Chapter 12: Acupuncture Treatment

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A too good memory was not a good thing. 

This just meant that he could clearly remember every injury, every nightmare, to torment himself over and over again.

At night, the Peaceful Soul Fragrance couldn’t suppress the pain in his heart. In his dreams, he returned to the Golden Phoenix Mountain Manor and fell into the golden bird cage.



The Acacia Seal on his back would burn faintly and his body would be unable to move. He would be forced to sit on the ground, watching the youths who were made to accompany the guests, performing ridiculous dramas one after another.

In this unbearably filthy world even the air was too dirty to breathe… 

Desire was forcibly incited and he was wantonly played with.


So dirty, so disgusting.

Yue Wuhuan curled up in despair, trying to escape from those hands that were reaching out towards him. He wanted to cut off every inch of skin that had been touched. His entire body was filthy. He was battered and exhausted. He couldn’t breathe. He died again and again. Every time he woke up, he would still be in the cage, made to repeat the nightmare from the last time until he lost his mind, gave up struggling and let his body be completely destroyed. .

Suddenly, the Red Lotus Fire burned down the cage and the clear medicinal incense washed away the dirty odor.


He realized that the clamoring voices around him had faded away and he opened his eyes carefully. What appeared before him was a youth wearing a snow-white robe.

There was no dirty smell on the youth’s body, no filthy desire in his eyes. He stretched out his hand from the overlapping cuffs. Even his fingertips had a clean breath of white snow.

Yue Wuhuan thought for a long time before he realized that this outstretched hand was for himself.

With a thread of longing, he wanted to touch the cleanest existence in the world. He had just raised his hand and the red marks on his wrist and the dirt on his palm came into view. He quickly retracted his dirty hand and wanted to hide it behind him but then he saw on his body, traces of when he accompanied guests. There was no clean place on his body. 

“Don’t touch me, it will dirty your hands…”

“Don’t look at me, it will defile your eyes…”

“Don’t save me, just kill me…”

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He was so terrified that he kept backing away until he was hidden in the darkness, his body could no longer be seen. 

The young man approached stubbornly, reaching out his hand again and again, until he stepped into the darkness, forcing him to retreat until he had nowhere to retreat farther. Finally, the young man took off his clean snow robe, put it on him, and embraced him, treating him as if he were the most precious treasure, removing his shackles one by one, and wiping the stains from his body little by little.

His earnest eyes reflected his entre figure. The clear scent twined around the tip of his nose. His soft fingers were like little sparks, igniting the fire of his desire. His heart was sinking. He was losing his reason. He was transforming into a terrible monster, wanting to possess, wanting to eat up the young man to keep him with him forever.

He wanted to defile his body like crazy…

He wanted to greedily pollute this cleanliness… 

He wanted to requite kindness with enmity…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yue Wuhuan gasped and abruptly pushed away the young man’s gentleness. He knew that he could no longer get close to him.


Ktf ybs cbalmfv tlr ybvs’r fwyjggjrrlcu gfjmalbc, atbeuta jybea la jcv qijmfv j gfv rqlgla yfjv bcab tlr qjiw.

Ktf rqlgla yfjv fwlaafv j yegclcu rfcrjalbc. Pa obiibkfv atf wbnfwfca bo tlr atbeutar, obiibklcu tlr tfjga. 

Tef Qetejc ofia atf Cmjmlj Vfji bc tlr yjmx delmxis vlrrlqjalcu. Ktf rtjmxifr bc tlr ybvs kfgf mbwqifafis ecvbcf. Lbkfnfg, tlr vfrlgf yfujc ab wjvis rqgfjv bea.

Following his desire, the young man slowly took off his inner garments. He took off his white jade crown, letting fine, soft long hair spread out. A gorgeous and enchanting red seal quickly appeared on his fair and clear skin. His cold breath was invaded by desire. Like a holy deity walking into the sacrificial altar of hell, falling into the arms of the devil, he said in the clearest voice what he wanted to hear:

“You can dirty me.”

“You can do anything to me.” 

“I will give you everything you want.”

“Including me.”


All the delusions in his heart turned into reality. 

The devil could no longer maintain his rationality. Bit by bit, he occupied every inch of territory and bit by bit, he encroached upon every breath.

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Yue Wuhuan opened his eyes, gasping for breath. There was  a sweet cloying scent mixed with the herbal scents lingering in his nose. He suddenly realized something, and slowly turned his head. He suddenly saw Song Qingshi leaning over his bedside, holding a luminous bead in his hand. Eyes sparkling from the illumination of the luminous bead stared at him, as thought excitedly anticipating something. 

