Volume 3 Chapter 30: Entrusted Feelings (Fake)

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Translator: Ai-sama
Editor: iwCJ


Summary of previous chapter:
Though he succeeds in regaining Lily thanks to the efforts of his companions, he is in a desperate crisis.


~Lily’s PoV~

……What, am I doing?

I asked myself as I floated alone through the endless darkness while hugging my knees.

A fight where Master is resolved for death is unfolding, with Takaya Jun, the one who abducted me, as his opponent.

In truth, I should’ve been the one who has to protect Master, and yet, instead, because of me, he’s ended up exposing himself to danger.
My precious sisters as well, were trying to get me back without even minding about getting hurt.

In that situation, I alone, couldn’t do anything.

That me, couldn’t do anything.
The magic tool that’s binding me was not something that I could manage with my own power.

Once fitted with it, it requires an equal power to break free from its bind.
Setting aside someone of Gerbera-class, there was no way for me to escape.

I, couldn’t do anything at all.
Nothing…… .

Then, I wondered how long I’d sunk into my thoughts.

Surely, the concept of time held no meaning here.
For the current me, it was a place for worrying, anguishing alone, biting down on the feeling of helplessness.

“What’s wrong?”

In this place where there should’ve been no one else, a presence suddenly appeared.

I raised my downcast face.
The one in front of me, was a lone girl.

In the darkness, where no one but me had been before, with her flaxen hair swept up as if she were drifting underwater, she turned her face, identical to mine, towards me.

When I saw that girl’s face……’You’ve finally come, huh?,’ I thought, showing a dry smile with the edges of my mouth.

“……You’re late~”
“Are? You’re not surprised?”
“I thought that you would come”

I gave a brief explanation to her, who sounded surprised.

“You expected it?”
“Yes, well”

It was clear that this was related to the strange dream I had a little while ago.
At the same time, it was easy to see that that wasn’t just a dream.

“I had heard from Master before about what happened when he brought back Silane-san’s mind after she became a ghoul after all”

When he tried to save Silane-san’s mind, Master said that he saw a mysterious space.
What I was experiencing was exactly the phenomenon that Master had told me about.

I also had a guess at the general idea of why this was happening.

Between me and him is a magical connection: a path.
Perhaps, that’s the cause.

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Could I have slipped into this space, which probably originated from the Master’s unique ability, through the path?
Or, is this space what we call the path?

I don’t know the specifics but……in any case, at the very least, there was no mistake that this place wasn’t just a meaningless dream.

If so, then the girl in front of me can’t be an illusion in a dream either.

“You are……Mizushima Miho-san, right?”

I asked with confidence.

That, was the cue.


With a ‘gou-’ sound, my body burst into flames.
At the same time, the body of the girl in front of me also turned into a flame.

In the time you could say “ah,” we had become lights floating in the darkness.

However, there was a crucial difference between our flame selves.

While it was red flames that enveloped my body, it was blue-ish white flames that came from “Mizushima Miho’s” body.

It was as if it was pointing out that she and I were decisively different existences; In the depths of my chest, I felt the gloomy feelings stir.


She held both of her hands out in front of herself, and after taking a long hard look down at her body, which was double-exposed with the blue-ish white, flickering flames, “Mizushima Miho” looked towards me once again.

“I’m Mizushima Miho, huh. Why do you think that?”

She sent me a carefree smile.
What was reflected in the eyes of my appearance was pure curiosity.

This was this girl’s nature.
A girl who’s brimming with curiosity, cheerful, and liked by everyone.

I, as someone who has worn her skin, was well aware of that nature of hers.

“This is meant to be a space where only your Master and his kin are allowed to visit, right? Wouldn’t it be strange for the one you call ‘Mizushima Miho’ to be there?”
“That’s not true”

I shook my head.

“Takaya Jun said it, didn’t he? That Mizushima Miho lives within me. If I came come here, it wouldn’t be strange that you, who’s inside of me, can come here too”

I couldn’t deny what Takaya Jun had said at that time.
Because even if insane, he saw through the truth.

There was no doubt that Mizushima Miho was surviving within me.
In fact, that she appeared in front of me like this was proof of that.

If so, why is that the case?
Surely, it had something to do with my unique ability as a Mimic Slime.

“I’ve been wondering. My mimicry ability, recreates the entirety of my target. For example, I can even mimic the Fire Fang’s flame breath attack. However, this can’t be something normal”

On the journey from Fort Tilia to the trading city of Seratta, I remembered what Silane-san had said to Master on a night we had spent in the pioneer village.

