Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 100: 100

Changjiang Avenue.

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In a white Land Rover, Luo Xinghua was smoking in the cab. He looked a little restless. He put his left hand on the outside, tapping the ash with his fingers from time to time, and looked around.

Tonight, he and shrimp have an appointment to trade here.

At the thought of that loser, Luo Xinghua doesn't want to fight. It's because he was blackmailed by Tang Yu and Hong Bo that he asked the loser to help him steal his mobile phone.

Who knows that this loser is not successful enough, and he has to learn from those two bastards to blackmail himself.

Luo Xinghua felt very depressed and flustered. What evil did he do in his last life before he met these three goods? He didn't speak of loyalty, didn't speak of credit, and three rotten people.

Luo Xinghua made up his mind to teach the three people a lesson after the incident, so that they know they are not easy to bully.

It's not over.


The car body shakes for a while, and Luo Xinghua is startled and looks around the car.

From the inside rearview mirror, you can see that there is an electric car behind your Land Rover. The man riding the electric car looks flustered.

"It's bad luck for me to lie in a trough. I have to plug my teeth when I drink cold water." Luo Xinghua walked out of the car swearing.

There are two people sitting on the electric car. In addition to the man riding the electric car in front, there is also a woman sitting behind.

"How do you park? Is this a parking lot?" Cried the man on the electric bike.

After hearing this, Luo Xinghua laughed angrily: "you are unreasonable. You hit my car."

"This road belongs to your family. You can stop wherever you want. If you don't stop, can I run into it?" Asked the man in the car.

"You know it's a road. You're going to ride a broken electric car on the road. You're going to die yourself."

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"What's the matter with you? What's the matter with us riding electric bikes? You're great." The woman in the electric car came over with an angry face.

Luo Xinghua took a look at the car, the collision is not very serious: "I have something to do today, no time to talk nonsense with you, hurry up."

The man on the electric bike stretched out his right hand, pointed to Luo Xinghua's nose and yelled, "who are you talking nonsense? Try again."

"Here's your face, right? Wait." Luo Xinghua put down his cruel words and turned to the direction of the cab.

However, after Luo Xinghua took a few steps, the woman in the electric car caught up with him and kicked him in the bend of his hind leg.

"Bang!" A sound, Luo Xinghua leg a soft, directly fell to the ground.

Then, the left arm was caught, twisted and lifted, and was pinned to the back. The whole person was pressed on the ground and could not move.

"Grass, you TM dare to attack me, I @ #% ¥ &..." Luo Xinghua's scolding.

"Police, don't move." There was a shout.

Luo Xinghua shivered and immediately quieted down, just like a rooster who had been strangled by the neck, and then his hands were handcuffed by cold handcuffs.

"Why did you arrest me?" Luo Xinghua is taking a chance.

"Do you know shrimps?" Tian Li asked.

"I don't know." Luo Xinghua sophisticates.

"What is the poetic core?" Li Hui snorted.

"He Shirui drowned herself, which has nothing to do with me." Cried Luo Xinghua.

Li Hui picked him up and said in a cold voice, "don't cry if you don't see the coffin, don't give up if you don't see the Yellow River, right?"

"I'm really wronged."

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"OK, let's go back to the Bureau. We have plenty of time."


Golden beach, Qianhao hotel.

Xiang Hongbo is sitting on the bed smoking. Tang Yu is wearing a suspender Nightgown to pack up.


Choked by the smell of smoke, Tang Yu fanned the smoke with his hand: "you smoke less than two, it's almost killing me."

"I'm tired of it. Don't worry about it." Hum Xiang Hongbo.

"It's just you. I'm not." Tang Yu came over, grabbed the smoke from Xiang Hongbo, threw it on the ground and stamped it out with one foot: "help me clean it up, let's go tomorrow."

"Luo Xinghua, that son of a bitch, let's forget about us?"

"What else do you want to do? Give him a beating. "

"I @ ¥% &..."

To Hongbo gas abuse, Luo Xinghua has not answered the phone, he is unfamiliar in Qindao, even where the other party lives do not know.

"It's no use scolding. Luo Xinghua is sure. We dare not call the police." Tang Yu sighed. In her heart, she was more disappointed than Xiang Hongbo.

"If I knew it, I shouldn't have perjured him." Xiang Hongbo said angrily.

Tang Yu whispered: "don't forget, we also took him 500000 yuan. Even without perjury, a crime of extortion can't run away."

"I should have called the police and let this son of a bitch go to jail."

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"At the beginning, you said that Luo Xinghua is your good friend and a righteous man. As long as we help him this time, we will certainly not treat us badly in the future." Tang Yu snorted."Is it interesting to say that? Don't you want him to give you money? If it were not for your big heart, he might not have taken risks. "


Just when they quarreled, there was a swipe card sound at the door, and then the door was pushed open.

Several people rushed in from the outside:

"police, don't move!"

"Don't move. Be honest."

Before Tang Yu could react, they were controlled by several men who rushed in.

"What are you doing? Why did you arrest me? " Tang Yu asked.

"We suspect that you are involved in an intentional homicide. Please go back to the police station to assist in the investigation." Han Bin said.

Tang Yu and Xiang Hongbo looked at each other, and their faces were ugly.

"Hongbo, I love you.

"I love you, too."

"Tut Tut, at this time, these two people are still bored." Zhao Ming turned his lips.

"They're colluding in order not to be left alone." Han Bin said.


Yuhua Branch.

Luo Xinghua, Xiang Hongbo and Tang Yu were all taken to the Bureau and held separately.

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Zheng Kaixuan strode into the office of the second group and said to Han Bin and others, "this arrest is clean and well done."

"Zheng team, the evidence has been collected almost, I think it can be interrogated." Zeng Ping Road.

"What kind of interrogation do you want?"

"Although these three people have had internal strife, I believe they will cover up each other at the critical moment. The best way is to let one person recruit and bite the other two." Zeng Ping Road.

Zheng Kaixuan unscrewed the thermos cup and took a drink of water: "who do you want to take as a breakthrough?"

"Luo Xinghua is guilty of homicide, and he will definitely not confess it easily. There is little evidence for Hong Bo's crime, so it is not easy for him to put it down first. I think Tang Yu should be the breakthrough point." Zeng Ping proposed.

"What do you think?" Zheng Kaixuan scanned the crowd.

"I agree with Zeng's proposal." Li huidao.

"Women tend to be nervous at critical moments, and I think it's more appropriate to suddenly judge Tang Yu." Zhao Mingdao.

"Don't look down on women. When I took notes for Tang Yu, I didn't see that she was a little nervous." Tian Li Road.

Han Bin is frowning, silent.

Zheng Kaixuan raised his chin: "Han Bin, what do you think?"

Han Bin shook his head: "Tang Yu is good at camouflage. I'm afraid it's not easy to pry her mouth. She colluded with Xiang Hongbo when she was arrested."

"Brother bin is right. When they were arrested, they were too tired to testify against each other easily." Zhao Ming said.

After listening to the opinions of the public, Zheng Kaixuan thought for a moment and said:

"let's try not to involve Xiang Hongbo in the trial of Tang Yu, and Tang Yu in the trial of Xiang Hongbo. Let these two people bite Luo Xinghua. After Luo Xinghua is finished, let Luo Xinghua bite these two people."

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