Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 179: 179

Qianjinmen factory.

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A meeting room was temporarily requisitioned by the police.

Ten million cash, Ma brothers are in Qianjin door company, and the personnel in the door factory are miscellaneous, and it is not easy for the police to be found in and out.

Now we must fight against the clock to save the hostages. It will be a waste of time to go back to the branch.

There are only Zheng Kaixuan and six people in group 2 in the conference room.

Wei Zimo and Du Qi are with the Ma brothers.

Zheng Kaixuan lit a cigarette and said, "tell me about your investigation."

"Han Bin and I checked Ma Yongfeng's whereabouts the night before yesterday. He was really at his girlfriend's house. He didn't leave until more than 9 a.m. the next day. He didn't have time to commit the second kidnapping." Li huidao.

"Is there any new progress in Ma Yongfeng's investigation?" Zeng Ping asked.

"According to Ma Yongfeng himself, Shen nianrou has chosen him as his successor. Now he is the actual manager of Qianjin door industry, so his motivation to kidnap Shen nianrou has been greatly reduced." Li huidao.

"The factory director Ren Yaming also said that most of the company's current business is managed by Ma Yongfeng." Tian Li echoed.

"Shen nianrou is also strange. Instead of giving the company to her own son, she gave it to her stepson." Zhao Ming is a little confused.

"According to Ma Yongfeng, Ma Yongnian also worked in Qianjin door company, but he left because he was not suitable." Han Bin said.

"I checked the data of Ma's brothers and found that Ma Yongnian had a criminal record of fraud. I checked the file carefully and found that Ma Yongnian had kidnapped himself and made up and directed a kidnapping case in order to ask his mother for money." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Tut Tut, and this one, it's really mud can't support the wall. No wonder Shen nianrou would rather give the company to her stepson than to her own son." Zhao Ming hit it. Hit it.

"Since Ma Yongnian has a criminal record of kidnapping, will this kidnapping also have something to do with him?" Tian Li guessed.

Li Hui thought for a moment and said, "there is no clue in this respect at present."

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"To be exact, we haven't doubted him yet." Zeng Ping Road.

"Then Ma Yongnian will also be included in the suspect." Zheng Kaixuan said, and pointed to the side of Zeng Ping: "kidnapping scene found?"

"According to the kidnapping time provided by Ma Yongnian and the suspected vehicles captured by Skynet monitoring, we estimated the general scope of the kidnapping location and checked all the surrounding surveillance, but we did not capture the kidnapping video." Zeng Ping shook his head.

"It seems that the robbers should be more cautious in the second crime." Zheng Kaixuan flicked the ash and said, "Tian Li, have you made any progress in your visit there?"

"Yes." Tian Li should be a, will Ren Yaming's testimony a simple description.

After hearing this, Zeng Ping said, "it seems that this Miao Xiujie is also suspected."

"Two or three million is not a small number. Driven by interests, they have motive to commit crimes." Han Bin said.

Zheng Kaixuan took a few more puffs and said, "Han Bin and Li Hui, please contact Miao Xiujie and make a record for him as soon as possible."

"Tian Li and Zhao Ming, make a new record for Ma Yongnian to see if he is suspected of being involved in the case."

"Others are on standby for the time being. The Mahalanobis brothers have taken money from the bank. I believe the kidnappers will take action soon."



Out of the meeting room, Li Hui could not help asking: "binzi, the last time we made a record for Ma Yongnian, why did Zheng team change this time?"

"A person often makes the same mistake, although most people are reluctant to admit it, but it is a fact, another person's trial may have new findings." Han Bin said.

"True or false, I don't remember making the same mistake." Li Hui muttered.

Han Bin curled his lips: "which time did you suffer a loss, not because your mouth is cheap, have you changed it?"

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Li Hui showed a smile: "I just like to tell the truth."

Han Bin is too lazy to entangle with him about this problem. He takes out his mobile phone and dials Miao Xiujie's number.

"Ding Ling Ling..." A moment later, the phone was connected, and a man's voice rang out: "Hello, who?"

"Is that Mr. Miao Xiujie? We're from Interpol. "

"Criminal police? What are you looking for? "

"We are investigating a criminal case. We want to find out something about it from you." Han Bin said.

"Don't talk about it. How can I be related to criminal cases? You can't be a liar."

"When we meet, we'll show you the police card. Where are you now? We'll go and find out about it. " Han Bin said.

"What's the matter, you make it clear?"

"It's not convenient to talk on the phone. Let's meet and chat."

"The more I listen, the more I think you want to be a liar. I have to hang up in advance." Miao Xiujie put down a word.

"Miao Xiujie, we are not liars. I'm just telling you to go to the second group of the third criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch of Qindao city to make a record. If we can't arrive within 40 minutes, we will go to your company with a search warrant." Han Bin is right."Don't mention it. I'd better go to the sub Bureau. I'm not sure."

"Yes, you can come as soon as possible."

"You have to send me a message about the case."

"You'll know when you come." Han Bin finished, hang up the phone.

"Darling, it looks like an old greasy boy." Li Hui has a cigarette in his mouth.

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"Let's go back to the branch."


Forty minutes later.

Hanbin two people just returned to the branch, a middle-aged man found the office.

"Who are you?"

"This is Miao Xiujie. Is this group 2 of the third criminal investigation team?"

Han Bin looks at each other, with a dark blue T-shirt on his upper body, trousers and shoes on his lower body, and a black leather bag in his hand:

"sit down and make a note for you."

"Comrade police, listen to the voice. Did you call me just now?"


"What do you call it?" Miao Xiujie reaches out to shake hands with Han Bin.

"My name is Han."

"It turned out to be officer Han. It's disrespectful." Miao Xiujie takes out his cigarette case, hands a cigarette to Han Bin and another to Li Hui.

Li Hui put it under his nose and smelled: "China."

Han Bin turned on the law enforcement recorder and asked: "name, gender, age, nationality..."

"Officer Han, don't scare me. As soon as you come up, it's so formal. Tell me first. What's the matter with me?" Miao Xiujie said.

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"You answer my question first."

"Well, first of all, Miao Xiujie, 41 years old, male, Han nationality..." After Miao Xiujie finished, he asked again, "officer Han, now you can tell me what happened to me?"

"Do you know Shen nianrou?"

Miao Xiujie is not false thinking cableway: "know, we do business together, good relationship."

"She was kidnapped."

"Kidnapping! When did it happen? " Miao Xiujie said.

"About nine o'clock yesterday morning."

"Oh, and that." Miao Xiujie was stunned for a moment, and asked: "what do you mean to come to me?"

"Do you have a debt dispute with Shen nianrou?"

Miao Xiujie nodded: "yes, she bet three million yuan on my goods before."

"I heard that some time ago, you took a lot of people to qianjinmen factory to ask for debts?" Han Bin asked.

"Wait, you don't suspect that I kidnapped Shen nianrou." Miao Xiujie said.

"Shen nianrou has been kidnapped. Maybe the three million yuan will not come back. Are you in a hurry?"

"Don't worry."

Miao Xiujie shook his head and said with a smile, "Shen nianrou has already paid me the three million yuan loan. We have already cleared the money and goods."

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