Chapter 26 – Worst Assumptions

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Synopsis of the last chapter:

Protagonist: “Yeah!! I killed one! (rest abbv.)”

A group of over 20 knights came from the direction where the tetra sickle killed by Lily a little bit ago had raged about.

There was no time to hide Ayame and Asarina. The knights, who approached with a quick pace—one where you couldn’t imagine that they were wearing full body armor, took a small distance from us and stopped their feet. And then, after they spread out across the entire corridor and prepared to use their large shields, they drew their swords and turned the points of their drawn swords towards us.

I remembered the designs of their armor. They belonged to the Alliance’s Knight Order that Silane belonged to. Only the elite of the elite that fought the various monsters with the sea of trees as their post were there, so naturally there were no gaps in their movements.

“……What do we do, Master?” (Lily)

“For now, we wait-and-see.” (Majima)

I replied to Lily, who brought her mouth close to my ear and whispered, in a whisper as well.

At the same time, I hugged Ayame, who was on guard with her fur standing on end, tightly and calmed her, and gave instructions through the path to Asarina, who was baring her fangs, to draw back as well.

Though their swords were pointed at us, we shouldn’t easily respond with hostility.

It would become impossible to justify ourselves in that situation.

……Though, whether or not I could get them to let me justify it was a delicate part to begin with.

“What does this mean, Hero-sama! Please explain! Why are you bringing along the likes of monsters!?” (Knight)

It was one of the vigorous knights who replied, but the other knights were also seething so much that they might assault us with their swords at any time now.

However, the monsters they’d been fighting for a long time until now were in front of their eyes and noses, so this reaction was also natural. Had I not been one of the transported people recognized as a hero in this world, they might have attacked already.

“Don’t tell me this monster attack was……a hero-sama!?” (Knight)

It was something I had worried about from the start, but they were suspicious of a ringleader that attacked the fortress with monsters. It resulted in them just pointing their swords at me like this now, but at this rate them suspecting me was probably just a matter of time.

I had to do something somehow. But…….

“Please answer me! Depending on your response, even if you are a hero-sama……!” (Soldier)

“……I’ll tell you, but I’m unrelated to this attack. In the first place, I can’t do something like this.” (Majima)

“Do you plan to feign ignorance! The biggest proof of them all is that you’re bringing along monsters like this! The ‘Scouting Corps’ also said so! That this might be something done by a person! But for it to be like that……!” (Soldier)

I intended to be as careful as possible so as to not provoke them, but what came back to my words of excuse were slightly hysteric angry words. Rather, even with the feeling that they were heated up, I narrowed my eyes at the response I just about turned a deaf ear to.

The situation was the worst.

……Perhaps, I could even say that it unfolded as feared.

Thought it ended up like this, I wasn’t that shaken. Because when I decided to reveal my power, I was prepared for it to come to this.

Neither the hostility being turned towards me, nor the malice being thrust at me, or even the feelings of disgust being poured on me, were to the point that they could be considered unbearable.

And, one more thing: I was prepared.

That is, it was very difficult to prove my innocence in this place.

Even if I said something, it was doubtful whether or not I could get them to lend an ear to it. No matter what explanation I said to a person whose blood was rising to their head from fear and anger, it’d end with a prompt denial. In fact, I tried it earlier but it was no good……instead, it had the opposite effect, this was a pre-persuasion problem now.

To begin with, it wasn’t like they had any evidence to suspect me.

What I needed was the trust built up over time, and this much was inevitable for me who just came to the fortress.

Or, had it just not been a situation like this, I also might have tried to solve their misunderstanding over time. However, the current situation wasn’t one where I could do it leisurely like that.

Therefore persuasion was impossible. That said, I was excused from both being attacked and being restrained, and it was meaningless to fight against an opponent who was pointing their sword at me in a misunderstanding. It’d probably end in us all being swallowed by the advancing monsters after we exhausted each other.

If it came to that……were there any other ways to escape from here?

Shake off the knights in front of me, go through this fortress flooded with monsters, and run away to the sea of trees. If I followed it that far, linking up with Rose and Gerbera would also happen. If it was just me and Lily, that shouldn’t be impossible. Of course, it wasn’t a good bet in the slightest…….

However, if I did that, then the one mistake I made was that it looked like some of the suspicious would be turned towards Mikihiko and Kei.

Of course, I myself was the one growing Asarina, the parasitic vine, from the back of my left hand and holding Ayame, the balloon fox, tightly, but if only this scene was cut out, it looking like all of us here were leading the monsters would be inevitable. In other words, it meant that they’d be regarded as the culprits of this raid on the fortress.

Somehow, I had to solve the misunderstanding, even if it was only the one against Mikihiko and Kei.

Fortunately, assuming from their way of speaking, this knight group seemed to be in contact with the ‘Scouting Corps’. “If I leave it to them, both Mikihiko and Kei will be safe”——I decided the outline of my plan.

However, I couldn’t actually put it into action.

“Don’t give me that shit!” (Mikihiko)

An angry voice resounded in the passage.

I opened my eyes. Because Mikihiko, eyebrows raised, rudely stepped forward.

“Attack the fortress? There’s no way he’d do such a thing!” (Mikihiko)

“Mi-, Mikihiko-sama……?” (Soldier)

I realized that discomposure spread out among the knights.

