Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 104: 104

I didn't take on a new case today. I went home from work on time at six in the evening.

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It's also a kind of happiness for a policeman to get off work on time.

As soon as he opened the door of his parents' house, Han Bin felt that the atmosphere was not right, and the room was much busier than usual.

Han Bin looked down, a pair of cloth shoes outside the shoe cabinet, just a glance, Han Bin knows who.

"Oh, binzi is back." A man's voice sounded.

Then, a fat figure came out of the restaurant. The man and Han Bin were as tall as if they were, but their waistline was wider. They had a big head, and their hands were dipped in flour.

"Uncle, when did you come back?" Han Bin said.

This man is Wang Qingsheng, Wang Huifang's younger brother. Although he is much different from Han Bin, his eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar.

"I just came back today. I came to see you and brought you a gift." Wang Qingsheng said with a smile.

"Qingsheng, didn't you say you came to see me specially?" Han Weidong called.

Wang Qingsheng is ten years younger than Han Weidong. When Han Weidong and Wang Huifang got married, Wang Qingsheng was still a teenager and always regarded him as half a junior.

"All look, all look, and my sister, one present for each." Wang Qingsheng waved his hand, quite forthright.

"Uncle, you have been away for a long time. Where have you been?" Han Bin asked.

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"Ah, it's just a hard work. Several neighboring provinces have made a circle, and few of them have received old things." Wang Qingsheng sighed:

"it depends on luck to do this business."

Wang Qingsheng is a troublemaker of antiques. He often has to go to other places to buy goods, at least for a week, or more for a month or two. He just doesn't care how he runs, and he never loses weight.

"Qingsheng will talk later. It's not enough to roll the dough." Cried Wang Huifang.

"Yo, today I'm in the light of my uncle. I've had dumplings." Han Bin said with a smile.

"That said, I didn't make you any delicious food when you had a rest." Wang Huifang snorted.

"Why did you come back so early today and solve the case?" Han Weidong asked.

"It's broken."

"What charge?"

"Intentional homicide."

"You are in charge of this case. It's quite a case. It's said that it has shocked the leaders of the Municipal Bureau." Han Weidong hit it, hit it, hit it.

"What case? Tell me about it Wang Qingsheng asked.

"A woman's body was found at the golden beach."

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"Binzi, are you in charge of this case?"


"On the train I came back, I heard that the woman's shawl was very scary, and half of the tourists in golden beach had gone." Wang Qingsheng said.

"There's no exaggeration." Han Bin said with a smile.

Han Weidong made dumplings over and over again, and said, "if you can solve this case, Captain Zheng is showing his face, and didn't give you any reward?"

"This month, our three teams were awarded advanced collectives, and I was awarded advanced individuals. There are more than 3000 prizes alone."

"Oh, yes, your salary is higher than mine this month." Han Weidong joked.

"Team Zheng said that as long as I can be rated as an advanced individual for two consecutive months, I will apply for third class merit." Han Bin said.

"Binzi did a good job. After being transferred to the criminal police force for two or three months, he was rated advanced. I was worried that you couldn't get used to it." Wang Qingsheng praised.

"I've worked overtime every day since I became a criminal policeman. If I don't get an advanced one, I might as well go back to the police station and be a policeman." Wang Huifang snorted.

"What do you know? How long do you have to stay in the police station to get a third-class merit Han Weidong reprimanded him, and then told Han Bin: "my son will work hard, and only when he has achievements can he be strong."

Han Bin laughs, can't do well, still owe a bottom merit value.

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After making dumplings, he made four cold dishes, including cucumber, peanuts, pig ears and shrimp. Han Bin took out a bottle of Luzhou Laojiao and had a drink with his father and uncle.

Wang Qingsheng ate a skin shrimp and said, "it's still the fat shrimp from my hometown, but it doesn't taste like that outside."

"I went to the seafood market specially when you enjoyed it." Han Weidong laughs.

"Brother-in-law, with this, I have to propose a toast to you." Wang Qingsheng lifted his glass.

Han Weidong doesn't refuse anyone who comes. Now, he seldom takes part in the dinner outside and is a little greedy for wine.

Han Bin poured wine on them again: "uncle, did you go out smoothly this time?"

"It's OK. I went to Panjiayuan again. When I saw the prosperous market, I envied it. If I didn't want to leave you, I could hardly have come back." Wang Qingsheng said with emotion.

"You are just too big hearted. If you can have a firm foothold in Qindao Antique Street, you can have a few pan Jiayuan in China." Han Wei Dong Dao.

"Your brother-in-law is right. Don't think about the big ones. It's true to marry a daughter-in-law and live a safe life." Wang Huifang went to the kitchen door with a leaky spoon in her hand."I just want to think about it. I've been in the Qindao antique market for so many years, and I'm familiar with all aspects of the relationship. When I went to Panjiayuan, I didn't know that I was sold." Wang Qingsheng raises his glass and touches Han Weidong.

"You've been sold less. I don't care about you." Wang Huifang snorted and returned to the kitchen.

"Brother in law, you see my sister mentioned this again."

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, she said you listen, don't pick up on it." Han Weidong is also helpless. What can he do?

Wang Qingsheng took a bite of pig's ear and put down his chopsticks: "I almost forgot. I haven't given my nephew a present yet."

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With that, Wang Qingsheng went to the door and took out a wooden box from his bag. He carefully opened the box, which contained a brown bracelet.

Wang Qingsheng took out the bracelet and handed it to Han Bin: "the criminal police often deal with criminals in this work. It doesn't matter whether they can perform meritorious service. Safety is the first thing. This string of Buddhist beads is an old thing. I went to the temple to light it up. You can wear it safely."

"Thank you, uncle."

Han Bin took over to play with it. The beads are uniform in size and beautiful in color. There are 12 beads in total, one of which is decorated with a pagoda. It looks very beautiful as a whole.

Han Weidong took it over and took a look: "this string of Buddhist beads is much more exquisite than my present."

"Almost, almost all." Wang Qingsheng's mouth is perfunctory, but his heart says in secret that this is my nephew.

"Dumplings." Wang Huifang came out of the kitchen with two plates of dumplings: "son, your uncle will wear them for you, no matter whether they are useful or not, for peace of mind."

Han Bin is not polite either. He takes the Buddhist beads from his father's hand and puts them on his left hand. He stands up and goes to the kitchen to serve dumplings.

"Don't cook now. Your wife will eat first, and I'll have a drink with Qingsheng." Han Weidong waved his hand.

"Yes, elder sister, sit down and eat too. I have something to announce." Wang Qingsheng straightened up with a solemn face.

Wang Huifang glanced at her brother and said happily, "Qingsheng, do you have a girlfriend?"

Han Bin smiles. As soon as his uncle comes back, someone blocks the gun for him.

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