Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 114: 114

Zeng Ping took Han Bin to the office of the leader of the third criminal investigation team.

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Zheng Kaixuan just came back from group one. They also have a case today.

Han Bin describes the case and proposes to let Wang Deli assist in the investigation. Zheng Kaixuan can't make up his mind for a while.

"Don't report this to the leaders in advance. You two should go to Wang deli's trial to find out what he says and his attitude. If he has a positive attitude and is willing to assist in the investigation, I will apply to the leaders again."

Zeng Ping listened very seriously and nodded: "team Zheng is considerate."

"To tell you the truth, when I first had this idea, I was a little uncertain. I was worried about what would happen. Now with two leaders escorting me, I have a bottom in my heart." Han Bin said with a smile.

Zheng Kaixuan was a bit embarrassed: "next time you flatter me, remember to remind me that I can record it in advance. When the provincial leaders meet, they have nothing to say but work. I have to learn from you."

Zeng Ping reached out and patted Han Bin on the shoulder: "this task is up to you. When Zheng team is promoted, we can also make progress together."

Han Bin "..."

I believe you, ghost. The old man is very bad.

One by one, you need me to teach you?

Three people chatted a few words, out of the captain's office, Zeng Ping and Han Bin interrogate Wang Deli.

Zheng Kaixuan went into the observation room nearby.

Wang Deli was honest again and reported his name, age, gender and native place directly.

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He also asked Han Bin and Zeng Ping about their surnames.

Before, Wang Deli was not ignorant, but deliberately wanted to keep a distance from the police.

"Officer Zeng and officer Han, if you have any questions, just ask. I am willing to cooperate with the police investigation and strive for leniency."

"If you had such an attitude, you wouldn't have come to this stage." Zeng Ping snorted.

"Yes, I am." Wang Deli nodded.

Han Bin Yang Yang chin: "Wang Deli, where do you want to spend the Mid Autumn Festival?"

"Ah." Wang Deli was asked: "officer Han, what do you mean?"

"Do you want to spend the holiday in the detention center, or do you want to go home for the holiday?"

"I Of course I want to go home for the holiday. " Wang Deli looked very excited. He pressed his arm against the interrogation chair and leaned forward:

"Comrade police, can you really let me go?"

"The police station is not your home, let alone my home. I don't count. You can't leave if you want to."

Wang Deli immediately frustrated: "officer Han, what do you mean?"

"I can't let you go, but you can make atonement, fight for commutation, even probation."

"I'm willing to make contributions to atonement, I'm willing to make contributions to commutation of punishment!" Wang Deli seems to have grasped the straw.

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"You are now involved in two cases, one is gathering people to block the blog, and the other is robbery. As long as you assist the police in handling the case, whether you catch the organizers of gathering people to gamble or the suspects of robbing you, it is a meritorious act." Han Bin's tone is somewhat encouraging.

"What can I do to help the police?"

"We hope that you can continue to participate in gambling, help us find out the specific location of the casino, find out the internal situation and personnel of the casino, as long as you can get all the people who gather to gamble, you will be regarded as meritorious."

"Let me be undercover!" Wang Deli was surprised.

"Undercover, you are far from being an informer at best."

"Informant, I haven't done it before, can I?"

"You don't have to be too nervous, we don't need you to do too much, just put a bug and camera on you, record what you see and hear, and you will participate in the gambling as usual, and complete the whole process." Han Bin explained.

Wang Deli has already participated in gambling. It's safer to let him act as an informant than to send a new undercover agent, and it won't arouse the suspicion of gamblers. The probability of success is much greater.

"But what if they find me? Will they kill me? " Wang deli's hands were twisted together and his palms were sweating.

"According to Article 303 of the criminal law, whoever opens a gambling house shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance and shall also be fined; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined." Han Bin stopped for a moment and continued:

"to open a gambling house is to be sentenced to several years, which is far worse than homicide. So even if you are caught, they dare not kill people. At most, they will fight."

"But what if they get red eyed and want to kill?" Wang Deli worried.

"Our police will protect you in secret. If you are found exposed, they will rush to the rescue in time. Of course, there must be some dangers. If you are not willing to take risks, you can give up." Han Bin did not deceive the other side, put the worst result on the table, let Wang Deli make his own choice.

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"How long will I be sentenced if I give up being an informer?"

"Anyone who gathers people to gamble for the purpose of making profits shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance and shall also be fined.""What if we add the crime of obstructing public service?"

"The crime of obstructing public service shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or a fine."

"You can remember so clearly." Zeng Ping was a little surprised.

Han Bin smiles. It's all the knowledge he exchanged from the criminal investigation database. Otherwise, he would not have time to recite the legal provisions if he was so busy with his work.

"How long do I have to sentence for these two charges?" Wang Deli said.

"The specific sentencing should be based on the degree of harm, the attitude of pleading guilty, and whether you have performed meritorious service. If you have performed great meritorious service, you can be relieved or exempted from punishment." Han Bin said.

Wang Deli seems a little restless: "can I have a cigarette?"

Zeng Ping nodded.

Han Bin got up, lit a cigarette and handed it to the other side.

"Thank you." Wang Deli took the cigarette and took a quick puff.

Han Bin and Zeng Ping are not urged, quietly sitting at the table, waiting for Wang Deli to make his own decision.

Although they want Wang Deli to act as an informant, they will not force each other to turn the corner. Only when Wang Deli has the will to reduce his sentence, can they better cooperate with the police.

If Wang Deli is unwilling, Han Bin would rather not use the informant, so as not to smash the case, he has to bear the responsibility.

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When he finished smoking, Wang Deli said, "officer Zeng and officer Han, if I'm an informant, can I just fine, not detain and not be punished?"

"We can't guarantee that." Han Bin said truthfully.

"I just want to keep my job, or I'll die for the rest of my life." Wang Deli sighed.

"It's certain that the police can help you and will try their best to help you. But it's not practical if you want to balance your merits and demerits and act like nothing happened." Zeng Ping said.

Han Bin is very clear in his heart that Wang Deli is punished for both crimes. It's impossible to keep the work of the Water Conservancy Bureau. People are always responsible for what they do.

"I want another cigarette."

Han Bin got up and gave him another cigarette.

As time went by, Wang Deli made up his mind when he finished smoking the second cigarette. He bit his teeth and said, "yes, I'm willing to be an informant for the police."

Han Bin also told Wang Deli a few words, and then out of the interrogation room.

Zheng Kaixuan also came out of the observation room and hammered Han Bin on the chest with his hand: "you've done a good job. I'll give you the first skill after solving the case."

Han Bin shows a wry smile. If he doesn't work hard, he still owes a lot of merit.

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