Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 18: 18

The next morning, as soon as Han Bin came to the police station, he heard the warning of the police badge.

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"Ding Dong, police officer 577533, break the robbery and keep the party safe."

"Skill proficiency + 2, merit value + 6."

"Criminal investigation knowledge base opened."

"What is the criminal investigation knowledge base?"

"The criminal investigation knowledge base records a large amount of criminal investigation knowledge, which can help police officers crack cases."

"How to obtain the knowledge in the criminal investigation database?"

"You can exchange it for merit. The more merit you have, the more knowledge you can exchange."

Han Bin's Micro expression analysis skill is a skill of learning by stages, and he has to repay ten merits every month.

Han Bin now has 22 merit points, micro expression proficiency + 4.

This month, Han Bin only needs to take out 6 points of merit value and 4 points of proficiency to pay this month's bill, so Han Bin still has 16 points of merit value.

"Exchange 16 points of merit for the knowledge of criminal investigation database."


A lot of criminal investigation knowledge and data are transferred into the brain.

These criminal investigation knowledge, different from the criminal investigation skills of footprint identification and micro expression analysis system, are some messy knowledge points, but if applied properly, they can play a key role in solving cases.

"Pa pa..."

A burst of applause, Zeng Ping into the office: "comrades, put the work at hand, a meeting."

"Team Zeng, another new mission?" Li huidao.

"Team Zheng, knowing that we have cracked the robbery in the hospital, praised us in public and wanted to come to the group to express our sympathy."

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"Really?" Tian Li said happily.

"What is true or false?" A middle-aged man came into the office.

The man is tall, square faced and holding a thermos cup. He is Zheng Kaixuan, the leader of the third criminal investigation team.

"Team Zheng." The crowd got up to say hello.

Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand: "sit down."

"Team Zheng, I heard that some time ago, you went to the provincial department to study." Li Hui stepped aside and gave Zheng Kaixuan a place.

"Yes, on the way back, I heard that you solved a big case, and the captain of the first team was also present, which added a lot of glory to my face." Zheng Kaixuan said with a smile.

"Team Zheng, although there are not many people in our group, they are all elites." Zeng Ping said.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and looked at Han Bin: "listen to your Zeng team, you have done well and made a lot of contributions."

"Zheng and Zeng taught them well." Han Bin is modest.

"Slippery." Zheng Kaixuan said with a smile:

"you two groups have solved a lot of cases recently. Tell me, how do you want me to reward you?"

"Team Zheng, although each member of our group is an elite, there are only five people in total, but they are still a little less. Can you help us to add some manpower?" Zeng Ping is an important person.

The number of three teams and two groups was also small.

"No problem." Zheng Kaixuan happily agreed: "are there any other requirements?"

"Team Zheng, there have been a lot of cases recently. I haven't had a rest for a long time. Can you arrange our team to take a rotation break?" Zhao Ming proposed.

"As long as there are no important cases, you can take turns."

"Team Zheng is brilliant!" They all said happily.

It's hard for the criminal police to have a day off.

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Zheng Kaixuan coughed lightly, and the conversation changed: "the Bureau has just received a case, and your group is just fine. Let's deal with it by two hands."

"Team Zheng, you are changing too fast. Just after two words of condolence, you gave us the task." Tian Li said with a bitter smile.

"You little girl, you talk a lot." Zheng Kaixuan pointed to Tian Li:

"it's a theft case. It's a piece of cake for your group."


"A man's cell phone was stolen." Zheng Kaixuan said.

Li Hui was a little puzzled: "stealing a cell phone is such a trivial matter. You can go directly to the police station. How can you still run to the branch?"

"It's a tourist who just came to Qindao. He's not familiar with the environment here, so he went directly to the branch office. Although it's not a big case, he has to deal with it carefully."

"Yes." All agreed.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and then left.

Qindao city is a tourist city, every year to the peak season of tourism, there will be a large number of tourists into Qindao City, the city's public security and environment is particularly important.

Poor public security will affect the number of tourists and lead to the decline of tourism economy. The leaders of the city attach great importance to this.

No small things for tourists!


Han Bin and Li Hui were assigned to take charge of the case.

Tian Li brings the reporter over, and Han Bin and Li Hui are responsible for recording the confession.

The reporter was in his twenties, tall and thin, wearing a frame without glasses and a casual suit."Sit down."

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"Comrade police, are you in charge of my case?"

"Yes, I'll make a note for you first." Li Hui turns on the law enforcement recorder.


"Wang Haidong."

"Report time?"

"Three in the afternoon."

"What do you want to report?"

"My mobile phone was stolen. It's the latest fruit mobile phone. I spent more than 8000 yuan to buy it." Wang Haidong has a sore face.

"Where did you lose it?"

"I don't know where I lost it. Twenty minutes ago, I couldn't find my cell phone, so I knew it had been stolen."

"You forget where you put it or not." Han Bin asked.

"No, it was really stolen. I called my cell phone and it was answered by a stranger."

"Say what?"

"I asked him to return my cell phone to me, but he refused, and blackmailed me for money. If I didn't give it, he hung up his cell phone, and I called the police."

"How much does he want?"

"At first, he said a few hundred, and then he said several thousand. He is a rogue at all." Wang Haidong snorted.

"What's your cell phone number?"

Wang Haidong reported his mobile phone number.

Han Bin dialed the mobile phone number, a moment later, the mobile phone connected: "hello."

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"Speak up."

"Is this your cell phone?"

"I picked it up. Who are you?"

"Criminal Police Brigade of Qindao branch."

"The police?"

"Someone called the police and said that his mobile phone had been stolen. Come to the police station and deal with it." Han Bin said.

"Comrade police, don't get me wrong. I didn't steal anything. I'm didi driver. He left my cell phone in my car." The man who picked up the mobile phone called for injustice.

"What's your name? "

" Lin Gang. "

"It's not a big deal. Just come to the police station and make it clear. If you don't come, I'll have to file a case."

The man who picked up the mobile phone was a little flustered: "don't, I'll go right away."


Li Hui has been listening, Yang Yang chin: "Wang Haidong, are you sure the mobile phone was stolen?"

"Sure." Wang Haidong is determined.

Li Hui curled his lips: "it's the first time I've seen such a talkative thief."

"Maybe, he just procrastinated, perfunctory, did not dare to come to the police station, if I say, you'd better hurry to catch him." Wang Haidong urged.

Han Bin frowned and felt that Wang Haidong's words were untrue: "the police don't need to teach them when they handle cases. Just wait."

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