Chapter 23 – The Collapse of Everyday Life

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Synopsis of the last chapter:

(Beginning Omitted)

“It’s quite a severe situation, what do you plan to do, Rose-san?” (Mana)

“It’s all or nothing, should I throw this axe?” (Rose)

“I thought you’d say that, but I think it’d be better to stop.” (Mana)

“——Eiii” (Rose)

“Perhaps, if you do that, that slime will fall down here……KYAaAA!?” (Mana)

It fell.

——The Third Day of our stay in Fortress Tilia

It was a quiet morning, unchanged from the day before.

“……I’m sleepy.” (Majima)

“As usual, you’re weak in the morning, Master, huh?” (Lily)

While listening to what Lily was saying with a voice as if she was shocked, despite there being something charming mixed in there somewhere, I suppressed a yawn.

It was early morning; the sky still dim. We were waiting for Silane to come to the room.

Yesterday, she promised to teach me the way of the sword.

Silane seemed to have a habit of moving her body in the morning, and asked me “Will you accompany me in that?”.

Silane was a good teacher. For me, who had been swinging the sword my own way, yesterday’s training was more of a learning experience that I had expected, and was a productive use of my time. I could receive coaching from her once again like that, so though it was early morning, I had no complaints.

But, my only gripe was the fact that, after that, Silane would leave the fortress from morning until about noon, saying that she’d be assigned a patrol mission. Originally, Silane, who had gone out on a long-term expedition to the depths of the sea of trees, was supposed to be given a day off. But as it turned out, the Alliance’s Knight Order she belonged to was shorthanded, so in the end her day off was relinquished.

I had something I wanted to tell her if I had enough time to carefully speak to her. It was important business. However, it seemed there was nothing to do this time again.

Although, I didn’t really have any reason to rush it.

Since we were in this fortress, there were a lot of chances.

While I was still only half awake, Lily had made preparations for receiving her, including dressing herself. Charmed by her smile which was 50% brighter than usual for some reason, I—allowed to sit on the bed until Silane arrived, and in a semi-awake state—heard a knocking sound after a while.

Lily, who was hugging my arm while in a good mood, got up quickly, went to receive her, and opened the door.

In the corridor, there was the figure of a slightly small boy with glasses raising one hand.

“Yo. Good morning, Takahiro, Mizushima-san.” (Mikihiko)

“Eh? Why Shumoku-kun?” (Lily)

Looking at my face from the other side of Lily, who tilted her head, Mikihiko waved his hand at me, who was inside the room.

“I came.” (Mikihiko)

“……Morning.” (Majima)

“The case where my joke remark was ignored by a friend. Or rather, Takahiro, you’re half asleep?” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko, who entered the room, asked Lily who had a bitter smile, and *kuwatto* opened his eyes right after that.

“A man and a woman in a room. A sleepy guy. ……Th-this is…the legendary『I enjoyed last night』!?” (Mikihiko)

“……You know from before that I’m weak in the mornings, don’t you?” (Majima)

“Ah, tha….that’s right. Tahaha, that was rude. ……but, Takahiro, you haven’t casually denied my remark, you know? Do you know about that, Mizushima-san?” (Mikihiko)

“Eh? Ah, yup. ——I wonder~. Fufu.” (Lily)

“The ‘being suggestive’!? I have to hear! To comfort Leader! ……that’s impossible, huh. That person’s guard is too tough, but damn it, I also like that kind of part!” (Mikihiko)

“……You’re energetic in the morning.” (Majima)

But, well, maybe thanks to him, my eyes were coming to their senses, and, holding back my slight headache, I shook my head.

“So, what did you come early in the morning like this for?” (Majima)

“N. Aah, well. That’s it.” (Mikihiko)

When I asked once again, Mikihiko scratched his unkempt hair a little shyly.

“I heard that Takahiro was being taught the ways of the sword by Silane-san, so maybe I’ll join in as well.” (Mikihiko)

“Mikihiko? That again, whatever brought that on?” (Majima)

“……Well. Ummm, the story hasn’t advanced, so I’ll tell you this time.” (Mikihiko)

Under his glasses, Mikihiko avoided meeting my gaze.

“I too, occasionally train under Silane-san. That’s why, well, it’s something like that” (Mikihiko)

“……” (Majima)

He had an embarrassed appearance as we talked about his efforts ——I knew that he had that sort of nature.

I was attacked by a fit of small laughter.『As usual』, it seemed that this guy was the same as ever.

“Besides, at least if I’m with Takahiro, it’s more fun than moving my body while aiming to awaken a cheat with those swept-by-the-mood heroes. I deeply trust in Silane-san and Leader. And, so far as it goes, if it’s just the strengthening of my physical abilities and simple magic, I can pull it off” (Mikihiko)

“Aah. I see. It’s more efficient to train with me, who’s at the same level, huh? ……However, I can’t use magic.” (Majima)

“What I can use is just first-rank water magic at most. Although I say that, I would’ve died a dog’s death in the forest if I hadn’t learned this, so this has been useful enough so far. I was taught physical ability strengthening after I came here, and after that, I’ve been devotedly training『this』. Since it looks like my chances are much better with this than magic.” (Mikihiko)ᴬ

Saying so, Mikihiko played with the end grips of his daggers on his waist with his fingertips.

“Come to think of it, you use daggers, Mikihiko?” (Majima)

“Yep.” (Mikihiko)

The 4 sturdy looking daggers with a blade length of about 30 centimeters were hanging down on Mikihiko’s waist.

Making a noise *shing*, Mikihiko pulled out two daggers in an underhanded grip. That smooth movement was excellent. Even from just that, I could surmise that Mikihiko had made serious efforts to train.

“……Dual wielding?” (Majima)

“Yeah. Cool, isn’t it?” (Mikihiko)

Things like these were typical of Mikihiko.

In regards to his spare weapons also being prepared precisely, they were there not for playing but for the assumption that he’d fight. Mikihiko, putting his weapons back, puffed his chest out in pride and spoke.

“My aim is mastering every martial art. I want to become Leader’s knight. I thought ‘let’s get used to weapons that are easy to hold onto in my hands’, and studied under Silane-san. So, where is that essential Silane-san?” (Mikihiko)

“We’re also waiting for her. I think she’ll come soon……” (Majima)

As I started to speak, there was a knocking sound.

The ‘speak of the devil and they shall appear’, huh? Lily headed towards the door once more.

This time, it was Silane who appeared. Her neat and clean appearance, which had a feeling of transparency characteristic to elves, was covered with white armor today. She was holding her helmet at her side. It was probably something prepared for the patrolling which she had said that she had, this morning.

“Good morning, Takahiro-dono, Miho-dono. ……Oh? You came as well, Mikihiko-dono?” (Silane)

“Aah. Morning, Silane. ……Did something happen?” (Majima)

I raised my eyebrows.

It was because I spotted a shadow clouding Silane’s well-ordered yet reserved facial expression.

“My apologies, Takahiro-dono. It’s regarding the matter of training: can I get you to please wait a little while?” (Silane)

Silane lowered her head with a sorrowful face.

“I don’t really mind that. But, did something happen?” (Takahiro)

“Yes. I don’t see Kei, who told to me prepare for this morning’s training, anywhere.” (Silane)

“……What?” (Takahiro)

I reflexively narrowed my eyes.

“Something like this has never happened until now, so I’m worried.” (Silane)

Exactly as she said, Silane seemed to be agitated.

