Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 155: 155

Not far from the south side of Tong'an bridge is national highway 307, which forms a T-shaped road with Tong'an bridge. On the north side of Tong'an bridge is a county road, which leads to Baichang county to the north.

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There are several villages between tong'anqiao and Baichang County, which are located around the county road.

The T-shaped road on the south side of Tong'an bridge is monitored by Skynet, which is very close to Tong'an bridge. The monitoring time on the south side is easy to judge.

Three kilometers away from the County Road on the north side of Tong'an bridge is monitored by Skynet. The vehicles monitored by the two Skynets can accurately judge the driving time of this distance.

However, the three kilometer county road passes through three village roads. There is no Skynet monitoring on the village roads. It will be more difficult to check the vehicles flowing from the village road to the county road.

There are shops on both sides of the county road to the north of Tong'an bridge. The cameras installed in these shops can capture the cars flowing from the village road to the county road. However, most of the monitoring has been covered.

Busy to more than 8 p.m., still no clue, Zheng Kaixuan let everyone go home to rest, tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock in the office of the ad hoc group.


At nine o'clock in the evening, Han Bin returned to his parents' home, and Wang Huifang left a meal for him.

Three dishes and one soup, stewed bean curd with beef skin, spinach vermicelli, stir fried eight ribbons, wonton soup and staple food pancake.

"Oh, so rich." Han Bin was a little surprised, meat, vegetables, seafood all together.

"In the afternoon, your father called me and said that you might be tired these days. Let me make something delicious for you." Wang Huifang said.

Han Weidong pointed to the casserole: "son, you try this. Yuzhu tastes better than beef."

Han Bin ate a mouthful of Yuzhu. It really tasted good. He tore a pancake and put it into the casserole. The pancake absorbed the soup and tasted better.

"Dad, do you know about me joining the 9.19 project?"

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"I've worked in the police system for so many years, and it's not in vain." Han Weidong laughs.

"Look at what you can do. You're just a little expert." Wang Huifang said.

"The director is not all capable. Last time I wanted to be promoted to the branch, I declined. This is not nonsense."

"If you want me to say, it's better to be a deputy in a Branch Bureau than to be a director at the grass-roots level." Wang Huifang took off her apron and sat down at the table.

"Long hair, short insight."

It's not that Han Weidong doesn't want to be promoted. The key is to have a suitable position. He doesn't want to be a casual job in a Branch Bureau and just enjoy the rank and treatment.

Although the police station is a grass-roots unit, it involves all aspects. Moreover, the director of the police station is the head of the group and keeps his word.

"Son, this case is very interesting. If you behave well, maybe you can make a third-class contribution." Han Weidong zhengse road.

"What have you heard?"

"The picture of this case has been sent to the Internet. All the people we know are discussing it in the afternoon, and there are not a few people who know about it."

"Tut Tut, that's a big deal." Han Bin took out his mobile phone and searched the Internet for words like "Moon River" and "headless corpse", but found no relevant news.

"I've seen the picture. It's really scary. It's estimated that the website has been deleted." Han Weidong said.

"Well, I'd better have a quick meal. I'll have a rest early. I'll be busy tomorrow." Han Bin speeds up his meal.

Go back and have a good sleep tonight. It's not sure when to go to bed next time

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The next morning.

At 6:50 in the morning, Han Bin and Li Hui arrived at the office on time.

Zheng Kaixuan and Li Zhankun didn't arrive. The others were busy. Han Bin sat in front of the computer and continued to check the monitoring.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the door of the office was pushed open and Dai Minghan, Li Zhankun and Zheng Kaixuan came in.

"Dai Ju."

"Dai Ju." They all got up to say hello.

"Sit down."

Dai Minghan waved his hand, sat down in a chair, and glanced at the crowd:

"all the elites of Yuhua Branch are present. I'll make a long story short. It's the branch's trust in you to transfer you to the 9.19 ad hoc group. I won't repeat the importance of this case. I just want to emphasize that the case must be solved within ten days."

