Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 195: 195

Out of the meeting room, Han Bin assigned a task.

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Tian Li and Zhao Ming go to the communication company to retrieve Peng Yongren's recent communication records.

Sun Xiaopeng checked the internal monitoring of the school.

Han Bin and Li Hui transferred the monitoring of the street near the school. At the same time, they went to the hardware stores and convenience stores around the school to investigate the source of ropes and towels.

Han Bin and Li Hui went out of school, looking for cameras, hardware stores and convenience stores along the surrounding streets.

Li Hui lit a cigarette and took a puff: "binzi, you told me such a big case. Why didn't Zeng team come?"

"Team Zeng's age, old and young, needs him to take care of them. It's different from us." Han Bin can understand.

"I don't want to get married." Li Hui shrugged his shoulders.

Han Bin patted him on the shoulder: "don't think so far, first find a girlfriend."

"Did you really date that Tan Xiaohua yesterday?" Li Hui squeezed his eyes.

"You don't like Tan Xiaohua, do you?"

Li Hui shook his head: "not for me."

He is a child from the countryside. His family conditions are not so good that he can't afford a house. Can a beautiful woman look up to him?

"What kind do you want?" Han Bin is curious.

"It's OK to look similar. It doesn't need to be beautiful, but it can't be ugly. It's OK to be sensible and live well." Li Hui showed a look of longing.

Han Bin comforted: "there will be."

Li Hui showed a wry smile: "how can I feel that your tone seems to be comforting a critically ill person."

"Do you want me to replace the word" you "with the word" good "and say it again?" Han Bin joked.

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Li Hui compared a middle finger.

They chatted and searched at the same time.

When you see a monitored shop, you go in and make a copy; when you see a convenience store, you go in and ask if there are ropes and towels tied to the dead.

The two walked around the school, collected a lot from the monitoring, and went to several convenience stores, but there were no similar ropes.

A Dawei convenience store has towels of this brand and color, but there has been no sales record in the last half month. The monitoring storage half a month ago has been covered.

The two found another Lao Wang hardware store. The convenience store is small in area, only 20 square meters. It is full and the aisle can only accommodate one person to walk.

"What do you want?" A middle-aged man in his forties said.

"Are you the boss?"


Li Hui took out a picture and put it on the table: "do you have this type of rope in your shop?"

Boss Wang picked up the photo and looked at it: "how much do you want to buy?"

"Take it out first and let's have a look." Han Bin suggested.

Boss Wang took a closer look at the photo: "light blue, this color is not much, it's OK to change another color."

"This is the color." Han Bin said.

Boss Wang got up and went to the shelf to look for it. After a while, he came over with a rope: "it's so long. Is it enough?"

Han Bin took it as like as two peas. The same as the rope that bound the dead man, and the material was the same, he could only get the laboratory tested.

"You said that there are not many ropes of this color. Has anyone bought them before?" Han Bin asked.

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Boss Wang took a look at Han Bin: "are you here to buy ropes or to listen?"

"I'm a policeman." Han Bin shows his police certificate.

"It's comrade police. What's the matter?" Boss Wang had some accidents.

"we are as like as two peas in a case. The rope in your shop is exactly the same as the rope involved." Han Bin looked at each other as he spoke.

"It's nothing to do with me. I'm just opening the door to do business. I don't know why the guests bought the rope. Do you think so?" Boss Wang quickly explained.

"Whether it has anything to do with you depends on whether you cooperate with the police investigation. If you deliberately hide clues, we can only ask you to go back to the police station to assist in the investigation." Li huidao.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't Boss Wang waved his hand. He once went to the police station when he was so old. He didn't know where the door of the police station opened.

One is afraid to go, the other is afraid to affect the business of the store.

"Who has bought this style and color rope before?" Han Bin asked again.

"It seems someone bought it a few days ago," Wang recalled

"Specific time."

"Well, I have to check the accounts." Boss Wang returned to the counter, took out a notebook and began to search.

Han Bin is not in a hurry, waiting quietly beside him.

Boss Wang looked up: "it should be sold on the morning of October 5th."

"Remember what the man looked like?" Han Bin asked."There are dozens of people on this day. I don't remember coming." Boss Wang shook his head.

"Is there monitoring?" Han Bin handed his boss a cigarette.


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"I'm not afraid of your jokes. Although I have video surveillance, I don't have a computer and I haven't seen it myself. It's just a display." Boss Wang took the cigarette and put it in his ear.

"Take out the monitored memory card and we'll go back and check it ourselves." Li Hui proposed.

"Then you must bring it back to me." Boss Wang is a little reluctant.

"Don't worry. I'll send it back to you after I've read it." Li huidao.

Boss Wang will monitor the memory card down: "you have to hurry up, without this thing, monitoring can not be used."

"Don't worry."

Get monitoring, Han Bin two people left, this clue is very important, buy rope is likely to be the suspect.


3:30 p.m. in the school monitoring room.

Sun Xiaopeng rubbed his eyes. He had been watching the monitoring for more than two hours. He felt that his eyes were almost wasted. He made up his mind to buy a bottle of eye drops to take with him.

"Creak..." As soon as the door rings, Han Bin and Li Hui come in.

"Bingo, Huige." Sun Xiaopeng said.

"Have you finished watching the surveillance?" Li Hui asked.

"Several days of monitoring. Let's see." Sun Xiaopeng showed a wry smile.

"Is there any trace of Peng Yongren in the surveillance?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes." Sun Xiaopeng found out the monitor, pointed to the screen and said:

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"Peng Yongren left the dormitory building at 5 p.m. on October 6. It's also the last time that he appeared in the monitor in the video he has seen so far."

Li Hui carefully observed the video: "it's Peng Yongren indeed."

"Peng Yongren left the dormitory alone. He has not been controlled yet. That is to say, the time of committing the crime should be between 5:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. on the 6th." Han Bin analysis.

"Peng Yongren didn't die around 1 a.m. on the 7th. Should the time of committing the crime be extended to 1 a.m Li added.

"You and Xiaopeng ignore the same problem. Mosquitoes don't kill people. Peng Yongren was bitten by a lot of mosquitoes before he died. This process takes at least an hour, so Peng Yongren was bound to the woods before 12 o'clock." Han Bin analysis.

"Pa pa..."

Sun Xiaopeng slapped: "it's worthy of brother bin. It's really powerful. I found the problem all at once."

Li Hui rolled his eyes: "flatterer."

Sun Xiaopeng is not angry, the front of the words a turn: "Huige don't angry, later have the right opportunity, let my girlfriend introduce a girlfriend to you."

Except for him and Zeng Ping, the rest of the two groups are single. In this respect, he still has some advantages.

Li Hui opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He stifled it back.

Han Bin laughs. He knows Li Hui's character very well. The boy's biggest problem is his cheap mouth.

According to Li Hui's consistent style, sun Xiaopeng's words hit his soft spot. He definitely wants to fight back, but the current situation can't.

He really wants to find a girlfriend. It's a pleasure to go back. What if someone doesn't introduce him?

So I have to hold it.

The most important goal of his life at this stage is to find a girl to get rid of the single.

No one.

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