Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 167: 167

"Well, you win."

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Tan Jingya shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile, "I'm not a criminal police officer."

"Which department is officer Tan in?" Han Bin asked.

"I'm in the publicity section of the Municipal Bureau."

"Disrespect, disrespect, it turned out to be the leader of a higher unit." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Come on, I'm still a trainee police officer. Even if I get the title later, I won't be in charge of your criminal investigation team." As she spoke, Tan Jingya took off her white flat shoes and stepped on the white sand with her delicate little feet.

"The publicity department is very good. In addition to meeting in private, I hope I can also meet frequently at work." Han Bin said with a smile.

"It depends on whether you have that ability." Tan Jingya smiles and turns to ask: "I heard that your Yuhua Branch has just solved a headless corpse case. Do you know?"

"You're in charge of the publicity?" Han Bin asked subconsciously.

"It's going to be eleven soon. Now the focus of publicity is not this. Even if we want to publicize this case, we have to wait a month later."

Han Bin shook his head: "it's a pity."

"Listen, are you involved in this case?" Tan Jingya showed a touch of curiosity.

"In order to solve this case, the sub Bureau set up a 9.19 ad hoc group, of which I was one. I arrested the suspect and was responsible for the trial."

"Such a bull, you're doing well in the criminal investigation team." Tan Jingya had some accidents.

"Average, average, top three in the branch."

"Tut Tut, I'm confident enough."

"Just kidding."

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Han Bin laughed and continued: "the main reason is that our director and team leader are willing to support the younger generation and give me the opportunity to make contributions and perform."

"I heard that the headless corpse case is not over. There is a subsequent murder case. Is it true?" Tan Jingya looks at Han Bin and seems to be very interested in this case.

Han Bin can't because the other party looks beautiful can have no cover, correct way: "the headless corpse case has no follow-up, has ended; as for another homicide case, belongs to another case."

"But that's not what I heard." Tan Jingya blinked her beautiful big eyes.

"I said yes, that's it." Han Bin said firmly.

"As an ordinary police officer, your rank is not much higher than mine. Why are you so overbearing?" Tan Jingya thinks Han Bin is bragging.

When I was in school, many boys were normal at ordinary times. As soon as they were in front of her, they liked to show themselves deliberately and boast about themselves. They wanted to blow their bullshit.

"In the second homicide case, I was also in charge of the trial, the identification of the scene and the conclusion of the case. Of course, my words were the standard." Han Bin said.

"True or false?" Tan Jingya's white and tender face showed a look of surprise.

"Guess what?"

"I don't have to guess. Don't forget what I do. If I can hear your name in a few days, it will be true."

Han Bin hears the implication. If she can't hear her name, she may think that she's cheating her. She may not be able to deal with herself again.

Han Bin doesn't care. He is applying for the third class merit. This month, the advanced individual of the star of the police force has been selected, which is Han Bin himself.

The most sensational cases of Yuhua Branch this month are the headless corpse case and the burying case in Beizhai village. If Han Bin does not make great contributions to these two cases, advanced individuals will not give him.

They went on for a while, both of them were silent. Apart from work, they didn't have much to talk about when they met for the first time.

Instead of chatting awkwardly, Han Bin thinks it's better to take a quiet walk.

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"Coax..." There was a noise in the distance.

Han Bin turned and looked, like the movement of blue whale shopping mall, people all around rushed there.

"Blue whale mall has activities today?" Han Bin asked.

"It's not so early. I remember there was an activity at 6 p.m. in the shopping mall. I still wanted to wait for you to leave and go shopping." Tan Jingya puts on her shoes and looks around.

"That's good." Han Bin showed a wry smile, together with his blind date is just a matter of the way.

"I'm kidding you." Tan Jingya chuckled: "I don't want some people to stand others up on their first date."

"Beauty, it's not a gentleman who always exposes people's shortcomings." Han Bin shows his hand.

"I'm not a gentleman. I'm just a willful little woman. You'd better leave me alone." Tan Jingya is half true and half false.

"Jump off the building!"

"Blue whale mall, someone jumped off the building!" Not far away someone cried.

"Who jumped? "Male and female?"

"Woman, on the top of the building, riding the wall, about to jump."

"Why did the woman jump off the building?"

"Needless to say, it's either for money or for men."

A group of onlookers, while talking, flocked to the blue whale mall.

"Ah, someone has jumped off the building. Let's hurry to save people." Tan Jingya said and ran to the shopping mall on her long legs.Han Bin also followed in the past, but to tell the truth, he is good at handling cases.

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It's the first time he's been advised not to jump.

The mall is already full of people. The mall is three stories high. A young woman is riding on the outside wall of the building. She looks like she is in her early twenties, about the same age as Tan Jingya.

Police station police have not come, around a noisy, people are watching, Han Bin showed the police card to maintain order.

"Police, get out of the way!"

"Security, where is security?" Han Bin shouts.

"Come here, fence around and keep the onlookers away."

"Tell your manager to find some strong cloth and nets and arrange them around the jumping position."

Han Bin will be all separate, with the help of security will control the scene up.

"The woman is up!"

"Look, she's going to jump."

"If you want to jump, jump quickly. Don't let anyone see it."

"That's right. Maybe I won't dance all day."

There are all kinds of things to say in the crowd, and many people don't think it's too big to watch.

"Han Bin, let's go upstairs." Tan Jingya suggested.

As Han Bin said, she is young, beautiful and fashionable. No one takes her as a policeman. Han Bin scolds her and everyone listens to her. No one talks to her.

Advise people not to jump this kind of thing, Han Bin is no experience, but the incident suddenly, there are no other police on the scene, Han Bin can only be hard on the scalp.

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Han Bin found the manager of the mall, let him lead the way to the roof.

The manager of the shopping mall is also very anxious and very cooperative with Han Bin's work. If the woman succeeds in jumping off the building, her manager will not want to do it.

The door on the top of the building has been locked. Fortunately, the manager found the key and opened the door smoothly.


As soon as the door opened, the woman who jumped from the building yelled, "don't come here, or I'll jump!"

"Don't jump. I'm a policeman. You can tell me something." Han Bin is right.

"Is it useful to tell you?" Hummed the woman who jumped from the building.


"Can you really do it?"

"I'll do my best." Han Bin said sincerely.


"Trust me."

The woman who jumped from the building looked at Han Bin, but she didn't know what she thought of. She spat:

"bah, scum man!"

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