Modern Cinderella

Chapter 104

The Beautiful Christmas

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Jin Ming Xian pulled on Moya’s hand. His eyebrows were wrinkled tightly…The words in the MP4, the words that Hao Jun You said that crossed the line, and Moya’s…He glared at Moya who ignored his existence…

: Everyone is boarding the plane. I need to go now.

: No! Brother Jun You, listen to me….Wu…

On the other side of the call, Jin Ming Xian captured Moya’s lips…

“You want to leave with him?!” Jin Ming Xian glared at Moya! His long eyelashes seemed to have reached inside her eyes…

“Sorry, please give your phone to us so we can keep it for you.” The young miss at the customer desk came to take the phones away.

Hao Jun You softly hanged up on the call. He tightly shut his eyes…

Hao Jun You picked up the cartoon watch on his right hand and took off the battery on the top…

His time, his past…He will leave it down in the bottom of his heart…

With the simple luggage, Hao Jun You boarded the plane…His lonely back led people’s heart to hurt…

Hao Jun You sat on his seat and he looked out the window…There was the person he loves deeply…Even though she wasn’t with him, but….she was a blessed person…

Hao Jun You raised his right hand. His lovely lips softly kissed the Winnie the Pooh watch…

“Goodbye, Xiao Ya…”

Darkness is already encircling us in the sky / Where I should face? I can’t see

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Perhaps love is at the other end of a dream / Unable to survive in the realms of reality

Want to return to the past / To try to hug you

Blushing (shy) face has a little childish side

Want to see the world you see / Want to be in your dreams

Only if we lean on each other can we feel the sweetness (or blissfulness)

Want to return to the past / To try to allow the story to continue

At least I won’t allow you to leave me again

I’ll take note when we part/ To hug you even tighter
This sort of salvage effort, I don’t know if it’s still in time/ want to return to the past

Emotions keep stopping the memories playing (in my head). / Blindly chasing and

looking yet still empty-handed (or in vain)

On a grey and unclear night, I don’t know where sleep has hidden / Before I know it

loneliness is already lying beside me.
– From Jay Chou’s [From the past]

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The plane had taken off…Flew off in the distance…Hao Jun You…

It was another Christmas…The girls in Qingtan prepared gifts…After all the princes in Qingtan were about to graduate…

“Ming. Do you know where Moya and Ming Xian went?” Hu Lin was installing his drum.

“We had already said to stay here to celebrate!” Liu He’s stomach was filled with dissatisfaction.

“Aish~ Blessed people ah~!” Lan You faintly smiled.

“Shut up!” Si Ming’s black hair had actually not changed. “We can go play by ourselves!”

“Ah!!!” At this time outside the door came girls’ squeals! “They were obviously here!”

“Wow!! These Seniors are so handsome!! Senior sisters really haven’t lied to us!”

“But how come there’s only five? Aren’t there supposed to be seven?”

Si Ming scrunched his eyebrows and stood up from his seat…He held a smelly expression while walking to the door…

“Ah! I’m so nervous! Look, that handsome black hair man is walking here!”

“Bang!” Si Ming harshly closed the door.

A few of the new students stood out, not knowing what to do…

At this time Hu Ling also got up from his seat. The Hu Lin now didn’t have a ‘talkative’ expression on. He walked over to the windows and pulled all the curtains down…

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“Our F class doesn’t welcome girls.” Lan You faintly exclaimed…

“But! We heard that there’s a Moya in here!” The new students sniffled…They weren’t convinced…

“She is different.” Hu Lin blocked the windows… “She is our lover.”

In the romantic Christmas eve, Moya and Jin Ming Xian walked hand in hand on the white snows on the ground…

“This year’s Christmas is so beautiful!” Moya eagerly jumped around. The red ball on her Christmas hat followed her actions. “Ming Xian. Before,  brother Jun You had called. He also wanted me to ask about you.”

“I know!” Jin Ming Xian moodily replied.

“But, brother Jun You said that he left me an MP4?” Moya squinted her eyes.

“….” Jin Ming Xian scrunched his eyebrows but didn’t answer.

“Was it hidden by you?!” Moya stared at Jin Ming Xian’s unusual expression.

“No.” Jin Ming Xian quickly moved out of the way.

“Why are you walking so quickly!” Moya struggled to keep up behind him…

“Liar!” Jin Ming Xian awkwardly said this phrase.

“What?!” Moya waved her fist around.

“Didn’t you say I am your first love?!” Jin Ming Xian thought back to the words in the MP4…

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Xiao Ya, when she grows up she will marry brother Jun You…

“What did you say?!” Moya had been jogging behind him this whole time.

“You’re already up to the point where you’re going to marry someone. ” Jin Ming Xian answered back with a jealous tone.

“Marry?! How dare you say this! Does it have to do with the MP4?!”

“…If you miss him that much then go find him!”

“Of course I am going! Didn’t we say we were going to America to study abroad?!”

“….” Jin Ming Xian stopped talking. He quickly increased his pace.

Moya helplessly stuck her tongue out. She really didn’t know what to do with this super prince disease…

“I truly like you, Ming Xian.” Moya yelled towards Jin Ming Xian’s back, not caring about the surrounding gazes at her.

“I truly love…wu…” Just as Moya prepared to yell once again.

Jin Ming Xian suddenly turned around and kissed Moya’s cool lips…

In the romantic Christmas eve…white snow began to fall down…It reflected the silver moonlight…It was so soft and gentle that it led people to be moved…

Everyone all took out their cameras, capturing the most beautiful moments in the corner of the Christmas Eve…

In the silver snow falling in the sky…

A slender and beautiful young man kissed a surprised girl dressed in Christmas costume…

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