Xie Fei heard the popular science about the recovery of spiritual energy and the inheritance of the demon clan for the second time. Perhaps because he had experience, this time Yu Li’s description was more concise and precise.

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When the end of the sound dissipated, the room fell into a lasting silence.

After a long time, Lu Xiping laughed suddenly, but there was no smile in his eyes: “Your so-called abnormal phenomena and capable people have long since refuted the rumors, and the official unified voice is that cultists use rumors to develop followers for profit. Why, you also joined the cult. Now, do you actually believe in demons?”

Yu Li replied succinctly: “You even believe in ghosts.”

Lu Xiping was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said, “I don’t believe it. I don’t believe in ghosts or demons. Yu Jincheng isn’t dead at all. You guys are playing with me together.”

Yu Li didn’t argue, but put his hand on his sweaty forehead.

As if being touched by an immortal, Lu Xiping’s blurred vision instantly regained clarity. He smelled the rich orange fragrance in his nostrils, and even his ears were no longer clogged as if they were stuffed with cotton. He closed his eyes instinctively, and felt an indescribable air flow from between his eyebrows and spread throughout his body. The heart-ache-like shoulder injury seemed to be getting better.

When the warmth on his forehead disappeared, Lu Xiping slowly opened his eyes, he looked at Yu Li with a complicated expression, and was silent for a long time.

When he spoke again, his voice was hoarse: “What’s going on?”

The bizarre experience he had personally experienced made him finally willing to face the reality – to rule out all the impossible, even if the answer was bizarre, it also meant the truth.

Lu Xi Ping has so much confusion and fear in his heart, wanting to know the truth, but also afraid to know the truth.

But Yu Li had no pity for him, let alone comfort him, he just said indifferently: “The Imperial Moth Yin-Yang Butterfly, a rare species among butterflies, the Poison Butterfly genus. It has mixed male and female wings, the left wing is female and the right wing is male.”

When he heard the words “male and female”, Lu Xiping clenched the bed sheet tightly, almost unable to control his expression, he gritted his teeth so as not to let himself be too rude.

However, Yu Li continued as if he had not noticed it, and continued: “Each butterfly has spherical ganglia on its chest and abdomen, and even if it is brain-dead, it can play a controlling role and can even survive for more than two weeks. This special feature is in the blood. Once awakened, it will naturally evolve into the ability to produce images, you can understand it as a phenomenon of false life.” [ganglia – Ganglia are clusters of nerve cell bodies found throughout the body.]

” False life?” Xie Fei, who hadn’t made much noise, couldn’t hold it in anymore, “But when I saw Mr. Yu that day, his words and actions were normal. If he is really brain dead, even if he can still control his body, he should be similar to a walking corpse, right?”

“Half-demons are not animals without spiritual intelligence, they also have thoughts and emotions during their false life. If it were a pure demon instead, it could use this period to reshape its flesh, or take over.” Yu Li corrected Xie Fei’s misconception and said in a light voice: I smelled a demonic aura on you that day, and when I saw Yu Jincheng, I knew that he was in a fake state, but he was not conscious himself, and his memory stayed at the moment when the car accident happened… ”

Yu Li talked about a conversation with Yu Jincheng one morning, he woke him up, and learned from Yu Jincheng what happened after the car accident.

As he spoke in a slow voice, Xie Fei extended a picture in his mind——

The bus rushed off the bridge and fell into the deep river.

The cries of the passengers were engulfed by the river, and all struggles gradually became silent.

A lifeless body floated and sank with the water. The young man opened his eyes in the water, his arms burst out with inhuman strength, smashed the car window with one punch, and swam ashore.

He didn’t remember who he was, or everything buried deep in the river bottom, he just remembered where he was going.

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The man had no consciousness, and just by instinct, he walked for a few hours to Xining Village and found an inn.

“So after I called his name first, did he remember who he was?” Thinking back to Yu Jincheng’s stunned moment, Xie Fei was deeply saddened.

“It should be a recovery of sanity, but the memory about death is missing.” Yu Li explained unhurriedly, “Normally half-demons with butterfly bloodline can maintain their fake living state for more than two weeks, but the Imperial Moth Yin Yang Butterfly adult lifespan is only six days, meaning he only has six days to sustain. If he never knew the fact of his death, he would pass these six days unconsciously and suddenly turn into a rotten and smelly corpse when the seventh day came.”

Xie Fei was stunned. Some of the details of that night which were strange all make sense now.

“Brother, if you knew it before, why didn’t you tell me?”