Mikihiko, who was charmed by the leader of the Alliance’s Knight Order, must’ve had many opportunities to interact with the knights, her subordinates. In that process, there were probably many who were touched by his character. With him denying the suspicion and lashing out angrily in defence, their swords hesitated.

“B-, but, even if you say so, Mikihiko-sama, that person is……” (Soldier)

“Takahiro is the same as well! He isn’t that type of guy!” (Mikihiko)

“Th-, that’s rightt.” (Kei)

Kei, still holding the shirttail of my clothes, interrupted the knight’s conversation as well.

“Takahiro-san isn’t that kind of personn.” (Kei)

“Kei……” (Majima)

Though she looked frightened by the heavy atmosphere, there was something burning in her gaze.

“I’ll protect him no matter what it takes”, the little girl had her heart set on it. Even though I should’ve been on the side that protected until some time ago, now I was the one being protected. Confused by the change in the situation, I failed to interject.

A classmate with glasses glaring at the sturdy knights, and a very young little girl.

What broke that stalemate situation was a woman’s voice which rose from the other side of the knights forming the line of battle.

“That voice, is it you after all, Mikihiko?” (???)

“I-, it’s dangerous, Leader!” (Knight)

“I don’t mind. Step back.” (???->Leader)

Breaking the line of restraining knights, a tall, armoured women stepped out in front of us.

Short-cut silver hair, tough and tall with an unwomanly muscularity.

It was the woman serving as the leader of the Alliance’s Knight Order, someone I’d also met once.

“L-Leader! You were safe after alll!” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko, confirming her appearance, raised a voice full of joy.

The woman shrugged her shoulders and responded to his straightforward expression of deep affection that didn’t hide his happiness.

“It really is you. You were safe, huh?” (Leader)

Though they were a few words, a sound of relief was somewhere in her voice.

But, that was also for an instant. Her eyes—sharp like a hawk’s—stared at me.

“And if I’m not mistaken……you’re Takahiro Majima, right?” (Leader)

She turned a searching gaze towards me. Clearly she was suspicious of me.

However, unlike the other knights, it seemed she had enough reason left to exchange words calmly with me. She addressed me in a cautious tone.

“You have a very odd appearance. It seems you’ve been keeping secrets.” (Leader)

“……For that, I am sorry. But, I needed to do that.” (Majima)

“Did you now. ‘The grace to manipulate monsters’, you also have something weird. I was certain it’d become troublesome, and it actually became that.” (Leader)

“I’m glad you understand. But, just for the record, I’m not really manipulating them, and I can’t do something like that.” (Majima)

“‘That’s why, the one attacking the fortress with monsters isn’t me’, you say?” (Leader)

She spoke while narrowing her eyes like she was checking me.

Throughout the exchange, her reactions were weak. It was clear my words weren’t having an effect on her.

Seeing us glaring at each other, Mikihiko opened his mouth with a flustered face.

“Please believe him, Leader! Takahiro saved us!” (Mikihiko)

After hearing that, her eyes shook like she was hesitating for the first time.

Mikihiko appeared to have won her trust. His appealing voice certainly had enough power to shake her.

But, that much was still weak.

There were no indicators that she believed me other than Mikihiko’s words. Words with hesitation would have less persuasive power towards the subordinate knights.

……Maybe it was hopeless after all.

It wouldn’t have been wrong for me to judge so in this situation, and had it kept going like this, Lily and I would’ve decided to leave this fortress.

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But the reason that didn’t happen…was due to me hearing footsteps getting closer from behind.

I heard the footsteps of several people, along with the clattering sound of armor rubbing.

I turned around with a desire to click my tongue.

I failed. I should’ve escaped earlier.

If we were caught in between, we couldn’t escape easily. We’d have to fight, the same as earlier when we were caught in between monsters. “Even though I want to avoid fighting humans as much as I can”……turning around while regretting, I raised my head a little.

“……Ah.” (Majima)

What I saw was several knights of the Alliance rushing this way——and, the figure of a『white helmet』among them.

“…Ane…-sama?” (Kei)

Kei muttered.

When the knight took of their white helmet, the face of the elf girl whose long blonde-hair was put up from underneath that came into view. The well-ordered features, even from a distance, were Silane’s, no doubt about it.

“What is this about!” (Silane)

Silane, whose white armor was dyed in spurts of blood which appeared to be that of the monsters, walked briskly this way with her helmet under her arm. Midway, she turned her gaze towards the knight killed by the fire fang for only an instant and frowned in sorrow, but she didn’t stop walking.

“……?” (Silane)

It seemed that my current situation couldn’t be seen from Silane’s eyes as I was in the shadow of Kei, who was clinging to me. It was only after Silane got closer to a distance of several meters that the situation was reflected in her blue eyes.

A look of bewilderment spread across her well-ordered face.

“Takahiro-dono……?” (Silane)

Her trembling lips called my name. She was alternating her gaze between Asarina in my left hand and Ayame, who I was holding in my arms. In her pair of eyes, a clear unrest of her mind was apparent.

……As far as I could think, it was a reunion in the worst form.

Before I realized it, I was strongly biting down with my molars.

Because the assumption I made was “Surprise, confusion……what she’ll be turning towards me next will undoubtedly be a look of hostility and the point of the sword hanging on her waist”.

She wasn’t a stranger. It was a person I exchanged words with, one that had a feeling of familiarity and good will. Even if I’d prepared myself, my heart hurt when I thought being hated.

But, that was inevitable at this point.

