Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 150: 150

Near antique street.

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Li Weili drove an engineering car and stopped at the gate of the base station yard.

He looked up at the top of the monitoring, always feel a little unaccustomed, like being monitored in general.

Fortunately, the scope of monitoring is not large, and he is still free outside the monitoring.

The seal of the machine room has been removed, but the machine room has not been repaired. The company sent him here today to check the loss of the machine room and the parts that need to be replaced. Tomorrow, someone will be sent to install and repair the machine room.

What is the loss of the computer room, Li Weili can basically know, in the computer room to turn a circle, took out the book simple record, and then left the computer room.

Before leaving, Li Weili moved a few bags of waterproof sand and put them at the door of the machine room. It may rain these two days. It is very important to do a good job in waterproof. Otherwise, the machine room will be blistered and it will be his trouble.

Speaking of waterproof, Li Weili looks at the mountain in the distance. The battery life will be affected by damp, and the purchase price will be reduced accordingly. This is not what he wants to see.

Whether the police caught the thief who stole the base station, Li Weili is not very clear, he forced himself to resist curiosity, do not go to deliberate inquiry, so as not to cause the police to detect.

If you don't worry at all, it must be deceiving. Unfortunately, at this point, he has no choice but to continue.

Even if you know it's wrong, there's no turning back.

Li Weili leaned against the car, smoked a cigarette and glanced at the camera. Then he made up his mind, stamped out the cigarette end and left the base station in the maintenance car.

However, instead of going down the mountain, the maintenance car went up the mountain along the road. Not long after driving, there was an open space in front of it. Li Weili drove the car to the open space.

After a long time, he got out of the maintenance car and observed the situation around him. He found no abnormality or other people's figures. He was relieved.

then he took a shovel from the car and began digging up on the ground. Not long after, he dug a big hole, opened a layer of plastic cloth and a blanket, and showed a row of batteries.

With a smile, Li Weili lifted the battery out of the pit and put it in the back of the pickup truck, two for one and three for three That's 48 bucks.

The back of the pickup truck couldn't be occupied, so it was put into the back compartment and covered with felt. No one knew what was inside.

Li Weili had a lot of work, and finally moved the batteries to the car, showing a relaxed look. These batteries are worth a lot of money.

Li Weili took a shovel and was going to fill it back, so that he would not leave traces of the police, so that the police could catch their eyes.

At this moment, a loud voice echoed in the forest:

"police, don't move!"

Li Weili trembled, his shovel fell on the ground, turned around and looked around. He found several figures coming out of the woods, surrounded by people around him, surrounded him in the middle.

Li Weili's body softened and he sat down on the ground

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Yuhua Branch, interrogation room.

Back at the police station, Han Bin and Li Hui directly put Li Weili on trial.

After a routine inquiry, Han Bin yawned: "Li Weili, in order to catch you these days, we have been staying up all night,

Li Weili has red eyes, lowers his head and sighs. He never thought that he had been targeted by the police.

"You are so happy to sigh. What has wronged you, such as stealing from yourself, embezzling the company's assets, and lying to the police?" Li Hui asked.

"I I know I'm wrong. I'm willing to repent and ask the police for leniency. " Li Weili looked remorseful.

"What have you been doing?" Li Hui snorted.

"I, I I don't want to. I can't help it. " Li Weili is helpless.

"Do you have any company?" Han Bin asked.


Han Bin recorded it and continued to ask, "when was the battery stolen from the base station?"

"About nine in the morning on September 8th."

"According to our investigation, the base station was disconnected in the early morning of September 8, and you were working overtime in the communication company at that time. How did you do that?" Han Bin asked.

"It was an accident. The battery pack of the base station was short circuited, which had nothing to do with me. I also received a notice from the company in the morning and rushed to the base station for maintenance." Li explained.

"So you stole the battery from the computer room on the morning of September 8th."

Li Weili shook his head: "I really didn't want to steal the battery, there is no way, I have to do so."

"Why do you steal?" Li Hui snorted.

"I I said, you may not believe it, but it's really a misunderstanding when I come to this step. " Li Weili's voice choked.

