Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 170: 170

"Team Zeng, are you kidding? This child is the reporter?" Li Hui was surprised.

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"I look like a joke to you." Zeng Ping pulled a chair, let Li Gaobo sit down, and continued:

"Li Gaobo is my neighbor. He came to the branch this morning to report that his mother was kidnapped. Tian Li, make a note for him."

Tian Li came over, opened the law enforcement recorder and asked, "name, age, gender, nationality..."

"My name is Li Gaobo, 15 years old, male, Han nationality..."

"Li Gaobo, why did you call the police?"

"My mother was kidnapped."

"When was he kidnapped?"

"Last night."

"Specific time."

"About eight o'clock last night."

"Where was he kidnapped?"

"Near the factory where she works, my mother worked overtime yesterday, and my father drove to pick her up. There was a traffic jam on the way. When she arrived, my mother disappeared and didn't answer the phone." Li Gaobo looks gloomy.

"How do you know your mother was kidnapped instead of running away from home?"

"At 8:40 last night, the kidnapper called and asked my father for 200000 yuan. We were sure that my mother had been kidnapped."

"Why didn't your father come to the police?"

"My father didn't dare. When the kidnappers asked for ransom, they said that they had monitored my father's mobile phone. If my father called the police, they would tear up the ticket directly. My father worried that the kidnappers would send someone to watch him, so he asked me to report to the police station."

After all, Li Gaobo was still a child, and he began to cry: "uncles and aunts, please save my mother."

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Tian Li quickly comforted: "Li Gaobo, be strong and make the kidnapping process clear so that we can file a case earlier and rescue your mother."

"Well, you ask." Li Gao Bo wiped his eyes.

"What's your mother's name? How old is this year and where do you work? "

"My mother's name is Gao Xiaoyun, 46 years old, working in qianjinmen factory, and her mobile phone number is 1386 XXXXX."

"how did the robber contact your father?" Tian Li asked.

"I used my mother's cell phone to make a call, and then it turned off."

"Zhao Ming, go to the technical team and check the mobile phone number." Zeng Ping Road.

"Team Zeng, the child is not yet an adult. Should we inform the guardian to come to the scene to inquire before putting the case on file?" Zhao Ming suggested.

"No, please don't call my father. The kidnapper said that he has monitored my father's mobile phone. As long as my father talks to the police, they will hear him. My mother will be in danger at that time." Li Gaobo said in a hurry.

"Where is your father now?"

"My father went to raise money. He said that he would find a suitable opportunity and call you with someone else's mobile phone. It will prove that what I said is true." Li Gaobo said.

"Did the suspect say where to pay the ransom?"

"Not yet."

"What's wrong with your mother lately?"

"I don't think so. I don't feel it anyway."

"Has your mother offended anyone lately?"

"I don't know. I usually go to school. Even if there's something at home, my parents won't tell me." Li Gaobo said helplessly.

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"Ding Ling Ling..." At this time, a mobile phone ring.

Zeng Ping took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a strange number. He pressed the answer button: "hello."

"Officer Zeng, I'm Li Weidong, my neighbor on the 7th floor. Have you seen my son?" There's a man's voice on the phone.

Zeng Ping released his voice: "yes, I'm taking notes. He said your wife was kidnapped."

"Yes, I'm calling you from someone else's cell phone now. The kidnapper may have monitored my cell phone."

"After all, the child is still young, and some things are unclear. You'd better come to the police station and explain the kidnapping process clearly." Zeng Ping Road.

"I dare not go. The kidnapper said that he would send someone to follow me. If I went to the police station to take notes, he would know that I called the police." Li Weidong worried.

"Then go to your house. We'll make a record for you face to face and ask you some details clearly." Zeng Ping proposed.

Li Weidong hesitated: "be careful when you come, but don't be seen through by the kidnappers."

"We will act in plain clothes." With that, Zeng Ping hung up his cell phone.

Later, Zeng Ping began to arrange the task: "Tian Li and Zhao Ming, go to qianjinmen factory to understand the situation and check the monitoring."

"Others follow me to the times ark community."


Zeng Ping also lives in the times ark community and is very familiar with the situation here.

