who gave me the Wang Chen Pill to help me get through the tribulations of the heart demon and allowed me to return to power. This great favor has been engraved into my heart. It is something I dare not forget.” Cui Xianzun revealed a terrifying smile. “Today, I have unexpectedly been given a great opportunity. Since you are all out to seize the Medicine King’s Valley and kill the Medicine King Xianzun; Hehe, I will use your heads to serve as my gift to pay back this debt of gratitude.” 

He brandished the banner to attract the departed spirits and the vengeful spirits assembled, spirits a wailing and souls a howling.

The disciple of the You Hun sect heeded his command and quickly followed.

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The big sects were caught off guard, and men and horses were thrown off their feet.

Cui Xianzun laughed heartily. By fair means or foul, he obliterated the rebel lineup. 

Charcoal inadvertently given in snowy weather, was today, returned double with thanks.


At the foot of the mountains of the Heaven Martial Sect, young sword cultivators formed themselves in ranks to stop the rebel forces of Lingxin City.

The city lord of Lingxin City was irritable by nature. His beloved daughter was suffering from demonization and they were delaying time with Bodhi bark. He was anxious and he brought the cultivators of Lingxin City to hurry to the Inextinguishable Peak, to join up with the forces who sought to overthrow the god. Seeing this group of reckless sword cultivators blocking their way, he cursed, “Have you all gone crazy? It is the Inextinguishable Peak that has caused the demonization! Only by killing the god will these symptoms disappear!” 

Yuwen Yu stood with his sword. “It was not made by the god!”

Lingxin City’s lord said furiously, “It was after the dark period that the Foul Demons were born! Who else could it be if not him?!”

Yu Wenyu insisted, “It was not made by the god!”

Lingxin City’s city lord cursed again. “You ignorant little brats. Get away from here!” 

Yuwen Yu wasn’t good with words. He didn’t know how to argue but would not retreat by even half a step. “It was not made by the god!”

Lingxin City’s city lord sneered, “Little Heaven Martial Sect, do you want to fight against Lingxin City? Call your elders to come out!”

“There is no need to call for us.” Yuwen Yan brought the sect’s elders and sword cultivators to defend. He said coldly, “His father is here.”

Lingxin City’s city lord suppressed his anger and said arrogantly, “Now, the Inextinguishable Peak is the enemy of the entire world. If Heaven Martial Sect wishes to protect it, then I will level these seven peaks!” 

Behind him were the more than ten thousand cultivators of Lingxin City. Heaven Martial Sect had no more than a thousand people.

Yuwen Yu walked to his father and said, aggrieved, “Father…”

“We are sword cultivators. The sword we wield must have the courage to persist in our beliefs and to face strong enemies.” Yuwen Yan rubbed his hair and said softly, “Yu’er, you are doing well. If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you will neglect the truth, you will bend your knees and go over to the enemy. You will be unworthy of the sword in your hand.”

The city lord’s face turned ugly. 

Yu Wenyan drew out his long sword, and said angrily, “Sword cultivators of Heaven Martial Sect! Draw your swords! Get into position!”

A thousand swords were unsheathed, glittering like snow and frost, steaming with killing aura.


Yuwen Yan stood at the forefront of the sword formation, and said word by word, “It was not made by the god!”

All the sword cultivators let out a thunderous cry, passing into the ears and into the hearts of every cultivator of Lingxin City, “It was not made by the god!” 

This was the truth that they placed their unwavering belief in.

How was a mantis supposed to obstruct a chariot?!

Sword cultivators, draw your swords. We shall fight to the end!


Xian Ling Island, most of the female cultivators were already suffering from demonization and they were barely able to hold on using the Bodhi bark.

Lady Nian’s body is already covered with criss-crossing black streaks. She sat quietly under the shade of a tree, looking at the azure sea, waiting for the end…

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She had once been nothing but a little beggar orphan by the side of the road. It had been Yan Yuan Xianjun who brought her back to the Red Dragon Sect, took care of her carefully, and taught her various formations and immortal skills. Later, Yan Yuan Xianjun realized that his life was about to end and sent her to Xian Ling Island. Madam Ling Miao had been a gentle woman. She comforted her, this girl who often cried because of homesickness. She would use formations to make animals to amuse her into smiling and she would always praise her for being smart…

She was very unfortunate to have lost her parents so early. 

She was very fortunate to have met so many good people in her life and to have gained immeasurable kindness.

This was why she was willing to pass on this kindness, to help equally unfortunate children and let them receive new blessings.

Lady Nian looked at the dark spots on her hands and sobbed softly.

A four-year-old girl ran over. Her body too was covered with signs of demonization. She opened her eyes wide and asked curiously, “Lady Nian, what are you doing?” 

Lady Nian wiped away her tears and smiled, “Duo Duo, why are you here?”

Duo Duo said, feeling wronged, “My sisters say that Duo Duo is about to die. But Duo Duo doesn’t understand, what is ‘die’?”

Lady Nian looked at the innocent child, and felt her eyes go red again.

Duo Duo climbed onto her lap. “Lady Nian, why is Duo Duo going to die?” 

Lady Nian whispered, “Because… we want more children like Duo Duo… to survive.”

Duo Duo thought for a long time. She didn’t quite understand but she nodded sensibly, “That must be a very good thing.”


Lady Nian took her into her arms and restrained her tears.

“Don’t cry. Duo Duo isn’t afraid of dying.” 

“I’m sorry……”

“Duo Duo lied. Duo Duo is still a little bit scared. Duo Duo isn’t brave enough.”

“I’m sorry……”

“Duo Duo wants to hold hands. If we hold hands Duo Duo won’t be afraid anymore…” 

“Okay, I’ll hold your hand and we’ll walk together.”


For three days and three nights, the birds flew over the high mountain peaks. They flew to all corners of the world. They witnessed so many joys and sorrows, and saw so many stories…

Morning bells and evening drums; eight streets and nine paths; humanity in hundreds of forms. 

He saw many shameless beasts; he saw countless fools who were deceived. But he saw even more people struggling in desperate situations, unwilling to give up on the ones they loved. They helped each other, came to each other’s rescue. They lived together and died together; remaining loyal by their sides.

He saw people who abided by their promises, people who were determined and steadfast, people who were compassionate…

All beings were trapped in darkness, struggling to seek out the light.

Just where was the real god? 

Yue Wuhuan silently watched this world.

Song Qingshi stood behind him. Carrying with him all hope, he softly prayed,

“Wuhuan, this world is not so unbearable…”

So, come back… 

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