I knew how much she cared about Kei, her niece, through the exchange at the mausoleum yesterday. Her being agitated couldn’t be helped.

“I’m sorry, I think I’ll search for that child after this. I broke the promise, so I’ll contact you first ……” (Silane)

“I understand the situation. It can’t be helped if that’s the case. Please search for Kei. ……or rather, we’ll also lend a hand.” (Majima)

“Eh? No, that is……” (Silane)

Silane tried to decline my proposal while looking like she was apologetic for troubling us but Mikihiko, floating a thoughtless smile, cut into the conversation.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. We don’t have anything to do, and it is your day off.” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko pushed Silane’s back until she was in the corridor.

We also followed that back. My eyes met with Mikihiko’s, who stopped his legs.

“Besides, perhaps, it might be our side’s carelessness……right?” (Mikihiko)

“Mikihiko-dono? What do you mean……?” (Silane)

“It’s fine, so Silane-san, go quickly.” (Mikihiko)

“O-Okay. Well then, I’m sorry, please help me.” (Silane)

Silane, though confused, hung her head, and left.

Mikihiko, having seen the back of her body off, turned back this way. His facial expression was grave.

“Three days after they came here. Just the right time for an idiot to do something stupid, isn’t it?” (Mikihiko)

“……You thought about the same thing as well, Mikihiko?” (Majima)

I couldn’t help but scowl.

Yesterday, when I talked to Kei, I felt that she was a child so diligent that she was too digilent. There was no way she’d play hooky and be playing somewhere. Assuming that, it was correct to think that something happened.

And, if it was『something』that hadn’t happened until now, then there was a high possibility that it was a troublesome thing done by a person who came to this fortress recently.

Unlike Silane, both Mikihiko and I knew that the transferred people who came to this fortress weren’t heroes or something like that, but ordinary teenage boys and girls. If people like those were given a free hand then them misunderstanding something and turning towards selfish behavior wouldn’t be strange.

“Damn it, if it’s something like this, it’d be nice if they properly stood guard over those guys!” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko kicked the floor in irritation.

“Calm down. It isn’t like that has been determined yet.” (Majima)

I rebuked Mikihiko.

That’s right. That hadn’t been determined yet.

But, if, if it was『that』……

What came to my mind was the body of Miho Mizushima, who chose suicide. And, the figure of Katō-san that I saw in the mountain hut the other day.

“……Anyway, let’s look for her quickly.” (Majima)

When I said so after shaking my head, Mikihiko nodded with a grave facial expression.

“Yeah. Even if someone saw something, they might hold their tongue from their『special consideration towards the heroes』if Silane-san asked them. We, however, have the same position. We can get information out of people.” (Mikihiko)

“Let’s divide the work. I’ll go with Mizushima-san. Mikihiko, please also search separately from us.” (Majima)

“Okay. I think that’s fine. Since we might be dealing with a fool, it might also be dangerous for Mizushima-san. Well then, see ya later.” (Mikihiko)

Separating from Mikihiko, who waved his hand and hurriedly broke into a run, we began searching for Kei’s whereabouts.

We walked down the corridor with a quick pace. We couldn’t care about the soldiers who thanked us courteously now. As Mikihiko had said, I didn’t plan to ask them.

Perhaps he was in a hurry, as it appeared that Mikihiko hadn’t noticed, but we couldn’t handle this world’s language. I couldn’t “get information”. Mikihiko, who’s been in this fortress for a while, may have obtained a『Manastone of Translation』from an acquaintance, but I had no clue about that.

Though, I didn’t necessarily intend to walk about at random either.

“Lily.” (Majima)

“I know. My『nose』is needed, right?” (Lily)

A tacit understanding. I arrived at the room where I received an introduction to the sword yesterday from Silane.

I planned to train my body in here this morning as well. In other words, it was highly likely that Kei, who was told to make preparations by Silane, came here, or near here.

I got Lily to mimic the fire fang’s wolf nose, and had her follow Kei’s latest scent.

Lead by Lily, my legs steadily went towards an area devoid of people.

*Sniff sniff*, Lily snorted her nose.

“There’s a smell of old iron. I think it’s armor, probably.” (Lily)

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“Then, this place is the storage area?” (Majima)

To simplify things, it was the storehouse. It wasn’t popular for a reason.

What was Kei doing in such a place? ……Or maybe, what was about to be done? An unpleasant premonition began to take on reality. Spontaneously, my steps quickened.

“……She was here.” (Majima)

Shortly thereafter, we discovered a party of two—a blond-haired boy and a little girl—in a corridor devoid of people.

One of them was a little girl with natural blonde hair with high transparency. The other one, holding her wrist, was a boy with dyed blonde hair which roots’ were becoming black.

The boy was pulling the very young girl, trying to bring her into a room. The girl, whose well-ordered and young features stiffened in fright, seemed to be unable to resist.

“……” (Majima)

It was the worst case I assumed.

However, it hadn’t reached the worst situation.

It appeared that we were in time.

The boy noticed our quickly approaching figures.

He knit his brows, his facial expression distorted unpleasantly, and the boy shouted something.

His attitude was a lot bigger than when I encountered him yesterday morning.

After considering why, I realized that the situation was a little different from that time.

There were no ‘Scouting Corps’ here.

Him becoming unpleasant was easy to understand.

Having understood, I shortened the distance without slowing down, and grabbed the head of the boy who was raising vulgar complaints.

Dialogue was unnecessary.

Before the boy reacted, I slammed the boy’s face into the door of the room he was trying to bring the little girl into.

The boy, spouting blood from his nose, lost consciousness and collapsed without raising even a single scream.

He was full of gaps. Did he think that when he was trying to hurt another person with his selfish lust, only he wouldn’t be attacked, or something? He wasn’t significant enough to require me borrowing Lily’s help.

But, well, it might have been like that.

I only managed to pull off what I did right now because it wasn’t like he received strict battle training, nor had he experienced standing on the verge of death. He didn’t have any kind of resolution, either, but even now, he wanted to do whatever he liked with his privilege as a ‘hero’ being his shield.

Cutting my line of sight from the boy, I looked back.

“Are you okay?” (Majima)

Kei, who fell on her backside and eyes widened, looked up at me. She was openmouthed.

“……Ah. I see. She doesn’t understand what I’m saying, does she?” (Majima)

There was no『Manastone of Translation』here. I was a transferred person, and Kei was a resident of this different world. My words didn’t get through to her.

As I scratched my head wondering ‘What to do’, Kei shouted something and stood up.

“——,——~! ——!” (Kei)

“A-, um.” (Majima)

As it was quite a quick move, I was surprised, but it seemed she was just hugging me. My name was mixed into the words that she spoke several times.

“——~, ——~” (Kei)

Kei began to cry as she was. I guess she was scared. Even if it was an attempt, it wasn’t like there weren’t any wounds in her heart.

I stroked her head as gently as possible, and once more, I looked over my shoulder.

“……” (Majima)

In that place, was the figure of the blonde-haired boy who flashily collapsed, scattering blood from his nose——

“Don’t kill him.” (Lily)

——Lily grabbed my shoulder and spoke. And, I returned to myself.

I scratched my head, feeling awkward. Although it wasn’t like I had clear killing intent, I didn’t know what would’ve happened if I stayed like that.

“……My bad.” (Majima)

“No. Mas——Majima-kun, I know why you hate guys like him, and the reason.” (Lily)

“……” (Majima)

From the start, since Lily was pretending to be Miho Mizushima, as long it wasn’t something quite big, I planned to bear the full brunt of it. So, what happened so far was as planned.