A black car stopped at the gate of the residential area. Li Hui and sun Xiaopeng got out of the car and went to the property company to check the monitoring of the residential area. Zeng Ping drove directly out of the garage, and the car of the technical team behind also got out of the garage.Li Weidong's family lives in 1302.

"Zeng Dui, the facilities in your community are not bad?" Han Bin said with a smile.

"It's OK. My home is here, in 903 of this unit. Go to my place when you have time." Zeng Ping warmly invited.

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"All right." Han Bin should be a, however, we are very busy, not many opportunities to go.

Like today, even if he was handling a case nearby, Zeng Ping didn't care to go home.

On the 13th floor, Zeng Ping knocked on the door of 1302: "Dong Dong."

"Creak..." A glottis opened, a middle-aged man put out his head: "officer Zeng, you are here, please come in."

"Don't close the door. We have colleagues in the back." Zeng Ping Road.

The man answered and invited them to sit on the sofa.

This man is Li Weidong, the husband of the bound person. He and Zeng Ping are neighbors of the same building. When they meet when they are in the elevator, they will say hello and exchange greetings politely, but they are not very familiar.

"Sit down first, and I'll pour you a cup of tea." Li Weidong said.

"You're welcome. Let's work on the case. It's important to save people." Zeng Ping said.

"Good." Li Weidong answered, also sat aside: "officer Zeng, if you have anything to ask, just ask."

"Creak..." The door of the room opened.

Li Weidong fiercely stood up and looked at the direction of the door.

"Don't worry, it's from our technical team. You said the mobile phone might be monitored by gangsters. I'll let them check it." Zeng Ping explained.

After Li Weidong gave his mobile phone to the technical team, Han Bin began to take notes for him.

At the beginning, it was still a routine inquiry. I asked Li Gaobo what he had asked before, and added some new questions.

"When exactly was your wife kidnapped?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't know. When I got to the gate of qianjinmen factory, it was a little over 8 o'clock." Li Weidong said.

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"Why didn't you call the police then?"

"I didn't know that she was kidnapped. She was a bit headstrong and temperamental. I thought she thought I was late and took a taxi home." Li Weidong sighed and continued:

"who knows, as soon as I got home, I received a call from the kidnapper, asking me to prepare 200000 yuan. If I was a little less, I would never see my wife again."

"Fifteen hours have passed since 8 o'clock last night. You should call the police earlier." Zeng Ping frowned. The kidnapping case is a race against the clock. The longer it takes, the less likely the kidnapped person will survive.

"The gangster monitored my mobile phone. I didn't dare to call the police. I was afraid that I would be detected when I went out to call the police. So I wanted to raise money first. Maybe the robber could release my wife after receiving the money." Li explained.

"Then why did you choose to call the police again?"

"The robber asked me to pay the ransom tomorrow, but I calculated carefully. I couldn't collect all the money for a while, so I had to call the police."

"How much ransom did the robbers ask for?"

"Two hundred thousand."

"Only two hundred thousand?" Han Bin confirmed.

"This police officer is worth more than 200000 yuan. Most people can't get so much money. Unless I sell my house, I can't get the money. But the robbers will ask for ransom tomorrow. I can't sell my house for a while." Li Weidong lit a cigarette and took two mouthfuls.

"Most of the robbers are committed by gangs. Generally speaking, there are at least two robbers. The ransom of 200000 yuan is divided into 100000 yuan for each person. Although there is a lot of money, it is not directly proportional to the risk of committing the crime." Han Bin said.

"What do you mean, officer?" Li Weidong's mind was a bit confused, and he didn't think it through for a moment.

"Although the conditions in your family are not bad, it can only be said that they are average. The kidnappers risk so much to commit crimes. Why don't they choose a rich man and get more money?" Han Bin said.

"I don't know what the kidnappers think. You say that there are so many workers in the factory. Why is my wife so unlucky?" Li Weidong patted his forehead hard.

"Pa pa" sounds painful.

Zeng Ping grabbed each other's arm and stopped them from hurting themselves. He asked, "Wei Dong, have you offended anyone recently?"

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