Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 165: 165

Han Bin opened his notebook and asked, "why kill Li Tao?"

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Zhang Haiyan took a long breath and stroked her hair: "he should die."

"What's the relationship between you two?"


"Do you know that Li Tao hired a murderer to kill Cao Yang?" Han Bin asked.

"Before, I heard that he had such an idea. I thought he was bragging. I didn't expect that he would really do it." Zhang Haiyan looks a little complicated.

"When did you know it for sure?"

"On August 30, when Cao Yang went to work in other places, he came to my home and told me that he had found two people to kill Cao Yang. As a result, the two people were so stupid that they messed up. When Cao Yang went to work in other places, the two people didn't want to do it."

"If you like each other, just divorce Cao Yang. Why kill him?"

"I told Li Tao not to do stupid things and not to find someone to kill Cao Yang again, but he didn't listen to me. He said that only when Cao Yang died, the real estate, the canteen and the money would belong to me. If he divorced, he didn't even have a place to live." Zhang Haiyan said with a wry smile:

"I was disgusted when I heard that. He wanted to kill Yueyue's biological father, and then he wanted to be Yueyue's stepfather. If Yueyue knew it later, how would he face it?"

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"Did you kill Li Tao to protect Cao Yang?"

"At that time, I didn't want to kill Li Tao. I just wanted to persuade him not to do it like this. At noon, he had dinner with me and had a few drinks. After dinner, he said that he missed me and Yueyue was at home. I said no, he asked me to coax Yueyue to sleep." Zhang Haiyan closed her eyes and sighed a long time before she continued:

"in the afternoon, I managed to coax Yueyue to sleep, so we started to do some exercises. As a result, the noise was so loud that the child woke up. I had to take care of the child. He lost his temper when he felt disappointed. At night, Yueyue didn't eat well, so he lost his temper and kicked the child."

"I had a miscarriage before, but it was difficult for me to conceive later. I thought I couldn't have a baby, so I married Cao Yang. He didn't have the ability, but he didn't dislike me. Who knows that when I was in my thirties, I had a moon outside me. I was really happy. I thought God gave it to me. Now I'm old, and it's impossible for me to have a child in the future That's the most important thing. "

"Cao Yang is nice to you. You have children again. Why are you still with Li Tao?" Tian Li didn't understand.

"Li Tao and I have known each other for a long time. Before we got married, we both had a good life. Later, we broke up for some reasons. Cao Yang and I had a good life after our marriage, but this is not the life I want. Cao Yang is honest and cowardly. His achievements in this life are limited, and he can't give me the life I want. But Li Tao is different. He is brave and dare to do things There are suitable opportunities, he has a prosperous day, can give me the life I want Zhang Haiyan said.

"What kind of life do you want?" Tian Li asked.

"Little girl, is it interesting to say that now?" Zhang Haiyan shook her head.

"You killed Cao Yang because of Yueyue?"

"From the time he kicked Yueyue, I thought clearly that Li Tao may be suitable for me, but he is not suitable to be Yueyue's stepfather. Even if he has money in the future, Yueyue will not be happy." Zhang Haiyan sneered and said:

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"I know Li Tao very well. What he wants to do will be done. If I break up with him now, he will not agree. At that time, he will not kill Cao Yang, but will kill our mother and daughter."

"So you decided to kill him first?"

"Yes, I bought the medicine from Laozhao's family in the east of the village. That night, I poisoned him to death, dug a hole in the yard and buried him."

"There are many ways to solve this problem. You can choose to call the police, you can choose to move, but you just made the wrong choice." Tian Li sighed.

"The onlookers can see clearly. The outsider will never understand the feelings of the insider. If everything is like what you said, you would have lost your job." Zhang Haiyan sneered.

"You are a good mother, but not a qualified one." Han Bin said.

"You're right. The only thing I owe in the world is my daughter."

"What about your parents and Cao Yang?"

"I don't owe them. I've become what I am now. Why not because of them?" Zhang Haiyan said.

"Is it easy for your parents to raise you? What do they think when they hear that? " Tian Li asked.

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"It's not easy for anyone in this world. Is it easy for me? Is it wrong that I want to live a better life? I don't want my daughter to be like me. I want to create better conditions for her. There is no absolute black and white in this world. In my opinion, the mediocrity of parents is a kind of harm to children. " The more Zhang Haiyan said, the more excited she was.

"You are also a mother, and you love your daughter. You don't know how grateful you are. How hard it takes to have a child." Tian Li Road.

"You only see the hard work of your parents. Have you ever seen the hard work of your children? Have you ever thought about whether your children are willing or not before giving birth? If you tell your children that you have to suffer a lot, suffer a lot, and are destined to be poorer than others, I believe that there are many people who would rather not have been in this world than everyone would like to be a green leaf." Zhang Haiyan said."Your idea is too extreme. I don't agree with it." Tian Li shows her hand.

Zhang Haiyan showed a wry smile: "Congratulations, it shows that you have a good life."


Out of the interrogation room, Tian Li sighed and said, "this Zhang HaiYan's idea is too extreme."

"That's what makes her here." Han Bin said.

"Can you understand what she said?" Tian Li asked.

"Understanding is not identity."

"I just think she's too cold to her parents." Tian Li Road.

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"I think Zhang Haiyan doesn't love her parents, she just has no ability. It's because she knows this that she wants to change her situation and let her daughter have a good future. She doesn't want her daughter to be like herself in the future." Han Bin analysis.

"As you know, Li Tao is a local ruffian. Where can he be better than Cao Yang?" Tian Li said.

"Everything has two sides. Just because Cao Yang follows the rules, Zhang Haiyan has seen his future. Cao Yang's character is too small and he is doomed to not get rich. Li Tao is a man who will do whatever he can to achieve his goal, regardless of the consequences, and is really likely to get rich." Han Bin said.

"Anyway, I can't agree with Zhang Haiyan."

"That means you two are not the same kind of people." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Congratulations to police officer 577533 for solving a major criminal case." The police badge sounded.

"Micro expression analysis: proficiency + 7."

"Merit is worth 20 points."

"Police officer 577533 came to the fore in the ad hoc group and won the recognition of the public. He was additionally given a big gift package."

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