However, me delivering the final blow in here wasn’t in the plan.

After all this, I wouldn’t hesitate to dirty these hands of mine with blood if and when it was necessary, but the place right now was simply poor.

It was different from the trio in that mountain hut, or in Kaga’s case. I couldn’t forget that this wasn’t the outrageous forest, but the domain of humans already.

Even though the other party had been trying to commit something lawless to a very young little girl, and I knew he wouldn’t be punished because of his privilege, it was impossible for me to do it myself here.

……What the hell was right, and what was wrong, it was something I didn’t know anymore.

While feeling something incomprehensible, I stroked the crying Kei’s head, who clung to my chest.

“……?” (Majima)

And, then, I became aware of a gaze looking this way.

I had missed it due my field of vision narrowing until some time ago, but there was the figure of another boy who sunk down to the floor alongside the wall of the corridor.

I remembered him. He was the『bullied』boy. His cheeks were swelling for some reason.

Lily, who had noticed his existence faster than me, went up to his side.

“Are you okay? Umm, you are……” (Lily)

She started to speak, and quickly looked back. Why she brought herself to my side in an instant as if to hug me, was actually to fulfill her duty as an escort.

The blonde-haired bo——Sakagami, who recovered consciousness, was rising.

“You……YOUUU! You’ve done it, screwing around like that……!” (Sakagami)

While blood dripped from his nose, Sakagami was glaring at me with bloodshot eyes.

“Y-You’ll……You’ll, regret thisss.” (Sakagami)

“You……” (Majima)

It was truly being resented in return. For some reason, his anger filled with malice was quite superficial.

However, in there was a dangerousness characteristic of a shallow human being.

Another sense of impending crisis ran up my spine again, like when I was against a monster.

Humans like this would do anything. I had a premonition. This guy, he’d absolutely not forget this off-the-mark grudge. What would be produced as a result of that, would be an eye-covering disaster.

There was no need for a big reason in losing irreplaceable and precious things. Rather, I knew from experience that small things like these were often more troublesome.

Kei was a good child.

Silane was a sincere girl who could honestly face others, and both Miho Mizushima and Katō-san were good people who’d never went through things like that.

And yet, why did they have to be hurt by guys like him?

……Wouldn’t it be better…to remove him in this place?

As he was, there was no guarantee that a misfortune like that which had come down on Miho Mizushima and Katō-san’s bodies wouldn’t happen again. Rather, that was happening already. After losing it, it all was too late.

Even if my position became worse, I’d remove this guy he……

“You’ll REGRET it…..!!” (Sakagami)

My hand unconsciously reached to the sword on my back, and just before it……

“——What are you doing!” (???)

A man’s voice broke in between us.

When I turned my line of sight while leaving caution on Sakagami, Juumonji of the ‘Scouting Corps’ was there.

He approached us with a look of anger. Was the timing good or bad? If it was like this, then I had no choice but to stop my hand.

“Another quarrel? What is it this time……” (???->Juumonji)

“Tsk. Nothing!” (Sakagami)

Sakagami’s change of attitude was quick.

Staring at me with eyes of hatred once, he went out from Juumonji’s side and quickly left.

“Kuu, wait! Sakagami!” (Juumonji)

Juumonji appeared to hesitate a little, but after a glance at us, it seemed he decided to chase Sakagami.

“Majima and Mizushima, and, you were called Kudō or something, right? I’ll have a talk with you guys as well later.” (Juumonji)

Without listening to our side, Juumonji left.

An irritated complain was heard when he left.

“Honestly. How long will you have the beliefs of the world you were in originally. This place is a different world, why do I have to be bothered by guys who don’t understand that just about everything is different……!” (Juumonji)

Perhaps the leader role was serious as well, Juumonji seemed to be accumulating quite a bit on the third day. Well, it was an understandable story. Even Juumonji, excluding the ‘cheat-holding’, was only an ordinary student; with a problem element like Sakagami, he’d want to hold his head.

——This place was a different world, just about everything was different from the world we were in originally.

I remembered that Juumonji also had said something similar yesterday. That was certainly true.

“Sakagami doesn’t understand around that at all”, I thought that it would be like that.

But, on the other hand, whether or not Juumonji, who hadn’t run into distress in a true meaning so far, knew that『difference』in the real sense, honestly, was a problem.

Unlike me, they retained the values of the world we were from. They kept on holding to those『wonderful things』without even realizing they were wonderful. And yet, I wonder, what looked different?

The reason I felt like that was probably because unhappy people were often jealous of the fortunate people——

“……What are you saying. Nothing has changed.” (Bullied boy)

——As it was when I was thinking about such things, that line strangely left a strong impression.

Once I looked back, the『bullied child』left alone had risen while I had my attention caught by Juumonji’s entrance.

“Are you okay? He didn’t hit your head or anything?” (Lily)

“Thank you for your concern, Senpai.” (Bullied boy)

When Lily called out to the boy anxiously, the boy floated a thin smile on his sensitive looks.

“I’m alright. Yeah. I’m used to this much.” (Bullied boy)

His consciousness seemed to be level-headed, and there wasn’t any unsteadiness in his movements when he got up. For now, it seemed like he didn’t have to worry about major injuries.

“Hmm. What’s wrong?” (Majima)

At that time, Kei, who’d been clinging to my chest, stirred.

“——, ——~” (Kei)

Of course, I didn’t know what she was saying, but I understood that it appeared she wanted to request something.

“——, ——” (Kei)

Kei, raising a sniffle and separating from my body, said something in a language not known by us otherworlders, and lowered her head to the boy whose cheeks were swollen. I transferred my gaze from Kei to the boy.

“…..Perhaps, you protected this child, and got hit?” (Majima)

“Ahaha. I couldn’t do anything, though. It’s just embarrassing.” (Bullied boy)

He forced a laugh and scratched his cheek. Perhaps he felt pain when he touched it, as the area near his lips twitched.

Withdrawing his gaze, the boy lightly lowered his head.

“I’m glad that you came, Senpai. Please, take care of that child.” (Bullied boy)

The boy cut through us, and tried to leave.

“Please wait a second. Umm……” (Majima)

I faced his back and tried to call out to him, and faltered for a second as I didn’t know his name.

Juumonji of the ‘Scouting Corps’ should have called out to him a bit ago. If I remembered correctly……

“……Kudō, was it?” (Majima)

Though I’d heard the everyone’s names when I met up with the over-ten ‘Stay Behind’ people who were rescued inside the forest, my memories were fuzzy.

——Riku Kudō. If I wasn’t mistaken, that was his name.

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“Yes. What is it?” (Bullied boy->Kudō)

“A bit ago, you said『nothing has changed』.” (Majima)

I asked Kudō, who looked back, a question.

“What did you mean?” (Majima)

“……Ahh. That, huh? I intended for that to be monologue.” (Kudō)

Kudō let loose a bitter smile. His facial expression was like he’d given up.

“A strong guy can behave however he likes. I just thought that it was probably always like that in our world.” (Kudō)

“……” (Majima)

For Kudō, who seemed to have a henchman or manservant relationship with Sakagami without wanting one, even if he came to another world, the world seemed to be the same continuation of his real life—not changing at all……it was like that, I think.

Perhaps, that was maybe a negative aspect of the『unchanged』that I, who only had viewed them in comparison to myself who『changed』, hadn’t known.

