Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 160: 160

"It's possible, but we can't just guess. We have to come up with evidence." Zheng Kaixuan said.

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"Team Zheng, you asked me to go to the communication company to check the communication records of Zhang Haiyan and Cao Yang. By the way, I also checked sun Shaoqiang's communication records and found that sun Shaoqiang's mobile phone didn't call again after August 30." Han Bin said.

"Yes, I was a little puzzled when I read the communication records. Sun Shaoqiang was absolutely related to this case. He often contacted Li Tao before August 30, but after August 30, his mobile phone was almost no longer used, and people seemed to have lost contact, which coincided with the time of the corpse throwing case." Li huidao.

"Will sun Shaoqiang be the real dead and Li Tao the suspect who killed him?" Wei Zimo followed the two people's ideas and opened his way.

"Murder always needs motive. What's the relationship between sun Shaoqiang and Li Tao? What's the grudge between them?" Han Bin said.

"Li Tao doesn't have a car under his name. Where did the white corpse car come from?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Could it be the car of the deceased sun Shaoqiang?" Li Hui guessed boldly:

"in the name of doing business, Li Tao cheated sun Shaoqiang to Qindao, and then took the opportunity to kill the other party to rob money and cars, which explains Li Tao's motive."

"It seems necessary to go to Guang'an." Zheng Kaixuan muttered.


That night, Zheng Kaixuan, Han Bin and Li Hui took the train to Guang'an City.

When they first came to Guang'an City, they were unfamiliar. Fortunately, Dai Minghan said hello in advance. They borrowed a police car from the Municipal Bureau and drove to Xiguan village. They asked the local police station to assist in the investigation.

Not long after Han Bin and Sun Xing arrived at Xiguan village, they received a phone call from Wei Zimo. He and Sun Xing were not idle, and they were still tracking down Li Tao's whereabouts.

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Wei Zimo and his wife have found two new clues. The first is that Li Tao took money on August 30. They guess that it is likely that they are preparing for running. The second is that sun Shaoqiang does not have a car in his name.

Accompanied by the police of the local police station, Han Bin went to the village committee to find village cadres to learn about sun Shaoqiang's family.

However, to their great surprise, sun Shaoqiang was not only alive, but also at home.

Zheng Kaixuan three people can't help but a little confused, Li Tao is not the dead, sun Shaoqiang is still alive, who is the body that was beheaded?

After thinking for a while, Han Bin three people also have no clue, ready to go home to investigate, to see what is the situation.

Sun Shaoqiang's home is located in the south of Xiguan village. Accompanied by a village cadre and a policeman, Han Bin and his three men arrived near Sun Shaoqiang's home and entered the Hutong. The second family was sun Shaoqiang's home, and a black car was parked at the door.

"Whose car is this?" Li Hui asked.

"I'll go and find out." With that, the village cadre went to the neighbor's house next to sun Shaoqiang.

Han Bin stepped forward, looked at the black car, touched the body of the car, and said: "team Zheng, there is a layer of car stickers on the outside of the car."

Zheng Kaixuan squatted down and observed the license plate: "the license plate also has traces of disassembly."

"The style of this car is the same as that of the corpse throwing vehicle. Is it the suspect we are looking for?" Li huidao.

"Team Zheng, I suggest that sun Shaoqiang be arrested." Han Bin said.

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A moment later, the village cadres also came out and found out from the neighbors that sun Shaoqiang had no car at home. He had been out for some time at the end of August and had just come back two days ago. This car had just come back.

After learning the news, Zheng Kaixuan made a quick decision and decided to arrest sun Shaoqiang.



After a whistling sound of the car flute, Li Hui drove a gray car and stopped behind the black car, shouting:

"whose black car is, it's blocking the road. Move away quickly."

"Wuwu..." There was another whine of the car flute.

"Creak..." A sound, sun Shaoqiang's door opened, a middle-aged man came out.

Li Hui looked up at sun Shaoqiang himself.

"What are you shouting about? Where is the car going?" Sun Shaoqiang is a very strong man, and he is full of Zhongqi.

"Is this your car?" Li Hui asked.

"Nonsense, put it at my door. It's not my car. Whose is it?"

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"Move and let me pass."

"Move your mother, this is my family's alley, can't pass bypass." Sun Shaoqiang swears.

"Why are you so unreasonable?" Li huidao.

"Well, I'm just unreasonable. What do you want to do?" Sun Shaoqiang stares at Zhu Zi and looks like he is going to fight.

Taking advantage of their quarrel, Han Bin, Zheng Kaixuan and the policeman have surrounded him from all around.

"Police, don't move." Han Bin shouts.

Sun Shaoqiang was stunned at first, and then turned around to run. Zheng Kaixuan took chili water and sprayed it directly on his face."Ah..." Sun Shaoqiang let out a scream, first with his hands, and then with his clothes on his face.

Han Bin and Li Hui quickly step forward and control him.

Sun Shaoqiang's wife heard the news and ran out. Seeing that sun Shaoqiang was handcuffed, his face was hot and painful, she quickly asked, "who are you? Why did you catch my husband?"

"The police." Han Bin shows his police card again.

"The police can't arrest people. Why do you arrest my husband?" Sun Shaoqiang's wife asked.

"There is a murder and body throwing in Qindao. Sun Shaoqiang is highly suspected. We need to take him back to assist in the investigation." Han Bin says, search car key from sun Shaoqiang body, opened black car.

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The driver's book was found from the driver's cab, on which the white car was registered, and the license plate number was also false; two license plates were found from the trunk of the car, one of which was Lu b7d14c.

It's confirmed that this vehicle is indeed a suspected vehicle for throwing corpses.

"Ha ha, a team of suspected vehicles have been tracking down. Unexpectedly, we found them first." Li Hui said with a smile.

"That's right. When we go back this time, we must see what Li Zhankun's expression is." Zheng Kaixuan joked.

It can be seen that he is in a good mood.

Han Bin shakes his head and laughs. They originally came to investigate the victim. Unexpectedly, they caught the suspect by mistake. It's really some accident.

Subsequently, sun Shaoqiang was detained in a police car, and the police drove sun Shaoqiang's car back to the police station.

"How did you find me?" Sun Shaoqiang was a little confused and didn't seem to think that he would be arrested.

"You're so happy to ask. You've come all the way to Qindao to kill people. You think our Qindao people's heads are cabbage. You can chop them if you want." Li Hui scolded.

"Bah, I didn't kill Qindao people." Sun Shaoqiang spat.

"Ah, you dare to be stubborn." Li Hui stretched out his right hand and gave sun Shaoqiang a brain scoop.

Sun Shaoqiang's words, Han Bin is heard in the heart, if the dead is not Qindao people, then who is it?

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