Chapter 15: The Mystery of Tears

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Song Qingshi’s tastes leaned towards the sweet. 

Seeing that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, he dragged Yue Wuhuan into a tea shed by the river selling some iced treats. He ordered two large bowls of crisp mountain and some Lotus drink.

“Right,” Song Qingshi remembered a puzzle in Yue Wuhuan’s medical record and asked directly, “Your eyes don’t shed tears and after inspection, there seems to be no problem with your tear secretion system. What’s going on? Is it an innate condition? ”



Yue Wuhuan was not interested in sweets but he accompanied his Master to eat some iced treats. He was surprised when he heard these words. He thought about it and said, “I wasn’t born with this condition… I also cried when I was young, but I didn’t like being seen by others crying so I would always hide. Later, when I was sold to the Manor, I found that crying while doing those filthy things would make those people more excited. I didn’t want them to get what they wanted, so I learned not to cry… I’ve been holding back for so long that now, I’ve stopped crying.”

Humans can be stripped away of their emotions. There have been psychological experiments that violated human ethics to prove this point. 

After being imprisoned in a cage, Yue Wuhuan, through harsh control training and psychological cues, was forcibly deprived of his ability to cry.


Song Qingshi suddenly felt like the frozen treats he had didn’t taste sweet anymore.

“Well, this isn’t a bad thing. Tears aren’t a necessity of life either,” Yue Wuhuan smiled indifferently and said comfortingly, “I’m glad there’s something in my body that cannot be controlled by the Acacia Seal, so Master doesn’t need to mind it.”

“How can I not mind it?” Song Qingshi gently pushed open his screen curtain, observed his beautiful eyes and said seriously, “It is human instinct to laugh when you’re happy and cry when you’re sad. Don’t worry, I will find a way to make you cry!”


After saying this, he realized that it didn’t sound quite right. How could there be any reason to make someone sad and cry?

Song Qingshi awkwardly shrank back into his seat and forcibly regained his dignity, “It doesn’t have to be from sadness. When my emotions get stirred up, I also cry…”

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It turns Master also cries when his emotions get stirred up?” Yue Wuhuan suddenly recalled how he looked like in the dream, crying underneath his body from being so aroused. A strange pleasure ignited in his heart. He leaned to the side to get closer to this clean scent. Relying on the curtain to obscure the other’s vision, he didn’t bother to conceal the desire in his eyes. He licked his dry lips and couldn’t help using a seductive tone to take some liberties, “I’m looking forward to when the Master makes me cry…”

Seeing that he hadn’t overturned the car once again, Song Qingshi felt relieved. He patted his chest and promised, “Leave it to me!” 

He will go back and study psychotherapy!

Yue Wuhuan, for some unknown reason, smiled quite happily.

Suddenly, a pair of cultivators’ chatter and laughter came from the next booth. It seemed like the words Golden Phoenix Manor were mixed into their conversation.

Song Qingshi immediately released his mental probe and turned around. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vlaalcu lc atf ybbat kfgf akb vgloafg meialnjabgr bo Mbecvjalbc Delivlcu rajuf. Ycf kjr j rkbgv meialnjabg jcv atf batfg kjr j vfwbc meialnjabg. Ktfs kfgfc’a euis lc jqqfjgjcmf, yea atfs ybat tjv ibbrf abcuefr jcv rqbxf ecrmgeqeiberis, vlrmerrlcu atf gfmfca wjpbg fnfcar lc atf lwwbgaji gfjiw.

“Ktf Zjv Gjblra jcv Xbivfc Utbfclz Zjcbg jgf vfjv rfa bc olutalcu la bea. C ofk vjsr jub, atf Zjcbg Obgv Alc kjr rfnfgfis lcpegfv lc atflg oluta.”

Thirty years ago, Lieyun Zhenren, the only son of the Mad Daoist, disappeared, and the sect’s most precious treasure was lost. He offered a huge reward and pursued the murderer for so many years. Finally, he found out that Shouxintai was in the hands of Manor Lord Jin and he had to seek justice.”

