Monster Princess

Chapter 14

I didn’t tell him that the greenhouse is forbidden for anyone to enter, so it’s safer to hide inside, and that the moment you step out, the magical chains on his body will activate and he will be caught by the pursuers. 

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“How did you run away from the White Night Hall?”




“Didn’t you feel anything when you entered this greenhouse?”




“Why did you call me rabbit princess when there are so many other videos recorded in the mana stones? I also recorded that*(1) a long time ago. Did you like that the most?” 


I asked the boy because I was bored and curious while going to the back door.


But he didn’t answer any of my questions. Still, he kept silent like a threatening offender, but he didn’t yell at me to be quiet. He was a more polite hostage-taker than I thought.


“Where will you go if you leave the palace?”


However, there was a reaction from the boy to this question.




He stopped walking. And answered in a very low, subdued voice.


“I’m going to go where there’s someone who wants me.”


For some reason, I felt emotions that were difficult to express in words. I was curious about the life this boy lived for a moment, but it was really a moment.


This time, the boy moved his body first, grabbed my arm, and walked ahead. He added in a low voice.


“And… I have to go save my father.”


“Oh, okay…”


It was a very grand dream. So I was lost for words at the moment.


Seeing that he’s going to save his father, Count Rasner must have been sentenced to life in prison, not death.


But what do I do? He won’t be able to get out of the imperial palace.


“You…! He was here!”


As I thought, as soon as I opened the back door of the greenhouse, people rushed in, in an instant.


The boy stiffened. Looking closely, it seemed that he had not even thought of threatening me in front of other people and taking me hostage.

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‘I’ll let this slide.’


I pushed his body by strengthening my body with mana.


The open silver-gray eyes looked at me as if surprised as I had escaped from his hand. As if there was no contact in the first place, the distance between the boy and me widened.




At the same time, a dark blue chain of magic flashed from the boy’s wrist and ankle. The boy was thrown to the floor as if someone had pulled him.


Soon after realizing the situation, he began to struggle.


“This…! Let go!”


“I can’t believe you’re trying to run away. You’re the eldest son of that heretic!”


I stood next to him and fiddled with my wrist that the boy has caught earlier.


“Oh my god, first princess!”


“I’m seeing the First Princess of Camiullita!”


Those who found me late hurriedly greeted me with courtesy.


“Yeah, the heretic must have tried to escape.”


“Yes! Perhaps… …What is this guy doing to the princess…?”

Then, I realized that my distance from the boy was close, and I was nervous and embarrassed at the face I faced.


I looked down at the boy struggling roughly from the floor under control. I didn’t make eye contact because other people were weighing on his head.


Soon I answered briefly.


“No, I just happened to come to the greenhouse now and accidentally witnessed the situation.”


“Oh, yes! I’m glad that nothing happened! I’m sorry for disturbing your break time! We’ll take this heretic quickly.”


“Okay. Take him.”


The wizards and guards of the White Night Hall rushed out of the greenhouse with a red-haired boy on their back.


As if he had closed his mouth with magic and immobilized his body, as I did with the first prince, the boy did not scream or resist as before. However, the blood-red eyes that were exposed through the tousled red hair were emitting very beautiful light.


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Somehow, I remembered it for a long time.


* * *


“Princess, it is said that the princess of the cold palace suffered a lot today because of the second princess.”




And that evening, listening to Marina’s report, I turned the page of the book I was reading calmly.


“Did you run into each other near the 1st Imperial Palace?”


“Yes… …It seems that the second princess was furious and scolded the princess of the cold palace again so that she would never show up in front of the 1st Princess’ Palace again.”


“People will think my palace belongs to Chloe.”


Hearing about Chloe’s actions from Marina was funny, so a snort came out spontaneously.


She didn’t even rent all the paths in the imperial family, so by what qualification did she say such a thing?


In addition, Judith, who has never been beaten by Chloe in this way, was foolish to continue using the same path.


‘Is her brain worse than I thought?’


If I were Judith, I would have moved another way to avoid Chloe even if I went around a little.


I remember that Judith, who I saw in the book, was a fairly intelligent princess, but maybe she was still young now, so her judgment of the situation was poor.


“I’m watching her as you ordered. … Is there anything else I need to do?”


Marina seemed to be thinking that I might be trying to step up for Judith. She knows I’m not that kind of person, but it was a useless question.


‘How many times have I acted that is not like me these days?’


But it wasn’t because I was worried about her that I got Marina to watch Judith. Strictly speaking, it was more like surveillance.


“No. Keep doing what you’re already doing.”


“Yes. As you wish.”


Marina was still quick-witted, so she didn’t question me twice.


