Monster Apartment

Chapter 11

When they said this, he froze. Then looked at everyone, dumbfounded by this sudden proposal.

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If Gu Bai were to be given sole responsibility for the two walls. Then the dividends would have to be recalculated.

As the saying goes, cutting off people’s money is like killing their parents. Although this hadn’t come to that, the fact money was involved was enough to make people think a few more times.

When Professor Gao first told them about bringing a young junior who had not yet graduated. He said that he would bring the youngster to study and learn and meant to give a price of one hundred yuan per square foot.

The main reason was to learn and to play.

Otherwise, a student who hasn’t got his diploma wanted to get such project resources?

What a dream!

Even if he is from a prestigious school, there is no way.

This type of project thrown over by the city government requires at least five or six years of experience in the field. As well as connections and strong teamwork to be able to take it on.

A freshly graduated student who is serious about taking on mural work can earn 50 or 60 per square metre, excluding costs, which is not bad at all.

Gu Bai carried his bag in front of him anyway, and in his hand, he was holding a cup of milk tea that his senior brother had bought him. It was cold and exuded a sweet aroma.

He turned his head blankly to look at his brothers, froze for a couple of seconds and repeated, “Me? Making it alone?”

He quickly snapped back to reality and shook his head, “No, no, no, it’s not appropriate.”

“There’s nothing inappropriate about it. Actually, it’s not that bad.” Another brother felt it was fine, “Why don’t you come up with a design and try it out. It would be best if it works, and if doesn’t, you can consider it practice.”

“Right.” The older brother who suggested it nodded approvingly, “No matter what aspect of talent you have, it can only be improved through a lot of practice.”

The most important thing was that basically everyone in this team of Professor Gao’s had a stable source of clientele. He himself was no less valuable, so he would not be overly concerned about matters of money and fame.

Who hasn’t been a newbie?

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The fact that they have made it to this point is also due to the friends and fellow students who introduced them to one another along the way.

Gu Bai listened to his brothers’ words as they decided on this matter. In the meantime, he also called his teacher to report while waiting for the metro.

“OK, the metro is here, go go go.” The brothers herded Gu Bai into the car like a duckling, “Let’s just agree on it!”

What else could Gu Bai do?

Of course, he was happy to agree!

The walls of the S City Art Expo Centre, Yay!

The walls will be retained for at least a year for the first time. Unless a special mural exhibition requires repainting at a later date, they will also be able to be kept for a little longer.

This is a great opportunity for free publicity.

As long as the mural was there, it was a signboard for him to live by!

Of course, Gu Bai understood what these two walls meant to him. Money was a minor issue. Being able to keep his work in a professional art exhibition centre like this for more than a year meant countless opportunities!

Gu Bai returned to his apartment and went up to the first floor with his computer and the sketches for the exhibition. He then thumped downstairs and moved a small table up, spread out a new canvas and turned his head to look at the unfolded drawing paper next to him.

The design on the paper was a mess, full of chunky underdrawings that looked abstract and had a lot of writing on them.

If this draft was released, Gu Bai would be the only one who could understand it.

Gu Bai looked at the canvas and hesitated for a long time before finally retrieving it and replacing it with the paper.

He was ready to finalise the draft once more. He didn’t want it to flop when he painted it on the canvas.

Gu Bai stayed up late for the first time. After finalising and drafting the base on the canvas again, he laid down the first layer of colour.

The picture shows him and his teacher, with the school’s drawing-room in the background. The subject of the painting is the lessons of the teacher.

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But it is not the teaching that is at the heart of the painting’s legacy, but the two paintings within the painting.

Gu Bai needed to show the same painting technique from different angles in those two small paintings within paintings. It showed the skills and knowledge he had acquired from his teacher to express the theme of instruction and inheritance.

The next day, Gu Bai was thrown alone in front of those two broken walls. His senior brother even patted him on the shoulder and said, “Face the wall and think about it. Maybe you’ll know how to paint as you think about it.”

Gu Bai: “…”

These two broken walls are in a special position. They are separate from that maze of spatially cut, labyrinth-like walls and are closer to the Third Exhibition Hall. Therefore, the design style is to lean towards the architectural style of the Third Exhibition Hall.