“Sorry for saying weird things. Excuse me.” (Kudō)

Lowering his head lightly, this time, Kudō left. Lily came near me, who watched the back of his body off

“What’s wrong?” (Lily)

“Nothing.” (Majima)

I shook my head. It wasn’t a big deal.

But, there was a me who understood something in the exchange just now.

——Strong guys could behave however they liked.

In the world we were in once, apart from things like the moral sense, ethics, and sense of justice in an individual’s chest, there was a standard called ‘law’ which maintained the order of society.

And, what backed such a structure were the various mechanisms of maintenance of the public order. You could reword this as ‘an easy-to-understand policy’, or think of a country where the army was shouldering that as a more extreme example—either was fine.

However, a『deterrence』like that didn’t exist in the sea of trees, where we transferred to.

Due to that, the people who had power behaved however they liked which caused the tragedy called ‘the colony’s collapse’.

In both the world we were in before and within that thick forest, as well as in this fortress we were in now, the true nature of those called ‘humans’ may not have changed. However, if we assumed that a stronger force set the rules……

“——, ——~!” (Kei)

The clothes around my chest were pulled on, and my gaze fell. Kei was fixedly looking up at me with red eyes.

“……For now, let’s go back, I guess. Silane is worried.” (Majima)

Whatever kind of world it was, it didn’t change what could be done by us. I’d just resist with all I had to defend those important to me.

Shaking off my useless thoughts, I *pat* stroked Kei’s head. Her delicately ordered face—similar to Silane’s—softly smiled.

Right now, I was just glad I was able to protect this smile.

In the end, the early morning training was cancelled.

I left the room after changing into new clothes, and then ate breakfast shoulder to shoulder with the other students in the fortress.

Taichi Miyoshi—who was in a『mediator』position—said that they were predominantly taught magic in particular today. As they moved their bodies quite intensely in yesterday’s training, people complained that “doing physical strength training everyday is too intense”, and magic training seemed to be the result.

Though Kudō was in the location for breakfast, there wasn’t a chance to talk to him, and Juumonji and Sakagami weren’t there, maybe due to the matter in the morning. With the『Great Runner』Eno having not returned yet, only the short-build Watanabe, who held a battle staff, in the ‘Scouting Corps’ was surrounded by a lot of people, including the person in charge of the fortress.

After finishing the meal, we headed towards the location of Silane, who left the fortress to patrol, and returned to the room where Kei was being looked after.

And, what began was study time. However, the role of teacher was not our’s, but the very young girl’s.

Kei, spreading books on the small table, taught us what she knew about the monsters in this world.

“The origin of all monsters is the sea of trees, right? Then, outside the sea of trees, there aren’t that many strong monsters?” (Majima)

“Fundamentally, it’s like that. But, there are also exceptions.” (Kei)

Kei, whose cheeks flushed, answered my question.

Her tightly clasped fists were on her knees, and her slightly forward-bent posture was revealing her enthusiasm in trying to answer my question seriously; she was quite lovely. From her neck, a manastone as big as a fingertip was hanging.

“While the hero-samas from before cleared the sea of trees, cut-off pieces of the sea of trees are left over in various places. These pieces are called『Dark Forests』. There are many monsters so strong that they can’t be killed easily normally in there. So strong that if we try to cut down the forest, we have to be prepared to take a lot of damage. As I talked about earlier, things like the『Grefed Kingdom』and『Earth’s Anger』are pretty well known.” (Kei)

“I see. The fact that the reason why the cut-off sea of trees parts are left over is due to that and that alone, right?” (Majima)

“Yes. On the contrary, there are also those without a habit to settle in them, and they are treated as disasters outside of the sea of trees. Unlike those with a settling habit, the damage from these guys is enormous, so quite a bit are subjugated by the hero-samas.” (Kei)

“That is one of the jobs of a hero.” (Majima)

“It’s a thing like that. In other cases, there are also legends that talk about a monster that ruled a small country. Although I say this, this is an ingenuine writing not recognized by the church.” (Kei)

“Not recognized?” (Majima)

“A monster having reason and ruling a country is impossible, after all.” (Kei)

“……Well, that’s true.” (Majima)

Lily, who was sitting on the bed in the edge of my field of vision, *heh* laughed.

“It seems that it’s been a play in the Imperial Capital for a long time. The Undead King of Tragedy curl. It is the tale of the king of a magic country, which excelled in magic, who went mad at the death of a female hero-sama, who was his lover, and in the end, he turned into a lich—an undead monster. Since he was a lich possessing high immortality, though something incomplete, no one was able to kill the undead king who retained his sanity due to his tenacious will power, until finally, the church knights that were once led by the female hero-sama were dispatched. Later, the undead king disappeared within the flames of purification.” (Kei)

“From what you said, that “undead king” has already died?” (Majima)

“Fufu. This is a fairy tale to the utmost, Takahiro-san. In the church, it was said that the mad king led his country, and it was a revolt against the empire. It’s a person who is hundreds of years old, it’s natural he died already.” (Kei)

“I see”, I gave her words to indicate I understood, and sighed so it couldn’t be noticed. “It’s too bad.”

Of course, there was meaning in listening to stories of famous monsters from Kei like this. Because, we stepped into the world of humans, and would move away from the world of monsters more than we had done so far. In other words the increase in the war potential me, a monster tamer, would be hindered.

However, there was also the merit that information gathering could be done more easily in the world of humans.

If I gathered information about powerful monsters, it might be possible to contact rare monsters or high monsters that can become my family. As far as what I heard in Kei’s story, there seemed to be a monster that had a consciousness without “my” existence, and that also stirred up my interest.

Of course, even if I didn’t have a reason like that, there was meaning in gathering information about monsters. There was particularly abundant information about monsters in the Outer Layer of the sea of trees. Even if the Outer Layer was just a bite, there was regionality, and there were also many things I hadn’t encountered directly—it was very interesting.

And, I was also able to hear interesting stories like this.

“There are famous monsters in the north of this sea of trees as well. It’s a white spider that was confirmed five hundred years ago. Whether the truth or a lie, a very beautiful arachne that doesn’t seem to be of this world appears in the heroic stories of the hero-samas.” (Kei)

I looked like I might spit out the tea I was just about to bring to my mouth.

“A-, a white arachne……?” (Majima)

“Oh? Are you interested? In the expedition to the Extreme Depths five hundred years ago, the exhausted Army was harshly kicked about in the middle of going back, or so they say. What was handed down was “Hero-sama, who fought a do-or-die battle to try to protect the Army, was able to fight a grand battle despite already bearing fatal injuries on their body”. The result seems to have been a tie, with neither a victory nor a defeat. Perhaps, the white spider may be roaming the sea of trees even now.” (Kei)

No. There was no way I could say “She’s supposed to be near this fortress right now”.

Although it was when she didn’t have self-consciousness, Gerbera seemed to have been mischievous as well. No. I heard the story before, but I never imagined that she had fought the leader.

In any case, the time where I invited Kei to the room like this was very useful and fun.

We had lunch together as well, and the lecture continued in the afternoon until Silane, who returned from patrolling, showed her face.

“Thank you very much for looking after Kei. Was Kei helpful for you, Takahiro-dono?” (Silane)

“Yeah. I heard various interesting stories.” (Majima)

“That’s good.” (Silane)

After she looked pleasantly at Kei, who hung her head in embarrassment with red cheeks, Silane shortened the distance and lowered her voice.