“To take care of your cowardice.”

I am not a coward? Xie Fei slandered, muttering in a low voice: “You’re not bringing me to see the scene now.”

Yu Li choked and swept his eyes angrily at Lu Xiping who hung his head in silence: “Before coming, I didn’t know that his robbery would be due to Yu Jincheng, I only knew when I entered the ward and smelled it.”

Xie Fei thought of the truth game that day, Yu Li asked about his wish, but it was his last wish in disguise. And “he” in Yu Jincheng’s words should refer to Lu Xiping.

Perhaps sensing the sight of the two, Lu Xiping raised his head slowly and stared at Yu Li blankly, as if he had not recovered from the shock of Yu Jincheng being a demon and a dead demon. After a while, he asked, “My injury… Was it unintentional or intentional?”

Yu Li’s tone was cool: “How would I know?”

Lu Xiping was stunned, a sarcastic smile overflowing from his throat, and then he remained silent for a long time, staring at the end of the bed out of focus, not knowing what he was thinking.

“What does the Imperial Moth Yin-Yang Butterfly look like?” When he asked this sentence, Lu Xiping’s mood seemed to calm down, and he vaguely regained some of his usual sloppy and frivolous personality: ” Is it beautiful.”

Yu Li was impatient: ” Are you handicapped, you don’t know how to look it up.”

“I do have a handicap.” Lu Xiping lazily returned a sentence, and really picked up the phone that fell on the bed sheet to check, and then hooked his lips: “As expected, the more beautiful things are, the more deadly they are.” [ it looks like this– ]

Xie Fei was inexplicably uncomfortable, and couldn’t help defending Yu Jincheng: “I don’t think Mr. Yu would intentionally harm you, right? We played games that day, and he also said that his wish was to spend a birthday with someone, right?”

Lu Xiping swiped his fingertips on the phone screen and smiled perfunctorily.

Seeing him like this, Yu Li frowned fiercely, stepped forward and rudely tore off his hospital clothes, and pulled off the gauze on the other’s shoulder with Lu Xiping’s pained cry.

The festering wound was instantly exposed to the air, Xie Fei stuck his head out curiously, and immediately turned his eyes away.

“It’s not poison.” Yu Li retracted his hand and wiped it with a tissue from the table.

Xie Fei and Lu Xiping froze at the same time, and at the same time both showed a bewildered expression.

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“Butterflies are used in medicine to dispel diseases and drive away evil spirits, to say that it is too mysterious for you to understand, is an understatement.” Yu Li coldly looked at Lu Xiping: “You just think he gave you a gift that can benefit you for life, but you are just a physical mortal, can not bear it in a short time. In fact, in another three to five days, the wound will be healed.”

Lu Xiping’s breath stalled, without waiting for the other party to digest the words, Yu Li continued in an indifferent voice, holding no emotion. “He’s not trying to harm you, he just likes you.”

That day, Xie Fei went back to the inn alone, because Yu Li said he would stay to deal with Yu Jincheng’s funeral, so he called a taxi for him.

As for the funeral in Yu Li’s mouth, naturally it would not be a white affair in the traditional sense.

Just when the taxi arrived at Xining Village and it was his turn to pay, Xie Fei couldn’t help but have shaky hands.

As soon as he got back to the room, he heard the WeChat prompt.

He never expected that Yu Li would transfer 200RMB worth red packet to him, which immediately warmed his frozen heart.

After a brief hesitation, Xie Fei finally swallowed the sentence “still 50 short” and sent a voice message instead: “How is Mr. Lu?”

“What does it matter to me if he’s okay or not.” Yu Li also sent back a voice, “You go take a driver’s license test.”

“I have a driver’s license, but I left it at Xie’s house and didn’t bring it out.”

“Go to reissue it tomorrow.”

I don’t even have a car, so what’s the use for such a hurry, he muttered in his heart but knew it was pointless to argue with Yu Li, so he asked, “When will you come back?”

This time, Yu Li did not reply to the voice, but sent a text message:

【Yu】 Don’t always act like a spoiled child.

【Yu】 I have something to do, so I will come back when I should.

Xie Fei: ? ? ?

He deliberately listened to his voice message again, and both his voice and tone were completely normal, and he couldn’t figure out how Yu Li came to the conclusion that he was acting like a spoiled child.

At this time, Yu Li sent another voice message, with nine concise words: “I will try to be as early as possible.”

Even though, Yu Li said as soon as possible, but in fact, it was not so fast he disappeared for several days after that.