"You only dig out two batteries. Where's the other one?" Han Bin turned his carbon pen.

"Sold it."

"When did it sell?" Li Hui was a little surprised.According to his conjecture, Li Weili should have no time to take away the batteries, not to mention why not take them all away since he wants to.

"The other group is the spare battery, which was sold by me a month ago. At that time, I was short of money, so I wanted to sell the battery group in case of emergency. When I had money, I bought a second-hand battery. The company had insufficient maintenance personnel and loopholes in management. Few people were sent to the base station, so no one should find it." With a look of remorse, Li Weili hammered the interrogation chair with his hand and said: "who knows, in the early morning of September 8, the battery pack of the base station broke down, and the company sent me to the base station for maintenance. Originally, as long as the spare battery was replaced, it could be used again. However, the spare battery pack had been sold by me, and I was confused at that time. If it can't be repaired in time, I need to report it with reasonable reasons I don't want to lose my job... "

Li lowered his head again and sobbed in a low voice.

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Half an hour later, in the office of group two.

Just now, Zeng Ping and others were listening in the observation room, and the process of the trial was clear.

Zhao Ming couldn't help feeling: "I didn't expect that after such a long time, it was for this reason."

"So don't overestimate yourself. You can spend as much as you have. You always think that if you spend more now, you can earn more in the future and make trouble in vain." Tian Li snorted.

"Any suspect who is willing to do all the evil he says is saying half and the rest." Zeng Ping sneered:

"I don't know what Li Weili thought about reselling the spare battery. However, what he did on September 8 is not just that simple. He must have known about the previous base station theft and deliberately planted it on Meng Chengyong and others."

"I agree with Zeng's analysis. The previous base station theft must have spread in the communication company, even including some details of the crime. Regardless of whether the information is true or false, the speaker is not interested and the listener is interested. Li Weili tries to imitate the previous theft, which can be seen from the way he pries the door." Han Bin said.

"That's what we deserve." Li huidao.

"Anyway, the case is finally over, and the communication of the base station can be restored. I'll invite you to have a good dinner tonight, which can be regarded as a welcome for Xiaopeng." Zeng Ping suggested.

"It's so funny. I should invite you to dinner." Sun Xiaopeng was a little embarrassed.

"It's the leader's treat. If you don't eat, you'll get nothing." Li Hui said with a smile.

"That's to say, it's delicious to eat the food of the leaders." Zhao Ming joked.

"Team Zeng I have a small proposal. I don't know whether to say it or not? " Tian Li wants to talk but stops.

"Go ahead."

"Although Meng Jingdong has been released, I always feel a little uncomfortable, especially when I think that his daughter is black, thin and small, and doesn't match cute at all. On the contrary, I feel even more uncomfortable." Tian Li sighed and continued:

"I just thought, can we get some money and buy some daily necessities to see her and do our best."

"On August 15, I had the same idea, but I couldn't make time." Zeng plane color dignified, pondered for a moment: "in this way, we according to their own ability, how much money to do as much heart."

"I agree. Although we are handling the case according to law, we mistakenly arrested Meng Jingdong, which caused a lot of trouble to his family." Li Hui is different from the two.

In many people's impression, rural people are simple and kind, which is right.

But there are also many idle people in the countryside. They like to gossip. Zhang Jiachang, Li jiaduan, whose daughter is crazy, whose son is a gangster. It is estimated that Meng Jingdong's arrest by the police will spread to half a village. Even if he is released, there will be people talking about him.

The police took gifts to comfort the family, which can be regarded as rectifying their names.

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"I give two hundred." Zeng Ping took the lead in donating, and told him, "according to your ability, if you are short of money, don't donate. There is no outsider here. Don't die to face and live to suffer."

"I donate a hundred." Tian Li Road.

"I'll give a hundred, too." Li Hui is one of those who are short of money. There are only a few people in group 2. No one knows who, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

"I donate a hundred." Sun Xiaopeng said.

See no one more than their own, Zeng Ping some laughing and crying: "donation is not a matter of publicity, don't be afraid to cover me, you have the ability to donate more, don't be afraid I have no face."

