Chapter 120 Extras: Small Fragments, No regrets in this life.

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Many, many years ago, when a newly formed small world of cultivation broke away from the World Tree, there were some mishaps.  It was tainted with demonic aura and Underworld Fire emerged from the bottom of Mt. Song. It came pouring out, slaughtering cities and destroying villages, almost ruining this new world.

The emperor randomly selected a blue stone. He then poured into it the spiritual energy of various worlds and placed it in the pill furnace. He refined it using the Red Lotus Fire for many, many, many days. It was transformed into white stone which he used to block the crack from where the Underworld Fire spewed forth.



The Phoenix god’s name was Yue Wuhuan. He had elegant tastes and his hobby was collecting beautiful gems and stones from various worlds.

That day, when Yue Wuhuan was ordered by the Celestial Emperor to place this stone, he suddenly found… this stone was very beautifully refined. It was flawless white, with a flowing halo of spiritual energy. The feel of it was warmer than any jade and it had the power to calm the mind. 

The more he looked at it, the more he liked. He liked it so very much. He wanted to put this stone back into his nest and put it by his bedside to look at every day.


However, the disaster caused by the Underworld Fire was continuing unabated. Yue Wuhuan restrained his desire to collect and placed the stone in the land of Song, blocking the crack, absorbing and suppressing the Underworld Fire.

The Celestial Emperor knew that he liked stones and tried to re-refine the same stone several times. However, he didn’t know why, but the stones he refined were always too deliberate and there were always some imperfections.

Yue Wuhuan regretted it even more.


The Celestial Emperor made a promise. After the matter with the Underworld Fire was resolved, he would give this beautiful stone to Yue Wuhuan.

The Underworld Fire wouldn’t go out for at least hundreds of millions of years.

The Celestial Emperor quickly put this matter behind him.

Wuhuan waited patiently. Every few hundred years, he would fly to the land of Song and secretly to look at this prized item of his collection. In passing, he would clean away the dead branches and moss on it, wiping it to look beautiful. 

Many legends about the stone slowly appeared in the land of Song.  It was said that the stone where the phoenix landed was once an immortal who had been stranded in the court of the Celestial Emperor. Because his love had made a mistake, he was turned into a stone. The phoenix was heart-broken and so came to see him.

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There were many versions of the legend; such as the story of the handsome young man who peeked at the celestial phoenix while she was bathing; the story of the affectionate couple beaten in the court of the Celestial Emperor; the story of the stone gazing out for his wife…

In short, everyone believed that this beautiful stone was transformed from an immortal. They often burned incense and bowed to it in worship. Later, they even built a temple around it.

The power of merit and belief grew stronger and stronger. Finally, after the Underworld Fire had been completely absorbed, the stone ascended towards the heavens and becomes a handsome young man… 

The Celestial Emperor was dumbfounded…

At the time, Yue Wuhuan had been busy inside the World Tree. After he came out, he found that the Underworld Fires in the land of Song had gone out. He happily went to look for the Celestial Emperor to ask for his stone. As a result, he hadn’t even gotten through the door when he heard the gods talking about the newly ascended Qingshi Shenjun.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The Celestial Emperor finally remembered the promise he had made. Embarrassed, he apologized to him and explained the whole story. 

Ktf Utbfclz ofia ilxf tf’v yffc tla klat j ybia ogbw atf yief…

Llr qglhfv rabcf ktlmt tf’v yffc kjlalcu obg obg wliilbcr eqbc wliilbcr bo sfjgr tjv ugbkc ifur jcv gjc jkjs bc lar bkc?


Lf tjv ab ub jcv ajxf j ibbx…

Ktlr ‘j’ ibbx ijrafv obg bnfg afc atberjcv sfjgr. 

Qingshi Shenjun looked really good. His temperament was like that of stone, clean and pure. Everything matched his aesthetic. His serious expression looked well-behaved and cute. He still wanted to take this stone back to his nest and put it…on…put it on his bed…

But, how could he take a stone without a heart?

And so, he waited patiently.


Yue Wuhuan had suffered a lot in the small world.

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However, he had already let go of his hatred from there. After waking up, he confirmed that the defiled body was only a fake created by the demons. After returning to his real body, it was like coming out of a virtual game. The feeling of having personally experienced it grew much weaker. He felt much better. On top of that, he has already lived for so many years, his soul was unusually powerful. His various memories and experiences were more numerous than the stars in the vast and powerful sea of stars. Although a drop of unclean water melting in was a bit disgusting, it wouldn’t make a big wave.