On the other hand, Yu Li’s team was very conscientious. They followed the process step by step and arranged the online public opinion clearly. Now it’s at a stage where Xie Yao’s team intervene.

Compared with the half-covered revelations of the marketing team, Xie Yao’s side had an apology announcement from the hospital, and with Xie family couple standing by, plus with some supplementary evidence, they immediately reversed the unfavorable situation.

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The fans were proud and rushed to tell each other.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the sunspots temporarily closed the wheat.

People wandering around on the road, eating melons, instantly turned into the wind.

Large and small gossip-based forums also have netizens posting posts discussing the matter –

[In Chinese internet slang, the phrase “eating melon” means to consume gossip.]

【 Title 】 Did anyone eat the giant melon in Weibo?

“Landlord, is your home finally connected to the network cable? When the melons are rotten, they come. At first glance, they are hyped and washed, and by the way, they abuse a wave of powder. ”

“How many fans can there be on the 18th line? If you really want to abuse fans, why don’t you wait until “Dynasty” is released? Xy is too miserable, how is the victim guilty.”

“It’s hard to say whether it is a victim or not, but I’ve been eating melons and found out that his brother isn’t an oil-saving lamp, this time estimated to have xf’s handwriting, rio plastic brotherhood.” [ I have no clue what the sentence means if any of you do know plz comment– 这回估计就有xf的手笔,rio塑料兄弟情–]

” The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what is happening, isn’t it crazy to believe that xy who was hospitalized due to his right hand getting fractured, can also miraculously appear near xf and commit murder by pushing him from a high altitude. And about the aunt? show me evidence to confirm it, I will go out 200 yards. 2333″

“Two hundred yards incoming ! @Perceptor is reincarnated!!!”

The “two hundred yards” netizen who had just swore a vow was in a panic, and she had a deep hatred for that string of letters. Ten days ago, it was @Perceptor’s revelation that made her family leader ridiculed by the entire Internet group, and also made her cry four times in the middle of the night, and the tears could not stop.

Unlike most of the netizens who worship Xie Yao for the sake of fun, “two hundred yards” really worshipped Xie Yao . She was once blessed by Xie Yao, and soon after that she got back her cat which had been lost for half a month, and her annoying English teacher was also replaced. Since then, she has worshipped Xie Yao like a god and cannot accept any vicious words against him.

“Two hundred yards” clicked into the address attached to the comment and chose to report it without even looking at the content.

But after the report was over, she discovered that Weibo, which had just over 300 retweets, jumped to over 1,000 retweets all of a sudden!

“Two hundred yards” was a little uneasy, she hesitated to open the picture uploaded by @Perceptor2.0.

A hammer slammed into her face and turned her into a pig’s head.

“Two hundred yards” was sluggish, and was screaming in her heart——

fake! fake! fake!

I won’t believe it!

She automatically turned on the brain-damaged fan mode, as long as the real owner did not admit it, everything is fake!

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“Two hundred yards” was so angry that it exploded, and she typed away, crackling.

“Don’t you need to be responsible for talking online now? Posting few fake pictures to confuse everyone, if you have the ability fight in a fair manner, not with these sneaky tricks.”

“200 yards is back? Be careful just like before, begging for a hammer and attracting people.”

“He only dares to hide in the stinky ditch. If he has the courage to show his face, I dare to go out five hundred yards!”

“Two hundred yards” poison spell just escalated, and several comments flashed out –

“Five hundred yards is coming! XF is live!!!!

The author has something to say:

A Li: Spoiled spirit.

Cui Cui: brain-dead monster.

Xiang Fei: lock up.

Ah Fu: The key was swallowed.

Yinsu: Goo.

The story comes from an experiment done by an entomologist. After the cabbage butterfly was decapitated, the cabbage butterfly still lived for 19 days, during which the body could move and excrete. After all, it’s just a story, so don’t take it seriously, hhh

ps. Lu Xiping first appeared in chapter 20, the one who invited Xie Fei to drink, if you forgot, you can go back and read, and a spoonful of dog blood in the reading guide is the story…


At noon yesterday, I originally uploaded 100 comments in this chapter, but it seems that the flow has been limited, and no one can see it, so I will summarize the main comments for you.

Yuli 484 Panda?

2. Blind box

3, scolding scum, Lu feels distressed

4.The Yin-Yang Butterfly of Emperor E is good to listen to + all kinds of popular science

5.I thought Yu was a rat demon, bit Lu and Lu got the plague (call me out of Yan with a laugh)

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