“Regarding the matter that was requested, Kei being able to accompany you and Miho-dono as an aid was allowed, Takahiro-dono.” (Silane)

“!! Really? That’s good.” (Majima)

I requested through Silane to have Kei act as our aid.

As to be expected, I only had my position of “hero”, but it seemed that selfishness of this level would pass. I guess it was because originally, Kei was just Silane’s attendent, and she wasn’t tasked with any work in the Knight Order.

The reason I arranged it like this went without saying. Despite being called an “aid”, in reality, we protected Kei under our positions of “heroes”.

Sakagami left because the ‘Scouting Corps’ forced their way into that place, but guys of that sort excelled at shifting the blame and resenting in return. There was nothing better than putting Kei in a place where eyes could reach her as much as possible.

“But, I still can’t believe it. That a hero-sama did that……” (Silane)

“I understand your feelings, but it’s true. There’s no way you don’t believe in what Kei said, right?” (Majima)

“Right. Of course I do, that’s right.” (Silane)

“We also saw it with our eyes, it became an insignificant dispute.” (Majima)

For Silane, the heroes were living legends, they were objects of faith. She never would have even imagined that one would harbor evil thoughts towards a very little girl. My point seemed hard to swallow, and a wrinkle formed between her eyebrows.

Nonetheless, she had to look at reality properly, and protect their bodies.

“This was also said by Kei, but, if there is ever an issue, please hurry to us anyway. We have the same standing as a “hero” as well, and we should be able to protect you.” (Majima)

“……Thank you very much. It seems I’ve caused you trouble with Kei’s matter, what can I really say to you, Takahiro-dono?” (Silane)

“I don’t mind. The bad thing is Sakagami, and I didn’t feel like you caused me trouble, or anything like that. Besides, there’s no way I could pretend to not see such a good child being hurt by people like Sakagami.” (Majima)

Kei noticed my gaze I directed at her after saying so. A flowery smile bloomed on her very young face.

“Takahiro-san! And you came too, Ane-sama! You won’t leave soon, riiight?” (Kei)

Kei, who rushed over to me, pulled my hand.

Maybe because of the matter that happened this morning, or because she was with us for half a day today, it seemed she’d become very attached to me.

“Yeah. I know.” (Majima)

As Kei also came, I decided to cut the secret talk, and turned my gaze towards Silane.

“You’re fine with that as well, Silane?” (Majima)

“Yes. I don’t mind. My patrolling duty is temporary, so I have time.” (Silane)

In substitute of the early morning training that washed away, today, it was decided that I’d go out with Silane from now on.

“Sorry for using your break when it’s half of a day.” (Majima)

“Don’t be. This is something suggested by me. Besides, though I also said this yesterday, there’s nothing to do besides training anyway. You have zeal, Takahiro-dono, so lessons are worth it, even if they’re by me.” (Silane)

“Because the way you teach is skillful, Silane. It’d be wasteful to not do it seriously.” (Majima)

“I-, I don’t really think so……” (Silane)

Silane, hiding her line of sight, touched her pointed ears with her fingertips. That seemed to be her habit when she was embarrassed. Though I was tempted to laugh, I added one request.

“But, it’s fine to be stricter.” (Majima)

“……If I’m stricter, there’s the danger that you’ll be hurt.” (Silane)

“I won’t complain if it’s just my bones breaking. I mean, it’ll be healed with recovery magic anyway, so please do it strictly with all your strength. Otherwise, there’s no meaning in it.” (Majima)

“O-, okay. It seems like yesterday you moved your body to the limit of your physical strength, I don’t doubt what you’re saying seriously, Takahiro-dono……” (Silane)

Silane’s voice was a little shocked, but at the same time, I felt like it contained favorable emotions in there.

“If the conversation’s ended, then let’s go, Takahiro-san. I’ll also train with you today, Silane-ane-sama~. Let’s do our best together!” (Kei)

Maybe she judged that our conversation ended, Kei pulled a bit strongly on my hand that she was still grasping. Looking at Kei—who she considered to be her younger sister—like that, Silane frowned, as if troubled.

“Kei. You’re being over-familiar with Takahiro-dono……” (Silane)

“Not good, Silane-san. It’s a story like ‘Majima-kun has a younger brother, but not a little sister’, her becoming emotionally attached is kind of cute.” (Lily)

Lily smoothed out Silane’s troubled face.

“But……” (Silane)

Looking at her niece, who was still tightly gripping my hand, Silane lowered her eyebrows and smiled.

“……No. I understand. My apologies, Takahiro-dono. Please take care of Kei.” (Silane)

“Hooray!”, Kei muttered loudly, and everyone started laughing.

It was a scene so peaceful that I couldn’t imagine that we were in the sea of trees, where monsters were wandering about. I understood from experience that the thing Silane had said she wanted to protect would be this, without a doubt.

Silane said “I’ll go ahead and get the preparations ready”, so Lily and I decided to go out with Kei.

Taking the towel and canteen that Kei prepared, we went towards the training spot where Silane was waiting. Kei was holding a big leather bag in her arms, so Lily and I decided to carry the other luggage.

Kei had tools for training in the leather bag, so even with that weight, her steps were springing with happiness.

By the way, Silane seemed to have called out to Mikihiko, who had tried to participate in the training this morning, as well, and he said that he’d join us later. Perhaps, he might’ve been with Leader until the very end, studying for the future.¹

Along with Kei, who happily talked about what she learned from Silane so far, we arrived at the designated room.

“……?” (Majima)

The instant I entered the room just the right size for several people to move in, I felt a strained atmosphere on the tip of my nose and stopped my feet.

There, showing a dignified face, a sword in her right hand and a shield in her left, was the figure of a completely armored girl.

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*Fuu*, I exhaled.

Despite wearing heavy armor on her body, her stepping into was sharp, and yet, it looked she was gliding. Her sword, without me even knowing when she raised it, was swung from her shoulder. She swung again, changed the direction of the point of her sword over her head, and this time, she swung from her opposite shoulder. Linked thrusts after horizontal slashes. Her sword technique with innumerable changes, so lightly that you couldn’t imagine that she was swinging a mass of steel, flashed.

Her movements themselves were never fast, like she was possibly checking her movements one by one. And yet, it was extremely difficult to follow the steps of her sword with my eyes.

Her movements were too smooth, there were no wasted movements. They were movements I hardly ever saw usually. Most likely, this was something acquired through blood-oozing training and life gambling battles. Assuming that, then the girl herself in front of me, was there as someone one with her sword, to the point that I hallucinated that she was an existence there『to swing her sword』.

If this was the standard of the knights which fought in the foremost line of the fight against the monsters, wouldn’t the unexpected cheat abilities of the transported people and things like that not be important……?

“……No matter how many times I see it, it’s amazing.” (Majima)

“Amazing, isn’t she?” (Kei)

Kei innocently agreed to my unintentionally uttered words.

“Besides, she’s not only proficient with the sword. Ane-sama is also very excellent as a spirit user.” (Kei)

In Kei’s voice, there was respect overflowing towards the girl she loved as her older sister.

“In the first place, even among elves, the ones who can make a contract with a spirit are a small few. The spirits test the contracted people. If someone unqualified contends for the contract, the only thing waiting for them is death.” (Kei)

“Is passing through the test required?” (Majima)

“Yes. What is required is a noble soul. And, to do it with a high-purity prayer. For that reason, we elves pile up strict training from when we’re children. Even so, the ones who can become spirit users are only derisory.” (Kei)

Her eyes sparkling, Kei tightly grasped the leather bag she held on her chest.