"Dai Ju, is ten days too short?" Li Zhankun was surprised, as if he didn't know about it before.

"It's an order from the Municipal Bureau. If you want to say no, you should replace them now. If the whole Yuhua Branch Bureau can't, the Municipal Bureau will send someone to take over the case." Dai Minghan said solemnly.

"Dai Ju, do they attach so much importance to this case?" Zheng Kaixuan said tentatively.

"I don't need to say more about what another ten days are." Dai Minghan has a point.

All of them suddenly showed that the 11th national holiday is the peak period of tourism.

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Qindao city is a tourist city. If there is a headless corpse case, it will definitely have a negative impact. Only when the case is solved as soon as possible can the impact be minimized.

"As the leader of the ad hoc group, I have no less pressure than you. If you need anything, you can open your mouth and go through any procedures. As long as you meet the requirements, you can handle it at the first time. If you need people, you can transfer them from each squadron. In short, everything is mainly about solving cases." Dai Minghan said."Yes." Everyone should go down.

"Task arrangement, I've heard from team Li and team Zheng. Team one is responsible for investigating the source of the corpse, and team three is responsible for finding the place where the corpse is thrown. It happens that everyone is here. Let's talk about the investigation of each team and summarize the clues." Dai Minghan said.

"Dai Bureau, our first team mainly investigates from three directions, the first is to investigate the missing persons, the second is to investigate the clothes and shoes of the dead, and the third is to investigate the ropes binding the dead." Li Zhankun said.

"Is there any progress so far?"

"We have visited dozens of clothing stores in Qindao, but we haven't found any clues yet. We have compared it with the missing persons database and found that two people disappeared around August 30, but their ages are not consistent." Li Zhankun said.

"What about DNA and fingerprints?"

"The DNA is still being compared, and it has not been found yet; because of the high corruption of the dead, the technical team is still processing fingerprints, and it is not possible to compare them yet."

Dai Minghan frowned: "that is to say, there is no progress in the search for the source of the corpse."

"Dai Ju, I believe there will be a breakthrough in the search for the source of the corpse soon." Li Zhankun vowed.

"Waiting for your news." Dai Minghan put down a word and looked at Zheng Kaixuan: "what about the third team?"

"After some analysis, our three teams think that the place where the corpse was thrown is likely to be in Tong'an bridge. We have transferred the monitoring around Tong'an bridge and are looking for the suspected vehicle throwing the corpse." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Are you sure?" Dai Minghan asked.

"Because the time of throwing corpses is a little long, a lot of monitoring storage is covered, which increases the difficulty of investigation." Zheng Kaixuan said truthfully.

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Dai Minghan nodded and pondered for a moment, then said:

"I have understood the investigation of the case. The general direction is no problem. Next, it depends on your performance. I hope you will make persistent efforts and solve the case as soon as possible. I will give you a celebration banquet."

"Thank you, Dai Ju." The crowd looked expectant.

It's a show.

After a few words of encouragement, Dai Minghan left the office.

If he stays here, it will distract people.

Zheng Kaixuan ordered a few words, the three teams continue to investigate and monitor.

At 9 a.m., Lu Wen came and sent some recovered surveillance videos to the office of the project team.

The monitoring is partially restored, but the clarity is a little bit worse.

Three teams and five people checked the surveillance together, and the speed of the investigation was much faster. There was a hotel 300 meters north of Tong'an bridge, with cameras installed at the door. After the repair by the technical department, the video surveillance on August 30 was restored.

The nearest village road to the north of Tong'an bridge is also 500 meters away.

In this way, there will be no vehicles missing between T-junction and hotel monitoring. As long as the approximate passing time of vehicles is calculated in different time periods, the vehicles beyond this time will be suspected.

(morning, evening, rush hour, traffic jam and commuting all belong to different time periods, and the time standard for each time period is different)

at more than one o'clock in the afternoon, Han Bin and others completed the investigation and found three suspected vehicles

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