He stared blankly for a long time, then slowly closed his eyes, suspecting that he wasn’t fully awake yet.

“Don’t sleep!” Song Qingshi quickly cut off his plan. “Wake up!”

Yue Wuhuan finally woke up. Voice hoarse, he asked hesitantly, “Master, why are you here?”

“Wuhuan, listen to me!” Song Qingshi happily reported, “I finally found a way to alleviate the side effects of the Six Meridian Rejuvenation Decoction! So I came to call you first thing this morning! Quick, get up! Let’s do your treatment!” 

Yue Wuhuan looked blankly at the sky outside the window. There was barely a sliver of dawn on the horizon.

It should be around four in the morning, right?


Song Qingshi has finally solved a difficult problem that has been troubling him for many days. He was feeling unburdened and refreshed. He felt like a fan whose team had just won the World Championship Cup. It was getting to his head and wanted to talk to anyone he saw. In the entire Medicine King’s Valley, the person who understood his thoughts and the source of happiness best was Yue Wuhuan. And so he did his best to endure until morning before coming to take him into custody. “Hurry up, hurry up!”

“Okay,” Yue Wuhuan smiled. Suddenly, he realized something and stopped lifting up the quilt. He whispered, “Master, please go out first and wait. I will change my clothes first and then go out.” 

Song Qingshi finally realized that he had done something not quite right. In the past, many experiments in the research institute needed 24 hour monitoring. He and the seniors would arrange shifts. Going to someone’s dormitory to wake them up in the middle of the night was a common occurrence. He completely forgot that although the protagonist shou was a man, his sexual preference was also a man. He should avoid rousing suspicious. Him running into people’s bedroom like this as he pleased seemed a bit like a night attack.

Yue Wuhuan had psychological issues. He’ll be done for if he misunderstood…

Thinking of this, Song Qingshi immediately corrected his words and deeds. In the manner of a perfect gentleman, he turned and went out the door.

Yue Wuhuan let out a long sigh of relief. He lifted off the quilt and looked with disgust at the traces of the release of his desire. However, the beautiful scenery in his dream appeared in front of him. Thinking of the young man who beseeched him in the dream, he couldn’t help bowing at the waist once again. He tried desperately to restrain his undesirable thoughts so as not to stain the white sheet. 

He was so dirty…

Song Qingshi waited anxiously outside the door for a long time. Finally, Yue Wuhuan finished freshening up and emerged from the room, dressed neatly and tidily. He checked to make sure that the other looked as usual and didn’t appear to take offence at his own rashness. He immediately let go of his worries and happily dragged the other straight to the treatment room.

In the treatment room, there are two boxes full of gold needles used for acupuncture. 

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In Chinese medicine there was a way to use acupuncture as anesthesia. However, it was only as local anesthesia and the effect varied from person to person. It also couldn’t completely ease the pain. It was far less convenient and effective than Western anesthesia. It didn’t receive a lot of acceptance from the patients, so it was generally only used in extremely special circumstances. .

Song Qingshi suddenly realized from the memory of the original body that this world had special meridians and Dantians, which could increase the effectiveness of acupuncture and moxibustion many times over. He could also put in spiritual energy while the golden needles were pierced into the acupoints to achieve fine control of local anesthesia. .

He instantly opened the door to a whole new world. He experimented several times with his own body, and determined that he could use acupuncture to focus the range of the anesthesia to only the blockages in Yue Wuhuan’s meridians. He could reduce the pain by 50% without affecting the curative effect. He could bring down the pain caused by the Six Meridian Rejuvenation Decoction to a level that could be tolerated by the human body.

Song Qingshi stumbled over the explanation for a long time and finally managed to straighten out the principle to Yue Wuhuan. “I will use more than two hundred golden needles to pierce your whole body. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. You will just feel a bit numb and itchy. And then you’ll take the medicated bath. After successfully clearing your meridians, I will take out the needles and use medicine to reconstruct your Dantian.” 

Yue Wuhuan looked at him and was silent for a long time.

“Although you will need to undress for the acupuncture treatment and there may be physical contact, but I am a doctor. A doctor’s eyes sees no gender, only a patient!” Song Qingshi thought for a while and felt that the other might have some misgivings. He vowed, “You don’t need to be on guard. I promise that I won’t have any strange thoughts about you or do any strange things!”