“One day, I want to be like An-……” (Kei)

“I’m not someone to praise to the sky like that, Kei.” (Silane)

Silane suddenly stopped the sword she was swinging, and turned this way.

It looked like she was concentrating, but it seemed she had properly noticed us.

“Waaa, Ane-sama!? Did you hear!?” (Kei)

“Of course I heard you.” (Silane)

Silane, who sheathed her sword and came this way, spoke with a finger raised.

“Is it okay, Kei? People like me, we’re unskilled people that are still half the way there. You’ll become a lesser warrior next year, with a future of aiming to be a knight. What you’re aiming for must be higher. Understand?” (Silane)

“Y-, yes. Ane-sama.” (Kei)

“Today I promised that I’d watch you as well. Please prepare yourself.” (Silane)

“I understanddd.” (Kei)

According to Silane’s instructions, who was completely in sermon-mode, Kei *panic* stampeded into the room. When she put down the leather bag she’d brought, she suddenly began to take off her dress and change clothes on the spot. As a courtesy, I averted my gaze from the room.

While I was like that, Lily entered the room with the baggage. The girls who had become friends started having a friendly chat about something.

I, left behind in the corridor, called out to Silane, who was facing this way.

“Aren’t you being too strict?” (Majima)

“It’s because I have a duty to raise that child to adulthood.” (Silane)

Lowering her voice so it couldn’t be heard by Kei, Silane replied.

“Otherwise, I cannot face my deceased elder brother and his wife, and my mother, who always was worrying about that child.” (Silane)

The figure of Silane like that, regardless of connection, was completely one as an older sister.

There was a part similar to Gerbera, who cared about Ayame, as well. Though, there were many gaps in that.

“But, from what I heard, magic and the sword can be used a fair amount at that age, right? Actually, she’s mastered the usage『Manastone of Translation』as well.” (Majima)

Even in the matter with Sakagami this morning, without the difference of positions where even resistance wasn’t allowed and the fear and confusion of being pressed by an older guy, she might not have needed my help.

I thought that was impressive for her age, but Silane shook her head.

“In order to fight to the bitter end in this sea of trees, she’s still a long way away. Besides, she can be careless at times so I can’t take my eyes off of her.” (Silane)

“She wanted to talk about her proud older sister, it can’t be helped, right? Isn’t it fine?” (Majima)

Perhaps, she didn’t have too many opportunities like this.

Since both Silane and Kei were elves, the only ones they could talk to were their trusted family. Outsiders lending an ear to her stories like us were probably rare.

“Actually, your skill is great, Silane. I know that Kei wants to brag.” (Majima)

“It isn’t” (Silane)

Although I spoke seriously, Silane denied this.

“This much, isn’t that great.” (Silane)

I thought that she might be saying that with modesty, but her face was calm.

Apparently, she was saying so from her true feelings.

“Of course, I also intend to do as much effort as I can do. ……But, in the end, that’s not enough.” (Silane)

Silane’s facial expression wasn’t good. Her tone of voice was even a little dark.

“Yes. It isn’t enough. With this body. No matter how much I train, my companions die one by one without me being able to protect them.” (Silane)

“Silane……” (Majima)

Silane, who had a dark facial expression, might have been having the figures of her brother, who was killed in action in this sea of trees, and her companions she mourned for up until now, projected in her eyes.

“The things that we can do are too few. Every year, the village disappears, people are eaten, and the forest erodes the world little by little. Even if swords are held in these hands and we fight while risking our lives, stopping it from being eaten takes all we have. Once it is lost, it can never be recovered again.” (Silane)

A *clench* sound was made—Silane’s fists were clenched.

“That’s why……” (Silane)

Silane’s clear blue eyes suddenly projected the figures of the『heroes』for them——the figures of us.

“Takahiro-dono, do you know what the big difference is between us and the hero-samas?” (Silane)

“Difference……? Is there something like that?” (Majima)

Silane nodded to me, whose eyebrows rose in suspicion.

“Yes. It is said that the difference between us and the hero-samas, who are rare people who came from another world, is in the soul. That “the power the soul holds is making powerful abilities”. The essence of a person is not in their flesh, but their soul. In other words, the hero-samas are different from us in essence.” (Silane)

……There was no such thing; if there was a difference, it was merely that the worlds we were born in were different.

I thought that, but I couldn’t thoughtlessly express that.

Because there was a peculiar weight in the peaceful Silane’s words.

What was in there, without a doubt, was her making an effort, exerting herself, and making endeavors……but still, she held onto something that couldn’t be reached, an passion she couldn’t give up, I guess.

It looked to me like it was being realized in the form of “faith”, with the『built-up image of heroes』as the idol.

This, the『built-up image of heroes』, was what she felt when she heard about the legends of the heroes.

Among the legends Silane recited, all the heroes that descended from another world had thrown themselves into battle to save the suffering people. There was not even one exception.

To see what was right and not do it was a matter of courage. Indeed, that was a wonderful thing.

However, that was merely too pure. We “human beings” weren’t artificial flowers. Different minds didn’t always have a good meaning; if there were people who saw a disaster and sympathized, there were also cold-hearted people who averted their eyes.

It was impossible that every human being who was transported to this world until now was a good person. If they were, the police in our world shouldn’t have been necessary. There was a falsification of history in the too-pure legends of the heroes, which meant that there was fabrication. The『built-up』part was from that.

However, it couldn’t be said that this also was, without question, a bad thing.

Because sometimes, a pure piece of fiction was needed more than a mud-covered truth.

“The first generation hero-samas said that『This is the world where wishes come true』.” (Silane)

There was a fever in Silane’s voice.

“There are various opinions about the interpretation because the words are too simple, but in the age of darkness where people had been driven to the wall even more than they are now, the fact that they are “words left behind to encourage everyone to『never abandon hope』” is mainstream. I, too, have been encouraged by these words.” (Silane)

“……” (Majima)

The first remark of『This is the world where wishes come true』was only heard as『you can become the heroes you see in dreams if you are here, even the ordinary me who didn’t have any power』by me.

However, it seemed to be different for Silane and others.

But, I didn’t feel like expressing that and pointing it out, of course. For Silane, that illusion was important. There was no way I could express something insensible to break that.

“Kei will also go out to battlefield in less than a few years. Considering the mortality rate in the Knight Order, that child won’t live, nor will she return to the village. Moreover, even if there is some kind of situation and she returns to the village, we don’t know when our village will be swallowed by the forest. And with how it is now, I can’t do anything. Because this endless battle that has lasted thousands of years cannot possibly be ended by me before that child goes out to the battlefield……” (Silane)

Silane was gazing at her niece, who’d changed into her training clothes and was wearing hide armor on her body, with somewhat sorrowful eyes.

“I am powerless, and can’t do anything. ……But, hope flew down.” (Silane)

Silane smiled at us.

“There is no precedent where this many hero-samas visited this world. Perhaps, this generation, humanity may be set free from the long-standing threat.” (Silane)

“……” (Majima)

While watching that smile, I thought.

“This may be impossible”.

I had something I wanted to tell to just Silane.

It was about the collaborators that I discussed with Lily last night.

As a Master who lead Lily and others, I decided to find companions I could trust and ask them for collaboration.

However, seeing that a discussion was proposed, I couldn’t just think “I won’t be betrayed”. If I didn’t choose people well-informed of the circumstances of this world, I’d just inconvenience them.