Using this as a pretext, he used it to confirm his weakness. He wanted to overcome it so that the demons would never again have a chance to succeed. He wanted to reduce his serious mysophobia to Song Qingshi’s level of minor mysophobia, wherein he would frequently wash his hands and disinfect. He was no longer going to lose his calm when touching dirty things and fall into that trap again.

Song Qingshi fully cooperated with him to treat this psychological obstruction. 

Later, Yue Wuhuan discovered that there was a little side effect from his contaminated piece of soul. Every time… when his desires rose, the teardrop mole under his eye would reappear.

It was probably a residue of the seal and had no effect on his body.

Whether in or out of bed, Song Qingshi was a very dedicated person. When reading books, he only had books in his mind. When doing experiments, he only had experiments in his mind. Moreover, he had low EQ and was slow to respond. He didn’t know how to read expressions and when he was busy he would forget all about desire. He often winded up unconsciously leaving his Daoist companion out in the cold…

Yue Wuhuan only discovered the teardrop mole in the mirror after Song Qingshi had been staying in the mice breeding room for several months. After a little thought, he figured out the whole story. 

This matter was very simple. Finding a god who was an expert at seals to remove it for him would be enough. He told Song Qingshi about this matter as a joke. He planned to wait until he was finished with World Tree before dealing with it.

As a result, Song Qingshi seemed to realize his mistake. After lovably apologizing, he immediately climbed into his bed. He did his best to wait upon him until he was satisfied and the teardrop mole disappeared.

Yue Wuhuan felt good. He felt very good…

In the days to come, Song Qingshi was a lot more sensible. He used this mole as a reminder. As soon as the mole appeared, he would immediately take off his clothes and take the initiative to accompany Yue Wuhuan to do what he liked. 

On the desk, next to the bookshelf, in the laboratory, in the garden, in the hot springs…

Yue Wuhuan enjoyed a lot of satisfying happy times…


The time to remove the teardrop mole got pushed back and pushed back…

He thought, ‘It could wait’. 


Song Qingshi was a scholar-tyrant who handled matters conscientiously. He believed that desire belonged to human instinct and hobbies belonged to psychology. As long as it didn’t affect others, it was fine.

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Thus, he had no taboos when it came to bedroom matters. He also didn’t understand why he should be ashamed of it. As long as it was a scenario that Yue Wuhuan wanted to play out, he would willingly cooperate with him.

After passing through repeated losses, Yue Wuhuan left a slight sense of insecurity. Because of this, coupled with a strong desire to monopolize… not only did he keep an avatar beside Song Qingshi to guard him at all times, but when they played particularly crazily in bed, he felt the need to brand his Daoist companion all over. Only then would he feel relieved. 

Every time he proposed a new type of play, Song Qingshi would readily agree and happily cooperate. Later, the more he was spoiled, the more intense he became. He wanted to try all sorts of fantasies…

Yue Wuhuan managed countless small worlds and he would often walk and observe these worlds in various guises. And so, he liked and was an expert at role-playing.

He would often takes Song Qingshi to vacation in interesting small worlds. Such as the beast world, which was full of yao cultivators. He had given him a set of furry bunny tail and ears. He found them a comfortable den to stay in seclusion for a while. He then used the style of the beast world and transformed into different beastman forms. They did all kinds of things they loved to do.

Song Qingshi said that he liked the red fox version the best. Yue Wuhuan paired with red ears and a big tail was so beautiful that it stopped him in his tracks. 

He also liked the merfolk world. Yue Wuhuan made him a body with a white fish tail. He himself then turned into a red merman. The two of them twined their tails together and rolled around in the pearl pile. It was super stimulating. They could even turn into human-type magicians to travel ashore and go sightseeing. They saw a story of knights and princes.

The technological level of immature small world was relatively low. Both the interstellar and high-tech versions were among the mature worlds. After filing an application, they were also able to go there for a vacation. Their research on mechas and medical technologies was very interesting.

Even when out vacationing, Song Qingshi still did research. It was such a great joy. He regretted how he was such a homebody in the past. He hadn’t known that there were such interesting places. Incidentally, he also cooperated with his Daoist companion and played out interstellar or new type stories about being taken captive by Star Thieves after losing a battle.

What he feared most was Yue Wuhuan being in a bad mood and opening harem mode. 