I was a master who lead monsters. I’d told Lily last night that I didn’t intend to cast myself aside. There were no lies in that feeling.

So this was the result of my own choice.

The things I could do were raise my gaze that tended to be cast down, grit my teeth, and see it through to the end. That was all I could do.

“……” (Silane)

After taking her gaze off from Ayame and Asarina, Silane kept her eyes on Kei for a few seconds.

And finally, her eyes turned to me, who was being clung to by Kei.

It was time for judgement. Preparing myself, I looked back at her eyes. A straightforward gaze was pointed at me. In her transparent blue eyes, there was——no suspicion or hostility towards me, who subdued monsters.

“……Silane?” (Majima)

Before me, who raised a voice of suspicion unintentionally, a change occurred.

Whatever she saw in our figures, the look of unrest disappeared from Silane’s face.

Her manner of walking, which looked like she was hesitating, turned into a steady one.

While the other knights accompanying her stopped their feet, Silane approached alone. She didn’t draw her sword, nor did she prepare to use her shield, and stood beside me with very natural movements.

And then, she turned a resolute gaze towards Leader.

“Why are they turning their swords towards Takahiro-dono, Leader?” (Silane)

“……How sudden.” (Leader)

Leader raised her eyebrows, her breath taken away a very small bit.

“You’ll know if you look? He’s taking along monsters with him.” (Leader)

“So what if he is. You don’t possibly think he planned this attack or something, do you?” (Silane)

Shocked, I stared at Silane’s well-ordered face from the side.

Because those were clearly words trying to protect me.

“It looks like Takahiro-dono battled this monster, from what I gather.” (Silane)

Silane pointed out the fire fang, whose corpse was exposed in the passage, and my sword dyed red from the blood with her eyes.

“If he dragged monsters into the fortress, there’s no way he’d end up fighting that monster.” (Silane)

“Certainly, that might be true, but……” (Leader)

Leader frowned at the thought, but immediately shook her head.

“That alone is a bit weak. The unique power he has is definitely too suspicious in this abnormal situation. Even if he is a hero, we absolutely cannot overlo-……” (Leader)

“It doesn’t matter if he’s a hero or not.” (Silane)

“……What?” (Leader)

Leader opened her eyes wide.

The words Silane spoke were filled with confidence, so much so that I could understand that reaction.

“Takahiro-dono protected Kei. To do so, he exposed the power he’d been hiding until now to the public. Even though he undoubtedly knew the situation would turn out like this. There was definitely a noble intention in that act without even a fragment of wickedness.” (Silane)

Gazing at Leader with a strong gaze, Silane sent those words out from her lips.

“Takahiro Majima is a person that can be respected.” (Silane)

“Silane……” (Majima)

Those were the words she told me when she parted from us, just before it ended up like this.

She spoke the same words, even after knowing my true colors.

Looking at me, who’d lost my words in surprise, with a sidelong glance, a small smile floated on Silane’s face. It was a facial expression so charming I unintentionally started at it in fascination.

“…You…to say such a thing…” (Leader)

It looked like Leader couldn’t hide her surprise, the same as me, or maybe more so.

She also certainly hadn’t expected the Deputy Head she trusted to say such a thing. She continued in a dumbfounded tone.

“……It doesn’t matter if he’s a hero or not, you say?” (Leader)

“Yes.” (Silane)

Silane, turning to Leader, still nodded without hesitation.

Her resolute facial expression was full of determination to try to somehow change Leader’s mind.

It was clear she was seriously trying to confute Leader.

“Turning Takahiro-dono into an enemy is unthinkable. We should let him cooperate with us to break down this difficult situation. So……” (Silane)

Then, for some reason, the words of persuasion she was spinning in earnest cut off.

Silane raised her eyebrows. A voice of doubt was raised.

“……Leader? Is something the matter?” (Silane)

In front of Silane’s staring gaze, the shoulders of Leader, who was lending an ear to her words, were jolting bit by bit.

“No, what. I see. I see. ……Fu…fufu~” (Leader)

It was clearly behavior to resist laughing. It didn’t last long. Seemingly unable to endure, Leader finally spoke and started laughing.

“Yes, I see! It doesn’t matter if he’s a hero or not, huh? From you! This is a masterpiece!” (Leader)

It really was happy laughter.

“Le-, Leader……?” (Silane)

Silane, raising a voice of confusion, managed a sidelong glance at me.

It was bad when she was seeking assistance, but naturally, there was no way I knew why Leader started laughing either.

However, the fact her laughter resounding in the corridor pushed away the unpleasant atmosphere hanging in this place was felt by my body.

“Fu, fufu. Certainly Silane, it’s exactly as you said.” (Leader)

She said with laughter.

“The act of saving the weak even if you become a victim is far from evil. It’s also difficult to consider losing your position with the plan you commenced, that’s definitely right. There’s no reason we should doubt him, and in addition to that, if you and Mikihiko both bite at me……it seems I was mistaken about this.” (Leader)

The woman, finally drawing in her laughter, waved her arm once.

“Draw back your swords! This person is not our enemy!” (Leader)

The voice of a woman full of dignity struck my earlobes.

The knights, hearing her order, stored their swords with orderly movements.

They were movements with no hesitation, and there wasn’t even one person who let discontent and grumbling run in their attitude. Even though Mikihiko and Silane’s persuasion had an effect on them as well, her leadership was something else.

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“Please forgive us for wrongly doubting you, a hero, and our rudeness where we pointed our swords at you.” (Leader)

When Leader turned her face towards me, she earnestly spun words.

