Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 210: 210

Room 204, unit 3, building 6, Ziwei home.

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"Dong Dong."

There were two knocks at the door and no one in the room answered.

"Dong Dong..." There was another knock at the door.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice came from the room.

"From the authority, open up." There was a man's voice outside.

"What are the inspectors doing here?" Asked the woman.

"We are looking for Wu Xiaohai, the purchasing manager of wells restaurant."

"He's not at home. Come back some other day." Said the woman.

"Open the door first." Cried the man outside.

The woman looked out through the cat's eye. There was a man in a dark blue uniform standing outside. Then she opened the door and muttered, "it's no use for you to come in. Wu Xiaohai is really not at home."

Outside the door stood three men, Li Hui in the middle dressed in the uniform of the State Administration of supervision and administration, Han Bin and sun Xiaopeng in plain clothes.

Han Bin looked at the woman who opened the door. She was in her twenties, short and slim. She asked, "what's your name?"

"Who are you? Why didn't you wear a uniform? " The woman doubts a way.

Han Bin showed a police officer card: "I'm from the criminal police team."

"Criminal police?" The woman stepped back: "what are you doing here?"

"We are looking for Wu Xiaohai." Han Bin went directly into the room.

"Well, don't rush in. Wu Xiaohai is not at home." Cried the woman.

Han Bin glanced at the room and winked at Li Hui: "search."

"Why do you search my house?" Asked the woman.

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"You sit on the sofa, I have something to ask you." Han Bin scolded.

Some women are afraid, and some unconvinced, a butt sitting on the sofa, hands holding the chest, the face turned to one side.

Han Bin opened the law enforcement recorder and said, "I'm going to make a record for you now. I'll answer what I ask you."

"Name, age, gender, nationality..."

"Xie Guifang, 24 years old, female, Han nationality..."

"What's your relationship with Wu Xiaohai?"


"Does he live here?"


"Where is he?"

"I don't know."

"Where do you work?"

"Wells restaurant."

"What are you doing in the restaurant?"


At this time, Li Hui and sun Xiaopeng returned to the living room and shook their heads at Han Bin.

Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and dials Wu Xiaohai's number.

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has been turned off..."

"Xie Guifang, since you work in wells restaurant, you should know what happened in the restaurant. I hope you don't shield Wu Xiaohai." Han Bin warned.

"I didn't cover him up. I really don't know where he is?" Xie Guifang shrugged her shoulders.

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"Can you reach him?"

"His mobile phone is off, you police can't contact, how can I contact you?" Xie Guifang snorted.

"Xiaopeng, you go on to take notes for him."

"Yes." Sun Xiaopeng answered, sat on the sofa and continued to take notes.

Han Bin pulls Li Hui aside, and the two bow their heads and whisper.

After that, Han Bin went back to the sofa, watching his mobile phone and listening to sun Xiaopeng take notes.

However, all the questions were perfunctory, and there was no useful clue at all. As long as Wu Xiaohai's whereabouts were involved, Xie Guifang did not know.

Seeing this posture, Han Bin knows it's no use asking any more, and calls Li Hui and sun Xiaopeng to leave.


Out of Wu Xiaohai's house, sun Xiaopeng was a little annoyed: "this woman is very slippery. She doesn't have any useful words."

"Xie Guifang didn't ask the police why she was looking for Wu Xiaohai from the beginning to the end. She should also know something inside." Han Bin guessed.

"Bingo, why don't you take her to the police station for questioning?" Sun Xiaopeng doubts a way.

"Go to the police station. She said she didn't know. We have no evidence. We can't afford to delay." Han Bin shook his head.

"Where can we find Wu Xiaohai now?" Sun Xiaopeng asked.

If you can't find Wu Xiaohai, you can't find the source of poisonous beef. It's like a sword hanging above Qindao city.


In the room, Xie Guifang stood at the door, peering out from the cat's eyes, listening to the door.

After a while, I went back to the sofa with a long sigh of relief.

She took out her cell phone and dialed a strange number.

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A moment later, the mobile phone dialed and a man's voice rang out: "Hello, Xiao Fang, what can I do for you?"

"Haige, the police came to your house just now.""You didn't miss it." The man asked.

"I'm not stupid. After a few perfunctory words, they can't find anything useful, so they leave naturally." Xie Guifang said.

"That's good." The man's way known as Haige.

"Haige, they say they are criminal police. The restaurant will not make a big deal." Xie Guifang is worried.

"What can happen is eating a bad stomach. If the police can't find anyone, it will be OK after a while." Said Haige.

"When will you be back?"

"Stay in the limelight for a few days. If you don't have anything to do, don't make less phone calls so that you won't be found by the police." Haige road.

Xie Guifang flat mouth: "people miss you."

"Hoof, I'll see you in a few days. My brother is hurting you." Haige said with a bad smile.

"Well." Xie Guifang answered and hung up the phone.

Xie Guifang is talking to Wu Xiaohai. She knows where Wu Xiaohai is now, but she has no obligation to tell the police.

"Dong Dong." Just then, there was another knock on the door.

Xie Guifang was startled: "who is it?"

"Miss Xie, it's still me. Please open the door." Han Bin's voice rang out.

"Why is he back? Did you hear me call Haige? " Xie Guifang was a little nervous and said to herself:

"it's impossible. He doesn't follow the wind. I'm talking on the phone in the house. How can I hear it outside?"

"Dong Dong, open the door."

Xie Guifang took a deep breath, slowly opened the door, and saw Han Bin standing outside, "how did you come back?"

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"I'm sorry, I lost my cell phone. Maybe I left it in your house." Han Bin explained.

"No, how could your mobile phone be in our house? I didn't see it." Xie Guifang frowned.

"It's really in your house. I just got through his cell phone and heard your voice." Li Hui shakes his mobile phone, lights up the screen, and is talking.

Suddenly, Xie Guifang's face became very ugly: "how can you get through if no one answers?"

Han Bin walked into the room, took out his mobile phone from the crack of the sofa, and said with a smile: "you see it's here. Can it be that you accidentally sit down and press the answer key?"

See Hanbin mobile phone in the call, Xie Guifang's face changed very ugly, secretly scolded: "I believe you ghost, you stinky I police very bad!"

"Miss Xie, do you have anything to say to me?" Han binyi points out.

"I I don't... " Xie Guifang hemmed and hawed for a long time, but couldn't say it. She lowered her head and said nothing.

"You don't say it, I say it." Han Bin sat on the sofa and waved his hand to the other party to sit down:

"let me give you a popular knowledge of the crime of shielding: knowing that he is a criminal, he makes false proof to the judicial organ to cover up his crime, or helps him hide, destroy the evidence, annihilate the traces of crime, so that he can escape legal sanctions; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years."

"Don't scare me. Is it that serious?" Xie Guifang was surprised.


Li Hui slapped the table and scolded: "the case has been transferred from the police station to the criminal police force. Do you think we are here to play?"

"I'm not sheltered. I can't go to jail." Xie Guifang showed a look of panic and waved her hands.

"The crime of covering up may be light or serious, and if the circumstances are relatively light, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance. As long as you assist the police in their investigation, find Wu Xiaohai's way down as soon as possible, and perform meritorious service, you may be given a lighter punishment." Han Bin advised.

Xie Guifang clenched her fist, her face was tangled and silent again.

After waiting for a while, Han Bin was a little impatient. He took out his handcuffs from behind his waist and patted them on the table:


Xie Guifang shivered: "I know where he is. I'll take you to find him..."

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