What is the style of the Third Exhibition Hall?

It is a sleek and light post-modernist style with a black and white geometric line profile on the facade. It is typically a minimalist art of architectural design.

Do you want someone who studied classical painting and fresco to do post-modern minimalist art?

That’s ridiculous.

Gu Bai looked at the two snow-white walls standing in front of the square of the Third Exhibition Hall, one on the left and the other on the right as if they were door gods. As he looked at them, his face was filled with bewilderment and confusion.

After a whole day of facing the wall and getting nothing, Gu Bai went home with his head in his hands and started to look up information on minimalist art with his laptop.

When he came back after school, Gu Bai was carried over by his brothers to help paint the first wall on their side. The two walls allocated to Gu Bai were still empty.

Gu Bai looked up a bunch of information on minimalist design. In the end, he could only lie on his back on the ground on the first floor of his house, his mind blank.


Gu Bai sighed and rubbed his face. He thought that since he had no inspiration to do the design. He might as well hurry up and finish the painting he wanted to be exhibited.

Zhai Liangjun had been in the film city for ten days. As soon as he returned, he bumped into Gu Bai, who had left the lift in a wilted state and was startled.

He stood in front of his house, looking at Gu Bai, who was clearly lost in thought and did not notice him at all. He wondered why the little cutie, who was so energetic before he left home, had wilted and was unhappy after only half a month.

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He pondered for a long time and suddenly thought of the message Gu Bai had sent him earlier. Mr Zhai’s cheeks twitched twice, and a flash of empathetic sympathy surfaced.

It must have been Si Yiming who had beaten him up!

That super ferocious Pi Xiu is so angry that it won’t even spare such a cute little cub!

Look how he has bullied the little cub!

Zhai Liangjun was distressed but did not dare to seek justice for Gu Bai.

He walked over to Gu Bai and patted him on the shoulder.

Gu Bai was startled and looked up at the person patting his shoulder. He froze for a couple of seconds, and his wilted, spiritless eyes lit up, “Mr Zhai, you’re back?”

“Yes, seeing that you don’t look too happy, I’m giving you a candy.” Zhai Liangjun said, and with a flip of his hand, he produced a fruit candy from nowhere.

Gu Bai’s mood brightened up all of a sudden, and he took the candy and said, “Compensation?”

Zhai Liangjun froze, unable to respond.

“Do you still want to eat at my house tonight?” Gu Bai did not speak in a loud voice, but it was very clear and nice.

Only then did Zhai Liangjun remember that the two meals he had dawdled over at Gu Bai’s house before seemed to have been paid for with small snacks.

But the fruit candy he had just given Gu Bai was only ordinary fruit candy.

Zhai Liangjun felt his pocket and found that he had no more special snacks.

Let’s make it up next time, Zhai Liangjun thought. Then he followed Gu Bai happily into the house.

Before the doors closed, the lift doors opened.

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Si Yiming walked out of the lift. When he turned his head, he saw the back of that deadly immodest vixen Zhai Liangjun bumbling into that little cutie’s house.

Thinking that he had warned Gu Bai not to play with Zhai Liangjun, Mr Si’s brow furrowed fiercely.

But he wasn’t in the right position to lecture the little brat either.

Mr Si stood in front of his own house, looking across the room, and pondered for a long time.

The next time I see this little guy running around in the middle of the night with his soul out of my body, I’ll catch him and give him a good spanking.

He’s so young and dares to wander out of his soul in the middle of the night. He’s not afraid of being swallowed by demons and ghosts.


Mr Si rebuked angrily inwardly.

If you don’t listen, you should be taught a lesson!

It was clear from the way Zhai Liangjun and Huang Yining had been treated when they saw him that pain education would be most useful.

Mr Si looked down at his hand, turned his head and opened the door to enter the house.

Gu Bai, who was opening the fridge to get some food, suddenly felt a chill go up from the bottom of his feet to the sky.

He was stunned for a moment and looked at the fridge in wonder.

Was the temperature of the preserving section that low?

The author has something to say.

Si Yiming: If you don’t listen to me, you will be spanked!

Gu Bai: ???? Even my dad never spanked me!

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