“A monster’s unique ability is something created by that monster’s characteristic magic power. Any creature with magic power has a flow of magic power that’s unique to its species, and so no one but said monster can reproduce it. So, a monster’s unique ability can’t be reproduced by another monster or another person either”

Even ghouls, who transform from humans, have different magic patterns than the original humans.
Because of that, Silane-san held a feeling of unease about Master having the same magic power as Gerbera, but……At that time, she overlooked a second fact.

I, who was listening to their talk nearby, was an exception to that.

“I’m able to use the abilities of other monsters, which originally shouldn’t be usable. That means, that I can recreate the flow of magic power that is unique to other monsters. However, that’s usually not possible. If so, then why am I able to do so……”

Settling it with ‘because it’s my characteristic as a monster’ was a little puzzling.

However, until this day today, I didn’t have an answer to this question.

Even humans didn’t know how their bodies worked until they opened the stomach of a dead body and examined it in detail.
This was the same thing.

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By coming in contact with the existence “Mizushima Miho” inside myself, I was able to understand what kind of creature I was for the first time.

“Magic power resides in the soul. It overflows and flows from the soul. Each monster’s soul has its own unique shape, thus, the magic power that flows out from it is also unique. If so, then there are two ways to change your magic power; Either like ghouls, who ‘change the very nature of their soul’……or, you can ‘get magic power from elsewhere,’ like Master, who got Gerbera’s magic power.

In Master’s case, the magic power flowed in from Gerbera’s soul through the path, his unique inherent ability.
If that’s the case, then what about my case?

The “Mizushima Miho” in front of me, was the answer.

“The essence of my ability……is ‘collecting souls’”

Perhaps what we call the soul does not immediately dissipate into space after death, but remains in the body for a while.

In a place dense with magic power, these residual souls may be transformed and become fixed in a body, creating the monsters called ghouls.
Before, when Master touched Silane-san’s body, which had become a ghoul, he was able to restore the mind of her, who had become reasonless, only because the soul that resided in her body was Silane-san’s.

And, that’s probably why eating fellow monsters brings about a greater magic power increase than just defeating them.
This is because, by absorbing the soul left in the body, the magic power that was supposed to dissipate goes through the phenomenon of being directly absorbed.

However, my case as a Mimic Slime is a bit different.
I don’t absorb the predated souls as magic power, but rather store a portion of it inside me as is.

That’s the Mimic Slime’s special racial characteristic.
The unique ability that I use to handle my mimicry is one that uses the magic power that flows from the soul stored in my body.

If so, then it makes sense that I can reproduce the patterns of magic power that are normally unique to other races.
Above all, it also explained the existence of the girl in front of me.

Without a doubt, she was none other than Mizushima Miho herself.
And, that fact was also thrilling news to me.

“Mizushima Miho-san”

I spoke to the “Mizushima Miho-san” blazing blue-ish white.

“I think that I must say sorry to you. I mean, I’ve done the equivalent of stripping you of your existence after all”
“So, I know that it’s unreasonable to ask you of this. But, there’s one favor that I have to ask of you no matter what”
“A favor?”

She tilted her head, and I nodded.

“Master, you see, I want you to save him”

Hearing my words, “Mizushima Miho” widened her eyes.

“Save Majima-kun?”
“Un. Master is fighting Takaya Jun right now, right?”
“I know that but……”

It seemed that “Mizushima Miho” somehow had a grasp on the current situation, to a certain extent.
It helps that the conversation will be quick. I continued with the talk.

“Takaya Jun was originally a Warrior with excellent combat skills, and on top of that, he’s even awakened his unique ability. For some reason, Master had [Idaten] on his side, but after being cornered, Takaya Jun’s real strength was clearly too much to handle. At this rate, Master will soon be killed”

He’s managed to hold on until now, but it wouldn’t be strange for such a tight-rope situation to break at any moment.

“So, that’s why you want me to save Majima-kun?”

The mouth of the girl blazing blue-ish white formed a wry smile.

“That’s quite an unreasonable thing to say isn’t it”
“It’s not unreasonable”
“It is unreasonable. First, what in the world can the already dead Mizushima Miho do?”
“You can do it”

I declared.
Facing “Mizushima Miho,” who had a doubtful face, I slowly opened my mouth.

“Inside me, there are many souls. My own included. But, seeing as how I can’t see them, it seems to be a very rare case for them to retain their form, much less have a will separate from mine but……Even so, it’s not zero”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“You don’t get it? Inside me, there are two souls that have wills. If so, then I don’t have to be me, right?”

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A feeling of understanding and astonishment spread across the girl’s pretty features.

“……You, it can’t be”

I nodded and spoke.

“I’ll give you my everything. By doing so, you’ll be able to return to that world”

Using the existence known as me, I will bring the transferee known as Mizushima Miho back to that world.
That, was the [hope] I had found in her existence.

