Chapter 50: The Fire of Desire

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Yue Wuhuan listened to the Red Dragon Sect disciples’ story. He began to ponder the fact that the Can Tong Sect was annihilated by Gu’s. 

Ever since he realized someone’s covetous heart for treasures, the Myriad Gu Sect had become a focus of his attention. With the help of the Night Rain Pavilion and through his own painstaking efforts, he had practically collected all information regarding them.

They Myriad Gu Sect ruled over the Western Forest. They possessed several spirit stone mines and secret realms that were filled with goods and materials. They enjoyed the tribute from 18 cities.



The people of the Western Forest were formidable, bloodthirsty and combative. They respected strength and had no qualms against fighting their own.

An Long is the greatest Gu genius in the history of the Myriad Gu Sect. After he became the Gu King, he used bloody methods to suppress those who refused to accept his leadership. He maintained a seemingly peaceful facade for the sect but there were still many forces within. They were like a poisonous Gu packed inside the Gu cultivation jar known as the Western Forest. They gobbled up each other, ready to breed a new Gu King at any time. 

They like destroying and pillaging, but they didn’t like holding on to a place for long or developing new territories.


The tangled and complicated relationship of the Myriad Gu Sect had brought a slim chance for survival for the Medicine King’s Valley.

Yue Wuhuan had once been worried that once An Long noticed that Song Qingshi had met with an accident, that he would take the opportunity to mobilize the power of the Myriad Gu Sect to attack Medicine King’s Valley, completely destroying and engulfing their territory and power. For this reason, he had even made preparations to abandon the valley at any time, retreating with Song Qingshi and some resources.

However, An Long hadn’t done that.


He had chosen to conceal this matter. Instead of relying on the power of the Myriad Gu Sect, he went into the formation alone, not hesitating to take on innumerable hazards and hardships.

This meant that even if he hurts himself, he was not willing to bring even the slightest risk of destruction to the Medicine King’s Valley.

Yue Wuhuan carefully investigated all of his s*x scandals and found that they were all false. Even the female cultivators who had made trouble at the gate of the Medicine King’s Valley were all just temporary puppet controlled by Passion Gu, with the purpose of drawing Song Qingshi out of the Medicine King’s Valley to meet him.

An Long was like a ravenous wolf greedily staring at his prey. And he was dreading something. He didn’t dare to get too close, always keeping a certain distance and constantly testing, trying to find a suitable position. 

Yue Wuhuan had no idea what sort of connection could have led to such feelings but such extreme silent endurance brought along with it a somewhat disturbing feel.

This was by no means an ordinary love. There seemed to be a strange element of madness in it.

No matter what this feeling was, it was disgusting…

Why was this world so disgusting? The air was suffused with an unbearable stench that couldn’t be washed clean. 

Why must there be desire in human love? Why couldn’t they live pure and simply like his Master?

Why must the many filthy things in the world insist on dirtying his sole clean treasure?

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Now, his master has woken up and he was overjoyed. But he could no longer hide him in the secret room. He needed to find another way to take good care of him.

An Long, this evil wolf, has long lost his usefulness and the danger he posed was getting bigger and bigger. Judging from his analysis of past events, it seemed that, all this time, An Long has been trying to get Master to be enlightened, to leave the Medicine King’s Valley, to experience the seven emotions and the six sensory pleasures. This kind of thing must never be permitted. His master should always be like a piece of white paper, properly placed in the Medicine King’s Valley. He must not be sullied by anything base and despicable, including himself… 

Hateful, too hateful…

Yue Wuhuan’s nails unconsciously scratched his wrist and bloody marks appeared on his skin.


The pain kept his mind sober.

He had conceived of many ways to kill An Long but after his Master had woken up, he realized that this was far from enough. Although Master himself didn’t realize it, he valued ​​this friendship very much. If An Long died, it would become a regret in his heart. This dead friend would become more and more perfect in his memory, staying in it forever, never to leave again. 

He would never be able to clear this memory, clear this person…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yglulcjiis, tf atbeuta tf tjv gfjmtfv j vfjv-fcv gfujgvlcu atlr wjaafg. Dea Xel Tejc Wljchec’r vfjat ujnf tlw j cfk bqqbgaeclas.

