Monster Apartment

Chapter 7

Ms Huang was speechless at the three words RMB.

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Gu Bai looked at her expression, a little anxious. The hand gripping the hem of his shirt tightened a little more.

He pursed his lips and carefully tried to say, “Is it pricey, expensive?”

“No, no, no no.” Huang Yining hurriedly waved her hand. She was afraid that this silly, honest kid might even lower the price.

Her conscience would hurt.

Gu Bai’s eyes lit up, “That…”

“I meant, a thousand is a bit low.” Huang Yining said.

Gu Bai gave a “Huh”: “But I haven’t graduated yet, and I don’t have any relevant work experience…”

“The cost of oil paintings is not low. You wouldn’t give me the most basic materials, right?” Huang Yining said.

Gu Bai, who was indeed prepared to do so, shrunk abashedly.

“I want to have the best material.” Huang Yining said, “How much does that cost?”

Gu Bai mentally cracked the cost of various appliances and said in a small voice, “…five, five thousand yuan?”

Huang Yining looked at Gu Bai and felt her conscience grasping pain.

“Okay. You get 15,000. It’s a deal!” She simply clapped her hands.

She had seen Gu Bai’s paintings last night, and they were much better than her personal paintings, with an aura that was unmatched by others.

The landscape paintings look like hazy clouds. The still-life paintings seem to be realistic. The human paintings are so vivid that even the eyes are very animated, and there is a vitality that comes out of the paintings.

Huang Yining felt a sharp pain in her conscience to be able to buy a painting like this for 15,000 RMB.

She thought about the paintings and felt that the lineage of this little one who sought upwards was quite extraordinary.

But such a character…

Well, maybe it is this kind of sincere and simple character that produces a painting that is full of spirit and vitality.

Huang Yining looked at Gu Bai’s panic-stricken look after hearing the price and asked, “Are you short of money?”

Gu Bai was stunned. After being exposed that he was short of money, he lowered his head in embarrassment.
“Not really lacking money.” He muttered in a small voice, “I’ll have a job next month.”

So, actually, it was still short of money.

Huang Yining drifted off.

This situation is actually quite normal. The elders of the family kicked the youngsters out of the house for training and let them live here. It is already very good to have a place to live in peace because there are many young demons who went out for training and almost starved to death on the street because they were unfamiliar with the area.

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Huang Yining looked at Gu Bai’s honest look and felt that if she were to raise the price Gu Bai would probably not take it. So she chose to beat around the bush and asked Gu Bai, “Are those paintings you have upstairs for sale?”

“SELL!” Gu Bai nodded once, then responded, “Do you want to buy them?”

Huang Yining nodded, “How much is one?”

Gu Bai was moved to death and felt that Ms Huang was an amazingly good person.

His voice was crisp and clear, “Two hundred yuan!”

Huang Yining, who wanted to give Gu Bai money rightfully to spend: “…”

Gu Bai looked at Huang Yining’s expression and hurriedly assured, “Those are all my practice works… they are hanging on a certain website for two hundred yuan a piece …for you to paint I will definitely paint better than those!”

Gu Bai was nervous, a little afraid of losing this patron. The ones hanging upstairs were his homework drafts for practice. They were not made of any expensive materials or good paper, not even canvases.

–The canvases were all taken away by the teachers and seniors, and the compensation was a pile of oil paints and various painting tools.


Huang Yining looked at Gu Bai, thinking that this little brat might be betrayed and still be paying for it when he was let out.

She sighed and chose to surrender: “Fine, fine, fine, I’ll take them all.”

Gu Bai got Ms Huang’s personal number and received a full range of photos of her face and body, including photos of her wearing only a light layer of thin, body-hugging fabric.

What Ms Huang meant was that she wanted a nude and flawless painting of her whole body.

This was fine with Gu Bai — he had painted more than a couple of nude men and women when he was at school.

In painting, the human body is usually viewed from the artistic point of view of whether it is beautiful or not.

Gu Bai collected the pictures with integrity.

For Ms Huang’s painting, it took Gu Bai half a day to go out and buy the various materials. Then he stayed at home and concentrated on painting for four and a half days.

He went outside a few times because someone had ordered from one of his website shops, and he had to ship it to them. Or because he had to pick up groceries from the door.

When Ms Huang came to pick up the painting from his house, she looked at it and felt a little surprised.