“I never would have thought that Manor Lord Jin would be the type to resort to murder to steal someone’s treasure.” 

“But that’s the Shouxintai, the best magic weapon in the world, who wouldn’t be tempted?”

“The same is true for Manor Lord Jin. He just had to go and offend the ever protective Mad Daoist…”


“Nowadays, Manor Lord Jin still refuses to admit that he killed the Lieyun Zhenren. There’s still something to be said about this…”


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“Persisting in evil brings about self-destruction.” Song Qingshi was very disgusted with Jin Feiren’s conduct. He secretly spurned a few “garbage” under his breath and then turned around and quietly warned Yue Wuhuan, “If Golden Phoenix Manor comes seeking medicine or medical treatment, tell them I’m not home. Tell them I’m doing closed door cultivation, or I’m gathering herbs. Think up of a good reason and send them away. Let the steward of the valley servants be the one to meet with them. Don’t go out to see those bastards…”

Yue Wuhuan obediently agreed.

Song Qingshi couldn’t help asking, “Did you know about the Shouxintai?”

“The matter of Lieyun Zhenren happened thirty years ago and I only entered Golden Phoenix Manor ten years ago.” Yue Wuhuan explained with a smile, “Jin Feiren is cautious by nature and my status was merely a humble slave’s. There was also the Acacia Seal to control our words and deeds. There is no way we could have become privy to anything secret…” 

It only took him a few years of hard work to find out about this incident from scattered clues. From there, he surmised the whereabouts of the Shouxintai. Then, in a veiled manner, he made Tong Gua Xianren aware that Jin Feiren had also attained Nascent Soul stage thirty years ago and that there were some suspicious details about his promotion to Nascent Soul. Tong Gua Xianren was a character who valued money more than life. On the surface, he sung Jin Feiren’s praises. In private, he nursed some secret grievances. After finding out the evidence, he refused to show mercy to Golden Phoenix Manor and sold the information to the Mad Daoist for a huge sum of money.

It was after confirming that Tong Gua Xianren was investigating the Shouxintai incident, that Yue Wuhuan finally felt like he could plan his death in peace.

He even endured two more years of suffering just to do this delightful thing.

Jin Feiren probably never ever thought that a slave without even any control over his own words and deeds could stab him like this, right? 

However, the Mad Daoist failed to kill that beast.

What a pity……

With much difficult, Yue Wuhuan resisted the sorrow in his heart. He then quietly glanced at Song Qing next to him. Fearing that he would find out his vicious and sinister thoughts and that he would hate his true nature as a skilled schemer, he put back on the sheepskin of gentleness and kindness and continued to lovably eat his iced treat.

The topics of conversation by the two drifter cultivators next door began to diverge and it actually strayed to matters regarding the Medicine King’s Valley. 

“They say that the Medicine King Xianzun is the most abstinent ancestor outside of Buddhism. I didn’t expect him to be a fool.”

“The old house in the Medicine King's Valley is on fire now and it’s burning fast.”


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Song Qingshi threw Yue Wuhuan a very puzzled look. He didn’t remember there being a fire in the Medicine King’s Valley. 

Yue Wuhuan didn’t want these foul language to touch his ears. He got up and wanted to leave, “Master, I don’t want to stay here.”

Song Qingshi hesitated and then got up to settle the bill.


But then he heard sword cultivator laugh and say, “Who doesn’t know that Wuhuan Gongzhi is so beautiful that he could bend a nation. he’s so innately fawning that he’s even got the Medicine King Xianzun all enchanted and confused.”