“I hope we can have you accompany us. We are planning on commencing a counteroffensive operation with the help of the ‘Scouting Corps’ after this. It’d be reassuring if we could fight together, if possible.” (Leader)

While attentively watching the course of events dumbfounded, I unintentionally exchanged glances with Lily.

I had been thinking “we’ll have to run away”, and had been fearing that we might kill each other.

But, I hadn’t even imagined that there would be a proposal to cooperate.

Of course, this was a happy miscalculation. No. Perhaps I should say “the precious result I’d won”?

It’d be difficult to leave the fortress with just us. Cooperation was necessary to survive As long as there was no hostility, there was no reason for us to refuse her proposal.

Lily and I nodded to each other, and I informed her of our agreement to her proposal.

Mikihiko and Kei cheered, and Silane *hohhh* sighed.

Thus, due to the efforts of Mikihiko, Kei, and Silane, I was able to avoid the crisis of us meaninglessly killing each other in the nick of time.

After joining the Alliance’s Knight Order, we immediately started moving to the interior of the fortress.

Close to Lily and I, who were moving in a trot, were three people: Leader, Mikihiko, and Kei. The other knights accompanying us were securing the surroundings a little bit away.

While moving with a quick pace, I received a simple explanation about the current situation of the fortress from Leader.

First, about the transferred people other than us: it seemed they were all safe in the central compartment of the fortress during the raid. How lucky……or maybe I should say that I, as usual, and Mikihiko were unlucky? In any case, it was joyous that they were safe

The Alliance’s Knight Order, lead by Leader, seemed to have been protecting the center compartment of the fortress where the heroes were.

However, the situation had spiraled down rapidly, and Silane had to reluctantly leave the main force while leading a detached force. And with which, she started fighting the monsters that invaded as far as close to the center compartment of the fortress. It appeared that the two monsters we fought were the ones they missed during that.

And, after Silane’s group sallied out, apparently the counteroffensive operation Leader had spoken of not long ago was proposed.

It was said that the ‘Scouting Corps’, the ones who suggested it, tried fighting the monsters, but since there were so many enemies, there was a chance the worst would happen, even if they were cheat holders. The decision “quite a lot of war potential is needed” was made, and Leader came to meet Silane. On the way, they encountered us who killed the monsters Silane’s group had missed.

Having grasped the general situation, I next asked about the crucial counteroffensive operation next.

The counteroffensive operations was proposed by the ‘Scouting Corps, but it seemed there were about 300 elite gathered from the Army and Knight Orders that continued resisting in various parts of the fortress to participate in this.

The outline of the operation was: first, secure the safety of that inside the inner walls of the fortress currently being attacked by monsters able to fly. Next, strike the monsters in the outer wall they were occupying with the ‘Scouting Corps’ largest magic, and then move to clean up the monsters that invaded inside the fortress——something simple like that.

Although most of it was entrusting it to the fighting prowess of the Scouting Group, if it went well, they could probably annihilate a large number of monsters staying in the outer wall with almost one blow.

The clean-up battles after that would basically be in the form where the ‘Scouting Corps’ stand up front, and the Army’s soldiers and the Knight Orders would back them up so they didn’t get surrounded and crushed by sheer numbers. As I was a collaborator of the Alliance’s Knight Orders, I would lend a hand in this job as well.

“……” (Majima)

“Is that all?” (Leader)

After she finished explaining, Leader noticed my eyes and turned her face towards me.

“You seem to have a marvelled face.” (Leader)

“……Yeah, I guess I do. I never thought I’d be able to cooperate with the humans of this different world after revealing my ability.” (Majima)

“I am sorry to say that even though I say ‘cooperate’, it will have to be limited.” (Leader)

Leader shook her head.

“As I said earlier as well, I would like you to hide your ability, Takahiro-dono. It may lead to unnecessary confusion.” (Leader)

“Understood.” (Majima)

To the Alliance’s 3rd Knight Order, Leader, who led them, was scrupulous.

However, the Empire’s Army and the Knight Order were not. I had already received a warning from Leader, “I don’t know what will happen if they see your power”.

That certainly would be true. For the residents of this world, it was like revealing that the god they worshipped was the devil. If the timing I revealed it in was bad, the war front might collapse from just that.

Due to the circumstances around that, I had to hide Ayame and Asarina. Naturally, my fighting ability fell into the gutter like this, so the help I’d lend to the fortress’ defense would be in the range of what I could do. Of course, depending on the situation, it might not be possible to say things like that…….

Honestly, it was troublesome, but I had no choice.

Though the doubt regarding the attack on the fortress was cleared, the fact I was someone who subdued monsters hadn’t changed. As of yet, I was only an outsider in this world. I had to be well aware of that.

Even from the knights accompanying us, though they weren’t turning hostilitytowards me, I still felt their vigilance. I was a bit at wit’s end from the uncomfortable looks, but even if there were parts I thought about, I was able to fight side-by-side with a common goal, even if it was only this place, so it was far from the worst I had assumed.

Just about everything was due to the generosity one woman displayed.

“Do you really plan to fight together with me?” (Majima)

“Are you suspicious?” (Leader)

“……Honestly, a little.” (Majima)

“Haha. You’re careful. No. That’s good. In order to protect important things, you need equal amounts of cautiousness and boldness.” (Leader)

The girl laughed, seemingly in delight.