This kind of script mostly happened when he’s been immersed in research for a few months, completely forgetting about his Daoist companion… Yue Wuhuan he would gently accompany him to finish all his experiments, and then afterwards, he would be carried off into the palace. The palace would be filled with beautiful men and women, all in different styles. They would all look at him like hungry wolves… Each was the incarnation of his own Daoist companion but each one’s disposition was not the same. He was allowed to come out only after he has satisfied them all.

This was truly miserable…

The most terrifying thing was that, after they were done, these beauties would open the Asura field ask him a question of doom. Whose work did you like best?

Up to this day, Song Qingshi has never found the correct answer. It’s always resulted in him being “punished” every time. Only once he’s said ‘I like you’ several hundred times and he has perfectly remembered the other’s taste, would he be let go. 

Nowadays, he was very careful. He had an artisan craft him an artifact that would give him reminders. Even when he became engrossed in his research, he would climb up into bed at least once every half month to ensure that his Daoist companion was in a happy mood and his own voice was healthy, without any need to consume throat lozenges.

The Harem incidents basically disappeared.


But, but…very occasionally…he would forgot even the reminder artifact…

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Yue Wuhuan was left with no choice. “You do no change, despite repeated admonitions. Let’s do it again.” 


Song Qingshi had mild social anxiety. Asking him to hold a grand and complicated ceremony before all the gods for their Daoist companion ceremony…truly was too difficult for him. Moreover, he didn’t know Yue Wuhuan’s friends. The only one he knew was An Long, who has already sealed his memory, essentially becoming a stranger. There were a lot of things they would need to start over again.

Song Qingshi was so embarrassed that he could dig up an entire villa.  He was scared of large-scale ceremonies…

Yue Wuhuan understood his way of thinking. He turned down all his enthusiastic friends and went for a simple ceremony; only inviting the Celestial Emperor to serve as their witness. 

The Celestial Emperor was very experienced and knowledgeable, and the gods didn’t care much about gender issues. However, thinking of the Phoenix and the stone he refined… he felt that something about it wasn’t quite right.

Yue Wuhuan asked in return. “Weren’t you supposed to give this stone to me?”

The Celestial Emperor thought for a while. That’s true too. The promise of a god always holds true. Before, it was the stone who had turned into a man and ran away on his own. This was an unexpected incident and there was nothing he could do about it. Now, it was time that they set things right.

And so, he happily held a ceremony for the two of them. He gave them lots of beautiful gems and strange research materials as gifts, and then issued a notice to all the gods. 

Among the gods there were many who adored the Phoenix god. But the gods held themselves to higher moral standards. The most fanatical ones have been slapped in the face in the small world, and their faces were still hurting. Everyone also knew of Qingshi’s efforts in the small world and they were impressed by his stone-like perseverance. In addition, Qingshi had saved the divine realm. Add to that the Phoenix’s ​​natural obsession with stones or something… In short, everyone expressed their approval and sent mountain loads of gifts to bless their union.

Yue Wuhuan originally wanted to make the Phoenix Temple their home.

The Phoenix Temple was very big, with rare treasures from various worlds. It was the most beautiful place in the divine realm, but… it was too big, and there are so many divine messengers, maids and attendants.

Song Qingshi couldn’t adapt to it very well. 

Yue Wuhuan too found it a bit unsuitable. For example, his Daoist companion got up from bed and said that he would go take a stroll around the garden. As a result, he wandered around for three days but still hadn’t finished seeing everything. For another, there was the huge golden bed. His Daoist companion would roll around in his sleep but because the bed was too big, he no longer managed to roll into his arms. Yue Wuhuan was reduced to hugging his quilt to sleep.

Why did he build this temple so big? It was really too troublesome trying to find someone in it. Gods would often come to him for various matters and it was not conducive to having a loving married life…

In the end, the two decided to move and live in Qingshi’s small courtyard in the clouds. They renamed it Cloud Dwelling Courtyard. They outfitted it following the principles of the Medicine King’s Valley, installing various research rooms, medicinal stockrooms and libraries. They chose a few clever gods who were interested in medicine to come over as assistants.

An avatar was left in the Phoenix Temple to be responsible for work matters. Whenever there were celebrations or other important events, the two would go back to manage it. From time to time, they would find interesting worlds to vacation in. 

Their days were absent of any great waves.

Only… they were quite distressed about their son’s education…

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