"Or I'll give you two hundred." Sun Xiaopeng is a newcomer, for fear that he will do something wrong.

"Xiaopeng, forget it." Zeng Ping waved his hand. Sun Xiaopeng just came to the second group and didn't know about each other.

Zeng Ping pointed to Han Bin: "binzi, you are more than a little boy."

"I'll give you three hundred."

Han Bin's family is in good condition. He has no girlfriend and basically doesn't spend much money. He is more relaxed than Zeng.

"I'll give you three hundred." Zhao Ming, needless to say, is not short of money.

Group 2 collected 1200 yuan and bought some daily necessities. After work, they drove to Daxi village in a police carAs soon as the police car entered the village, it attracted the attention of many villagers. The arrest of Meng Jingdong and Meng Chengyong was still a conversation in the village. The police visited Daxi village again and immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

The police car stopped at the door of Meng Jingdong's house. Many villagers came to see the excitement and pointed at Meng Jingdong's house.

"The police car stopped at Lao Meng's house. What's the matter?" A villager was curious.

"Meng Jingdong was arrested a few days ago, and then he was released. If you want me to tell you, maybe he came to arrest him again."

"It's true. Last time I put it back, his mother said that it was a mistake. Now it seems that he may have committed something."

"Tut Tut, this Meng Jingdong looks very honest. He still has a disability. He knows people, faces and heart."

Hearing the news outside, Meng Jingdong and his mother came out.

Meng Jingdong is a little nervous. If he looks carefully, his hands tremble. He receives a call from Tian Li, saying that he is going to visit their home.

Meng Jingdong didn't know exactly what kind of visiting method was. He was inevitably nervous, for fear that he would be arrested like last time.


The door of the police van opened and Zeng Ping stepped down from it.

"Hello, officer Zeng." Meng Jingdong said hello in a hurry.

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"Officer Zeng, my son is really wronged." Meng Jingdong's mother choked and held her son's arm tightly.

A thin and small figure ran out, hugged Meng Jingdong's thigh, with a cry: "police uncle, please, don't take my father."

Zeng Ping was a little confused and turned to look at Tian Li.

"Team Zeng, I said we are here to visit." Tian Li shows her hand.

"Don't get me wrong, auntie. We're not here to catch Meng Jingdong. It's a holiday. We've come to visit him specially, but we were too busy two days ago and missed the Mid Autumn Festival." Zeng Ping quickly explained.

While talking, Han Bin got out of the car with a box of eggs and milk.

Li Hui carried a bucket of oil and a box of moon cakes.

Sun Xiaopeng is carrying a bag of rice.

Tian Li takes out the children's clothes, toys and snacks from the car.

Seeing these things, Meng Jingdong was stunned, and his body trembled even more: "officer Zeng, officer Han, what are you doing?"

Zeng Ping glanced around and said in a loud voice, "Jingdong, the police have found out what happened last time. Someone deliberately framed you. You are innocent and have nothing to do with the theft."

"Thank you, thank you captain Zeng, thank you officers." Meng Jingdong turned his head aside and began to cry with tears.

"Auntie, this is the intention of our criminal police team. Don't be too little." Han Bin put the eggs and milk in the door.

"Thank you." Meng Jingdong's mother said thank you, her eyes were red, and she held Zeng Ping's hand tightly.

"Little girl, come here. My aunt bought you new clothes to see if you like them or not." Tian Li squats down and says hello to the little girl.

The little girl wanted to pass by, but she was afraid of strangers.

"Qiqi, thank you, auntie." Meng Jingdong wiped his face and encouraged him.

The little girl ran over, hugged the new clothes, her face was full of joy: "thank you, aunt, thank you, uncle police, you are good people."

Hearing this, the two groups all showed a smile.

Han Bin and others did not stay long. When they left, they left the remaining money to the Meng family.

Meng Jingdong and his mother both cried. The second is the daily necessities and money. The key is the attitude of the police, which makes his family feel warm again. It is very important for the growth of the little girl

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