Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 197: 197

At five in the afternoon.

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Qindao University, in a classroom.

The university has not officially opened, there are many empty classrooms in the school, Han Bin requisitioned a classroom near the monitoring room for a meeting.

A total of five people in the classroom, in addition to Hanbin three people in the school, check correspondence records Tian Li and Zhao Ming also rushed back.

Han Bin opened his diary and turned his pen: "everyone is here. Let's have a meeting."

Han Bin presided over the group meeting for the first time, not only he was not used to it, but also other people present were not used to it.


Han Bin cleared his throat: "I just contacted Zheng team. Peng Yongren's parents have come to recognize the body. Although the DNA test results have not come out, his parents have identified the dead as Peng Yongren."

Zheng Kaixuan is like a bridge, connecting one group and two groups, keeping the information between the two groups in common.

Han Bin said, looking at the side of Tian Li: "do you go to the communication company to find any clues?"

"We checked Peng Yongren's mobile phone number. The mobile phone is now off. The last call was made around 3 p.m. on October 6." Tian Li opened her notebook and continued:

"from October 1st to October 6th, a total of six people contacted Peng Yongren. The owners were Zhou Yuetong, Cao xiaben, Zhao Jiahui, Zhang Bochao, Ren Xiaofeng and song Zhixun, among whom song Zhixun was the last contact person."

Han Bin wrote down the names of several people and asked, "have you contacted these people?"

"Because they are not clear about their relationship with Peng Yongren, so there is no rash contact." Tian Li Road.

Han Bin nods and strokes out Zhou Yuetong: "Zhou Yuetong is Peng Yongren's ex girlfriend. A group of people are investigating her. Let's leave her alone for the moment."

"One group is very fast." Zhao Ming muttered.

"Zhao Jiahui is Peng Yongren's mother. I don't need to worry about it for the time being." Han Bin rowed again.

"That is to say, we still have four suspects." Zhao Mingdao.

Han Bin turned to one side and said, "Li Hui, have you got any results of your investigation?"

Li Hui took out a piece of information and handed it to Han Bin: "this is song Zhixun's information, which is the light blue rope he bought at the hardware store."

Han Bin opened the information and saw a picture of a man in the upper left corner, the same person he saw in the video surveillance.

Name: Song Zhixun

age: 20

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School: Qindao University

Nationality: Han

Occupation: junior of Chemistry Department

mobile number: 1320214xxx

address: Qindao City.

"Song Zhixun is the last contact. He also went to the hardware store to buy the ropes for the crime. At present, he is the most suspect." Li Hui analyzed.

Han Bin pondered for a moment: "I'll rearrange the task. Tian Li and Zhao Ming are responsible for investigating the detailed information of Cao xiaben, Zhang Bochao and Ren Xiaofeng to see their relationship with the dead."

"Li Hui and I are going to take notes for song Zhixun."

"Xiaopeng, go to the monitoring room and continue to check the monitoring."


It's five thirty in the afternoon.

Qindao University, female dormitory building.

Dormitory 209.

Dormitory some messy, everywhere with clothes, two women sitting face to face on both sides of the bed, a man sitting at the desk.

This man is Wei Zimo from the third criminal investigation team, and the older woman is Zhao Ying.

Another young woman is Zhou Yuetong, a pharmacy major.

After the routine inquiry, Zhao Ying opened the door and said, "Zhou Yuetong, do you know why we are looking for you?"

"I don't know."

"What's your relationship with Peng Yongren?"

Zhou Yuetong frowned: "it doesn't matter."

"If you think about it, perjury is legally responsible." Zhao Ying warned.

"We've been dating before, but now we've broken up."

"Why did you break up with Peng Yongren?" Zhao Ying asked.

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"Comrades of the police, if you have anything to do with me, just tell me." Zhou Yuetong's tone is a little dissatisfied.

"This morning, a dead person was found in the woods of Qindao University, most likely Peng Yongren."

"What did you say? Peng Yongren is dead! " Zhou Yuetong was shocked.

"Not bad."

"How did he die?" Zhou Yuetong asked.

"We are in the investigation stage, and the reason we came to you is to know more about the situation."

"Oh." Zhou Yuetong's complexion was a little complicated, and she finally turned into a sigh.

Zhao Ying has been observing Zhou Yuetong's reaction: "what's the contradiction between you and him?"

"People are dead. What's the use of saying that?" Zhou Yuetong pursed her mouth.

"You don't want to know how Peng Yongren died?"Zhou Yuetong shook her head.

"After all, you two have been with each other. As for what you've done, you've done so well." Wei Zimo interrupted.

"I've broken up with him. What do you want me to do to avenge him?" Zhou Yuetong snorted.

"You don't need to avenge him. Just cooperate with the police investigation and answer a few questions. The police will catch his killer." Zhao yingdao.

"He deserves it." Zhou Yuetong's eyes are red.

