Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 185: 185

As soon as Zheng Kaixuan got out of the car, he left in a hurry and rushed over: "how is Tian Li? Xiaopeng is injured! "

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"It's a small matter. I've been slashed by the robbers." Sun Xiaopeng squeezed out a smile.

"Team Zheng, the three suspects have been arrested. Han Bin and Li Hui have gone in to rescue the hostages." Tian Li Road.

"That's good. I've really pinched a cold sweat for you." Zeng Ping was relieved.

"Darling, how can I be absent for such an exciting thing." Zhao Ming sighed.

Tian Li waved her fist: "you are looking for a fight."

At this time, Han Bin and Li Hui came out of the goose farm with two hostages.

Zheng Kaixuan stepped forward and looked at Han Bin and Li Hui carefully. Seeing that they were not injured, he was relieved and comforted the two hostages:

"Ms. Gao Xiaoyun and Ms. Shen nianrou, you are safe. I have informed my family members that they will come soon."

"This is captain Zheng of our third criminal investigation team." Li Hui warned.

"Thank you, Captain Zheng. If only some members of the criminal police team had arrived in time, we would have been poisoned." Shen nianrou is still in the back row.

"Yes, thanks to officer Han, if you come a little late, I'll be strangled by that bastard." Gao Xiaoyun began to cry again, and the scar in his neck was very obvious.

"Tian Li, take Ms. Gao for treatment." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Thank you." Gao Xiaoyun's voice choked. She was still in shock. She just kept saying thank you to express her gratitude to the police.

Han Bin called Zheng Kaixuan aside and said in a low voice: "Ma Yongfeng may also be involved in the kidnapping."

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"Is there any evidence?"

"Shen nianrou said it." Han Bin said.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded: "I left him in the police station. After a while, you will take Li Hui to collect people and bring them back to the branch for interrogation."


"You did a good job. You arrested all the three suspects with the least casualties, and ensured the safety of the two hostages. You are brave and resourceful, and you have a good scheduling." Zheng Kaixuan encouraged.

"Team Zheng is flattering. I just rely on everyone's trust and some luck. There are still many places to learn." Han Bin is right.

Zheng Kaixuan nods and appreciates Han Bin's attitude. He is capable and energetic. He does not take credit and is not impetuous. Only in this way can he go further.

The hostages were successfully rescued, and the stones hanging in the hearts of the people also fell to the ground, making the atmosphere of the whole criminal police team relaxed.

Zheng Kaixuan led people to block and survey the site, and was responsible for the follow-up work.

Han Bin, Li Hui and Zhao Ming went to the nearby Taihang police station to take Ma Yongfeng back to the branch for trial.


Has successfully rescued the hostages, Han Bin is not worried about the trial, anyway, after midnight is still long, first ordered three takeout to fill his stomach.

At this point, ordinary restaurants are closing, leaving only barbecue shops.

Han Bin ordered 30 kebabs and three portions of fried beef and potato noodles.

The kebabs are sealed with tin foil. When the takeout boy delivers them, they are still hot. Seeing that the other party still delivers them so late, Han Bin instinctively says: "thank you."

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"Comrades of the police, I should say thank you. If you hadn't worked so hard so late, I wouldn't have dared to come out at night to earn money." Take out little brother put down a word and left in a hurry.

Han Bin smiles. The delivery boy is young, but his tone is very sincere, and the delivery speed is very fast. Han Bin gives a five-star praise directly.

Back in the office, Han Bin ate ten kebabs, a portion of potato and beef noodles, and drank two glasses of Longjing. He had enough tea and food, and stretched himself.


ten minutes later, Yuhua sub Bureau interrogation room.

Han Bin is in charge of the trial and Li Hui is in charge of the record.

Ma Yongfeng sits on the interrogation chair.

Han Bin opened his notebook and asked, "name, age, gender, nationality..."

"My name is Ma Yongfeng, 32 years old, male, Han nationality..."

"Does Ma Yongfeng know why he brought you to the interrogation room?"

"I know."