He, however, had some strange thoughts…

Yue Wuhuan stared dazedly at his pale pink lips. Remembering the scene in his dream, his throat went a little tight. He took a deep breath, forced down those undesirable thoughts and slowly undid his belt. He said softly, “If it’s you…you can touch…” 

The wound on the shoulder was now only a faint scar. The pale honey-colored, warm jade-like skin carried with it a sweet scent that you couldn’t tell whether it was really there or not. His shoulder blades were spread out like a butterfly and the Acacia Seal become the extravagantly gorgeous lines on the butterfly’s wings. His thin waist carried with it contours of strength. This body was too perfect. It could provoke people’s desires at any time.

Song Qingshi thought for a while and felt that he should not overestimate the resistance of human beings to beautiful things. He found a bath towel to wrap around him. He then calmed down and used his mental probe to determined the location of the needles, piercing it one by one.


“Do you feel anything?”

“I do.” 

“How does it feel?”

“Tingling, bloated, itchy…”

Song Qingshi made sure that the needles were placed correctly. Relieved, he continued to pierce his skin with needles one by one.

When he moved to pierce his back, he suddenly found a red birthmark on Yue Wuhuan’s shoulder blade. It was shaped like a small phoenix. Because it was covered by the Acacia Seal and mixed together, it was not very conspicuous. 

He stopped the needle and observed it for a long time. He couldn’t help saying, “You have a beautiful birthmark.”

“It was inherited from my mother.” Events from his childhood were evoked in Yue Wuhuan’s mind and his nervousness faded by a lot. “She was a dancer in the palace, from overseas, with red hair and golden eyes. She was made concubine the moment my father laid eyes on her. A lot of my appearance took after her.”

“You’re mixed-blood? Your mother must be very beautiful,” Song Qingshi felt him relax and tried to continue talking. “Black and wavy hair are both dominant genes. Your black eyes are not pure black but dark coloration is disproportionately passed on so it has become more like a dark gold like amber. There is another name for your eyes — Angel Eyes…”

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Yue Wuhuan didn’t understand the latter half of what he said. “My mother…is really beautiful…” 

“What kind of person is she?”

“A very gentle person, everyone in the palace likes her.”

“Do you want to go back to see her?” Song Qingshi felt that seeing his family again would help him in his mental recovery, “I can send you back.”

Yue Wuhuan’s voice suddenly stopped. After a long time, he said with difficulty, “No, she has passed away.” 

Song Qingshi’s hand holding the needle stopped in midair. He realized that he had overturned the car once again.

“When they…heard that my mother looked a lot like me, they got an idea in their head and wanted to capture her and make her into a slave.” Yue Wuhuan’s voice lost all emotions. He was used to the pain and he said numbly, “In order to save my mother, I compromised and did a lot of things I wasn’t willing to but… they still went. Fortunately, my country was destroyed a few years ago. My father and my brother, the crown prince, died in battle. My mother accompanied the queen to commit suicide on the Phoenix Terrace. Now, I’m so glad that they all died cleanly, without being humiliated and without seeing me like this…”

Song Qing’s heart was about to melt. He couldn’t comfort such pain. He just wanted to give the person in front of him a hug.

He had just stretched out his hand and then thought for a bit. His fingertips had just brushed his shoulder when he took it back. He remembered that the other party hated being touched and wouldn’t be happy. 

He lowered his head, picked up the golden needle once again and told himself that everything would be fine.

Yue Wuhuan noticed the movement behind him and turned his head. He suddenly saw Song Qingshi’s neckline inadvertedly reveal a little red mark.


He opened his eyes wide in disbelief. He thought of something he shouldn’t have and acting without thinking, he stretched out his hand and violently pulled open the collar.

Underneath snow-colored robe, around the collarbone was a mottled swath of dark red spots. It was particularly eye-catching reflected on the white jade-like skin. The scene gradually overlapped with his crazy and unbearable dream last night. 

The young man didn’t struggle and obediently sat in place. He looked at him with confused eyes as though he didn’t understand what he was all agitated about.

His breathing was turning rapid and he couldn’t quite suppress his dirty longing.

“What is this?”

The author has something to say: 

Song Qingshi’s analysis: Yue Wuhuan is the shou. I have no interest in these things so it is very safe for us to live together!

Yue Wuhuan hid his big bad wolf’s tail and smiled: What you said is right.

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