–It was simply too good to be true.

In addition to the beauty of the painting itself, the monster’s aesthetics are also based on the spiritual essence contained in the painting.

Whether or not the painter has given his or her all, whether or not he or she has a strong passion and belief in the painting, will be reflected in his or her work.

To an ordinary person, it may appear to be an expression of mood and the kind of intuition that is created at first glance. However, to monsters, such a spiritual essence is immediately apparent.

The painting that Gu Bai has handed over has a strong, vibrant spiritual essence and aura in every corner.

When a painting like this is hanging in the house, it might make the people who were living in it more and more beautiful.

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It was no illusion that Gu Bai’s teacher felt that the house became bright and welcoming after hanging Gu Bai’s painting, nor was it an illusion to think that Gu Bai’s painting had a magical quality that made people feel physically and mentally relaxed just by looking at it.

There is something so powerful about a painting that is instilled with strong passion and conviction of its artist. Especially when the artist is not an ordinary person.

“Are you satisfied?” Gu Bai asked apprehensively, “I really took the work seriously.”

“Of course!” Huang Yining smiled.

This was her new skin, and she was naturally happy in her heart when her new skin was this good.

Ms Huang paid the money readily. She even stroked Gu Xiao Bai’s head and left with the large painting scroll in her hand.

After all, it was not very dignified to change the skin, and the painting had to be glued onto her own skin. On top of that, Ms Huang had to do some work herself.

Gu Bai looked at the fresh, warm stack of 15,000 yuan and was moved to tears.

Ms Huang was such a generous person.

Mr Zhai was also a generous man.

Gu Bai felt that he had really been extremely lucky over the past twenty years, always meeting timely rain at important junctures.

He glanced down at the date on his phone; it was time to follow his mentor on a field trip tomorrow.

Now that he has a little money to spend, he can go out and look at laptops on the way. Gu Bai decided to look for online recommendations to see what laptops are more cost-effective and then go to a shop tomorrow to find out more about them.


The S City Arts Expo Centre is a new project recently undertaken by the city’s Cultural and Propaganda Department.

The three main buildings in a post-modern style were completed in April this year. After being open for two months, invitations began to be sent out widely to various literary and artistic teams and individuals in the S city.

Professor Gao’s team this time was not large. Including Gu Bai, there were nine people, four of whom were the main designers and the other five were the main painters.

Gu Bai was one of the main painters.

The wall in the exhibition hall is not very long, a total of 300 square meters, with a height of just over two meters. It is not an indoor wall, nor is it a linear wall, but a wall that divides the space between the three main buildings to enhance the sense of the area.

There were quite a few places with right angles and wavy walls, and there was even a disrupted design in the middle.

Gu Bai looked at the irregular wall and was a little dumbfounded.

It is true that during his course of study it was said that this would often happen. However, when he actually encountered it, Gu Bai, who had no working experience, was still a bit bewildered.

When it comes to large-scale assignments, a few square meters of canvas prints are more like large-scale prints and paintings than simulated frescoes to design.

–There aren’t that many walls in the school for mural painting students to use for their assignments.

Of the nine members of the team, Gu Bai was the only one who was new to the work.

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With a small notebook in his hand, Gu Bai followed behind Professor Gao and listened with his ears perked up to the discussions and arguments of the seniors about the mural designs. While transcribing the recordings, he quickly distilled the key points of their discussions.

To put it simply, there were many aspects to consider for this project. This wall was also regarded as a part of the entire Art Expo Centre area.

It is important to combine it with the surrounding environment so that it does not look out of place. It is important to match it with the main style of the building and to have artistic, ornamental, symbolic and appreciative value.

There is also a budget to consider.

The cost of materials for such outdoor murals is not low.

Gu Bai nimbly followed the discussions of the seniors and wrote down a pile of materials, ready to go back and look them up.

These seniors all had working experience. Some of the materials they talked about were things that Gu Bai, a rookie who had not yet debuted, had never even heard of.

Gu Bai heard words like “cheap”, “good” and “cost-effective” and “budget-friendly”.

Gu Bai was instantly alerted and went over to the senior who said these words and took notes of the shops he mentioned.

Because there weren’t too many people, Gu Bai, who didn’t talk much and held a small notebook to take notes, was actually very conspicuous.

