Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 123: 123

Ten minutes later, Han Bin, Zeng Ping and Zheng Kaixuan met.

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Han Bin walked over and said, "team Zheng, you are disappointed that he failed to complete the tracking task."

Zheng Kaixuan reached out and patted Han Bin on the shoulder, encouraging him: "if I were you, I would do the same."

Han Bin smiles: "thank you team Zheng."

"As long as the people in the casino are not alert, we still have a chance." Zheng Kaixuan put down a word and went to one side to communicate with others.

After a while, Zheng Kaixuan demobilized the police of Nanqiao town police station and the members of the first group, leaving only the members of the second group on the scene.

Zheng Kaixuan took out hardgate and gave them a round. He said with a smile to Tian Li: "Xiaotian, it's not against the rules to smoke here."

Tian Li showed a wry smile: "team Zheng, you are such a big leader, without revenge."

"Ha ha..."

Zheng Kaixuan laughed, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and looked intoxicated: "the rest of the people have gone, leaving us two groups. Let's discuss what to do next?"

"Team Zheng, do we have any backhand?" Zhao Ming is curious.

"Wang Deli is also wearing a pinhole camera and a recorder. If everything goes well, he should be able to take pictures of the casinos."

"That doesn't mean that even if we can't find the location of the casino, video and audio can be used as evidence." Zhao Ming said subconsciously.

"Of course." Zheng Kaixuan nodded.

If you can find the location of the gambling house, it is the best evidence to collect personal booty. But if you can't find the location of the gambling house, you can also convict Zhang Hailong and other people who run the gambling house with the video and the testimony of the witness.

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"That is to say, it doesn't matter whether we follow or not?" Zhao Ming is a new man. Some of his joints are not very clear.

"Tracking is still very necessary. First, in order to ensure the safety of the informant, if an accident really happens, we can rush to the rescue as soon as possible." Han Bin flicked his cigarette ash and explained:

"second, if someone gets the stolen goods at the beginning of a gambling game, the evidence for deciding a case will be more sufficient and easier."

"It's not a mistake to sharpen the knife. If the knife is not sharpened in the early stage, it will take a lot of trouble to close the case." Zeng Ping said.

Tian Li found a position on the tuyere, said: "we are now tracking failure, in case the informant was found how to do?"

"We stop tracking in time, just to avoid the vigilance of the people in the casinos, which is tantamount to protecting the informant in disguise." In this respect, Zheng Kaixuan has more experience than others present.

"Team Zheng, what's the next task?" Zeng Ping asked.

"There are two cases to be investigated. In addition to the gambling house, there is also the robbery. If there are gamblers involved in the robbery, then the target of their next crime is likely to be the one who won the gambling." Zheng Kaixuan analysis.

"Team Zheng, do you want to stay where the bus comes back?" Han Bin guessed.

"Not bad." Zheng Kaixuan responded with a look of appreciation and continued:

"according to Wang Deli, the gambling game will end at 5:00, the bus will leave the mountain at 5:30, and return to the city around 6:00. The stop is near blue star Macalline on Jianbei road."

Han Bin showed a wry smile, and he guessed it right. Once the gamble is over and everyone is separated, the person who won the bet is likely to be robbed.

"Team Zheng, please arrange the task." Zhao Ming is a new born calf, not afraid of tigers, full of energy.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and was quite satisfied with his attitude: "everyone work harder tonight. Han Bin and Li Hui stay in the middle of the night, Tian Li and Zhao Ming stay in the middle of the night."

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"Let me add that, according to past experience, buses may return around 6 o'clock, but no one is sure whether the time will be changed." Zeng Ping was afraid of people's slackness, so he took preventive measures in advance:

"according to the monitoring, the robber was committed by two people in partnership. If one of them was a gambler, the other might arrive at Blue Star Macalline to ambush in advance. You should always observe the movement around and see if there are any suspicious people."

"Yes." Han Bin four people should be down.


Half an hour later, the group returned to the city, with two cars parked near blue star Macalline.

Han Bin and Li Hui are in the same car. They stay in the middle of the night from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.

Tian Li and Zhao Ming have a car. They stay in the middle of the night from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.

Zeng Ping and Zheng Kaixuan took a taxi to leave.

Han Bin got off and went to a nearby convenience store to buy some water and food. He stayed in the car all night and couldn't carry it without preparing something.

Back in the car, Han Bin and Li Hui drink some water and eat something.

"Binzi, how are we going to stay tonight?" Li Hui asked.

"You say it."

Li Hui took a look at his mobile phone and said, "you should be on duty first. The shift will be handed over at 12:30."

First night watchman, behind can sleep a whole sleep, Hanbin natural no opinion."Then you can sleep."

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"Don't worry." Li Hui smiles, puts on the earphone, plugs in the handset: "I will see the handset first, will sleep later."

"If you don't have a chance to sleep and watch your cell phone, aren't you tired?" Han Bin asked.

Li Hui has put on the earphone, and seems to have not heard Han Bin's words. He shakes his head there and looks beautiful.

Han Bin took a look, the mobile phone is a 20-year-old woman, looks very beautiful, looks like doing live.

Han Bin shook his head, too lazy to say more.

Maybe beauty's charm is bigger than sleeping.

Han Bin has not been influenced by Li Hui. From time to time, he looks around to see if there is any abnormality. At the same time, he has been paying attention to people riding motorcycles.

If the robbers commit a crime again, they are likely to take the same means of transportation.

At about 12 o'clock, Li Hui turned off his mobile phone and squinted for half an hour.

At half past twelve, Han Bin will take over the vigil.

Han Bin put down the car chair. He was tired all day and soon fell asleep.


Five in the morning.

"Dong Dong." There was a knock on the glass.

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Han Bin suddenly opened his eyes and found a man standing outside. He fixed his eyes on Zeng Ping.

Han Bin opened the door and got out of the car to stretch: "team Zeng, when did you come?"

"Just here, have some breakfast." Zeng Ping handed a bag containing a pancake and a bag of milk.

Han Bin a little hungry, bit a pancake: "two eggs?"

"This egg is small. One is not enough for you." Zeng Ping smiles and hands another bag to Li Hui who just got up.

"Get some air and go back to the car. Don't let the robbers find anything unusual."

After breakfast, Han Bin and others began to keep watching in the car. It's too early to see anyone around. If it's too eye-catching outside.

As time went by, Han Bin and others did not find any abnormality.


At about 5:50, Zeng Ping's mobile phone rang. He quickly opened it to check: "it's Wang deli's message."

"Say what?"

Zeng Ping frowned, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I sent a picture of a man. There are two words written below, sword God."

Li Hui wondered, "what does that mean?"

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