The demon cultivator also let out a malicious laugh, “Who among those who’ve entered the Golden Phoenix Manor hasn’t played with that thirsty pair of legs? No matter how beautiful, he’s nothing but a plaything toyed senseless by Manor Lord Jin. Song Xianzun has lived in seclusion for so long that he’s absolutely clueless about these things. He took back with him this damaged good and made it into his exclusive domain, treating it like the greatest treasure. I reckon that Wuhuan Gongzhi has probably got some very special skills in bed, enough to make a man lose his soul. Song Xianzun has never tasted this kind of flavor and now he just can’t stop.” 

“Hahaha, that’s something I’ve got to see with my own eyes…”

Song Qingshi’s face turned red from anger upon hearing it. He hated that they hadn’t left earlier. He glanced carefully at Wuhuan but he couldn’t even guess what kind of expression he was hiding behind the curtain. After thinking about it, he felt that he couldn’t run from this. He had to do what a master should do. So, he rolled up his robe sleeves and went to take back Yue Wuhuan’s honor.

Yue Wuhuan couldn’t hold him back. He could only go with him.

Song Qingshi fearlessly and gallantly walked in front of the two men. Suppressing his social anxiety, he knocked hard on the table, incessantly organizing curse words in his mind. 

The sword cultivator and the demon cultivator raised their heads and saw a little beauty dressed in white, standing in front of them, completely ill at ease. He was obviously nervous but pretending to be calm. He looked at them again and again, his pink lips seeming to want to speak a torrent of words but couldn’t.

What was going on?

It couldn’t be that he found them so handsome and intelligent that he just had to come and recommend himself to warm their beds, right?

Song Qingshi stumbled through his words, “I, I…” He found that he really didn’t know how to berate people. Just how was he supposed to deliver an absolutely ferocious scolding? 

Most people who cultivate to immortality played around indiscriminately. They didn’t care much whether it was a man or a woman. The more the two cultivators looked, the more delighted they felt. They felt that this beauty’s pretty and innocent look had a very special charm. They hurriedly urged, “Don’t worry. Just speak slowly, gege will wait for you.”

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“Fine. I’m not worried,” Song Qingshi took a deep breath, calmed down and asked sternly, “Do you know who I am?”

The sword cultivator smiled and wanted to reach out and stroke his hand, “I don’t know, may I be so bold as to ask this beauty’s name?”

Song Qingshi grabbed his restless wrist and said loudly, “Song Qingshi of the Medicine King’s Valley.” 

The sword cultivator’s expression turned dazed.

Song Qingshi’s hold gradually tightened. He said, taking things to heart, “I’m the fool whose house was on fire that you were just talking about.”

The sword cultivator’s wrist broke in his grip.

The demon cultivator realized that things weren’t looking good and he turned around to flee. 

Song Qingshi shot a few poisonous needles and various strange rashes appeared on the two of them. They were painful and itchy, and they were crying, wishing to peel off their skin. They wanted to scream but a pill was stuffed into their mouths. Their throats turned hoarse and they could no longer make a sound.

“For defaming the Medicine King’s Valley, your punishment is pain and itching for seven days. For speaking insolently, you are banned from speaking for ten years!


After Song Qingshi coldly pronounced his judgement, he left the two unprincipled brutes rolling on the floor and returned to Yue Wuhuan. He felt very manly and that he had performed very well. He wanted very much to be praised.

Yue Wuhuan instantly realized what kind of undesirable thoughts those two were directing towards Song Qingshi and he simply could not tolerate it. Unable to control himself, he grabbed Song Qingshi’s hand that had touched the sword cultivator and dragged him to the edge of the water. He kept washing it with disinfectant soap. “Don’t touch those kind of dirty things! It’s not clean…” 

Song Qingshi was baffled as his hand was thoroughly washed clean.

Yue Wuhuan washed his hand clean for him and finally realized that he had lost control of himself. He thought for a while, lifted the black gauze and showed a gentle smile. “We’re going to eat mutton from Tianxiang Tower later. Your hand touched poison as well as another person. It is safer to wash it clean.”

Song Qingshi instantly understood.

It turned out that he had infected Yue Wuhuan with a medical student’s minor mysophobia. 

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