Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 134: 134

"Oh, you really have eyes. This is the most valuable jade bowl in this room." Boss Zhou has a thumb.

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"Boss, what kind of jade does this jade bowl belong to?" Asked the woman.

"Hotan jade."

"Is it seed?"

"I said yes, do you believe it?" Zhou asked.

The male customer pondered for a moment: "I don't believe it. Such a big jade bowl is really excellent. Hotan seed material is absolutely valuable. I guess you can't bear to put it here."

"You are an expert."

Boss Zhou praised it and said with a smile: "it's a piece of mountain material. Although it can't compare with seed material, its texture is good."

"Boss, how much is the jade bowl?" Asked the man.

Boss Zhou stretched out his thumb and index finger and made an eight gesture: "this number."

"Eight hundred." The female customer guessed.

"You're kidding, aren't you?" Boss Zhou pointed to the jade bowl and said solemnly:

"look at the fineness and texture of the jade, as well as the sculptors on the bowl. They are all the best choices. Eight thousand yuan. I want as much as you have."

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"Boss, how much do you want to count?"

"This jade bowl is really a good thing. If it wasn't transferred by a small shop, I would be reluctant to sell it." Zhou said with emotion.

"How about 6000 yuan?" Said the woman.

"If you put it in the past, the jade bowl will sell at least 10000 yuan, but now the shop has transferred it, and Zhou has a picture of a Geely 8888. You can take it away if you want. If you don't think it's suitable, you can have a look at other literary games." Zhou said.

The little couple went to one side and bowed their heads to discuss.

After a while, he came and said, "we want this jade bowl. We also want to be lucky. Do you think 6666 is OK?"

"If I give you this price, I'll lose my job. If you really want 8666, I'll give it to you. I can't sell it for less than a cent." Mr. Zhou bargained.

A couple of little lovers muttered a few words, the male customer said: "boss, you are also a real person, 8666, we want this bowl."

"Come on, I'll wrap it for you." Boss Zhou smiles and says to Han Bin and Wang Qingsheng, "you two, just a moment, I'll come."

"Whatever you want." Wang Qingsheng nodded.

Zhou took the jade bowl with two customers and went to the back of the shop to pack it.

In addition to its own value, the packaging is also very important. Only a delicate and high-grade packaging can show the value of literary games.

Han Bin and Wang Qingsheng go to the door of the store and whisper.

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"Uncle, are these two customers real or fake?" Han Bin asked.

"Yo, you have sharp eyes. You can see something." Wang Qingsheng had some accidents.

"That's not true. I just feel that we have customers coming to our house soon after we arrived, and we have sold an 8666 jade bowl. The business of this shop is so good. Why does the boss want to transfer it?" Han Bin analysis.

"That's right. I also think these two people are like Tuo." Wang Qingsheng said.

"How do you see that?"

Wang Qingsheng frowned, held back for a long time, said: "intuition."

"If it's true, these two are good performers." Han Bin said with a smile.

Most people lie, there will be some habitual small action, such as touch the nose, wipe the neck, repeat the question and so on, but this pair of young lovers performance is very natural.

"Don't look down on them. They depend on their acting skills for a living. If they fail in acting, they will not only have no money, but also be beaten. If they are not good at acting, they can do it." Wang Qingsheng snorted.

"Tut Tut, all of them have the potential to be Movie Masters." Han Bin said with a smile.

"That's not the case. They just played those passages back and forth, rehearsed many times, and asked them to play a new one, but they couldn't play it." Wang Qingsheng whispered.

"Do you want more of this shop?" Han Bin asked.

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"Yes, why not?" Wang Qingsheng didn't like it, and said:

"I don't want to ask for anything these days. I even hire people to line up for a meal, not to mention antiques. I'm afraid that the wine is deep in the alley. As long as the shop itself is OK, it doesn't matter if I ask for it."

Han Bin also found out his uncle's attitude and said with a smile: "that is to say, before the boss looked for Tuo, he thought that he might be seen through, but in the spirit of professionalism, he still looked for it."

"You can do antiques with your eyesight. It's your ability to see through. If you do, you'll pay the tuition." Wang Qingsheng said with a smile.

"You paid a lot of tuition, too." Han Bin squeezed his eyes.

"That's right. Otherwise, I wouldn't be stabbed in the back by your mother." Wang Qingsheng sighed and said, "fortunately, I have survived. As long as I have paid enough tuition fees and gained experience, I am still very successful in this field."

"You'll have to do well in the future. The tuition fee can't be paid in vain." Han Bin said.

"That's for sure. Look at it." Wang Qingsheng's tone was firm, showing a look of longing.While talking, the couple who bought the jade bowl walked out of the jade hall with a happy face and a gift box.

Zhou boss also came out, showing a touch of apology: "two really sorry, let you wait a long time."

"It doesn't matter." Wang Qingsheng answered and said with a smile, "you have a good business. You have a jade deal in the morning."

"When two distinguished guests came to the store, the store was full of splendor and wealth." Mr. Zhou is a guest.

Han Bin touched his chin and said in secret that this week's boss is really a business man. Although he knows he's talking nonsense, it still makes people feel comfortable.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please have a rest in the side hall. The water is ready and you can make tea soon." Boss Zhou made a please sign.

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Wooden tables and chairs and antique colors are placed in the side hall, which is in line with the style of the antique shop.

A moment later, boss Zhou came over with hot water and made tea for them on the tea tray.

"I'm neglecting you two. I'm the only one in the shop now. I have two groups of customers all at once. I can't help myself at all."


After making the tea, boss Zhou poured a cup for Wang Qingsheng, Han Bin and himself and said, "boss Wang, you've been here for a while. What do you think of my shop?"

Wang Qingsheng took a sip of tea and knew that it was time to see Zhenzhang: "the size of your shop is OK, that is..."

"If you have something to say," he said

"I looked for someone to see it yesterday. It's just like Phoenix water, and it's not rich. It's fast to come and go, and it can't keep people." Wang Qingsheng sighed.

"Brother Wang, what's the age of this? Who still believes in Fengshui's stereotype? Those masters have some real skills. They are all fooling money." Boss Zhou showed disdain and waved to his shop:

"besides, as you saw just now, the business here is not very good."

Han Bin smiles and says, "boss Zhou, if you have a good business here, why do you want to transfer the shop?"

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