Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 188: 188

Dai Minghan said something again, and the award ceremony was over.

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The police left the conference hall one after another.

Out of the administration building, I heard the sound of gongs and drums.

"Dong Dong Bang Bang... "

Dai Minghan is chatting with Feng Baoguo. He asks the policeman beside him, "what's in the front yard? It's so noisy

"Dai Ju, it's like there are people sending banners." Said a young policeman.

"What and to whom?"

"I don't know." The young policeman scratched his head.

As soon as they heard that someone had sent the banner, they all went to the front yard with some expectation.

All of them were police officers who served the common people. Although they didn't ask for anything in return, it was very happy to receive the gratitude of the common people.

At this time, the sound of gongs and drums in the front yard is louder and the sense of rhythm is stronger: "Bang Bang Dong Dong... "

More than a dozen people came into the police yard with banners. Two men carried a banner with 12 characters: "good policeman of the people, protector of life.".

There are also eight musicians playing gongs and drums. All of them are aunts in their 40s and 50s. They are all dressed in pure red knee length skirts. Some of them play gongs and some of them play drums. They are like welcoming a wedding.

Han Bin also went to the front yard and saw several familiar figures in the crowd, including Gao Xiaoyun, Shen nianrou, Li Weidong, Li Gaobo and Ma Yongnian, each holding a banner.

Gao Xiaoyun's banner is "officer Han Bin, unparalleled in courage"

SHEN nianrou's banner is "the third criminal investigation team, fast in solving cases"

Li Gaobo's banner is "people's guard, defend the country"

Seeing these banners, everyone naturally knew that they were the spotlight of the third criminal investigation team.

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Tan Jingya opens a small mouth and shows an incredible look. Her beautiful eyes look at Han Bin.

"Xiaoya, what are you doing? Take a picture quickly. " A colleague from the Publicity Department reminded us.

"OK, sister song." Tan Jingya answered, took out her camera and began to take pictures.

Tan Jingya first took photos of the people who sent the banners, and then took photos of Han Bin. There was no way to let others be the protagonist.

Banners are sent to the door, Han Bin and others are naturally happy to meet, can receive the banners sent by the people, is the recognition and affirmation of their work.

Gao Xiaoyun was particularly excited. He knelt down in front of Han Bin and said, "officer Han, thank you for saving your life. If you come one step later, I will never see my son."

Gao Xiaoyun was hit hard by this kidnapping case. As soon as he went to bed these two nights, he would think of the cellar where he was imprisoned. He was awakened by the same scene every time.

A man took a belt and strangled her throat. She struggled desperately. The belt became tighter and tighter until she woke up.

If Han Bin's rescue is a step later, she may have died.

Li Gaobo also knelt down: "police uncle, aunt, thank you for saving my mother."

Han Bin didn't expect to have this one. He quickly helped Gao Xiaoyun's mother and son up: "elder sister, please don't do this. I'm the people's police. This is what I should do."

"Thank you, comrades of the police." Li Weidong also came over, holding Han Bin's hand hard.

Later, Shen nianrou's family also came forward to thank them, and each of them gave a banner. Han Bin, Li Hui, Tian Li, sun Xiaopeng and others all gave one.


Not far away, Feng Baoguo also looked curious and asked Dai Minghan: "Lao Dai, what's this case?"

"In the kidnapping case, two hostages were kidnapped, and the ransom was as high as tens of millions, which was also handled by the third criminal investigation team. Han Bin found the key to solve the case and rescued the people with three police officers." Dai Minghan said.

"Not bad." Feng Baoguo nodded with a thoughtful look.

The activity lasted for half an hour. The people who sent the banners expressed their gratitude and took a group photo. After all, Dai Minghan personally sent the people out of the police station.

Dai Minghan glanced at the crowd, and his eyes fell on Zheng Kaixuan: "OK, this time your three teams are in the limelight."

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"Dai Ju, it's all your good leadership." Zheng Kaixuan said with a smile.

Dai Minghan also smiles, pats Zheng Kaixuan on the shoulder, pats Han Bin on the shoulder, and then leaves.