"I was involved in a kidnapping."

"Who is the kidnapper?"

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"Shen nianrou."

"How many friends are there? What's your name? "

"Among the three friends, I know one Miao Xiujie, and he found the other two."

"Who is the mastermind?"

"Miao Xiujie."

"Why kidnap Shen nianrou?"

"She took three million yuan from the company's account. I asked her what to do with it. She said that Miao Xiujie's debt problem was too serious, so she gave the money back to him." Ma Yongfeng lowered his head and sighed:

"later, I contacted Miao Xiujie and asked Shen nianrou if she had paid him three million yuan. He told me that Shen nianrou only gave him five hundred thousand yuan and told him not to go to the company to ask for debts. He would pay him at the end of the year.""That is to say, Shen nianrou swallowed the public funds of Qianjin company behind your back." Han Bin said.

"Yes." Ma Yongfeng pointed to his chest:

"I knew about it at that time, but I felt so sad in my heart. She simply pushed me to a dead end."

"Then you don't have to kidnap her. Just let her hand over the money. What's more, she's all in charge of Qianjin company, and it's not bad for the money." Li huidao.

"Qianjin company was founded by my father. Shen nianrou has no management ability at all. The development of the company is going from bad to worse, with less business and more liabilities. When I took over the company, it was almost on the verge of bankruptcy." Ma Yongfeng said with a wry smile:

"I tried my best to run the company. I eat and live in the company almost every day, and then the company's business developed. Some time ago, Shen nianrou took away three million yuan just after getting four million yuan in loan. I can't be in a hurry."

"She just sold the villa. She has more than 10 million in her hand. Why do she need the company's money?" Han Bin asked.

"Immigrants, she wants to go abroad with her own son and take the money I earn to enjoy happiness abroad. If you don't use this method, the money will never come back." Mr Ma said.

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"You are too extreme."

"I can't help it. Qianjin company needs this money too much. Without this money, I can't get anything into the raw materials and how to make production. If I can't deliver the goods within the contract period, the company's capital chain will be completely broken, and Qianjin company will be completely finished." Ma Yongfeng said helplessly.

"Why did Miao Xiujie kidnap Shen nianrou?"

"Miao Xiujie also knows the situation of Qianjin company. If Qianjin company goes bankrupt and Shen nianrou immigrates abroad, his remaining balance of more than two million yuan will be a waste." Ma Yongfeng explained.

"How do you two divide the work?"

Ma Yongfeng rubbed his face with both hands: "he is in charge of looking for someone to kidnap, and I am in charge of being an insider. Originally, this plan was good. Who ever thought that the two kidnappers had caught the wrong person, otherwise, the police would never know that Shen nianrou was kidnapped."

Ma Yongfeng said more and more angrily, and took the initiative to explain: "the two kidnappers were not successful enough. After the police intervened in this incident, I informed Miao Xiujie that we didn't plan to take the risk to ask for ransom. After hearing Ma Yongnian's call from the kidnappers, to tell the truth, I was surprised that the two kidnappers had lost control."

"Miao Xiujie rushed to the place where the hostages were held in order to persuade the two kidnappers not to take the ransom?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, once the two men are arrested by the police, they will definitely tell me that Miao Xiujie and I are both fates. Miao Xiujie is wise and confused for a while and has found two such unreliable people."

In Han Bin's view, it is not that the two robbers are unreliable, but that there is a problem in the distribution of interests. If the interests of the four kidnappers are the same, they can naturally cooperate with each other.

However, in the face of setbacks, because of their different interests and uneven distribution, they will have different choices.

Take Ma Yongfeng as an example. It's best to get the ransom. Even if you can't get the ransom, you can get part of the inheritance by killing Shen nianrou.

Qianjin company has a large amount of capital injection, the company can come back to life, at the end of the year can also Miao Xiujie debt, these two people can obtain hidden benefits.

But Leizi and Qiangzi, who are in charge of kidnapping, can't get the hidden benefits, so they will take the risk to ask for ransom. In the end, they are still for one profit.

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