After Marina left, I closed the magic book and opened a book about forbidden magic under other books.


Yeah. In the end, I took it out of the secret library of the imperial family. Of course, I still lack my qualifications, so I haven’t borrowed the most strictly forbidden books.

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Although I am royalty and a first princess, I am still a minor, so I have been restricted from my age. In addition, an official position as a wizard was needed to read the strictly forbidden book managed by the imperial family. So, in the end, all I had to do now was to get information on forbidden magic by licking the surface.


No, of course, that doesn’t mean I was actually going to use forbidden magic now.


I was just curious. I’m just going to keep that in mind…


‘It’s true, but it sounds like an excuse.’


Anyway… Well, this is okay, right? It’s important to know that to be wary of something.


Again, after reciting an excuse that I did not know who it was for whom in my mind, I began to read the book seriously. However, this time too, there was no useful content, and the more I turned the pages, the more annoyed I became.


In the end, I closed the book, took out a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down some magic formulas myself.


In the book in the dream, the forbidden technique I used in the future was not described in detail.


‘But I think it’s right to apply this magic formula.’


Or this… No, is it this way?


Before I knew it, I was drawing a magic formula because I was more immersed than I thought, and didn’t notice it.


When I lowered the pen after concentrating for a long time, the sun had set and the red sunset was already setting outside the window. Usually, Marina would have lit the fire, but today the room was dark because no one was allowed in.


I sighed and leaned my back against the chair.


‘As expected, it’s hard.’


I wondered if I could find a way to stop the wizard’s fever by applying forbidden techniques, but it was also not easy.


In the first place, this method seemed to necessarily require sacrifices. That didn’t mean anyone could sacrifice any. It was possible only when the wavelength of the mana of the offering and the person who tried the forbidden magic must match to some extent.


‘The sacrifice that best matched me in the book was not just a consumable extra, but a character who played an important role in [The Shining World of Princess Judith].’


In 『The Shining World of Princess Judith』, Judith was only treated as a true royal family member after awakening her magical powers. It was at this time that she began to get involved in earnest with the male protagonist, an indispensable entity in romance novels. However, it wasn’t just the male protagonist who liked the female protagonist, including the loyal knight of Judith, who is the sub male lead.


[“All of me belongs to Princess Judith. So from now on, I will live for the princess and die for the princess.”]


The scene of him vowing allegiance to Judith came to mind.


When Judith is in danger, he takes the lead in protecting her, encourages her, and when Judith grieves because of a conflict with the male protagonist, he takes the role of Ojakgyo*(2) with a bitter heart.


Judith’s knight was a sub male lead, who had a pure and manly aspect of looking only at his owner like a sunflower. However, except when dealing with his owner, Judith, he was like a fierce dog, so I remembered in the book that I was very bothered by him.

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‘Because he was a man who even showed threatening behavior by issuing a warning directly to me, who later became so eager to bully Judith.’


So, the future me too, seeing Judith’s knight as a thorn in the eye, finds out that his magic and the wavelength of his magic match with a miraculous probability. So, in the end, the knight got caught in my trap and died as a sacrifice for the forbidden magic.


I thought of that scene for a moment.


[“You’re finally dying, Gerard. I’ll admit that you were pretty good to throw away.”]


The future me looked at the dying knight of Judith and laughed at him.


[“But pitifully. You swore to give Judith your body and soul, but in the end, all your blood and your flesh will belong to me. So, by choosing the wrong owner, you hit the ground so go regret  being caught by my eye.”]


Isn’t the line really like a wicked woman?


Moreover, using his feelings for Judith in a mean way, it was a development in which Judith dug a trap and killed the knight.


‘Very smart. You should use any means to achieve an end.’

But besides being a loyal dog of Judith, there was a reason why I was more close to him in the book.


[“It’s similar to not being able to grasp the subject of lowly things.”]


Oh, I remembered.


‘Come to think of it, Judith’s knight had a set value as a heretic belonging to the White Night Hall.’


So he has no last name.


For that reason, there were several scenes where people despised me for sticking around with things that were treated like slaves……






At that moment, I jumped from my seat to the memory that crossed my mind. I recalled several times the information about Judith’s knight, Gerard, which just came to my mind.


Dark red hair like the sunset that colored my room now. Silver-gray eyes with sharp light as if they would penetrate the inside. A shadowy man with a strangely dark and desolate atmosphere.


As soon as I remembered the parts described in the novel, I burst into laughter through my small open lips.


‘Why didn’t I think of it right away?’


The heretic belonging to the White Night Hall that I met in the greenhouse.


The boy had just that description.

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