Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 192: 192

"I don't think it's possible. At least I haven't met a case of suspect deliberately provoking the police since I was a policeman." Zhao Ying shook his head.

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"Huige, do you think Conan has seen too much? It's rare in our country." Zhao Ming joked.

"Then why do you say that? There must be a reason for his painstaking use of mosquito punishment." Li Hui snorted.

"Can it be a vendetta, the suspect and the dead have a grudge, just torture each other in this cruel way." Tian Li guessed.

"I think sister Tian's idea is more reliable." Zhao Ming praised.

Li Hui rolled his eyes: "you're just looking at people's dishes."

It's very important to understand the motive of the killing, and Zheng Kaixuan didn't have a clue for a moment: "let's brainstorm and talk about our own conjecture. Besides revenge, is there any other motive?"

"All the personal belongings of the deceased are gone. Could it be a case of robbery and murder? In order to cover up the motive of murder and robbery, we made a mosquito punishment to disturb our sight." Zhao Ying said.

"It's also possible." Zheng Kaixuan nodded.

Seeing that everyone expressed their opinions, sun Xiaopeng was also eager to try: "I also have an idea."

"Xiaopeng, don't worry. If you have an idea, just say it." Zheng Kaixuan encouraged.

"My girlfriend system is quite sensitive. She is allergic to a lot of things. There are many causes of anaphylactic shock death. It may not be that she was bitten to death by mosquitoes. Whether she was killed by other means or not, the suspect created the illusion of mosquito punishment in order to cover up the real cause of death." Sun Xiaopeng analyzed.

"Damn, you have a girlfriend!" Li Hui was surprised.

Zheng Kaixuan's face drooped down. Is that the key to the problem? This kid's thinking about something.

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After thinking for a moment, Han Bin shook his head and said, "mosquitoes are cold-blooded animals. They keep their body temperature by sucking the blood of animals. However, when the temperature drops after death, mosquitoes will not suck. This assumption is not tenable."

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and agreed with Han Bin's analysis: "from the current situation, the two most likely motives of the suspect are robbery and revenge. Let's visit the investigation direction and mainly start from these two aspects."

"Team Zheng, before visiting and investigating, we still have to find out the identity of the dead, otherwise we don't even have the target of investigation." Han Bin shrugged his shoulders.

"Forensic Wu, how old is the deceased?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Between 19 and 22." Wu Xiadao.

"From the age analysis, the deceased should be freshmen to senior students, master's students, doctoral students, teachers are no longer in this age group."

Zheng Kaixuan glanced at the crowd: "arrange the task, one group is responsible for the investigation of freshmen and sophomores; the second group is responsible for the investigation of juniors and seniors."

"Team Zheng, do you want to contact team Zeng?" Tian Li said.

"There's something wrong with Lao Zeng. Don't let him know for the moment." Zheng Kaixuan wants to talk and stops, then the conversation changes: "the second group is in charge of Han Bin for the time being."


"I will contact the person in charge of the school and ask them to cooperate with your work." Zheng Kaixuan said.


It's a big thing that people die on campus, especially the students.

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School leaders learned about this and cooperated with the police.

Immediately call the freshmen to senior teachers to the school to identify the dead.

Because of the puffiness of the face, it is difficult to identify. Only those who have met or are familiar with the deceased can identify the identity of the deceased.

Han Bin will be junior and senior teachers, gathered in a lecture hall, first repeatedly told them, photos may be some discomfort, timid people can first out of the classroom.

Then dozens of teachers got up and wanted to leave the lecture hall. However, Han Bin's illness did not let them leave directly. Instead, he asked Li Hui to take them to another classroom. If these people in the lecture hall did not know the dead, they would ask the teacher in the classroom to identify them again.

After a few words of advice, Han Bin asked Zhao Ming to play a picture of the dead man's face.


All of a sudden, caused a burst of noise, even if the presence of the teacher has been prepared in mind, but see the swollen face of the dead, still scared.

"Be quiet, please be quiet." Han Bin, holding the microphone, yelled:

"if this photo causes discomfort to teachers, I apologize to you, but the dead may be students in our school, or even students sitting in your seat. I hope you can overcome the obstacles and help identify the dead."

"Coax..." There was still a lot of noise under the stage.

Zhao Ming turned off the trumpet and muttered: "these teachers teach students one thing at ordinary times, but they teach them another. This noisy scene is not as good as students' discipline."

"When it comes to homicide, the situation is special." Han Bin said.

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After a long time, Han Bin said, "please look at the pictures on the projector again. If you know the people above, please stay. If you don't know them, you can leave the lecture hall now.""One more thing, I hope you can keep it a secret so as not to cause unnecessary riots and affect the normal teaching of the school."


There was a sound of tables and chairs, and almost all the people in the lecture hall stood up and wanted to leave.

Han Bin didn't stop him. It's useless for those who don't know the dead to stay. As long as one person can recognize the identity of the dead, it's enough.

Many teachers left one after another, leaving only two people in the conference room.

There is a female teacher in her twenties and seventies, and a male teacher in his thirties.

"Do you know the dead?" Han Bin asked.

"Looks like one of my students." The female teacher said.

"Me too." The male teacher said.

"What do you call them?" Han Bin asked.

"My name is Gu Jiayu. I'm a teacher of electronic information engineering."

"My name is Qin Rongxiang. I'm a teacher in the Department of civil engineering."

Han Bin looked at the two: "Tian Li, Zhao Ming, you two make a note for Mr. Gu."

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"Xiaopeng, let's take notes for Mr. Qin."

Zeng Ping is not here, and Han Bin is now in charge of the second group. People also trust his ability and follow his orders.

Han Bin opened the law enforcement recorder, made a routine inquiry, and then introduced the main question: "Mr. Qin, do you know the person in this picture?"

"It looks familiar."

"Tell me who he is." Han Bin said.

"His eyebrows and facial features are a bit like Xu Siyuan, a student of civil engineering department." Qin Rongxiang said.

"Do you have the contact information of this classmate?" Han Bin asked.

"I really don't have that, but I can ask for it for you." Qin Rongxiang said.

"Thank you very much."

"This is what I should do. If I don't care about the safety of my students, I'll be a teacher." Qin Rongxiang said, went to one side to make a phone call.

After a while, Zhao Ming came over in a hurry: "brother bin, we found something here."

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