Modern Cinderella

Chapter 96

Danger has approached 

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“Hm…” You Mei revealed an awkward expression. “I hadn’t understood. He said that the key is linked to his heart. He didn’t want to put it on that person anymore…”

“Ming Xian, he really had said that?” That fruit juice was very cool, very cool. It had made Moya’s heart tremble.

“It seemed so. He had said that because he had loved before so it was uncomfortable for him to open his mouth and ask to break up…” You Mei lowered her head. Moya hadn’t seen her expression…

“Not comfortable for him to ask to break up…” Moya’s hand held the empty cold cup. How was that possible? How was it possible…

“You see, how did we even end up talking about this. How is Senior Jun You?” You Mei raised her head. Her eyes were a little red.

“Can I ask you to give Ming Xian something from me?” Moya picked up the pen and paper left on the table and began to write something.

“Moya, what are you doing?” You Mei’s eyes revealed a faint complicated expression. She seemed to be happy or guilty.

Moya hadn’t responded to her. She lowered her head and wrote…

Ming Xian,

Not sure why you had suddenly said all of these things…Because we had loved before so it was hard to ask for a breakup…

Your numerous actions had led me to be confused. Maybe coming into the F class and Qingtan was a mistake to me…Maybe our experiences and love was only a joke…

Not sure what to say then let me say that sentence. Let’s break up.

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In the end, hope you are blessed.

Xiao Ya.

Moya had waved the pen and wrote down these sentences…. (Her handwriting wasn’t the normal kind of ugly. Normal people would find it hard to understand. Sweat…).

“Moya what are you doing?!”  You Mei revealed a shocked expression. She took the paper over from Moya. “Don’t scare me.” The tears were making its way around her eyes.

“Nothing, you just need to give this to Ming Xian. Thank you.” Moya stood up from her seat. “The drink is already finished and Brother Jun You is still waiting for me. I’m going back now.” She shot You Mei a faint smile. She turned around and left.

“Okay.” You Mei looked at the paper and faintly responded. Her hands held the key-shaped pendant on the chain tightly…

Moya ran in this dimmed sunlight…She endless ran…

“I need to be quicker, the quicker the better.” She tried her best to grin. “Brother Jun You is still waiting for me…” But, the tears had barged past her defense and fell down her face…Her voice trembled…”Need to be quicker…” Finally, Moya painfully kneeled onto the ground. She cried out…

“Moya?!” Si Ming stood across the sidewalk. He looked at the girl who trembled violently and kneeled on the ground. “Are you Moya?” He crossed over the road and came to Moya’s side.

Moya hadn’t responded. She felt as though she couldn’t breathe…She didn’t want to do anything but cry!

“Moya!” Si Ming patted her head. “What happened to you?!” Si Ming’s voice had also become anxious. He was certain that this girl was Moya, the Moya that laughed and joked around all day. But now…How come she had cried so hard that it led people’s heart to be in pain…

Moya hadn’t raised her head. She didn’t want others to see her tears…

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“Get up!” Si Ming pulled at Moya’s shoulders and picked her up. “After so long of not meeting each other, how come you are so ugly right now?!” Si Ming exclaimed moodily.

“I…” Moya looked at Si Ming. The tears started falling from her eyes again. “I’m not feeling well.”

“Not feeling well?!” Si Ming’s hand roughly placed his hand on Moya’s forehead. Maybe it was because his actions were too big, Moya’s forehead was hit by his hand, causing a loud ‘pa!’

“It hurts so much!” The tears rolled down her face nonstop.

“Why would it hurt?! You don’t have a fever.” Si Ming turned his back around. “I’ll carry you!”

“What?” Moya widened her slightly swollen eyes.

“Quickly or else I’m leaving you here!”

Here is the pedestrian street…There was not one car on the entire avenue…

The black haired Si Ming carried the quiet Moya and walked on the road…This attracted many people’s attention…

“Si Ming…” Moya’s voice was a little hoarse. “Are you tire?”

“Tired! You looked so skinny but why are you so heavy ah?! Are you made of metal?” Si Ming half-jokingly said. The Moya before, before Moya’s tears had almost taken away all his strength.

“How about, I come down.” Moya’s voice was much more at ease now.

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“It’s fine. As long as you don’t move around, it’s fine.”

“Si Ming…do you have someone you liked before…” Moya softly inquired.

“….” Si Ming was quiet and hadn’t responded.

“In the past, I thought that fairytales are beautiful. My Prince will love me forever. But…it happened so suddenly. So someone can really fly up to heaven in one day and also quickly fall back into hell. Tell me, is this love?”

“Don’t know! Moya, are you under a spell? How come you suddenly asked this question?” Si Ming scrunched his eyebrows. “I had gotten goosebumps.”

“You!” Moya softly slapped Si Ming’s head. “You actually dyed your hair back to black!” Her eyes were filled with surprise!

“What happen?” Si Ming awkwardly asked.

“No, I just think that the black-haired Si Ming is much more handsome!”

“Shut up! If you continue saying this, then I really might not have the strength to keep carrying you.”

“Yes.” Moya stuck her tongue out and quietly leaned against Si Ming’s back. “Lastly I’m going to say, thank you.”

Jin Ming Xian leaned against the blue tent…

“If you don’t care about yourself then, please think about your sister.”

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Jin Shan Hua’s words had risen again in his mind…Jin Ming Xian painfully shut his eyes…

“Xian Er?” Outside the door came the soft knocks of Li Hao. “Xian Er, You Mei had come to see you.”

Jin Ming Xian hadn’t answered. His hands caressed the blue tent…

“She had that key-shaped pendant. How come that is in her hand? Xian Er?” Li Hao continued to knock on the door.

Jin Ming Xian fiercely opened the pair of dimmed eyes. He walked over to the door…

“Where is she?!” The thousand years glacier like eyes contained a faint frightened expression that wasn’t easily detected.

In the lounge, You Mei continually rubbed the palms of her hands…

“Where?!” Jin Ming Xian rushed to her.

“What?” You Mei had no idea what to do. Jin Ming Xian’s tone had frightened her.

“Necklace!” Jin Ming Xian furrowed his eyebrows tightly.

“Ming Xian, you got skinnier again.” You Mei revealed a pitiful expression.

“Give me!” Jin Ming Xian hadn’t noticed what You Mei had said. He just wanted to see that necklace now! Only when he actually had seen it will he believe!

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