I couldn’t sense any reservations from that favorable attitude. It was a bit strange.

“Why did you trust me?” (Majima)

When I asked, the woman skillfully displayed a one eyebrow raise.

“You don’t have any parts I should doubt. I told you that earlier as well.” (Leader)

“Yeah. Thanks to Mikihiko and the persuasion Silane gave. I’m really grateful for that. ……But, that and that alone is the reason you stopped doubting me, isn’t it?” (Majima)

I, who led monsters, was a detested existence in this world.

For a very simplified reason, in order to fight side-by-side with me, you first had to somehow get rid of this physiological disgust.

“Aah. I see. Are your doubts towards that?” (Leader)

Seemingly understanding what I was wondering about, Leader nodded once and replied.

“It’s simple. My trusted person was saved by you.” (Leader)

“……I don’t remember it myself.” (Majima)

Seeing that I was confused with my eyebrows knit, Leader *heh heh* laughed very happily.

“I do wonder. Whether or not the person herself is aware of it.” (Leader)

As she spoke, she glanced behind her.

In that place was the figure of Silane, who was leading the rear guard and on guard against an attack from behind.

“Silane……?” (Majima)

“Yes. She is a girl pure at heart. I’ve interacted with both her father and her brother, I’ve known her from when she was a child. She had a dream bigger than anyone else’s, and for that she wasn’t reluctant to devote herself to her studies, endured any hardship, and grew up to be a good knight with devotion as her pillar. I’ve fought back-to-back with her, and she’s saved my life more times than I can count. In the meantime, I came to rely on her, and entrusted her with the role of Deputy Head. ” (Leader)

There was warmth in the words Leader spoke.

The feelings between them weren’t just that of boss and subordinate, I guess. In the harsh earth of the sea of trees, I myself was also experiencing it, how important the bonds you nurtured were.

“……However, because she was a good knight, she was suffering. She was overwhelmed by the inevitable reality, but still she was unable to give up, and before long it ended up with her impatiently waiting for the hero’s advent, so much so that she was crazy about it. I couldn’t do anything about it.” (Leader)

When I heard Leader talk about it like she was repenting, I recalled the figure of Silane lamenting that she wasn’t strong enough.

——It isn’t enough. With this body. No matter how much I train, my companions die one by one without me being able to protect them.

The woman before me had probably always seen her like that. It had to have been painful to see her suffering, especially if she believed her to be an important comrade.

Leader continued.

“We live every day by keeping our faith towards the hero-samas who bring us salvation in our hearts and supporting them. Thanks to the exploits of the hero-samas, we can live here today. So, it would be extremely natural for us to always be aware of that, and to show respect and give our thanks to they who give us help now and in the future.” (Leader)

Their values tended a little towards religion, so there were also parts that were hard to understand for modern-day Japanese people like me, but in short, what they wanted to say was thanks towards everyone that lived risking their lives in the past. If it was like that, then I could understand as well.

“The hero-samas are our support. Therefore, I also won’t deny my heart that wants salvation. But, it mustn’t go to the extremes. Faith gone too far makes your eyes cloudy. There shouldn’t be anything that shrouds you guys in front of us with our illusions.” (Leader)

A certain kind of faith could be felt in Leader speaking like that.

“Looking at something that has neither a shadow nor a form, and not looking at what’s really in front of you——it’s a really dangerous act. By doing such a thing, we might end up making a big mistake sooner or later…..That’s why, Takahiro-dono.” (Leader)

Leader called my name.

“I am grateful to you. Because you, who made Silane declare『It doesn’t matter if he’s a hero or not』, rescued her from her dangerousness.” (Leader)

After saying that, Leader smiled. For the humans of this world, and for her, too, I, who lead monsters that were dreadful calamities, should have been an existence that must be detested. And yet, she was displaying a smile without ill feeling now.

I see, so this was the woman Mikihiko was engrossed with, huh?

“Well, Takahiro?” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko, reflexively noticing the gaze I laid on him, asked me that, proud for some reason.

I understood the feeling of wanting to boast “she’s a fine woman, isn’t she?”, but unfortunately, at the present time she wasn’t Mikihiko’s lover or anything like that.

“……I think it’s a thorny path, but keep at it without getting discouraged.” (Majima)

“I was suddenly pitied by my best friend!?” (Mikihiko)

While having a conversation like that, we finally arrived at the meeting place.

However, the figures of the ‘Scouting Corps’ weren’t there anymore.

“What do you mean ‘The operation has already started’!?” (Leader)

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Leader’s angry voice echoed in the reception hall.

In the hall, which was the meeting place, there were only a few soldiers left.

An old man, who the soldiers were entrusted to, was turning pale at Leader’s threatening attitude.

“Y-, yes. By General Green’s command.” (Old man)

“They started the operation without waiting for us? Was that ostentatious bastard in a rush for achievements? Does he know the situation……?” (Leader)

There appeared to be something wrong.

One of the knights called out to Leader, who groaned.

“Leader. Come to think of it, for some time now, the General has……” (Knight)

“……Aah. I see. That’s right. He was being driven up a wall too, huh? But, that annoyingness of his hasn’t changed.” (Leader)

“What should we do, Leader?” (Knight)

“……I guess we have no choice but to chase after them. Even in the worst case, we cannot lose a hero-sama. We definitely need to gather the biggest war potential of the fortress.” (Leader)

Leader conversed with the knight.

Silane ran over to us, who were watching that a bit aways.