Zheng Kaixuan calls Zeng Ping and Zhao Ying aside. It seems that they have something to tell them, while others return to the criminal investigation building one after another.

At this time, a beautiful figure came, melon face, white skin, exquisite figure, it is the city Bureau propaganda section of Tan Jingya.

Zhao Ming seems a little excited: "Tan Xiaohua has come."

Han Bin touched chin, secret way, this younger sister is to come to me.

Tan Jingya's voice was clear and sweet, and she called out: "elder martial sister Tian."

"Miss Tan, I thought you didn't recognize me." Tian Li said with a smile.

"How can it be? I made a beautiful picture of you. Look at it." Tan Jingya shakes her camera.Tian Li looked up and down, praised: "we haven't seen each other for a long time, but you are more and more beautiful."

"So are you. You are always my model." Tan Jingya embraces Tian Li's arm. They seem to be familiar with each other.

Han Bin is a little embarrassed. He didn't come to find his brother.

"Ah, I haven't seen a beautiful woman. We two women are chatting. What are you guys doing here?" Tian Li began to rush.

Li Hui, Zhao Ming, sun Xiaopeng and others are embarrassed.


Han Bin coughed softly: "sister Tan, it's hard for you today. I'm busy taking pictures for us."

"Don't mention it, elder martial brother Han. It's my job."

"To thank you, I'll treat you to dinner." Han Bin said with a smile.

"It's sincere."

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"Of course."

"You criminal police are so busy, can you have time?" Tan Jingya blinked her beautiful big eyes.

"I'll be off tomorrow."

Tan Jingya shrugged: "let's talk about it tomorrow."

Han Bin made an OK gesture.

After greeting, Han Bin, Li Hui and others leave, leaving Tian Li and Tan Jingya to talk about the past.

"Han Binxing, you are such a beautiful girl. If you talk to her, you can talk to her without blinking an eye." Wei Zimo has a thumb.

"Yes, brother bin, I'm in the same class as Tan Xiaohua. I don't want to talk to you. You're the best." Zhao Ming was envious and lost.

"Well, what's the use of courage? It's not failure." Li huidao.

"Isn't Tan Xiaohua saying that we can talk about it tomorrow, which will prove that there is still a chance?" Zhao Mingdao.

Li Hui said with a smile, "you have to have contact information."

Han Bin shook his head, some laughing and crying: "your boy is the envy of chiguoguo."


Twenty minutes later, Tian Li returned to the office of group two.

Zhao Ming, Li Hui and others are curious around the past.

"Sister Tian, how did you know Tan Xiaohua?" Zhao Ming is curious.

"When I was in college, I practiced Sanda. I taught her some self-defense skills, and everyone talked about it, so I have been in touch with her all the time." Tian Li said.

"Sister Tian, what level of Sanda do you have?" Zhao Ming is curious.

"I took the second place in Quan City Women's Sanda." Tian Li Road.

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"Damn it


Except for Li Hui, everyone present was a little surprised.

"Is Tan Jingya good at Sanda?" Han Bin asked.

"Younger martial sister Tan focuses on self-defense. It's OK to deal with ordinary men. She's a little worse than you." Tian Li has a professional tone.

"Tut Tut, brother bin, it's good to get the praise of Sanda masters." Li Hui squeezed his eyes.

"Huige, I said that you made a mistake as soon as you saw Tian Jie. Today you finally found out the reason." Zhao Ming joked.

Tian Li looked at Han Bin for a long time and asked, "Han Bin, do you know Miss Tan?"

Han Bin Leng for a moment: "how do you know?"

Tian Li rolled her eyes: "I'm a policeman."

Han Bin nodded and did not hide: "we know each other."

"Damn it, is it true or not?" Zhao Ming was surprised.

"You don't really have Tan Meimei's contact information, do you?" Li Hui asked.

"No contact information, can you call me acquaintances?" Han Bin asked.

"That is to say, it's not empty talk to contact again tomorrow!" Zhao Ming opened his mouth wide.

All of them look at Han Bin.

Envy, jealousy, curiosity, worship, all kinds of complicated eyes mixed together

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