Monster Princess

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

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Translated by Schwarzel
Edited by Soul


Monster Princess


Episode 20


Killian and I never had a proper meeting in the first place. We never had conversed with each other properly. All we’ve done is exchange a few greetings whenever we meet at an official meeting.


 ‘Except when I bumped into him in the public library last time.’


It’s already been five years since the talk about the engagement, and neither of us have spoken about it since then. It’s probably because he wasn’t interested in me just as I wasn’t interested in him. In fact, I forgot that I even exchanged brief greetings with him when I was young.


Still Kilian, who I have known since childhood, always showed elegant actions and speech as a person who understands his position well even though he is still young, and it seemed as though he didn’t find anything wrong with my temper.


Then, when I gently lowered my fan, I felt as if my eyes met with Kilian’s for a moment, perhaps it was my misunderstanding.


In the next moment, he bowed straight as if I was standing right in front of him. It was brief, but it was clearly a greeting offered to the Imperial Family. The Princesses standing beside me, began to whisper and make a fuss.


I frowned at their disgraceful behavior.


Meanwhile, the Emperor had finally appeared.


The nobles were the first to stand up. The Princes and Princesses along with the Empress and Concubines who were sitting higher than us, also stood up to greet the Emperor.


Millium occupied the seat next to his mother on the pretext that he was still young.


Fortunately, Judith came back not too late. Judith, wearing Chloe’s colorful light pink dress, looked five times brighter and prettier than before. Like Chloe’s taste, she generously used frills and ribbons to highlight her age-like cheerfulness and cuteness.


However, Judith’s expression was somehow not brighter than before. She seemed a little nervous, and somehow she didn’t seem to like the dress because her taste was different from that of Chloe.


“Blessings and protection to the supreme sun of Camullita.”


However, I couldn’t get time to observe Judith’s face more because the Emperor had finally stood on the podium and to greet everyone.

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“Blessings and protection to all of Camullita.”


Only after that did my father, the Emperor, speak in a stern voice which made all the people raise their heads.


“Welcome everyone. To celebrate the Hunting festival today…….”


The Emperor began with the first part of his congratulatory speech.


The Hunting festival was a national event held in honor of the prosperity of the empire during the harvest season. Therefore, I know that the Emperor will give a long speech today.


“First Princess.”


After a little longer, it was finally my turn after the Emperor’s congratulatory speech.


I went up to the podium as he called me.


“Blessing and protection to Camullita’s supreme sun.”


The Emperor solemnly accepted my greetings.


I stood on the podium with the Emperor’s permission.


It was a very familiar place for me. It was the same for the others here as well.


As I stood on the podium, they started making faces as if a part of their soul had been pulled out of them. The First Prince Ramiel was already busy yawning.


However, Killian Bernhardt was still standing in a straight position and looking at me with a beautiful face without a change in his expression.


I had felt this every time I climbed this podium that he was a fairly good listener. During speeches, he will stay calm until the end without showing any sign of boredom on his face like others.


He was a boy famous for his knight-like character and integrity more than anyone else in Camullita.


And again surprisingly… … Instead of looking bored, Judith looked at me with her young eyes which were full of hope.


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Does Judith like boring speeches?


In fact, I have been reciting extremely long congratulatory speeches at every such event.


My congratulatory speech, which was filled with words wishing for the glory and prosperity of the empire, was boring even now.


As a Princess, I have taken the lead in raising the prestige of the Imperial family with all my passion and sincerity because of my considerable love for the country and the Imperial family.


But honestly, everything felt annoying right now.


“My congratulations……”



I took my lips off the front of the podium where the voice amplification magic was cast and let go of my voice, which was as soulless as the people standing in front of me.


“I’ll replace my congratulatory speech now.”






At that moment, I could clearly see the illusion of a group of question marks appearing on top of everyone’s head. It was me, who usually recited about 10 sheets of congratulatory speech as if I had prepared for a long time, so I could also have responded like that.


I didn’t say more and sent a spark over my head with mana.


Boom! Boom!


Above my head, the congratulatory fireworks that marked the beginning of the hunting festival spread like a flower.


Using this much mana did not accelerate the symptoms of the disease, the fireworks spread generously throughout the sky.


Shall I play a little bit of a joke?


After a while, giant letters that sparkled like a Milky Way were listed in the flames that erupted into the blue sky like buds of blooming petals.


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‘The supreme sun of the empire is actually suffering from severe hair loss.’


The words of an ancient language that had already died were written all over the sky, so no one would have been able to recognize it.


It was well known that no scholars could decipher this ancient language by today, but as I said, I was a great genius princess. So this wasn’t too difficult for me.


‘His hair that you can see now is a partial wig.


There is an empty space with a diameter of about 10 cm on the crown of his head, and the devastation of his hair is accelerating day by day.


His Majesty’s ears are donkey ears!’


It was childish, but it made me feel relieved.


The situation felt even more ridiculous because people who didn’t know anything about them looked amazed by the letters shining in the flames and said they were beautiful patterns.


Who will even know that this is an insult to the Emperor?


Perhaps if the Emperor knew about this, he would put me in prison for treason.


‘Let me be born as a sloth in my next life.


I don’t want to do anything intense except for breathing.


I feel sorry for you who don’t know the beauty of love.


Open your eyes, warrior!’


Eventually, I started talking nonsense.


I looked at the letters that were still shining brightly over my head.


‘But I think this is kind of fun….’


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Come to think of it, it was the first time in this life as Arbella that I had done such a deviation outside. Maybe that’s why I felt a subtle thrill.




At that time, suddenly, a burst of faintly low laughter flew from somewhere.


It was a very faint sound mixed with the exclamations, but my sensitive ears caught it. Coincidentally, when I turned my head, my eyes met…….


Killian Bernhardt, the male protagonist.


He was covering his mouth with his hand, and for a moment, I doubted whether he was smiling. In addition, the eyes I had just met seemed to be young, with an unknown character mixed with embarrassment and other subtle emotions.


However, there was no laughter in Killian’s calm face, which was then naturally revealed as he put his hands down. The bright afternoon sunlight was the only thing that decorated his face.


“Did I hear it wrong?”


Well, on second thought, maybe it wasn’t a laugh, but a sneeze instead.


In addition, no one other than Killian Bernhardt could have smiled so politely at this place. It would have been impossible.


But it ruined the excitement.


After that, I soon felt skeptical of how I was behaving  like a child, so I stopped shooting mana.


What kind of childish play was that?


Being a genius, My mental was high, but this body is 14 years old. As it turns out, it seems that I have come to puberty.


“Then, may Camullita’s glory fall upon you.”


After praying for the last time, I left the podium again with a soulless face.


The emperor showed a dissatisfied expression when I just showed fireworks without obediently giving a congratulatory speech, but the reaction of the people was still not bad, so he showed a casual expression.


Then, the Hunting festival began with full-fledged.

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