Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 106: 106


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Han Bin's house.


Han Bin yawned, slowly opened his eyes, picked up the mobile phone at the head of the bed and looked at it. It was more than eight o'clock.

Last night, Han Bin invited a barbecue. Li Hui ordered four roasted lamb loins. Han Bin didn't know why he was a single dog eating so many loins?

Can you sleep at night?

Han Bin got up, took a shower, cleaned up the room, and then went downstairs to his parents' house.

As soon as he entered the door, Han Bin called out, "Mom, do you have anything to eat?"

"Have some fruit. It's more than nine o'clock. I'll make you something delicious at noon." Wang Huifang threw the mop aside: "come here and tell you something serious."

Han Bin went to the tea table, picked up an apple and bit it: "what's the matter?"

Wang Huifang took out a picture and put it on the tea table: "son, do you think this girl looks good?"

Han Bin took a look at the woman's melon face and delicate facial features in the photo: "it's very beautiful."

"Do you like it?"

"Aren't you going to introduce my uncle? How did you arrange me again? "

"Your uncle will wait. He is busy opening an antique shop now. When his shop is open, he will have a serious job. I will introduce him then." Wang Huifang said.

"You are quite experienced."

"What other women want, whether it's appearance or career, they have to be different."

"Or I'll wait."

"What do you have to wait for? You are handsome and stable. It's the same when you look for it." Wang Huifang said.

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Han Bin touched his chin, as if it was true.

Wang Huifang turned over the photo and wrote a few numbers on the back with a carbon pen: "this is the girl's mobile phone number. If you contact her, it's just the weekend when you meet her. OK, just be a friend. If you can't, mom will find it for you."

"Professional enough."

"Don't talk nonsense. Get in touch with others quickly. Girl is thin skinned. Take the initiative." Wang Huifang urged.


Han Bin's mobile phone rings. It's a message from two groups of wechat groups. Han Bin opens it and sees Zeng Ping's voice in the group.

"When there was a case, the second group rushed to the police station immediately."

"Got it."

Han Bin returned a wechat and wrote down the mobile phone number on the photo:

"Mom, there's a case, I have to go back to the police station first, and then contact the other party when I have time."

"Go ahead."

Wang Huifang waved her hand and watched Han Bin leave. Then she picked up the photo and looked at it: "look how handsome the girl is!"


In half an hour.

Han Bin takes a taxi to the Yuhua Branch. As soon as he enters the gate, he sees Zeng Ping smoking in the yard.

"Team Zeng."

Zeng Ping took a deep breath and stamped out the remaining cigarette ends: "I'm waiting for you. Get on the bus."

Han Bin gets into a police van for eight people, which is more spacious than an off-road vehicle. Li Hui drives, Zeng Ping takes the co pilot, Han Bin dominates the second row, and Zhao Ming and Tian Li sit in the back.

Zeng Ping fastened his seat belt: "drive."

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"Team Zeng, we're not waiting for the technical team?" Li Hui asked.

"Let's go first, and the technical team will come later."

"What case?"

"At more than seven o'clock this morning, a woman named Xie Rong called the police and said that her husband was knocked unconscious and her things were robbed. She was in unit 3, building 4, Qingyuan community. Other groups had cases and assigned them to us." Zeng Ping said.

"It's rare to be robbed in the morning." Han Bin said.

"Maybe it was robbed last night, but the victim was knocked unconscious, and no one found out at the first time, so he was entrusted to seven o'clock in the morning." Tian Li guessed.

"Look, it's still our elder sister Tian. She can see through the key of the case at a glance." Li Hui joked.

"Well, I want to be an advanced individual, too." Tian Li said with a smile.

"Binzi, what's it like to get a bonus of 3600 yuan?" Li Hui said enviously.

"What's the matter? Why are you aiming at me? Did you eat all your money last night?" Han Bin hummed.

"Don't mention the waist. I didn't sleep most of the night last night. I'm so worried." Li Hui said with a bitter smile.

Tian Li spat: "bah, stinky."

"Ha ha..."

Han Bin three people laugh.


Qingyuan district is not far from Yuhua sub Bureau. It is an old-fashioned district with low floor area ratio and small population density. There are many people who are not used to high-rise buildings and property management. They like this kind of district very much.

After Han Bin and others arrived, they saw a police car parked in the community, which should be the police station.

However, when we arrived at unit 3 of building 4, we didn't see the cordon drawn up.

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Han Bin and others are preparing to go upstairs when they see several men in police uniforms coming down, headed by Zhou Yanjun, the police chief of Zhongshan Road police station."Sheriff Zhou, what's going on here?" Zeng Ping asked.

"Captain Zeng, I'm just going to contact you. I let you go for nothing." Zhou Yanjun went down the stairs and shook hands with Zeng Ping.

"Has the case changed?"

"The police have been cleared."

"False alarm?" Zhao Ming frowned, but he sacrificed his vacation on Saturday to come here to handle the case.

If there is a robbery, he will not have any complaints, who let him eat is this bowl of rice; but if someone called the false police, it is not the same.

The police are also people. Everyone has emotions.

"It's not a fake police report. The victim fainted at that time, and the reporter is not clear about the specific situation. Now that the victim wakes up, he knows that he was not knocked out, but drunk." Zhou Yanjun also has some helplessness, no one is willing to go in vain.

"That's OK. You'll take the team first. Let's go up and make a record." Zeng Ping Road.

"Well, the victim lives in Room 301." Zhou Yanjun answered and left with the police.

When he got to the third floor, Zeng Ping waved to the people not to speak. After listening for a while, he didn't find anything. Then he knocked on the door:

"Dong Dong."

"Who is it?" A woman's voice came from the room.

"The police."

"Didn't you come just now?"

"I'm from Interpol. Open up."


With a dull sound, the door opened, and there stood a woman about 40 years old.

"What's your name?"

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"Xie Rong."

"You reported that your husband was knocked unconscious and robbed."

"I made a mistake. My husband was drunk." Xie Rong touched the brow bone subconsciously.

Some people are ashamed of lying and subconsciously touch the brow bone.

Han Bin shows his police card and the party walks into the room.

A man came out of his bedroom. He was about 40 years old, full of alcohol, with bandages on his head, and his face was a little ugly.

"Are you the victim?"

"Yes, my name is Wang Deli." The man replied.

Han Bin looked at it and pointed to the bandage on the other side's head: "what's wrong with the injury?"

"I accidentally touched it when I was drunk. "Wang Deli finished, his lips closed tightly, his eyebrows pressed down and wrinkled tightly.

This micro expression represents anger.

The duration of micro expression is very short, less than one tenth of a second.

If it is before, Han Bin is difficult to distinguish, but now his micro expression skills have reached a high level, which is not what it used to be.

Micro expression can't directly judge whether a person is lying, but it can judge a person's mood.

If Wang Deli is really drunk and injured, he should show remorse and shame, not anger.

Anger is usually the emotion after being bullied or violated.

Han Bin speculated that the robbery is likely to be true.

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