Zbra xliilcur kfgf vbcf obg qgbola, ibnf, tjagfv, jcufg, gfnfcuf, bg obg rlifcmlcu j klacfrr.

Ktf Jjc Kbcu Vfma kjr rajalbcfv lc Rjcrtjc, bqfgjalcu atf gfv-iluta vlraglma jcv atf ujwyilcu vfcr. Ktfs tjv cb mbcoilmar bo lcafgfra klat atf Zsgljv Xe Vfma. 

Although Gui Yuan Xianzun had been a morally corrupt piece of trash, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, he never provoked the powerful people. The Western Forest’s Gu King had an impressive reputation for being fierce, his characteristics distinct. It was impossible that he had carelessly provoked An Long, so him being killed out of hatred or revenge was unlikely. The Can Tong Sect had never been known to house any famous treasure…

This felt like a matter of silencing a witness.

What happened ten years ago? Why did An Long feel like he had to go this far to silence him?

Yue Wuhuan endured the nausea and sifted through all his memories of Gui Yuan Xianzun… 

He was suddenly stunned.

He remembered that the day he first saw Song Qingshi, he had been with Gui Yuan Xianzun. At that time, he was tied to a tree and blindfolded so he couldn’t see anything. Besides that, his cultivation had been wasted so he couldn’t do as other cultivators did and send out a mental probe from time to time. So he could neither check out his surroundings nor hear clearly conversations from far away.

At that time, he had taken a drug and the effects of it hadn’t completely worn off. His mind was a little confused and he was unable to concentrate.  But he vaguely remembered that Gui Yuan Xianzun had stopped, as if he had discovered something. He gave a thoughtless mocking laugh and said, “I didn’t expect this person to actually be like this. It’s so ridiculous.”

Because of this remark, afterwards, he had gone to see what had happened and met the most wonderful person in the world… 

He absolutely loathed the dirty marks left in this beautiful encounter so much so that he deliberately avoided this memory and didn’t want to think about it.

At that time, he had seen with his own eyes, Song Qingshi lying on the ground, not breathing. His body was clean, no signs of a struggle, no blood and not even traces of any violence. He thought it must have been an accident or a sudden illness. He wanted to go call someone but he hadn’t gone far, when he saw Song Qingshi get up again. He stumbled into the river and inexplicably began to weep…

He thought he must have seen wrong, so he didn’t think much of it…

After the two of them became more familiar with each other, he asked Song Qingshi about it in a roundabout way. The answer he got was that there had been some problem with his soul at the time and he lost his memory of the time before he had lost consciousness. So after waking up, he was very confused and acted completely helpless. 

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Later, he had also been able to confirm Song Qingshi’s soul showed signs of fusion after a separation. This situation was called the Soul Separation. Although rare, there were similar records in ancient books. The Tribulation Daneng’s would even take the initiative to separate their souls and go exploring around the world. And so, he didn’t think much of it.

Thinking about it now, maybe there was something weird about it?


Could it be that who Gui Yuan Xianjun had been referring to as ridiculous was not Song Qingshi?

What happened that day that he needed to be silenced? 

Yue Wuhuan suddenly thought of something interesting. All the clues were connecting. His eyes lit up and his whole body was infused with excitement. He has found the opportunity to remove this person from Master’s heart. When the time comes, he would change all the happy memories, change the friendship into hatred… No, hatred didn’t work either, it would be best if he’s forgotten.

There was no hurry. He would take this slowly…

He would put on his sheepskin and pretend to be docile and harmless.

As long as he didn’t do anything disgusting, didn’t touch any restricted areas, didn’t sully him… 

In this way his treasure will never be harmed.

When Song Qingshi studied, he always aimed for perfect and he never let go of any detail.