Professor Gao’s team were basically the students he had brought up over the years. They were either good painters or very talented or had very strong design skills and they all had one thing in common: they were good-tempered and attentive, and especially valued teamwork.

One person noticed the way Gu Bai was fumbling with his notes, then two others, and finally all of them.

Gu Bai was so busy taking notes. As he wrote, he found that the conversation, which had been so fast that he needed to reorganise it by recording it, gradually slowed down to a pace that allowed him to write it down completely. There was even time to think about it.

Gu Bai lifted his head to look at these seniors and eventually met Professor Gao’s delighted and cheerful smiling face.

As he realised that it was the thoughtfulness of his seniors, Gu Bai’s eyes widened slightly and he could not help but purse his lips, revealing a delighted and pleasant smile.

Gu Bai is a timid introvert, but that doesn’t stop him from repaying the seniors who have taken care of him without saying a word.

Being young and physically fit, he did all the work of serving tea and water to the team. At other times, he followed the seniors, who were mainly responsible for the design. On the other hand, he followed them with his laptop, learning the design techniques of the fieldwork.

Mural painting is something that takes into account the intensity of light and angles, and it’s a skill that can’t be taught in school and requires experience in the field to progress.

Today was a very productive day. But running in the field is not something that can be finished in a day. Although the contract states a month’s duration, in reality, with the time spent on prior visits and designing, this project as a whole will definitely take two months.

Tomorrow, they will have to keep coming back.

After the team had been dismissed to their respective homes, Gu Bai went to the shopping street in the city centre to have a look at the laptops at the shop.

The shopping street in S city centre is quite busy. As a cosmopolitan city, even on a Monday during working hours, people are still plastered all over the place.

Gu Bai is walking towards the Electrical Appliance Store, gazing around.

It is important to be observant and learn from the design and beauty in life. It is important to use a professional eye to judge everything tangible you can see.

Even the trajectory of a falling dead leaf is worth noticing and observing.

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This is what those seniors said to Gu Bai.

Gu Bai was a very obedient and well-behaved student.

When the seniors told him to pay careful attention to his surroundings, he paid careful attention to his surroundings seriously.

Then his eyes swept over the television in the milk tea shop next to him.

The TV is showing entertainment news, featuring Ms Huang Yining, and the topic is Huang Yining being caught in a plastic surgery controversy.

Gu Bai blinked and watched the TV carefully analyzing the photos and found nothing interesting.

The image on camera would be influenced by many things, like lighting, makeup, angles and so on.

Gu Bai, who had seen the real person, knew that Ms Huang was good looking and a very nice person.

…Although a bit mean when facing Mr Zhai.

Gu Bai came back from a stroll around the Electrical Appliance store. Just as he entered the community gate, he ran into Huang Yining, who was driving back.

Ms Huang sat in the car and said hello to Gu Bai.

Gu Bai turned his head to look over, and after realizing it was Huang Yining, he thought about the news he had just seen and looked at her with a little worry.

Huang Yining, however, did not look the least bit worried about the scandal, as she leisurely waved at Gu Bai: “Do you need a ride?”

It was about a six-minute walk from the entrance of the community to the sixth unit.

Gu Bai didn’t feel like it and wanted to refuse, but Ms Huang had already unlocked the passenger door.

Gu Bai thought about it and got in, thinking about the news he had seen today, and said to Ms Huang with a serious face, “You look really good today.”

Women always feel happy when they are complimented for their appearance.

Huang Yining was no exception, and she instantly burst into laughter. She started the car and opened up the commercial bragging mode: “You paint so beautifully, so naturally I look good.”

Gu Bai shook his head, ” The main reason is that you are already very good looking.”

The image was already good looking, and if you wanted a flawless version, how could it not look good?

Huang Yining was so pleased with the compliment. With a smile on her face, she was glowing.

A glowing Ms Huang went upstairs with Gu Bai. As soon as she looked up, she saw the house-holding monster who was opening the door to go home.

The two were as quiet as hamsters at once and went into the house under the watchful eye of the big man who was on fire.

And the big man who was left behind looked at Huang Yining’s room 665 for a while, full of contemplation. Finally, he lifted his step over and rang the doorbell.

He found that this painted face had changed its skin.

As the monster responsible for this building, he had to make sure that the other party hadn’t made any mistakes that needed to be cleaned up because of changing its skin.

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