“There seems to have been some trouble.” (Silane)

“It sure looks like that. ……That ‘General Green’ was the guy who greeted us when we first came to the fortress, right?” (Majima)

“Right. He’s the senior most guy from the Empire’s Army that’s stationed in this fortress.” (Silane)

“What does Leader mean by ‘that guy was being pushed into a corner’?” (Majima)

“It’s because the defense of the fortress is the Army’s jurisdiction.” (Silane)

“……Isn’t it a bit unfair to make him take responsibility of the near-collapse in this situation?” (Majima)

No matter who held the top position, it wouldn’t have been possible to avoid a dangerous situation like this with so many monsters closing in. However, taking the responsibility might have been one of the top of the organization’s jobs.

“No. Though that is certainly true… is also true that there was a defect in the defense.” (Silane)

“……The drawbridge?” (Majima)

“Yes.” (Silane)

During the several seconds the 10-odd people of the Alliance’s Knight Order, who had tried to go into the sea of trees, bought by risking their lives, the drawbridge that was supposed to rise had stopped midway.

If that hadn’t happened, we might have been able to buy even a little time, and prepare the defense preparations. It definitely could be said that that was a problem caused by the Army that looked after the fortress’ defense. Silane had a slightly bitter face.

“Actually, he was picked on a lot by the Empire’s Knight Order.” (Silane)

“……Internal dissension, is it?” (Majima)

“That’s exactly it. They have no honor, either.” (Silane)

“You aren’t apologetic, Silane. So, what’d he do then? Did that guy leave out the Alliance’s Knight Orders in order to get even a few achievements to restore his honor?” (Majima)

“Not only did he do that, but it seems he’s also taken more soldiers than planned. General was probably in a hurry. Since he was being held accountable in front of the heroes of all people.” (Silane)

“Even if he just lived here, his position was ruined, huh?” (Majima)

From the impression I’d heard, the Alliance’s Knight Order was supposed to be the most elite to subjugate the monsters in the sea of trees. Work was pushed onto the Empire’s Knight Order, who were appointed at the same sea of trees, so their position probably wasn’t too strong, but on the contrary, it also meant that they had an abundance of combat experience.

After leaving them out, he carried out the operation.

I couldn’t imagine that he could keep his judgement rational. ……No. Or maybe he had enough confidence to think that he could still win?

——The heroes, huh?

“In the plan, was he going to annihilate the monsters with the 5th rank magic of Watanabe Yoshiki from the ‘Scouting Corps’?” (Majima)

I recalled the figure of the short male student holding a war staff in his hand. Even though he was among the warriors, which excelled in physical abilities and magic in general, he seemed to have a magician-like cheat. In contrast to that, Juumonji seemed to be warrior-like, and it appeared that 4th rank was his limit, but it still didn’t change the fact that he had terribly powerful magic.

Naturally, if you tried to handle the largest scale magic, you would need time to concentrate on it, no matter how much of a cheat you were. It was the job of the soldiers and knights backing them up to buy the time for that. He probably judged that, if it was that much, it would be enough if he gathered the soldiers in this place and filled his ranks, even without the Alliance’s Knights.

“……No. Wait a minute. If he did that, then what happened to the other transported people here? Don’t tell me he just left them in a place short of hands.” (Majima)

“No, Takahiro-dono. That doesn’t seem to be the case.” (Leader)

The ones who answered my question were Leader and Mikihiko, who came back after finishing the conversation.

“It seems all the hero-samas are accompanying the two ‘Scouting Corps’ members. There were a lot of people who hated leaving the ‘Scouting Corps’ members from the start, so even if it wasn’t like this, there would’ve been a lot of people accompanying them.” (Leader)

“Not that surprising when they’ve been trained like animals.” (Mikihiko)

Mikihiko, speaking bitterly as usual, shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, I definitely don’t understand their thinking of ‘it’ll be safest next to the ‘Scouting Corps’ either.” (Majima)

“Takahiro-dono. We’ll chase after the troops that went ahead after this. Can you come with me?” (Silane)

“Sure. If it’s like that, then we’d better hurry, right?” (Majima)

After returning a nod, I tried to run off with the knights.

——Lily grabbed my wrist.

“Wait.” (Lily)

When I looked back, her expression was grim.

In her hand, she was tightly grasping a wooden spear.

“It took me some time, but……” (Lily)

Lily, snorting her nose with a *sun*, brandished the spear.

And soon after concentrating on someone, Lily threw the spear.

“……Wha!?” (Majima)

The spear, having been thrown with dreadful strength, went through the head of one of the soldiers in the hall.

His head burst open like a tomato, and the soldier’s body was blown backward by that force and their limbs stretched out to the floor.

The people in the hall were dumbfounded for only an instant.

“You bastarrrd!” (Knights)

The sounds of swords being drawn from sheaths occurred in succession along with angry voices. Hostility swirled in the hall, and then——

“Calm down!” (Leader)

——Leader’s rebuke struck the knights’ earlobes.

And, the hostility was crushed. Looks of confusion were directed at her from the knights, but Leader stared at the collapsed soldiers with her brows knit.

Lily thanked her while shrugging her shoulders.

“Thank you for stopping them. I wish I could’ve said it earlier, but if I revealed its true colors, then it would’ve begun acting violently in here and damage was likely to occur.” (Lily)

After following Leader’s gaze, voices of surprise raised from the knights.