He pestered Yan Yuan Xianjun so terribly that he finally unlocked many new tricks; such as having heart-to-heart talks with your apprentices, going drinking with your apprentices, shopping with your apprentices, telling bedtime stories to your apprentices, etc… 

In the end, even Yan Yuan Xianjun himself didn’t know what he was talking about anymore. He even told him about changing his apprentices’ diapers and feeding them goat milk…

Song Qingshi rigorously compared the age differences between their apprentices. He wanted to delete these skills he wouldn’t be able to use from his notebook. But after thinking about it, what if Yue Wuhuan is seized by a whim in the future and accepts a three-and-a-half-year-old apprentice? As they say, preparedness averts peril. It would be better to keep it in. Otherwise, what would he do if he’s disliked for not being able to change the diapers of his disciple’s disciple?

Suddenly, he heard Yue Wuhuan’s knock on the door. He quickly hid his notes and reopened the book on talismans, pretending to be reading it carefully.

Yue Wuhuan came in with a bowl of sweet soup. 

During this trip, Yue Wuhuan’s mysophobia had gotten even more serious. It has worsened to the point that he disliked eating outside because he thought the food was dirty. Every time he would enter a restaurant, not only did he need to use his own tableware, but he would also prepare a full set of tableware for Song Qingshi. Moreover, his appetite was never good. He would take only a few bites at each meal. Most of the time, he would still rely on Fasting Pills to solve his physical needs. Song Qingshi was afraid that he would be uncomfortable eating food from outside so he didn’t dare to eat out.

Yue Wuhuan said that he had caused even more trouble to his Master. And so, he was very meticulous in his study of cooking. As long as it was something Song Qingshi was interested in, whether it was snacks or main courses, he would make them and he would make them even more exquisite and delicious than the ones sold outside. Moreover, he would adjust the flavor to be on the sweet side to better match Song Qingshi’s taste.

Because of Yue Wuhuan, Song Qingshi’s stomach has now been spoiled into defying the laws of both human and divine. Not only did he become more nitpicky when it came to taste, his mysophobia has also became worse. Every time, he saw a street vendor serving food to customers by hand, his whole body would feel ill at ease. The ones his family’s little angel made were still better, more delicious and hygienic.

An Long couldn’t go dragging Song Qingshi everywhere to eat all sorts of things with him. Because of this, he was extremely depressed. 

Song Qingshi happily took the sweet soup, tasted it and closed his eyes in satisfaction. He thanked him repeatedly and praised, “Your cooking skills are still better. I can’t get used to the food outside anymore.”

“The things outside aren’t clean,” Yue Wuhuan smiled softly, “In the future, it would be best if Master only eats my cooking.”


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Song Qingshi kept receiving his kindness and liked everything he gave. He happily ate the sweet soup and became more determined in his heart to find ways to strengthen the feelings between them so that Yue Wuhuan would stay even after he recovers and is ready to be discharged.  And even if in the future, Yue Wuhuan doesn’t want to stay in the Medicine King’s Valley and instead wants to make his own way in the world, then he can go on a journey to accompany him!

He wanted to be Yue Wuhuan’s mentor, friend and family… 

However, his heart was empty. He kept feeling that he had made a mistake or overlooked something, but he just didn’t understand what.

This feeling disturbed him.

Yue Wuhuan smiled and asked, “Where did An Dage go? I haven’t seen him these past couple of days.”

“Huh?” Song Qingshi raised his head from his sweet soup. He never thought Yue Wuhuan could be more concerned about An Long’s whereabouts than he was. Did this mean that the friendship between the two has began to sprout from going through this adventure? Were the things in the novel really this useful? He replied, feeling touched, “Don’t worry, he’s obsessed with insects and poisons. He often goes to catch insects deep in the mountains. If he encounters something interesting, it’s not uncommon for him to be gone ten days to half a month. We can go to Nanhai City first and wait for him there.” 

Yue Wuhuan still looked worried.

Song Qingshi comforted, “He’s a Nascent Soul cultivator and he looks that fierce. No one going to try and fight him.”

Yue Wuhuan nodded and said, “I’m thinking too much.”

“That guy will only stir up trouble,” Song Qingshi thought for a while and earnestly warned, “Don’t follow his example and go running around too. Stay by my side.” 

Although the little angel has become stronger now, he was still a beautiful and gentle great beauty. The poisons and the Blood King Vines were all things for self-protection; they didn’t count. The little angel has suffered enough grievances because of him these past years. Now that he’s awake, he must watch over him carefully. He mustn’t be bullied by bad people anymore.