“How about it? I think that this isn’t a bad deal for you as well though”

I guess she didn’t expect this, as expected.
After a moment of silence, “Mizushima Miho” opened her mouth.

“……Even if you can do that, what do you want the existence known as Mizushima Miho to do?”
“As I said earlier. I want her to save Master”
“That’s impossible. Have you forgotten? Mizushima Miho had no choice but to die because she didn’t have any power at all whatsoever. Even if she returns, she won’t be able to save Majima-kun”
“Uun. That’s not true”

I shook my head.

“After all, you’re a transferee. You have a tremendous power hidden inside that body”
“There’s no point if it stays hidden, you know. Right? Mizushima Miho didn’t awaken her powers as a transferee. ……Uun, she couldn’t do it”
“Because she didn’t have a wish from the bottom of her soul, which is necessary for one?”
“See, you do get it, don’t you?”

With a small sigh, “Mizushima Miho” shrugged her shoulders.

“In the first place, if it were a power so easy for ordinary people to awaken, then everyone would’ve awakened to their unique abilities. To put it bluntly, the people who awoke them from the beginning were simple idiots, heroes, or monsters. Most people who awakened them midway probably wished to escape from despair”

Another sigh, louder than the previous one.
Perhaps she was thinking of someone else.

The blue-ish white flames around the girl were flickering, as if to express her inner feelings.

“A handful of people may have acquired the power in search of hope but……only the people who are truly strong. Mizushima Miho wasn’t like that. That’s why she died. If she had strong feelings like you, who’s willing to give up your entire existence for Majima-kun’s sake, then it might’ve been different though”

Her voice had a sound of envy in it……I laughed unintentionally.

“Haha. I can’t do it”

I shook my head.

“Should I say ‘I couldn’t do it,’ in past tense?”
“I’ve been trying to do it, but, you know”

My human body is simply a disguise, and from the start, it was a body that didn’t need sleep.
I don’t know how many times I’ve spent the entire night after Master had fallen asleep, endlessly trying and failing.

I’ve tried countless times and failed just as many times.
Still, I kept trying, and to this day, I haven’t been able to accomplish anything.

So, I couldn’t avoid realizing it.

“In the end, I, as a fake, have things that I just can’t reach”

I held up my hands in front of me.
There were my hands, but they weren’t mine.

It wasn’t just my hands.
My face, my body, my hair, my legs, everything was nothing but a mimicked fake.

“No matter how much I thought I put into it, I didn’t have the qualifications. Ahaha. I knew that from the beginning though”

I knew that I couldn’t do it, but I could do my best for Master.
I tried my best, but as expected, it was no good.

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This was just that, nothing but a harsh story, ordinary and ubiquitous.

“So, I’ll entrust this to the real thing”

At my words, “Mizushima Miho” raised her voice in question.

“But, like I said earlier……”
“Mizushima Miho doesn’t have the strength to fight? Uun. That’s not true”

I slowly shook my head.

“After all, I won’t leave your power hidden”
“That, what do you……”
“I told you, didn’t I? ‘I’ll give you my everything’”

I smiled.

“Naturally, my feelings as well, you’ll have them all”

The yearning that burns my heart, the love that I can’t help but feel.
I will entrust all of these crazy feelings, to the real thing.

“I’m exchanging my very existence here, you know. So I won’t let you say that these feelings aren’t enough”

The real Mizushima Miho’s feelings aren’t enough.
I, the fake, don’t have the qualifications.

So, why not combine the two?
The logic is extremely simple, all you need is the resolve.

With this, all the conditions needed to save Master have been met.

“……You want to save Majima-kun, even if you have to go that far?”

The “Mizushima Miho” in front of me asked as if to confirm.

“You will lose everything, you know? Even so……”
“That doesn’t matter”

I answered without hesitation.

“Isn’t that natural?”

With my existence as a sacrifice, Mizushima Miho will return to this world.
Using the one thing remaining, my feelings, as a key, her ability as a transferee will be released.
I will lose myself in all its entirety, but I will not lose Master, who is even more important to me than myself.

This is the one thing the fake who can’t do anything can do.
There was no way that I was going to regret this.

“So, please. Save Master”

The blue-ish-white-light double-exposed “Mizushima Miho” pressed her finger on her mouth, and pondered for a short while.

However, for her, this was a proposal that she had no room for choice from the very beginning.

“……I understand what you’re saying”

Eventually, she nodded once.

She directed a reassuring smile towards me.

Aah. I realized that my resolve had been rewarded.
I could not be more relieved to know that Master was going to be saved.

“Saa, devour me”

And so, I urged her with a peaceful mood――

“I refuse”

――The words that “Mizushima Miho” declared froze my thoughts in place.

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