Modern Cinderella

Chapter 82

The Lingering Clouds [14]

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The kids in the village surrounded the side of the luxurious sports car. They secretly discussed it…

Hao Jun You stared at the kids outside…

“You Er?” Li Hao patted Hao Jun You’s shoulder.

“Hm?” Hao Jun You took away his gaze from outside the window.

“You’re probably tired. Stay here tonight.” Li Hao wanted to spoil him.

“Okay.” Hao Jun You smiled gently.

“Our Jun You has really grown up ah!” Li Hao picked up Hao Jun You’s hand and guide him into the room.


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Moya satisfactorily looked at the tent in the bedroom…

“Not bad!” She excitedly clapped her hands.

“Not bad?” Jin Ming Xian pulled on the blue tent. “Ugly.” He faintly exclaimed.

“Not really ah.” Moya blinked her eyes. “I think it’s pretty good ah.” Moya lowered her body to crawl into the tent….”You can’t come in without my permission!”

“What?!” Jin Ming Xian scrunched his eyebrows. “This is my room!”

“Then what you’re saying is that I should move out?” Moya smiled while she asked.

“You!” Moya harshly glared at the innocent blue tent. He turned around and sat on the **…

Moya admired the inner structure of the tent…Everything inside was blue…

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But how come Jin Ming Xian is so quiet? After such a long time…He had actually not said a word.

Jin Ming Xian sat on the soft cafe color **. He quietly sat there…His eyes suddenly floated around…Now that he had thought, he had not touched this for so many years that other people would’ve touched every day. His hand gently caressed the soft cafe color…

Moya took her head out of the tent and stared at Jin Ming Xian…God gave him such a beautiful appearance and God must need to take something away from him?

Jin Ming Xian suddenly raised his low eyebrows…He had caught Moya’s gaze just in time…

“Hehe…” Moya was a little embarrassed. “Go sleep ah~ Good night.” She casually waved her hands at Jin Ming Xian before she crawled back into the tent…

Jin Ming Xian laid on the **… He quietly stared at the ceiling…

“The birthday fairytale should be like this. On the day of your birthday, if you think about the most important thing in your heart or read the most important name in your mind and have a good night’s sleep after you wake up the most important thing would appear in front of you…”

Moya, that rare gentle tone, once again appeared in his ears…

“Crazy woman…” Jin Ming Xian calmly stated this. Then he closed his eyes.

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Moya slept inside the tent. She opened her eyes to see the blue world. “How did it become like this? How did my life become like this?” Jin Ming Xian. The young man called Jin Ming Xian had appeared like this in front of her…

The sky in the far distance slowly lit up…The sound of the sparrows had softly rung by Hao Jun You’s ears…

Hao Jun You opened his eyes. His eyes were like a pool of quiet and far-reaching lake…

He picked up the phone on the desk and pressed on a bunch of numbers…

: Hello, I am Shi Lin.

: Hello Shi Lin, I am Hao Jun You.

: Oh! Jun You ah! Where did you run off to? How come you had suddenly disappeared?

: Xiao Ya didn’t tell you?

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: ….

: She didn’t? Xiao Ya doesn’t live at your place?

: …..If…it wasn’t because of Moya, Jun You, you wouldn’t call me right?…

: Please let Xiao Ya pick up the phone…

: ….She is showering.

: ….Okay. Please say good morning to her for me.

: Okay, if there are no other problems I am going to hang up.

: Okay.

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