Yue Wuhuan understood his thoughts. He couldn’t help fixing his messed up hair. He said with a smile, “Okay.”

Why did Master always trust him so much, so blindly…?

Casually stepping into his trap and going along with his intentions and his plans. 

The Medicine King’s Valley was completely under his control. Its finances and resources were under his control. Song Qingshi’s living habits and customs were changed as he pleased. Everything was going the way he wanted them to. No matter what he said, Song Qingshi believed him. No matter what he did, he was never questioned…

Wasn’t it too easy? So unbelievably easy…

He lay on the table and looked intently at this man. He felt a little uneasy. He wanted to sound him out.

Song Qingshi noticed his probing gaze and couldn’t help asking, “What are you thinking?” 

Yue Wuhuan asked in a low voice, “Master, I was thinking… You never seem to get angry with me?”

Song Qingshi thought for a while and replied with a smile, “You haven’t done anything to make me angry.”


As soon as he finished his words, he found a few tendrils of the Blood King Vine quietly stretching towards him. They coiled beside him, writhing slowly. There were more and more branches and tendrils until they formed an airtight cage. The tips of the vines touched his waist and limbs as though probing. They began to seem restless… as though they were about to pounce on him at any time, restraining him among them.

Song Qingshi looked at the vines filling the air. He asked hesitantly, “What’s the matter?” 

“What if I did?” Yue Wuhuan found that he cared more about the answer to this question than he thought. He asked half-jokingly, “If I wasn’t what you imagined me to be, if I did something that would make you angry? Would you hate me?”

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Song Qingshi never considered this issue. He thought about it for a long time, and suddenly smiled…

“No,” he squeezed Yue Wuhuan’s face under the golden mask, then mischievously messed up his neat hair, and said happily, “No matter what Wuhuan does, I won’t get angry. I could never hate you.”

Yue Wuhuan was stunned and the vines all around slowly withdrew. 

He sighed. “You don’t understand anything…”

For ten years, when he looked at this person who was sound asleep, he had also thought about the tender and sweet love in the Fantasy Gu’s fantasy. But every time he closed his eyes, he dreamt. In his dreams, he was a beast who had lost its mind. He had lost his reason. All he wanted was to possess, to control and to dominate.  In his madness, he did excessive things. He requited kindness with enmity. He poured all the things he couldn’t bear onto the person he liked.  Relying on his ignorance, his unwillingness to resist and his indulgence of his willfulness, he demanded to vent his feelings…

The effects of the drugs were gone. His desires were stronger than normal people’s and more terrible than normal people’s. Perhaps, this was his nature.

He had very clearly gone through suffering. He knew how disgusting it was to endure those things but he still wanted to do it to the person he liked. How shameless was this? 

Therefore, he didn’t want to sleep. He didn’t want to dream.

How happy the dream was, was how nauseating the waking world was.

But it didn’t matter, he could restrain himself. Even if it was by using drugs, he would suppress this instinct and wouldn’t dirty him…

He just wanted to create a warm and comfortable nest. He wanted to put him in it and carefully cherish him; separate him from all the dirty things in this world and live together happily without worry. He was willing to do everything for him, so that there would only be him in these clear eyes; so that there would be no room for other messy things in his heart. 

He would conceal it well so that the darkness in his heart would never be found.

Yue Wuhuan lowered his head slightly and decisively extinguished the fire of desire…

“Wuhuan, did you do something?” Song Qingshi felt that he seemed unhappy. He leaned over carefully and patted his shoulder. He comforted him again, “Don’t be afraid. No matter what you do, I won’t be angry.”

The light medicinal scent wound around him and he could feel his mouth and throat go dry. 

Yue Wuhuan burrowed against his shoulder and muttered, “I won’t. I won’t do anything…”

The author has something to say:


Other family’s blackened Yandere’s want to grab their shou’s, lock them up in a small dark room and drive the car like crazy.

Wuhuan as a blackened Yandere wants to grab the shou, lock him up in small black room and prohibit him from driving the car. 

He truly is an outstanding Yandere who meets the website’s review standards and conforms to their moral standards.


Have you guys guessed it?

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