Because the figure of the knight pierced by the spear Lily threw had changed into a monster that looked like a frozen shadow picture of a person with only an upper body.

In a lecture about monsters from Kei, I learned that there were monsters living in the Outer Layer of the sea of trees called『Doppelgangers』

I imagined it could be roughly predicted by people interested in RPGs, but they had the ability to copy the appearances of their enemies.

Those who encountered doppelgängers were killed by『another them』that looked the same as them.

In a certain meaning, it was an ability resembling the mimic ability that Lily, a mimic slime, had, but there were many differences.

First, they didn’t need to prey on a target. And, the copying was perfect only in appearance.

On the other hand, only the appearance of the target could be copied at most, their abilities couldn’t be copied.

Above all, they had no will, unlike Lily, so it was impossible for them to slip into humans.

Naturally, it had been impossible to do things like stealthily invade into a fortress. ……Until now.

“I didn’t notice at all……” (Silane)

“I guess a small spirit’s detective ability can’t sense those without hostility? Then, you couldn’t have done anything.” (Majima)

I comforted Silane, who groaned while looking a little down.

“Anyway, this gives an explanation about the drawbridge.” (Majima)

“……After the iron door was destroyed, the soldiers around the gate were trampled down by monsters in the beginning. Even if a monster slipped into the soldiers and hindered it, no one would live knowing that fact. They were killed.” (Silane)

As this showed that a doppelgänger had slipped into the soldiers, the likelihood the same thing was happening at the important place of defense too was high.

On the contrary, the situation was quite serious, as one might’ve even slipped into the counteroffensive operation lead by the ‘Scouting Corps’.

After Lily confirmed that there weren’t any other doppelgängers left in the Alliance’s Knight Order and the knights left in that place, we immediately started moving.

Fortunately, the ‘Scouting Corps’ seemed to have cleaned up the monsters along the way, so we were able to move smoothly. We had to catch up with those guys who were supposedly in the middle of executing the counteroffensive operation as soon as possible. If we didn’t, the operation that controlled the fate of the fortress might be setback…….

“What’s wrong, Master?” (Lily)

The one who called out to me was Lily, who was running next to me.

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She was peering at my face with an anxious look.

“You have a complicated expression.” (Lily)

“Nothing. I just don’t think I like it.” (Majima)

“Like it?” (Lily)

I replied to Lily, who blinked and tilted her head.

“Currently, we are chasing after them to deal with it. It’s the same with the doppelgänger from earlier, but we’ve always been too late. At least so far, it’d be best to think that things are going as the『enemy』planned so far.” (Majima)

“Well, that is true.” (Lily)

“This is just something based on that assumption……but, the fact that an emergency situation like this happened just after we arrived, don’t you think the timing is too good?” (Majima)

“Please wait a minute, Takahiro-dono.” (Silane)

Silane, who was listening to our conversation, interrupted.

“You don’t mean that the situation is happening now with the hero-samas’ visit as the motive, do you?” (Silane)

“There is a possibility.” (Majima)

In short, the reasoning was the same as when Kei disappeared. As soon as us transferred people started staying in the fortress, a large number of monsters attacked, something that had never happened so far. Doubting the nexus there wouldn’t be that strange.

“As a doppelgänger has infiltrated like that, it’s unlikely this is merely a rampage of monsters. There is an『enemy』who is the ringleader in this attack on the fortress. And, assuming that things are going as the『enemy』planned so far, the current flow may be bad.” (Majima)

“What do you mean?” (Silane)

“If us transferred people are involved in the『enemy』’s goal, then naturally, it knows the ‘Scouting Corps’ are here, right?” (Majima)

“……No way! They assumed we’d rely on the hero-samas!?” (Silane)

Silane, realizing what I wanted to say, opened her eyes wide.

“Yeah. If they have, it’s pretty bad. The counteroffensive operation centered on the ‘Scouting Corps’ would definitely be effective. Normally, that is. However, given the situation, that’s also suspicious. If they know the ‘Scouting Corps’ guys would be there, they should’ve taken countermeasures.” (Majima)

“No way, that can’t be……” (Silane)

“Of course, I might be thinking about it too much.” (Majima)

Silane looked like she’d received too great a shock, so I said that just in case.

Actually, a considerable part of what I was saying was nothing more than a guess.

First, it was assumed that us transferred people were the cause, and there was also the question of “how could they deal with『that』’Scouting Corps'”. At any rate, their opponents were cheat holders that had immense power in this world.

Based on my experience so far, I had a habit of assuming the worst. So, this may merely be a needless anxiety.

But, I thought that it was better to assume the worst.

“I should be careful”. That was following what Leader had said earlier.

I ran my thoughts while running up the stairs connecting to the top of the inner wall along with the knights.

If it was me, how would I take counter-measures against cheat holders?

The person who caused this matter had an ability close to mine. So, it wasn’t difficult for me to assume the situation placed by that person.

After I thought, and thought, and thought about it……the conclusion I arrived at was『it’s impossible』.

From the start, I was thinking about my own ability, but the ability to use monsters as war potential was disadvantaged in combat ability. No matter how I thought about it, there remained a possibility that the situation would be overturned by the cheat holders.

Or, they might be able to soundly kill one if the monsters concentrated on a place where there was only one cheat user, but this place was the fortress, where there were innumerable people supporting them, the heroes.

In a situation like this, if you wanted to kill the cheat users, you would have to create a situation that made it impossible for them to demonstrate that abili……no.