"What did he do to you?" Zhao Ying asked.

"He is a scum man. He is obedient when he pursues me, and his words are sweeter than honey. I've been living with him for more than a year. We rent a house together, cook together, and clean up the housework together. He also gives me the bank card. He calls me wife and I call him husband. During that time, we are like real couples, and we live happily together." Zhou Yuetong recalled the past, tears fell down involuntarily:

"but after living for a period of time, he changed a little, he didn't want to cook, didn't want to clean up the housework, let me do it all by myself, the bank card also wanted to go back, even said to me AA system; what's more, I was pregnant, wanted to go to the hospital for abortion, he said he had no money, let me talk to my parents Yes, I'm still a student. How can I talk to my parents? "

"Wuwu..." The more Zhou Yuetong said, the more sad she was, and she burst into tears.

Zhao Ying did not continue to ask, but handed a paper towel, let Zhou Yuetong cry for a while.

After Zhou Yuetong's mood became stable, she continued to ask, "have you contacted Peng Yongren recently?"



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"October 1st."

"Contact him for what?"

"I begged him to give me some money for abortion. I thought that if he could help me, it would prove that I was still in my heart, and I could give him another chance." Zhou Yuetong showed a look of self mockery:

"as a result, I still overestimated myself, he said that he had no money; I asked him to ask his parents for it, but he refused; what else did I say to make me understand that he can't talk to his parents because of this kind of thing."

The more Zhou Yuetong said, the more excited she was: "what about me? Has he considered me?"

"According to Peng Yongren's parents, he returned to school on October 2 to solve the contradiction with you. Is it possible that he was just to help you raise money?" Zhao Ying said.

"Ha ha." Zhou Yuetong sneered: "he is not to help me raise money, but to ask for money from me."

"What do you mean?"

"After being rejected by him, I broke my heart. I need money, especially." Zhou Yuetong wiped her tears and continued:

"I found the landlord who rented the house and returned it. The landlord deducted the deposit according to the agreement and returned the rent to me. Although the money was not much, it was enough for abortion."

"That is to say, the reason why Peng Yongren returned to Qindao on October 2 is to deal with the rental business." Zhao Ying asked.

"On the morning of October 2, the landlord asked me to move things, and I asked him to contact Peng Yongren to move. The landlord called Peng Yongren and made him angry. He also called to scold me." Zhou Yuetong hummed.

"Have you met Peng Yongren from October 2nd to October 6th?"


"What's the landlord's name?"

"Cao xiaben."

"As far as you know, does Peng Yongren have any enemies?" Zhao Ying said.

"I am."

"Besides you?"

"He's a cheerful person. When he first comes into contact with you, he will make people feel good about him. But when he comes into contact with you for a long time, he will show his nature when he gets to know you."

"What nature?"

"Bullying the soft is afraid of the hard."

Zhao Ying looked through her diary and asked, "where are you between 5:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. on October 6?"

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"You suspect that I killed him?" Zhou Yuetong asked.

"Don't be excited, Mr. Zhou. I ask you clearly to return your innocence. After all, there is no small conflict between you two." Zhao Ying explained.

Zhou Yuetong pondered for a moment: "I can't remember clearly."

"You can't remember yesterday afternoon in less than twenty-four hours?" Wei Zimo didn't believe it.

Zhou Yuetong glanced askance: "I have a poor memory."

"In this case, we can only do business by investigating from other channels, such as your parents." Wei Zimo got up and said.

"Wait, don't contact my parents. They have nothing to do with it." Zhou Yuetong blocked the way.

"Between 5 p.m. and 12 p.m. on October 6th, where are you?" Wei Zimo repeated.

Zhou Yuetong was silent for a long time, and then she choked out two words: "at home."

"Who can prove it?"

"My parents." Zhou Yuetong showed a look of pleading:

"I really don't want them to know about it. Please don't contact them. I really don't want to..."Zhao Ying reached out and patted her on the shoulder, comforting: "don't worry, we won't contact your parents."

"Really?" Zhou Yuetong took a deep breath.

Zhao Ying nodded: "we will use other ways to confirm that as long as you tell the truth and are willing to work with the police, we will not affect your life."

"Thank you." Zhou Yuetong said gratefully.

After asking a few more questions, Zhao and Ying left the girls' dormitory.

Wei Zimo couldn't help asking: "sister Zhao, don't you really ask Zhou Yuetong's parents for confirmation?"

"The testimony of immediate family members does not have much legal effect. Take someone to Zhou Yuetong's residential area to monitor and confirm her whereabouts yesterday." Zhao Ying said.

Wei Zimo answered and continued: "I always think this woman is not simple or has something to hide."

"According to what?" Zhao Ying asked.

Wei Zimo organized his language and said: "Peng Yongren's teachers, parents and classmates all say that he is a good student with excellent character and learning, but Zhou Yuetong's mouth turns him into a useless scum man. Don't you think the contrast is too big."

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