And when I thought about searching for a companion, the one who first came to my mind was Silane.

However, assuming that our existence was “one of the『built-up heroes』” to the bitter end, I couldn’t say『I want to leave the fortress without anyone knowing』or something like that.

Because that, in short, meant that『I didn’t plan on living as a hero』.

……It was unfortunate, but maybe I had no choice but to select another person for this?

As soon as I concluded so, Silane suddenly withdrew her smile.

“However, now, I think that maybe this was just my selfish expectation.” (Silane)

“Silane……?” (Majima)

“I was taught that the hero-samas, who are rare people who came from another world, fight for the sake of “the world”. If we grit our teeth and put up with it, they’d rescue us one of these days. I don’t intend to deny the past where we fought with that hope. But……” (Silane)

Silane was turning sincere eyes towards me, who was perplexed at her unexpected words.

“Takahiro-dono, in the mausoleum, you said that you understood my feelings of wanting to protect my birthplace, my brethren, and my colleagues.” (Silane)

“……Yeah. I did say that.” (Majima)

“I realized that those words weren’t a lie when I saw your figure as you swung the sword. What you are trying to protect, Takahiro-dono, isn’t something like the world, which the hero-samas of legends had tried to protect……it felt like you were desperate to protect someone important. I thought that you were the same as me, Takahiro-dono.” (Silane)

What was in Silane’s words was empathy towards someone who harboured the same feelings.

To me personally, it was also something that was harboured towards Silane in the underground mausoleum. She had also felt it.

“Actually, it seems like you keeping a distance from the other hero-samas, Takahiro-dono. And, assuming these thoughts of mine are correct, my expectations for you were mere selfishness.” (Silane)

“……Aren’t you mad? I betrayed your expectations, didn’t I?” (Majima)

“Getting angry that my forced expectations were betrayed would be too insincere. Rather, I have to apologize to you, Takahiro-dono. I would like you to forgive me for addressing you with my selfishly projected illusion.” (Silane)

Silane’s eyes stared at me.

“The preparations have been finished! ……Silane-ane-sama? Takahiro-san? What’s wrong?” (Kei)

Kei, wearing leather armor as her training clothes, raced to here, and compared us with a mystery-like face. Lily, looking like she sensed something, put her hand on Kei’s shoulder and stopped her.

“Silane, I a-……” (Majima)

I opened my mouth.

Silane, who was waiting for my words——right then, suddenly, her complexion changed.

“!!? Please wait, Takahiro-dono.” (Silane)

Before I looked up at her, there was the figure of a spirit wriggling while *flicker flicker* emitting a yellow light.

I had a feeling of deja vu.

It was the same feeling as the one I felt just before we were attacked by the green caterpillars on our arrival outside the fort.

“A monster?” (Majima)

“Correct. It seems there is one near the fortress.” (Silane)

Seeing that I was nervous, Silane floated a reliable smile.

“Don’t worry. Monster attacks and things like that are an everyday occurrence here in Fort Tilia. Actually, we patrolled around this area today, but there weren’t any abnormalities. Probably, it is a movement-type monster……a『Trip Drill』. It isn’t a big deal.” (Silane)

Silane left my side and exited into the corridor.

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“The others probably haven’t noticed yet, so I’ll contact them. We’ll talk again after I return.” (Silane)

“Okay.” (Majima)

When I nodded, Silane floated a refreshing smile.

“I can respect you, who gives all of himself to protect those important to him. Even if you weren’t a hero. I am looking forward to when I can talk to you.” (Silane)

“I passed by Silane-san a bit ago, but, what’s the emergency errand?” (Mikihiko)

Soon after Silane left, Mikihiko showed his face.

“She said “a monster came” and left. I guess there are many things like this?” (Majima)

“Aah, for that, huh? Yeah. There are many as it is. There’s definitely one in three days, I think. In most cases, Silane-san notices first, so isn’t there not much meaning in the Army’s sentries? She’s like a high-power radar, isn’t she?” (Mikihiko)

“She is.” (Majima)

Actually, as I inferred from the fact she didn’t notice Ayame and Asarina, it was a bit different from what I thought. Silane, a spirit user, could only detect whether『an enemy came』.

Still, it was an impressive searching ability. Even from Mikihiko’s way of speaking, it could be said that it was useful in the fortress.

“I think that probably, the Alliance’s Knight Order will go out to exterminate the monster that approached the fortress.” (Kei)

Kei, who had started the maintenance of her slightly thin sword, raised her face and spoke. I tilted my head.

“Wasn’t the defense of the fortress the Army’s jurisdiction?” (Majima)

“Of course, the Army will also prepare a defensive stance, but those people are basically turtles.” (Kei)

“You mean, they won’t go into the forest?” (Majima)

“Yes. Though it’s very rare, there are times it comes as far as the fortress, and when that happens, the Knight Order complains. Even though the defense of the fortress is the Army’s job…don’t you think it’s awful?” (Kei)

“Well, there are conversations like “if you’re going to complain, then go out there yourselves”, right?” (Mikihiko)

When he saw Kei resenting them, Mikihiko smiled bitterly.

“Having said that, though, this time, I think the inside of the forest will be the jurisdiction of the Knight Order.” (Kei)

“……What a troublesome story.” (Majima)

“It’s an organization like that.” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko, who shrugged his shoulders at the complaint of me, whose eyebrows lowered, snapped his fingers as if to say “I thought of something” or something like that.

“Oh, yeah. Takahiro, heyyy, we’ve been waiting for a while, so how about we observe it?” (Mikihiko)

“Observe it……you mean, the fight with the monster?” (Majima)

“Yeah, that.” (Mikihiko)

That seemed like a fascinating proposal.

To be honest, I was interested in the battles of this world’s citizens. It might act as a good reference.

“Can we watch?” (Majima)

“You have to selfishly say things like “I want to watch the fight closely alongside the soldiers”, you know? No. I feel like if you insist on it, something will happen, but Takahiro, you wouldn’t want to make Kei-chan cry, would you?” (Mikihiko)

“I will not cryyy! ……I will do the opposite.” (Kei)

“Is the observation itself okay?” (Majima)

I’d trouble her by asking for the impossible, and like Mikihiko said, I didn’t want to make her cry, so I checked just in case, and Kei nodded.

“Let’s do it from the northeast watchtower. If we do it from their, we can survey about half of the fortress’s surroundings.” (Kei)

We decided to follow Kei’s directions and headed towards the tower.

The soldiers were coming and going somewhat hurriedly, maybe due to the appearance of the monster. We exchanged words with several soldiers and acquired permission to pass, and finally arrived at the spiral staircase which lead to the top of the tower.

“Come to think of it~, Takahiro.” (Mikihiko)

On the way up the stairs, Mikihiko opened his mouth. It was a happy tone.

“I heard that you made Kei-chan your concubine, is it true?” (Mikihiko)

“A-, a conc……!!?” (Kei)

The one who reacted to this was not me, but Kei. She kicked into the stairs and stumbled, and was about to fall. As for me, unfortunately, because I’d been friends with him for a long time, I was used to Mikihiko saying stupid things.

“And that you’re also reaching out your hand to Silane-san, something like that.” (Mikihiko)

“Mi-, Mikihiko-san, wh-, who are you saying!?” (Kei)

“Those transported guys know the gist, I think~. ……Well, the one who spread it was me.” (Mikihiko)

“Mikihiko-sannnnnnnn!?” (Kei)

Having already completely forgotten that the other party was a hero, Kei *pow pow* was striking Mikihiko’s shoulder. She would’ve been scolded if Silane was with us, but right now Mikihiko was only laughing happily.