Wasn’t there just one possibility where they could manage to do it?

I felt the sensation of cold sweat flowing down my spine at that idea.

……There was no way. That shouldn’t happen. Even if I assumed the worst, that was too worse. If that was correct, then the counteroffensive operation would absolutely fail. Because『they didn’t even need to take counter-measures against the cheat holders or anything like that in the first place』.

“We’re almost there!” (Leader)

Taken aback, I raised my face. The exit and entrance leading to the top of the inner wall could be seen at the end of the stairs.

“Lily, prepare yourself.” (Majima)

“…..Yeah.” (Lily)

Possibly feeling my tension, Lily replied in a stiff voice. Passing through the entrance and exit along with the knights, we came out the other side.

I was on guard, but there were no attacks of monsters.

“……!!” (Majima)

I had my breath taken away.

Because there was a feeling as though my skin was stiffening.

Atop the inner wall, an enormous amount of magical power was currently converging. Whoever could feel magical power couldn’t help but turn pale after sensing just how nonsensical the amount of magical power currently shaking in this place was.

After we came to the top of the inner wall, we ran in the direction we felt the tremendous density of magical power. Since it was clear there was a protagonist in this place there.

Whether or not the sweep was finished already, there were no figures of monsters in the surroundings. In place of them, soldiers and knights were crowding. The old man I remembered——General Green, who looked after Fortress Tilia, noticed the group of the Alliance’s Knights that appeared and he opened his eyes wide. Close to that, there were also the figures of the same transferred people as me.

“Ah! Majima-kun, Mizushima-san!” (Taichi)

Taichi Miyoshi, the『mediator』, ran this way after he noticed us. The three men and women who had moved with him even in the sea of trees came this way as well.

“You guys really were safe, thank god! I was worried!” (Taichi)

“Miyoshi-san, what is the situation!? Where are the ‘Scouting Corps’!?” (Majima)

“Aah, they’re over there.” (Taichi)

I looked in the direction Taichi Miyoshi painted at as he spoke.

At about the same time, a magic circle so big that it reached over our heads was deployed.

I was able to catch glimpse of a short male student, who deployed the huge green magic circle at the tip of the extravagant war staff he hoisted overhead, looking down on the outer wall on the other side of a lot of soldiers.

It was Watanabe Yoshiki, a ‘Scouting Corps’ member. Beside him, Juumonji Tatsuya, also a ‘Scouting Corps’ member, was holding a straight and wide sword in one hand, and deploying a red magic circle in his other hand.

“Alright, the preparations are complete! Let’s go!” (Watanabe)

The green, large magical circle, remarkably strong, shone.

While the two ‘Scouting Corps’ members constructed their magic, the soldiers and knights observing the surroundings together without negligence, were also rooted to the spot at that scene.

That was also natural.

Because the ones there surely couldn’t be anyone else but the heroes admired in the legends.

“Maybe I’m currently standing in one of the scenes of the legends”——even I thought something like that. For the residents of this different world, it was all the more so.

This was a story that I heard from Kei, but the magic that the people of this world could use, the so-called 3rd rank seemed to be the limit. Magic of the 5th rank was, in other words, was beyond the area that people couldn’t enter.

A boy was holding that in his hand.

There was no doubt in my mind that he could completely flatten this fortress if he wanted to. Actually, even though I knew he’d swing that at the monsters, there was an immense omen of destruction, to the point that I was worried whether it’d cause damage to the fortress.

“Feel the pain of the people killed by you guys!” (Watanabe)

Watanabe triumphantly declared such, and swung his dazzling war staff downward.

That was surely the iron hammer of god. The greatest and strongest blow, prepared by someone admired as a hero in this world after taking some time, was invoked.

The atmosphere shook.

Watanabe Yoshiki’s strongest magic attribute was the wind attribute. It blew away anything and everything, just a violent wind that devastated.

Just before that, something flew high into the sky. It soared lightly, like a ball thrown like a playful child.

Watanabe’s cut-off head had flown into the air.

“Eh?” (Majima)

Even the person himself hadn’t realized what happened——probably hadn’t, as his head which flew into the air had a dumbfounded expression.

It was too sudden, and it was a cruel and unrealistic scene.

Who did what was seen and known. And yet, everyone’s thoughts were frozen. Because that was something that shouldn’t have happened.

Aah, this was the worst.

Juumonji, who beheaded Watanabe, changed the aim of the magic in his hand from the monsters he was looking down on to the top of the inner wall.

There was no time to escape——

“——PREVENT ITTTTT!” (Majima)

I wonder if there was anyone who could respond to my scream.

Fire magic of the 4th rank was invoked, and countless fireballs were scattered.

It was just like the very spectacle I saw once before when I was attacked by the flock of balloon foxes exceeding 30. No. Speaking in only power, it far exceeded that time.

One of the fireballs’ impact points were the transferred people who were frozen in the same place. I could see the『bullied child』Riku Kudō gazing at the fireball drawing near dumbfounded. Even though he was the one who’d said that this world was something where『Strong guys could behave however they liked』, I doubt he had ever imagined that his last moments would be like this.

Naturally, the undistinguishable fireballs rained incessantly on the soldiers and knights that had gathered together to defend the ‘Scouting Corps’ on top of the inner wall. There was nowhere to escape.

The fireballs exceeding 100 exploded, and the top of the inner wall of Fortress Tilia changed into a hell of scorching heat.

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