Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 14: 14

In the hospital ward.

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Zhang Xin was pale, lying on the bed with a bandage on her head, and her right hand was still infused.

"Dong Dong."

Tian Li knocked on the door and came in. She looked at the ward and her eyes fell on Zhang Xin: "I'm Tian Li from the criminal police team. I want to know something about it with you."

"Yes, ask."

Tian Li opened the law enforcement recorder, took out her pen and diary, and began to take notes: "name?"

"Zhang Xin."

"Any position in the hospital?"

"Accounting in the finance section."

"Do you know the robber?"

"I don't know."

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Zhang Xin nodded and bit her lips, as if in Retrospect:

"at about three o'clock in the afternoon, I went to the toll office on the first floor, and returned to the finance room on the fourth floor around four o'clock. Because there were too many people taking the elevator, I was ready to climb up the stairs. When I came to the corner on the third floor, I saw a man in a white coat smoking behind my back, and I didn't take it for granted. As a result, I just passed by Then he covered his mouth and put a knife against his back

Speaking of this, Zhang Xin showed a look of fear: "he asked me to take him to the financial room, no shouting, or you will stab me."

"I'm really scared, really."

"I believe that you are very brave, and the clues you provide can help us catch the murderer as soon as possible." Tian Li encouraged.

"At that time, there were not many people in the corridor. He was close to my body. They went into the finance room one by one and forced me to open the safe. Then they knocked me unconscious."

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Tian Li asked: "what did he use to stun you?"

"I don't know."

"See what he looks like?"

"I dare not look."

"And his voice?"

"It's a man's voice. It's a strange tone. It's like a deliberate accent."

"Is he wearing gloves?"


"Any other clues?"

Zhang Xin shook her head: "I can't remember. I was in a mess. I just wanted to survive and let him not hurt me."


Hospital lounge.

An hour later, Zeng Ping called the crowd together.

Zeng Ping scanned the crowd: "let's gather the clues."

Han Bin's first report: "team Zeng, the robber has certain anti reconnaissance ability. The scene has been cleaned up. Neither I nor the technical team have found any clues."

"I've finished recording the victim's statement. Let me introduce it to you."

Tian Li said, describing the confession just now, so that we can have a detailed understanding of the crime process.

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"According to the victim's description, the kidnapper smokes at the corner of the stairs. Later, he can ask the victim to confirm the location. There may be cigarette ends and other clues left." Zeng Ping analysis.

"Personally, I don't think it's possible, because when I came to the hospital, I also came up from the stairs and saw someone smoking at the corner of the stairs. There was a special jar for cigarette ends and ashes, a lot of them." Li Hui climbed the stairs slowly and observed carefully.

"Li Hui, do you have any clues when you check the surveillance?"

"Yes, I saw the video of the victim being hijacked and entering the finance room."

"Put it down."

Li Hui took out a tablet computer and began to play a video. The time showed that it was 4:5. First, the victim's head came out of the stairs. After observing, he walked into the corridor on the fourth floor, followed by a man in a white coat.

The video surveillance is not very clear, but from the body shape, it can be vaguely recognized that it should be a man, but unfortunately, he has been leaning back against the camera and failed to capture the face.

"There's also a video, a video of leaving after the crime."

Li Hui played a new video. The time showed that at 4:15, a man in a white coat came out of the financial room. He lowered his head, wore a mask and sunglasses, and carried a bag in his hand.

Zhao Ming shook his head: "it's impossible to see the robbers."

"Is there any video of other suspects?" Han Bin asked.

"Not for the time being."

"Li Hui, how many exits are there on the stairs? Are there any cameras installed?" Zeng Ping Road.

"Above the fifth floor is the inpatient department, the stairs are sealed, so you can only take the elevator to get up; there is only one exit downstairs, which is the compound on the first floor, and there is no camera installed."

"What about the passageways on each floor?"

"The corridors on each floor are monitored. During the time of the crime, no one was found carrying a bag and entering the corridor of the hospital from the stairs."

"That is to say, the robber is most likely to leave by going down the stairs on the first floor. If he wants to leave the hospital, he will definitely escape through the front or back door. If you check the monitoring of the front and rear doors of the hospital, there should be clues." Zeng Ping Road.

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"People who are discharged from hospital will carry luggage, so it's very difficult to check." Li huidao."On my side, there are some discoveries. Maybe I can find some clues." Zhao Mingdao.

"What discovery?"

"I asked the nurses at the reception desk on the fourth floor if there were any suspicious people recently. According to a nurse named Feng ran, there was a person who often came to the fourth floor and was very suspicious."

"What does that man do?"

"It's a nurse in the hospital. His name is Duan Jiliang."

"The current direction of investigation is mainly on monitoring and Duan Jiliang." Zeng Ping thought for a while:

"Han Bin and Zhao Ming, you go to contact Duan Jiliang to see if there is any suspicion; Li Huitian Li, you continue to investigate and monitor."



Han Bin and Zhao Ming find the nurse Feng ran.

The little nurse is about 1.6 meters, petite and lovely.

Zhao Ming comes to the point: "nurse Feng, the clue you provided is very helpful. We want you to identify the nurse Duan Jiliang."

Feng ran hesitated: "is he a robber?"

"This is still under investigation. What floor does he usually work on?" Han Bin said.

"The third floor.

"Well, he's on the fourth floor. It's probably a stampede." Zhao Ming analysis.

"Nurse Feng, have you seen him today?"

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"I saw you in the morning."

"We want to ask him to assist in the investigation. Can you help us identify it?" Zhao Ming said.

"I He won't get back at me Feng ran was a little worried.

Zhao Ming hammered his chest: "don't worry, I will protect you."

Zhao Ming is very handsome, but he is not tall. He is only about 1.7 meters tall and thin. It is not convincing to say that.

Feng ran takes a look at Han Bin beside him. He is tall and has firm eyes, which makes people feel more down-to-earth.

"All right."

Under the leadership of Feng ran, the party arrived on the third floor. Feng ran pointed to a man who was in the corridor to pick up hot water: "that man is Duan Jiliang, a nurse."

With that, Feng ran stepped aside. She didn't want to make trouble.

Han Bin exchanged a look with Zhao Ming and walked over.

"Duan Jiliang." Zhao Mingming said.

"Well Duan Jiliang instinctively agreed.

"We are from the Public Security Bureau. We want to know something from you."

Duan Jiliang was stunned for a moment, looked at them, threw the water cup to Zhao Ming, turned and ran.

"Nest grass!" Zhao Ming grinned when he was scalded.

Han Bin has long been on guard against the other party's escape. He jumps and kicks Duan Jiliang in the back

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