His face was completely one of a criminal who took delight in people’s reactions to his crimes, but he wouldn’t have not thought about it that much.

For maintaining the status quo like that, certainly, two people were safe. I didn’t have any complaints to say, like “It was post-consent” and “the ‘Scouting Corps’ seem to be troublesome”, but Mikihiko was probably trying to protect these elf sisters in his own style.

While exchanging more such banter, we arrived at the top floor.

There were several soldiers in the room, and they were on guard against the outside world from the large, cut-down window.

“Oh? Mikihiko-sama, why are you in a place like this?” (???)

“A little observation. These guys here are my companions, okay?” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko exchanged words with a soldier who seemed to be his acquaintance.

“We heard that a monster came out, where is it?” (Mikihiko)

“It hasn’t appeared yet. Right now, the Knight Order is about to come out.” (???->Soldier)

“Okay. So the monster’s around the front of the castle?” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko approached one of several windows.

Fort Tilia had a polygon shape when viewed from above, and apparently this place was one of the circular towers at the corners of that polygon. From the window installed in the rounded, jutting out wall, I could see the iron gate of the fortress opening slowly.

Since there was no glass fitted into it, a breeze was blowing in from the window. I sensed the smell of the forest.

“……hm?” (Lily)

Lily raised a small voice. Her nose sniffed, and she knit her eyebrows.

“What’s wrong?” (Majima)

“Ah, nothing. I guess it’s just in my imagination, just now, I……” (Lily)

“Oh! They came out!” (Mikihiko)

When Lily started to say something, Mikihiko raised his voice.

When I looked, the gate was open. About 20 knights in full body armor came out of the gate. From what I saw, they were dressed in the armour of Silane’s Knight Order. Though it seemed that today, Silane wasn’t mobilized after all, as there wasn’t the appearance of her white helmet.

On the ramparts, soldiers with bow and arrows were lined up in a row. These guys were probably the defensive potential of the fortress who moved with Silane’s warning.

The drawbridge that stretched over the moat which surrounded the fortress lowered, and the knights began to cross the bridge.

When the last one finished crossing, the knights suddenly stopped their charge.

As I thought “there was probably something there”, Lily, who was watching next to me, grabbed the cuff of my clothes

“Th-, this is bad.” (Lily)

“What do y……” (Majima)

Even though I tried to ask her back, the sound became audible immediately.

An earthquake. The forest was shaking. Something was approaching.

When I thought that, a green tsunami began pouring out from the forest.

It was a large flock of green caterpillars, the gigantic caterpillars whose length was over 3 meters long.

It was an uproar far from 10, or 20 of them. The number of green caterpillars which came out from the forest wasn’t less than a hundred. Raising a cloud of dust, they surged forward like raging billows.

“Wh-, what is this.” (Random Soldier A)

“It’s a lie, right? Hey. Am I watching a dream……” (Random Soldier B)

“Wh-, why are there so many……H-, HEY, this is dangerous. We have to raise the drawbridge fast!” (Random Soldier C)

The soldiers in the watchtower murmured. Even from their reactions, it was clear that this was an abnormal situation.

Their reactions were late, maybe due to shock, and the drawbridge began to rise at last.

At the same time, arrows began to be fired from the top of the ramparts. Balls of flame were mixed in due to magic, and the space before the gate turned into a point of death mixed with iron and fire.

……But, that was only for ordinary people. The wave of monsters surging forward didn’t stop.

Arrows pierced them. Their skin burned. However, attacks of this degree couldn’t kill the high-vitality green caterpillars; they couldn’t be stopped.

Perhaps originally, the defense of the fortress was based on the assumption that a large number of attacks would be concentrated on a small number of monsters. It was natural that the effect would be weak when they were scattered.

The sharp peak of the large flock finally approached the drawbridge.

In there, they hadn’t been able to return by crossing the drawbri——no. The figures of the knights which chose to defend that place to the last without returning to the fortress were there.

Though it was dug quite deep, a moat like this couldn’t stop the invasion of monsters. From the start, it was nothing but a device that assumed confinement.

However, for base defense, that confinement was important. The confused enemies became easy pickings as they tried to cross the moat, and the defending side held the advantage. But, once the drawbridge was pinned down, the effectiveness was halved.

Therefore, they couldn’t be allowed to cross the drawbridge. The leader of the scene who lead the more-than-20-men Knight Order must’ve judged so.

He handed down a sharp order, which carried to here, a far-off place.

“EVERYONE, ATTAAAACK!” (Knight’s Leader)

Though covered with thick armor, the more-than-20 knights, who looked insanely tiny, charged into the insects……and not even lasting a few seconds, they were swallowed by the green wave.

“NOoOO!?” (Kei)

Holding her mouth, Kei screamed.

The figures of the knights were already hidden by the large builds of the insects and the cloud of dust, and couldn’t be seen. On the basis of precious scapegoats, only the time they earned was what was left behind by them.

But, it was a precious few seconds.

Because due to their sacrifice, we earned enough time to raise the drawbridge.

……It should have been.

So then, why was that drawbridge stopped halfway?

The large builds of the green caterpillars jumped, towards the drawbridge, which was stopped in a halfway place. Some fell to the bottom of the moat, but the rest clung to the bridge.

“Oi. Oi oi oi oi. You’re kidding, knock it off, HEY. STOP!” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko shouted with a stiff voice.

In front of us, where we watched attentively, the bridge lost its incline as the number of insects clinging to it increased, and finally, it fell down to the opposite shore, unable to endure the weight.

The path was opened. There was nothing to obstruct them anymore.

The caterpillars marched full speed towards the iron gate. They assaulted. They charged. They approached the iron gate which acted as the fortress’s gate in the blink of an eye.

Without dropping their speed from what it was before, the caterpillars crashed into the large iron gate.

The fortress shook together with a thunderous roar

“Urgh.” (Mikihiko)

Green bodily fluids were thrown out.

One after another. Just like martyrs who threw themselves into water. Or, like moths diving into fire. Without any hesitation, the caterpillars threw their large builds into the iron gate.

Every time one did, the head that crashed into it was crushed, crumbled, and scattered.

They continued to die. Like they were competing. How things were, which gave me nausea, made me think of the ghouls in some respects, and I couldn’t feel the attachment to living that should’ve existed minimumly as a living thing.

However, the attacks so strong that even their own bodies were self-destructing like that were certainly destroying the fortress.

It creaked from one blow, shook with two blows, and after the third, fourth, and fifth, a crack formed. The iron gate shook, slanted, and finally, the hinges burst open. Bathed in the dark green bodily fluids of their brethren, the green caterpillars, having turned into a green muddy stream, all went through the gate.

“The monsters…invaded……?” (???)

Whoever muttered it, a dumbfounded voice hit my earlobe.

The time I was dumbfounded was, probably, shorter on that occasion.

That was why, I was able to notice that Lily, in the immediate vicinity, also quickly strengthened her body.

“It’s no good, come over hereee!” (Lily)

When I sent around my gaze, which was rooted on the spot before the gate, I was able to see a bulle——a flock of stub beetles, large beetles that exceeded 70 centimeters in length, flying in the sky there.

The next moment, the top floor of the watchtower—where we were—collapsed.

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